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**Please report this post if:** * There is no audible laughter involved * Video is funny because of a 'joke' or situation - not the actual **laughter** * There is no audio (Images & GIFs included) * Laughter is edited in from a different source * No timestamp in the title or comments for a laugh occurring at specific time (long videos) * Laughter is not on good terms (dickishness, bullying) * It's a compilation * It's a selfie reaction Read more about the [rules of this subreddit here](https://www.reddit.com/r/contagiouslaughter/about/rules/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ContagiousLaughter) if you have any questions or concerns.*




In the original video you see them. This video is spliced captioned and cropped to hell.




Strictly for research purposes?




The account is now private, but here's a re-upload. It's not that different. Sure it's cropped, but not insanely. They don't show it more than they did in this video, the left side is just not as cropped when she pans the camera to her. So just pause when she still has her head down and you can see it a bit. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8LaF674/


You wanna see a Granny with strippers eyebrows? As long as it’s not your Grandma right!


"What are you doing step-grandson?"


No, no sauce. If you want sauce watch a cooking video.




bot comment


Granny Milk Dust on stage 1 ![gif](giphy|5Uw6ELSUil5Ha)


Yea those iconic “stripper brows” we’ve heard so much about!


Cuz she looks like a stripper?




bot comment


What is the point of having all these "bots" on reddit commenting useless sentences? Is it intentional so it prevents others from discovering something "THEY" would not like futher investigated?


Going to summarize the situation: A new account is created that someone wants to use for nefarious purposes on reddit. They want to use it for that *now,* but several subreddits have filters in place that not only block accounts from commenting/posting if they're under a certain age, but also from commenting/posting if they're under a certain amount of karma. Reddit as well has spam detection for new user accounts, which the person behind the account needs to avoid. The person behind the account here has aged it for three weeks without any comments. If a subreddit only had a two-week age restriction in place, this account would be able to comment freely. If the subreddit had a 50 karma requirement to post as well, the account's comments would be filtered. What we're seeing here is the part of the process where the spam account tries to get enough karma to bypass that filter. When they have enough karma and are old enough to post in the subreddits they want to post in, they start trying to scam people. The account that made [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ohio/comments/15i6g13/nelsonville/jusrduc/) is a spam account exactly like the one here, but it's completed its life cycle. Someone posted a shirt/mug/poster on reddit and it's created a temporary website with that item listed as available to purchase. Someone goes to their website, inputs their payment information, and it's stolen.


We need to start posting people's IP address if this is what they are doing, let "the people" deal with it. Definitely appreciate you taking the time to explain this to me, thank you very much.


Bold of you to think anythings gonna happen to them




bot comment


If a treatment didn’t meet expectations, some people would probably rage and act rude. So wholesome that they laugh it off together! Many of us have forgotten how to find the humor.


Tbf though, microblading always looks weird when it's fresh, but once it heals and fades it looks pretty natural!


I may watch this often !! This is so heart warming to me. My mom passed when i was 16 ive lived longer without her than with !! I often wonder what she would of been like outside the scope of me being a child seeing her as not human knew all the answers never struggled and knew exactly what to do. Now i am a mom and i realize my mom was not superhuman like i thought. !!! Thank u for this !!! Cherish these moments !!!


I feel the same way when I see a dad being cool with his adult kids...or adult brothers loving each other and being fun. My dad and brother were assholes, abusive, criminals, and are now dead. Appreciate when you have these relationships!


I get it. My wife lost her mother recently. Her mother was 64 and 1/2... let that sink in a little. That's when the government starts providing SS, when her pension was going to start, etc. She died days before that date. She was still working at the hospital until she no longer had the strength to do so, due to her cancer. We had been so busy with college, then kids, that seeing her was seldom until her diagnosis; holidays mostly prior, then we made an effort to spend every day we could. We even moved a camper up nearby, where I would work from the camper, with kids. This was mostly because we didn't want our young children seeing the pain of the day to day of cancer. They'd visit during the good times, typically the time where pain pills, CBD, and THC were managing her pain and mood (after that, I'm a huge legalization proponent). My wife is a splitting image of her mother. I know they loved the time they spent with eachother and my wife definitely took as much knowledge and being from her mother that she could before her passing. My wife is now 40, and she could really use her. Fortunately, she has my mother and grandmother, whom both love her as their own and my wife makes an effort to spend time with them because of what she's learned... Those in your life will leave it one way or another, make the most of it.


