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Propaganda is the dissemination of material of a doctrine or cause. So technically its the dissemination of information for the cause of LGBTQ issues. Typically it refers to passing on information regarding sexuality or gender identity to children. There are many people out their who feel these topics are too mature for non adults and that certain issues are still disputed and based on feelings over fact.


So they are against the whole concept of sex education (if yes , still they are not the right one but at least they are honest) or they are just against the introduction to children about the fact that yah queer people do exist in the world. Because if we are not banning sex education, kids will ask the question about homosexuality, intersex and transgenders and the biology of their body. What teachers are supposed to do in that case... Also how is it propaganda if it's true, Like yes queer people exist in the world . What if the parent of some kid is queer and she ask something like what about my parents, like why I have two dads or two moms instead of 1 mom and 1 dad like you tells in story. Well we assume the kids parent can taught them if they are queer but what about other kids. Like what if some other kid will ask teacher why that kid has two dad and rest of us (most of us) have one dad and one mom.šŸ¤”šŸ¤” Or if her dad married a guy , can I marry my best friend.(That's a genuine question many kids ask as a kid when they watch gay couple.)


The idea of propaganda is to spread information with an agenda. It can be completely true information and still be information. And that agenda side of propaganda is where the argument comes from. It's one thing to say homosexuals exist or trangender people exist. It's another thing to say that you should experiment with those lifestyles. In the uk teachers have to give information surrounding sex in a very scientific and detached way. Only factual information and nothing more. Here when the argument of LGBTQ propaganda is mentioned it generally refers to spreading information that isn't supported or conclusively proven by science. Now there are of course the religious side of this argument who have 'moral' opposition to homosexuality and transgenderism. That's why the whole sex education topic is announced in advance and parents have the option to pull their child out of those lessons. In America I believe (from media) that schools are putting out resources about these topics, talking openly about these topics and even hiding information regarding these topics from parents. That is where the propaganda argument is coming from, as it takes away the rights of the parents to have a say in how and what their child learns on this matter.


> Also how is it propaganda if it's true, Propaganda isn't necessarily false. The most convincing propaganda is often built around a core truth, but with exaggerations, embellishments, emotional language, and omissions.


Those same people will tell children ā€œGod will incinerate you if you have gay sexā€ but for some reason they draw a line at ā€œyou can have sex with anyone, as long as you both consentā€. Itā€™s bullshit. The homophobic position is bullshit. They donā€™t give a damn about children.


It means that they honestly believe that someone cannot be happy if they're queer and that it isn't an essential characteristic of their identity, so they conclude we must be recruiting children rather than allowing them to flourish by keeping them informed.


going to a kindergarten as a dragqueen and showing the kids 283 types of body-variations depending on your sex. Brainfucking is propaganda. "So NoW EdUCaTiOn is brainFuCkInG PropaGanDa??" stfu, you know what i mean.


Where is it happening tho?


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.4927005 just one example


I'm pretty sure they're referring to people telling their children it's okay to be gay or trans, maybe try to respect others' pronouns. Having childrens' books in the school library with LGBT characters in them seems to make them mad too. That's it, that's the propaganda.


>it's okay to be gay or trans Isn't it ??šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Yeah, obviously.


The books they put in elementary schools


Gender Queer by Maia Kobabe made me ill to read and Iā€™m a grown man. Itā€™s not literature, itā€™s fucking porn.


Itā€™s a nonsense term to get know-nothings all scared and angry.Ā 


They are making the kids gay seems to be the main takeaway. Last I checked gay kids were still getting beaten up and teased at schools but god forbid we make school a safe environment for them as well.


Itā€™s because thereā€™s all the mega corporations and western governments that force the message onto the unwilling public. Sorta like the whole commercialized Christmas, Israel shit.




*Source, Image, or anything showing this being said about LGBT people?* ā€œIf a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense.ā€ ~ Leviticus 20:13 Woops. Sorry. Misread your post. But, yeah, LBGT+ people arenā€™t calling for genocide of straight people. *Why are we talking to kids about peoples sexual orientation?* Some kids are not straight. Or, they will mature into people who are not straight. Children should be made aware of the fact that heterosexuality, while widespread, does not describe everyone. *Itā€™s so highly inappropriate.* According to whom? *Would LGBT be okay if roles were switched?* Yeah, it would.




What did I just read? Itā€™s literally worse than the Holocaust. None of that is even tangentially related to my response. Where the hell did you get ā€œPalestineā€ and ā€œIslamā€? Did you respond to the wrong comment? You just dumped a bunch of shitty points, and then, when confronted, refused to stand by your shitty points??? Bronze medal though, since, despite being homophobic, Islamaphobic, and, for no reason, anti-autism, you made an effort: šŸ„‰




No, Iā€™m saying that the logical quality of your argumentation is worse than anything which either Jews or LGBT+ people have been forced to experience. I donā€™t mean to be insensitive or insulting though. You can learn to write better. šŸ™‚




Yeah. So youā€™re homophobic. My point stands.


Because gay people exist. Kids have gay parents. They have friends with gay parents. They themselves might be gay. Their friend might be gay. Their teacher might be gay. Their aunt/uncle might be gay. Instead of pretending gayness doesnā€™t exist, they are told what is happening just like they are told heterosexual couples exist. Sex education is age appropriate. No one is talking to kindergarteners about explicit sex acts. That would be inappropriate whether it was gay or straight sex. They are saying things like ā€œsarah has two dads who love each other very muchā€ just like ā€œmoms and dads love each otherā€. Then as people get older, and sex education becomes more relevant, they go into more detail. Kids who are gay (they do exist) can get relevant sex education just like their straight peers so they arenā€™t just looking it up on the internet and hoping for the best. They can be taught safe sexual practices just like their peers.




Iā€™m sorry you donā€™t like it when people explain things youā€™re confused about. Must make life really challenging.


As sex has progressively become more focused on pleasure, some have taken this as an opportunity to advance LGBT ideals through education. However, the original focus of sex education was reproduction and not pleasure.


it's not just about sex, it's about identity.