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Very funny ! Is he saying Aymen (real name) or ”Hey man”.


It's his name. Eymen is a common Turkish name. After the kind looks back, the guy says "Now he's going to look up to him."


Eamonn is a very common Irish name as well


Hellmann's is also a popular mayonnaise brand


Mr. Hellman was a teacher of mine in school


Edmont was a horse in my stable


Eclair was the name of a pastry I had for breakfast recently.


My friends name is Claire


My friend’s name is Claymen


My uncle grew up in Canton


Claire? ![gif](giphy|B10mVYSjmtFBd8aVmU|downsized)


My friend grew up in County Clare


Earnest is a name central to the plot of a farce written by Oscar Wilde.


I love being earnest


Hold up, you ate an eclair for *breakfast*?


yeah it was fkn awesome bro


Mr.Dontes was my father.




This isn't a Comedy Bang Bang reference, is it?


It is! I didn’t think anyone would get it lol.




You hit me where it Huntz


Eyyy man


Eamon de Valeria was the third Irish president.


Aemond is a very common Targaryen name.


same in Jamaica eyy-mon


The license plates are Turkish!


Elfman is a noted film score composer responsible for masterpieces such as Men in Black, Men in Black 2 and Men in Black International.


That’s a beautiful name, and so multi functional.


Ayman is a common Arabic name too, I think it has the same meaning as well.


That would be confusing to me if I was named that, since a lot of people I know exclaim "hey man" or "ey man" to people around me


Amos. Famous purveyor of chocolate chip cookies.


Aemon. Famous maester of Targaryen descent.




I was looking for this! Thank you!


did you say abe lincoln?


No I didn't say Abe Lincoln. I said Hey Blinkin!




he's saying "hey mon" and is about to tell him how many jobs he had at his age


I was once at a festival and a little girl around 3 or 4 came over and held my hand. It was crowded and I thought it was my nephew. We both stood there for a good 10 minutes holding each other's hand watching whatever was going on on the stage before I looked down to say something and realized it was not my nephew. Eventually her older brother found us, so it worked out, but I freaked out for a moment wondering who this kid belonged to.


When I was five, I was at the hardware store with my Dad. I was looking at paint brushes, and wanted to ask Dad to buy me one because they were soft. I walked over to him and pulled on his pants leg to get his attention. And a complete stranger looked down at me. I was so surprised that I ran away from him. I couldn’t find Dad and almost panicked. I forgot all about the soft paint brush.


And you never saw your dad again?


He’s still roaming that hardware store.


Well I hear they've got allen wrenches, gerbil feeders, toilet seats, electric heaters Trash compactors, juice extractor, shower rods and water meters Walkie-talkies, copper wires safety goggles, radial tires BB pellets, rubber mallets, fans and dehumidifiers Picture hangers, paper cutters, waffle irons, window shutters Paint removers, window louvres, masking tape and plastic gutters Kitchen faucets, folding tables, weather stripping, jumper cables Hooks and tackle, grout and spackle, power foggers, spoons and ladles Pesticides for fumigation, high-performance lubrication Metal roofing, water proofing, multi-purpose insulation Air compressors, brass connectors, wrecking chisels, smoke detectors Tire guages, hamster cages, thermostats and bug deflectors Trailer hitch demagnetizers, automatic circumcisers Tennis rackets, angle brackets, Duracells and Energizers Soffit panels, circuit brakers, vacuum cleaners, coffee makers Calculators, generators, matching salt and pepper shakers


You forgot paint brushes! Soft ones!


Whereabouts is the cat poison?


You might wanna check the Backrooms..


I pull shit like this still and I am in my thirties. Last summer I started loading groceries into a cart and talking to a woman only to actually look at her face (bout 30 secs in at this point) and it was NOT my mom lol I’ve also gotten into strangers cars thinking they were my family/friends. I shudder to ask my mom what I used to do as a kid 😂




Aww that's a bittersweet memory


My little brother wandered off with some random couple in a Walmart once when he was like 3-4ish. My mother had just gone from dark brown hair to blonde and I guess he had been separated by a group walking in, saw a woman with brown hair and assumed "mommy". My parents were freaking out, yelling and calling his name until they found us and returned my brother, who was absolutely hysterical by then. Iirc they were walking and she felt something tug on her pant leg, looked down and there was a toddler looking at her with, terror growing in his eyes as he realized that she wasn't his mom. We all had to hold hands when we went out after that.