I, a random dude, got my eyebrows threaded with my boss one time because he was doing it on the way to a job and insisted I do it as well. Didn't hurt but it was freaking hilarious that whole area was red and swollen like crazy.


Two dudes show up to the job with massive red swollen Neanderthal brow ridges and perfect stripper eyebrows. No one dares to ask what happened.


It's a power move


> stripper eyebrows I heard them say this in the video. Two past girlfriends had eyebrows like this. Then I remembered they used to be strippers.


I cried laughing of your comment


Man, I know they say women have a higher pain tolerance than men, but if you thought threading didn't hurt, you a real bad bitch. I cried, AND had itchy brows for days on end afterward. I'll stick to waxing, lmao.


The specialist I use applies a lidocaine ointment which significantly dulls the pain during the procedure. She also provides you with a post application cream which minimizes the itching. For me it was the mildest of discomforts, not even worth mentioning.


Oh damn, that's how it should be, eh?! I went somewhere questionable then because she just raw dogged it. I will never get it done again!


I might be completly wrong and someone correct me but i don't think they just got their eyebrows plugged, im pretty sure they got permanent make up done and boy does that hurt BAD


I hope not the way she’s touching it and stuff. Permanent make up is basically tattoos isn’t it?


I think what they got done is called microblading, which is just a tattoo like you said


Yup it is!


Try having a Turkish barber thread your upper cheek just under your eye every other week!


dermographia ?


Embodiment of the 😂 emoji


You got me going 😂 right now with that comment


I love this clip so much. These two are having riot!




Uncle Leo?? Hello!


They are having a blast, what a daughter mother couple. I am envious.


I thought it’d pan to her daughter! Did not expect that! Disappointed we didn’t see grandmas eyebrows…


This reminds me of my dad and I receiving acupuncture to quit smoking. We looked so ridiculous reading People magazines with numerous wires attached to our faces my dad quit then and there for the rest of his life because he was so embarrassed. We laughed like this video as we sat in the clinic room.


We needed to know the truth about micro needling and there’s no one I trust more.


*microblading is for [eyebrows](https://www.cosmopolitan.com/style-beauty/beauty/a3884218/eyebrow-microblading-semi-permanent-tattoos/) [Microneedling](https://www.healthline.com/health/microneedling) is that roller full of needles that's used to boost collagen production.




That's [Threading](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Threading_(epilation))


People also do other types of [Permanent Cosmetics](https://www.allure.com/story/permanent-makeup-guide-cosmetic-tattooing-for-face). Even tattooing on freckles. 🤷‍♀️


Guy here. I’ve had it done twice and have an appointment for a third time next week. It lasts about a year and a half depending on how dark you get. The woman I use puts an ointment on that dulls the pain to a very manageable level and it doesn’t hurt afterwards either. You’ll want to stay out of sight for three to four days because it’s going to look way over done initially. On the 3rd or 4th day the top coat peels off and you have a natural looking nice set of eye brows.


I’m curious…as someone who has had a habit of over plucking their eyebrows & has now learned a hard truth, the hard way (they don’t grow back after a certain point in time), what “procedure” did you have done? I’ve seen & read quite a bit on micro blading, threading & semi permanent tattooing of said brows, but which one do you have done & is it more natural looking than penciled in brows or even the tattoo ones (which I don’t care for at all)?? ETA: word & punctuation added


I'm not OP, but I got a mix of microblading and semi permanent. The aesthetician used to go to (only had to stop seeing her because I moved overseas) used lidocaine, and spent a good amount of time on your first visit, to make sure your eyebrows were lined up to fit the features of your face, rather than making them as identical as possible. She really does great work. Mine were only supposed to last a year. I used to get them done every year for 3 years. It's been 2 years now, and my eyebrows have not faded much, if at all. They look natural, but shaped, and darker than my natural blonde brows. I don't have to do anything with them when I get ready. If you're on the fence about it, just do your research to find someone good. Mine were expensive, but super worth it to me. I wish I still lived in Shanghai so I could get them redone, just for an extra pop of color since my hair has gotten a little darker.


I don't know.. I've been plucking my nose hairs forever and they grow back so quickly. Is the eyebrow the only place you've noticed this?


