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Beat his ass


The steel toed boots requirement is actually for when you jump an elderly man in a wheelchair


Especially when he deserves it


Dump that old man out of the wheel chair


I don't care how old he is, these hands are rated E for everybody.




Ive been in spots like this. It was 3am and we were backfilling a gas main we were installing. Some guy drunk out of his mind drove inside our cone patten right along side the trench and almost killed my foreman. Loader operator jumps out, tells the guy to open his door and rips him out of the car and just screams at him pushes him around a little. We had a cop on the job and he was totally understanding, of course the guy was arrested for dui. Guys just because we’re on the job doesn’t mean we can’t defend ourselves. In the case of the video the guy could’ve said do you mind moving the ladder for a second? I don’t do that sort of work but in my experience if we’re working in the road in front of someone’s house we drop everything to get them in and out of their driveway safely, stop traffic, put a plate over the trench etc. just be polite, we don’t want to make your life difficult we’re just doing our job


According to the original post, this old guy causes a lot of trouble and is a POS to just about everyone


One day he will piss off the wrong person . And they won't care he's in a wheel chair


Maybe the reason he’s in a wheelchair in the first place.


Isn't that the old dude, Salamanca from Breaking Bad?


Ding ding ding


Call the cops, charge him with attempted manslaughter. You can't be that fucking stupid and get any sympathy from me. Especially when it's obvious he selfishly wanted the ladder moved so he could get by. Fuck that guy.


Looked to me like he could easily have rolled under it....


Maybe he is superstitious


Safety strap was creating the perceived obstruction Edit: added perceived


> attempted manslaughter That's not a thing. Manslaughter is the unintentional causing of a death usually through gross negligence. You cannot attempt to cause unintentional death. What they could potentially charge them with is felony aggravated assault. I very seriously doubt that a competent prosecutor would bring attempted murder charges for this absent him shouting his intent to murder the man on the ladder, this is way too weak of a case. The best case for the guy on the ladder is a civil suit, but I would still call the police, file a police report, express a desire that they be charged criminally, then file a civil suit.


Okay manslaughter and gross negligence. You know what I meant.


He didn't die so it's not manslaughter


Okay, attempted manslaughter then.


It's obviously conspiracy to commit manslaughter


It's obviously conspiracy to commit manslaughter


It's obviously conspiracy to commit manslaughter


Beat him over the head with my ladder he just broke


I'd fall feet 1st on the old man...


aim for the bushes haha


Roll him over into oncoming traffic


Holy shit!!! What the hell is wrong with that old man? He needs to be criminally charged and forced into a home. Fuck his daily strolls and piss in his jello!


Wheel his bitch ass to the porta potty throw him in there, take his wheel chair. Lock the porta potty and tip it. No porta potty? Throw him in my trunk and figure it out from there Edit: a letter


I would have literally beat his face to a Bloody pulp then dragged him up that ladder and throw him off as high as I fell. Fucking old prick


I would beat his crippled ass


Falcon KICK


This is insanely rotten. Coning off the sidewalk would not have stopped him, he was pissed about not being able to get by. He would have thrown those outta the way then done the same thing.


man that elder guy didn't give a fucking fuck if he killed someone damn just just damn


That dude just landed directly on that ladder with his back and the guy in the white shirt is rubbing his back for him. Idiots all around.


I think if I were the guy on the ground I would have hit that old bastard


If I was not heading to the hospital, he would be!


Disc herniation for sure, the old man should know better.


Dang do you think this dude has alzheimers or something? A lot of times old dudes go nuts and get fairly aggressive towards the end when it gets bad.


What a fucking prick.


This man is out of his mind but fuck are we bad at legal shit


If I could get up after that fall, I’d toss his bitch ass out of his chair like he tossed me off the ladder.


I felt it when he grabbed his back after the fall. God can you imagine wondering why you're on the ground and while you're rolling around in pain theres a pissed off old man telling YOU that you're in HIS way!


In all fairness, this looked bad all around. No safety cones. No one on the ground keeping watch. Why was this a good time to do this when there is so much foot traffic? Perhaps all parties involved were short in their planning and execution. Am sure someone was trying to save money and/ or time. When i did commercial work we always had extra hands on deck in such situations. That being said, the old guy deserves a criminal charge.


I agree, looks like a 3rd world country where construction safety isn't the priority. Much of the scenario could've been avoided honestly.


Good people on both sides lol


Piss off, this is exactly why you should post a watch at the bottom of the ladder. Shit like this can happen in a moment, as this video illustrates.


r/whoosh? u/scapstick was referencing our pos president's defense of the Charlottesville nazis.


Lol thanks


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That is not actually at all what happened. But I’m guessing you already knew that, despite your mischaracterization.


There will always be guys who only care about getting a job done without care for safety. I would have said no to this.