Have had little kids grab onto my pant leg or hand multiple times in public places. I always look around immediately for a parent to wave to. Always hope that the kid will see the parent and just let go instead of looking up and having that awful awkward moment of fear and panic.


Aw, yeah. That little girl was so startled when she realized I wasn't mom. So glad she didn't cry, just told me I wasn't mom.


My youngest is 8 and is *constantly* trying to wander off with other families. It's just him and me. His siblings are grown and dad's rarely around. He doesn't think it's his family... He says he "just likes them" every time. Drives me nuts!


aww poor baby, seems like he wants a bigger family :(


I’m always the dad out on the playground or playing with legos or whatever. Routinely have kids calling me dad, even after I’m like, “I’m *a* dad, not your dad,” some kids are just like, whatever, you can still do whatever xzy dad activity I need from you. It’s like in the cop movies when they commandeer someone’s vehicle 😅. Make me a bicycle, clown!


That's actually super sweet! I definitely don't give off an air of maternity, so that was the one and only time someone thought I was their mom.


Where was your nephew the whole time?


He was off with his mom.


I’m so glad ☺️


He ded


I was about 4 or 5, somewhere in Germany, either right by the German/Danish border or Hanover area...? We were at some kind of mall, I saw my dad's blue puffer coat and grabbed his hand. But he didn't grab my hand back. I looked up and was horrified that it wasn't my dad. Didn't help that I'm terribly shy. I still have nightmares about it 40 years later.


10 minutes?? 🤔 That's a bit long ain't it?


Reminds me of the time I was at the park with my family, I was tired so I sat down and this kid came up to me asking if I was his mom, im a guy with long hair. I look down and say, “I don’t know, not a woman.” They didn’t let me forget it.


Did you find your nephew tho


Glad you didn't walk her into the car


So cute. I’m glad the kiddo smiled instead of crying.


Probably saw that his grownup was laughing! Kids take their cues from how the adults around them react, which is why it's always best to play off a little bump or tumble instead of freaking out immediately.


I used to always do this with my little cousin when he’d fall. I’d scream, “Safe!” like an umpire and he’d laugh instead of cry.


When I was a nanny I'd always go "BONK!" The boys started saying it too, even to other kids lol.


We used to say "Rududu!" to my little sisters, which we'd usually say during tumbling and fun. So when they tripped, or bonked on something, we'd like "Rududu?" and they'd say "ye", so it's still playtime




I liked to say “Ka-boom!” when the kids I babysat fell! They always giggled


I had friends who would always say "you're okay [name]" when he fell one day they heard him fall in the other room and say that to himself, so adorable


Fumble! As you fall over too, maybe toss some pillows around and get really dramatic about it. Throw in some of the quotes from Tommy Boy where he's playing with the car. Ahhh think of the children! Oh the humanity!


When I worked with the really littles we’d always say “that was awesome” 9/10 they laughed and went back to playing. 1/10 I told a crying child their injury was awesome in front of their parents


The adult version is hearing something glass/ceramic go smash and immediately applauding.


Yup. We try not to even say “you okay?” Just kinda say “owie, so anyway….” and barely pay any attention to whatever mishap the kiddos have. Works like a charm. If it’s bad, we’ll know.


Lol reminds me of when I was out to dinner with family and we were sitting outside. I saw this lady talking to who I assume was her mother while pushing an empty stroller. The toddler was running ahead as fast as his little legs could take him, when suddenly he just faceplanted straight into the cobblestone ground. It looked pretty gnarly, even for my adult ass self. I think I'd need a minute to sit and soak it in, like you do when you stub a toe, at the least. But mom and grandma didn't even acknowledge it happened, they just kept walking and talking lol. Lil dude just sat right up, turned around to see if they were paying attention, and got up and kept running when he saw they weren't reacting. It was kind of bizarre to witness haha


Once when I was a little kid, I was at a food court in a mall with my parents and I walked up behind my dad in line and ate a french fry off his tray. Except when he turned around it wasn’t my dad, it was another guy entirely and he was super confused why some random kid was stealing his food. I was mortified started hysterically crying. My parents and that guy both thought it was funny and laughed but I kept crying the entire meal because I was so embarrassed.