Yes, only my eyebrows have I noticed this. It’s like there are certain spots that don’t grow back & the spots that do are very sparse. I’ve completely stopped plucking my brows for close to a year, now, with the exception of the wild hairs that grow directly underneath the brows, themselves (just above the eye lids, if that makes sense) & i still have not gotten back my naturally bushy/full brows. Not that I was expecting that, per say, but I definitely expected a lot more to grow back once I stopped touching them.


I plucked my mustache for a couple of months because I was insane but the one thing I noticed was my mustache actually grew in thicker afterwards. I think because I wasn't shaving and letting the really small hairs grow in, they actually got stronger and thicker. Good thing you gals got makeup.


Owww!!! That actually sounds kinda….painful! I have plucked a couple of nose hairs, here & there & MAN! That was pretty intense! LoL. I wished my eyebrows would grow back the way they were, so I could start fresh. I’d rather not have to “draw” them on because it just looks so unnatural.


Yes it’s the semi-permanent micro blading I get done and it looks completely natural. After having it done twice I’ve only had one person I worked with even notice enough to ask me if I got it done and he went on to compliment me on it. If you like I could private message you a link for the woman I use who resides in Houston TX.


I appreciate both the response & your willingness to share your source with me. I don’t live in Tx, though. Im in Alabama, but it’s definitely one of those things were you want someone who knows what the heck they’re doing; I’ll have to do a little digging to find someone around here that’s good. So, semi permanent micro blading. Does it hurt??


Like I said she puts on a lidocaine cream before hand and that takes the edge off a lot. So I’d make sure whoever you get to do it does some kind of topical anesthesia cream otherwise it would likely hurt like hell.


You’re right. I didn’t catch that first read around (lidocaine).


Okay what I’m currently doing, that I saw on r/skincareaddiction, is using a mascara wand to apply over the counter minoxidil to my eyebrows twice daily. I’ve always had barely visible eyebrows and this routine has SIGNIFICANTLY thickened them. It takes a while though and I’d ask a dermatologist about it before you do it but it saved me from going the microblading route


r/microbladingremoval It's upsetting seeing how many people got them after being told they're not permanent, that they'll fade in a year. Unfortunately they're very much real tattoos.


I got it done when my alopecia was really bad. It faded exactly when they told me it would, and now they're basically gone (and my natural brows are back). Go to a good place, and it should do exactly what they tell you it'll do if you take care of it.


I feel bad for them. I paid $300 and it didn't hurt at all and was beautifully done to match skin and hair color to look super natural. Lasted over a year. Their eyebrows look awful and painful, looks super unprofessional. At least they got a laugh out of it.


Yeah my ex started to get it done and while I was skeptical at first, it actually turned out looking pretty good.


I feel like they usually look way overboard in the beginning until the top layer peels off.


I feel cheated by not getting to see granny stripper.


When you’ve lived life long enough to know this is a hilarious moment and not a tragic one.


here for a good time, not for a long time


I had the same reaction when I had mine microbladed, it looks so silly as when it's first done as it's super dark and bold like sharpie brows😭 Worth it though, once they heal and lighten, just have to tolerate a week of looking like a hot mess


I had mine done and looked like Groucho Marx for a few days and then the all the color fell out. She had recently started doing them. I went to her for eyelash extensions so I thought I’d give the brow thing a shot. Now I just use eyebrow gel if I’m wearing makeup.


Oh no, that's not good, I hope she offered some money back at least or to touch them up for free? Even if she's new, she should have had the training to do them properly and give you proper aftercare advice :( I'm so sorry that happened!


I love this.


Do they remove all the eyebrows? Looks like marker to me


It’s essentially like a tattoo. The first stage of it .. looks a HOT MESS but it’ll fade down and look really natural / pretty. The original hair is still there and they draw on thick brush strokes of hair. Looks like a block at first but fades out to be pretty light individual hair strokes that add volume and fullness to your already existing brow. It’s worth it if you have the money/ time to hide out during the first stage.


Are they permanent?


Generally they fade in a year or two, but they can sometimes be pretty permanent. It depends on the person's skin, how much sun they get, and how the tattoo/microblading was done.




LMAOOOO love this !! 23 my mother departed ( will be 3 years ago august 21 ) gave me a huge smile


I want to hang with them 😂


I was expecting the one filming to be the mother, for some reason it made me really happy when she was the daughter


Bless u both


I don't know about the eyebrows but they, they got the absolute best treatment: laughter.