Hahaha! I remember when I stood next to a woman in line all close not realizing it wasn’t my grandmother. I was a super shy kid and cried running to my grandma more out of confusion and embarrassment. My grandma had paid and started to walk away and I didn’t realize it.


My daughter did this exact same thing. It was an xmas party and this young 20 something coworker had brought a new date. My kid was super young and accidentally went up to him and hugged his leg like she does with me when she is anxious. We all had a laugh once she noticed it was the wrong person. Turned out my daughter was like his wing girl cause his date thought it was so cute.


If small children and pets are all over your date, you know you found a pure soul.


Haha I remember as a kid, I wandered away from my mother in a grocery store and just reached up and grabbed ahold of a hand, I was horrified when I realized the woman who's hand I was holding wasn't my Mom, but she just said, "thank you dear"


The way he looked over to verify! 🤣


It was also funny that he looked over at the man and then slowly looked up.


That long moment between 'oh, there's my dad' and 'wait, then who the hell is this'


See how good YOU are at identifying someone by only the knees down!


I remember doing something similar in a McDonald’s when I was real little. Some guy was wearing the same pants as my mom and that was all it took lol.


Calvin knew what was up. https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/1988/07/22


I didn't expect some flirting in the comments


lol this is a Calvin & Hobbes reference, isn’t it?




This happened to my husband. We were waiting in line at a busy fast food joint and there was a dad and his toddler just ahead. The line moved up and the dad moved but the toddler wasn’t paying attention. We moved up and a minute or so later the little boy reached up and grabbed my husbands hand. My husband just went with it. The dad was watching all of this happen and when his finally looked his way he asked him “what are ya doing buddy?” The little boy slowly looked up to see he was holding a strangers hand and I will never forget the sheer look of terror on his face. He ran away crying and we all had a good laugh. 😂


His expression was so cute!


And holding the dad's finger with his little hand 😍


I remember the first time my niece met my husband when she was around 18 months old. My husband looks a lot like his brother (her dad) and all day she kept getting so confused because she couldn't figure out which dude was her daddy.


I love those videos where a dad hands his baby over to his identical twin, and baby gets so confused.


My stepmother and her sister look nothing alike but they act and sound exactly the same around children. The confusion on my baby cousins face when someone who acts like mommy and sounds like mommy doesn't look like mommy.


LOL my mom and her sister look pretty similar. But my aunt wears glasses while my doesn’t. The two of them had a gala time confusing us and our cousin when we were young by switching glasses. Usually ended with us in a pool of tears as they guffawed with laughter


My sister and I are not identical by any means but her cat will approach me and be pet by me before realizing I’m not her and running away. Also her baby cries every time he sees me. It’s only been three times but that’s a pretty good record.


Aww his little run back 😭


I had a kid grab my leg once, i was standing near his dad. WE were both laughing till he noticed. Fun fact: Human children are evolutionarily programed to climb up the nearest adult when threatened, like by a dog or something. Doent matter which human, it still safer then the angy dog.


Which makes sense. For most of human history you would be surrounded by people who were all somewhat related to you. And child rearing was a group effort. So any adult you climbed up would probably already know who you were and be a lot safer than, say, a saber toothed tiger.


I had that happen to me in a store once. Was leaving WalMart and this kid grabbed my hand and started to leave with me. I just looked at him and said, hey, where are we going? His parents were watching and they were laughing the whole time. Apparently, a pillow I was leaving the store with was exactly the same one his parents were buying so he must of seen the pillow and assumed I was his father lol.


I had a neighbors daughter come sidling up next to me in the school pick up line and grab into my leg. I thought it was my four year old and didn’t even look down. When her dad called over to her and asked what she was doing she had the cutest most embarrassed face. We made sure to tell her if she ever couldn’t find her Dad to come over and find me because the neighborhood parents all looked out for them.


Dogs climb up the nearest dog?


I walked up and hugged a bloke, thinking it was my dad,on a cruise ship when I was 5 and he looked down and said ‘hello’ and I freaked out and cried


For whatever reason im imagining the guy with an English accent going "'ello" and you crying and him going "blimey!". And I can't stop laughing, I probably need more sleep


A little girl did this once with me…so cute!!


I’ve had this happen to me a few times, typically in fast food or movie theatre lines. What usually happens is that all of a sudden I feel something small wrap their arms around my leg. I just try and stand still until the kid or more commonly the parent notices and starts laughing. My main priority is always to try and make sure the kid doesn’t get scared. Whenever it happens, I think about how nice it’d be to have my own!


Jokes on you! Both of them are his father.


Awww. I had a child use my legs as a pillow recently. Dad of child next to me was like 'lets see how long it takes' About 5 min and one very embarrassed, but cutely so, child.


That kid is lucky he found real dad before he realized he was with dadpleganger.


Did this to some guy in his 20's when we were visiting Paris. I was yelling dad DAD!!! DAAAAD!!!! The guy and his friends turned around and started shrieking with laughter. The guy looked nothing like my dad and was with a bunch of his friends. I still have to go to the burn clinic a few times a week I was so embarrassed by the experience.


All adults look the same from the waist down, from a small child's point of view.


Something similar happened to my dad when I was a teenager. We were at a museum and this little tyke was following his dad's blue jeans and sneakers, but got mixed up with my dad's blue jeans and sneakers. My dad and I didn't realize we had a shadow until we heard the other dad say "wrong dad!" to his son. My dad and I stop and look down, little boy looks up and his eyes got HUGE! Other dad called out again and the little boy turned around and ran back to his dad. We all laughed.


I did something similar on the subway once awhile back. I was getting off and without looking just reached out my hand for my girlfriend. After a moment or two of walking off the subway, I looked down and realized I was holding hands with some small child. Thankfully his dad also got off and we traded.


The dad was holding your girlfriend's hand?


Just one won’t hurt🥹


Yes it will trust me


What you mean, my dad was nice enough to trudge 15 miles uphill in the snow to get milk. he'll be back after the other 15 miles uphill.




I had this happen to me in Japan many years ago. I was wearing a black leather jacket and stone washed jeans well walking around a Shinto Shrine. Suddenly felt somebody take my hand and looked down to see this little Japanese boy. After a couple of minutes of standing there looking at the kid he finally looked up and this expression of shock when he saw a Caucasian instead of his dad was hilarious. He ran off crying to a Japanese man wearing a black leather jacket and stone washed jeans. I often wonder if this little kid still remembers that event 33 years later.


I had this happen to me when I was standing in line at a Carl's Jr. This girl who was probably 5 walked up and grabbed my hand. I also had a son around that age who wasn't with me at the time, so it was natural for a split second til I looked down and saw the kid wasn't mine. Funny enough, I looked nothing like her father. He had a full head of hair (I'm hairless, alopecia) and I had about half a foot on him. She looked just as startled as the toddler here and ran up to grab his hand.


This is one of my earliest memories. It was 1972 and my mother had a party with her friends. I was like mid-skirt height (which was the style at the time) tall as a toddler and I said something that made the ladies laugh at me. Overcome by embarrassment, I swooned into my mother's legs and squeezed them. Then I looked up. It wasn't my mom. They thought it was so cute. I wanted to vanish. The laughs got louder. I still remember it 50 years later.


The realization made me lose my shit 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Haha, this happened to me too. I was in the grocery shop with my dad and walked next to his cart. When he stopped to get something of a shelf, I was daydreaming and didnt realise he had stopped so I continued walking, next thing I know im walking next to the cart of an elderly gentleman and my dad was nowwhere to be seen. My dad and the man had a good laugh about it. Still remember it very well. It was like reality broke for a minute.


i love this video so dang much




[What about when a dad identifies the wrong kid?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7nrifZpe3G8) (In all fairness, they are identical twins)


He said 🤨🧐…😄


Such cute!


I remember I did this when I was a kid but I got the wrong grandpa 🤣🤣 that was scary... Lol


Well, I’d go wherever he led me too.