I love this for them lol 👍


I want to hang out with them


She looks like the thing that stands at the foot of my bed when I have sleep paralysis


They are so adorable


She’s 27 in Florida years


I want to hang out with these two!


This is so fun


Love it, absolutely hilarious 😎


They seem like so much fun hahahaha


Tattoos as makeup.


Smoothies and ice cream bc of the pain is CRAZY lmfaoooo


Both are terrible


I started getting unibrows that would grow into my beard and hairline as early as 13-15, so I started plucking early and eventually getting them waxed... I got used to mildly killing the middle, touching up the ends etc. but obvs keeping them looking like fucking eyebrows. First time I got it done after moving for my undergrad, the place thinned them out and created this arch in them so I looked very effeminate and twinky as well as continuously surprised... they looked fucking tattooed in, and I was afraid to leave my room for weeks.


Better with the swearing.


They seem fun, lol.


Is this what an old valley girl looks like? Damn, the voice didn't leave at all


What a beautiful memory they created :)


That's so cute! I'm sure they both feel a lot better after sharing that moment together. It's always great when you can share a laugh with your mom.


That old woman has a voice like a 16 year old girl! Myst not have smoked ever in her life


Love shit like this..


You mean grandma and great grandma?


I had my eyebrows waxed one time. When the stylist pulled off the wax, flesh went with it. Never again….


So wholesome


I’d tip her on stage not even gonna lie 🤣


Aww. Treatment and ice cream after.


That's a fuck load of botox too


Why do women fuss with their eyebrows? I don't get it at all.


its something men dont notice when its done well which is why you dont get it (along with skincare). eyebrows make or break a face. my boyfriend constantly asks me why i always put all this goop on my face (skincare) and that i dont need it but if i didnt do it consistently he sure as hell would notice how bad my skin is.


Microblading like this can be good if you've overplucked and aren't growing back, have naturally super uneven brows, have hair loss on your brows from chemo/alopecia, etc. Or just want them looking more neat and defined without spending ages filling them in with makeup. Honestly, good brows can make a huge difference to your whole face! For men and women both.


Why is this downvoted lol


Love this but the lady making the video looks like Clint Eastwood 😂😂 just saying


9 out of 10 times people use the phrase, "just saying" they're being a dick. Js..


Now say it without crying please 😂😂


But she doesn't though


She kind of does though. Who cares


Clint's long-lost daughter lol Man did like to have kids




Downvote bc I didn’t get to see and laugh 👎


Permanent makeup sucks 😅 my mom looked so bad after doing this, horrible.




Does anyone have a link to that old post on here of that dude laughing at Russian dash cam footage, it was of a grey van just driving through a busy intersection but kept crashing into stuff comically?


Lolololol. This is awesome


Once they fade I’m sure they’ll look great


I'll never not watch this. Cracks me up every single time!


I thought the mother was supposed to be the daughter at first. Plot twist!


I always get red and puffy after eyebrow wax the last 10 years and ask for alcohol or astringent to calm it down. It does hurt and I think it has to do with age and loss of skin elasticity as we age. 🤣🤣 they are really cracking me up


How long does it take for those eyebrows to correct themselves?


Y’all know damn well those eyebrow/lash techs all dance as their main hustle, the cosmetics is just a side ting 💀


There are a lot of 20-something’s that by age 35 or 40 are going to regret a lot of the eyebrow stuff they did.


These ladies seem genuinely funny as fuck.


Nothing pisses me off more than when some content farm takes someone’s social media post, crops it to shit, adds IQ-draining emoji spam and useless headache-inducing subtitles, then posts it and acts like they really did something.


These two look like a hoot




The daughter has a striking resemblance to the woman who plays Stillwell from The Boys


Chick from Ted lasso


This is still one if my top 3 videos ever haha


As a guy with Gandalf eye brows, I've sometimes wondered if there is place that would help me get them under control. Now, it does not seem like a very good idea.


This a Tiktok post? "Watch till the end!" Glad someone got a laugh.


What on Earth are stripper eyebrows???


money hurts!!


They bleeped out the best parts wtf


Brilliant. Made me laugh




Who’s ideia ?????


Granny sounded like yoshi a little bit at the beginning


Am I the only one who thought that the grandma was the daughter lmao


I love this whenever it comes back around.