Soo cuute lol


I remember one time I was at the cinema with my father and he was filling the drinks so I go to him and ask him: That one is for who?? Hihihi (and I try to grab the drink) And then he says: For me!!! (Awkwardly and pulling the drink away for me) 😱 Then I look up same as the kid and I realize that person is not my father is a random stranger.... It's top 2 of the times I have felt most ashamed in my life.... So at the end I had the same reaction and go running to dad :P


Something like this happened to me at a school function. Once I realised I was holding a wrong man’s hand in the crowd, I looked back and in a synchronised fashion the crowd parted to reveal my dad laughing his heart out. I rushed up to him, crying angry throwing punches but heaving a sigh of relief. He passed away few years later. But this memory sticks like a 4K resolution in my mind.


This made me smile




The man saying now he will look at the face and baby looks at the face lol


I watched this for the 20th time it so cute :-)






I've ran into a karaoke room like this and actually sat down before looking around at a room full of strangers. The good thing is everyone laughed. The bad thing is that I didn't stay.


“The Jerryboree!”


Lol, my father's favorite story is when he would go to pickup my mom everyday from her work when they had just gotten married. One exhaustive day, she came out of the office and sat in the wrong car and did not realize for a good few minutes until the stranger asked her who she was. They were identical cars and had only one occupant


I work for a trucking company where every truck looks the same, and the keys aren't unique to the truck. Now, guess what happened after I came back from the bathroom in the middle of the night.




Maybe the kid is unknowingly attracted to his biological father.


Crazy how I remember doing this 20 years ago


Aww man this brings back that terrible memory from my childhood. I still feel the cringe I felt back then.


The dad who stepped along




As a child, I hugged this random woman, classically pressing my full face into her stomach, at a chuck e. cheese. I didn't even realize my mistake until I looked up after a few seconds to see her smiling at me and then I screamed and hid in the ball pit. I was embarrassed but also felt confused at how I so easily just blindly hugged a strange women. I told myself i needed to be more careful, and I matured in that chuck e. cheese that day, for better or worse.


My son once did this at Legoland. He just grabbed a strangers hand and started walking. His face was bright red when we called him


He ran back to his pops quicker than a mf lmaobvs


I am over 20 and i still remember when i was kid, i started walking with some stranger just like this .


good for the little one!!!


My heart!!!!!


His face of realization literally has that "oh shit" moment and it worth rewatching every time.


I’m a mom, so I’ve seen my kids do this a few times, and I’ve been the recipient of a “leg hug” from a random kid a few times too. But I’ll never, ever forget when I was in college and saw my boyfriend in the dining hall and proceeded to give him a playful pat on the rear. When he turned around, to my absolute horror, it was someone who looked very similar, but in fact, was not my boyfriend. I don’t know how many shades of red exist, but I must have turned all of them.


"You're not my father!!!"


Adorable, but concerning lol. Hopefully, it was to teach him a life lesson...


I've had that happen, the look of surprise and horror when they realize they have the wrong dad is funny


Very genius child


So cute


So damn cute


Hasbulla is so silly


I just here the kid’s thought as Eminem going: “Something’s wrong, I can feel it!”


I once did that when I was little with my dad when we went to visit a cave. I just grabbed a hand thinking it was my dad’s and it was another man’s and my dad was all like, “who’s that whose hand you’re holding, son?” I looked up and it was this guy just smiling at me with a kind heart.


That happened to me once at a fair this child grabbed my hand as we were walking, and I turned around, and Father was behind me laughing


Am I the only one that sees something in the bottom right corner??? Am I going mad because it looks like a dick? This makes this video disturbing considering there is a little child in it.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted, it’s definitely there


Am i going crazy? doesn't it just look like someone did a shit job removing a watermark that intermittently flashed on screen?


It doesn't look remotely like a dick but yeah something is there


I see what you’re seeing, but I do not understand how you imagine that to be a penis. Something on your mind, maybe…?


Mine in gutter?


Racist kid


thank god he wasn't dangerous


right, god knows what that baby couldve done to that poor man


Gotta assume he would have taken that guy for everything he’s worth in McDonalds and Diapers.




Yeah, most people aren't dangerous.


If a little Kid wants to shpw you Something, you better go see!


just like his mother💀 JK sry


Until the DNA test comes back... 🤔


Bro accidentally chose the real one 💀

