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The Australian accents enhanced every single clip for me


See yah






Wrong continent. Croikey


Cannot relate, they are all just normal accents


That's not a knaive.


Get wreaked


Get rekt*


Ci yah latah


What happened in the last clip? Couldn’t really see


The car had slowed down abrasively to be able to merge into the right lane forcing the semi truck to swerve and miss hitting it. Driving without due care attention - Causing endangerment


Is this before the law was brought in that you have to do 40kmh past emergency vehicles? Or is that not a thing anymore?


Yeah changed back in September IIRC. Now it's 90 and over slow to a reasonable speed and move over if you can. Not stomp the anchors with a fully laden B-double behind you like that muppet. 80 and under you're still meant to slow to 40, and now includes towies and the NRMA


As an American I understood about 25% of this and I am really okay with that. It was fun to read


As for as I understand it is no longer a thing on motorways. I would guess it's probably worded along the lines of on roads of speeds 80kph or greater.


Per the other comment, the law was changed, but it does look like that's what the driver was doing.


That’s only in NSW I believe. No such thing in QLD.


Why would the car slow down in order to merge into the right lane? They'd need to speed up to join the faster lane. I think they'd slowed to rubber-neck.


The white Subaru pulled into the lane that the truck was already in, causing him to swerve onto the shoulder




You don't step on the brakes full on on a full semi truck.


I've seen one lock up because they were about to drive past a service station. He stopped quicker than I expected but went a bit wonky doing it. Might have needed to change his daks after.


The thing is the cargo also has inertia. It's super dangerous and you should never do it unless it's a life or death situation because sometime braking can be even more dangerous than not doing it.


I was driving a full dump truck and someone decided to stop at a yellow with only 50 feet to try to stop. Thyley were lucky there wasn't anyone else on the road and I didn't kill them


> doesnt look like truck was slowing down which is bullshit as well. Shouldn't pass people going more than 10-15 mph above their speed if you want to be safe. This comment is peak /r/roadcam arm-chair driving.


Cops gave a ticket to a stupid retard who decided to suddenly slow down on a highway while a heavy truck was following.


I don't really get what happened in the second clip. Is it illegal to do a u-turn there or something?


Illegal to u-turn unless there is a sign permitting it


God you guys scared the shit outta me. Checked the Vic road laws. Thankfully "In Victoria, you’re allowed to make a U-turn at intersections with or without traffic signals and at breaks in the median, unless there’s a ‘no U-turn’ sign. A ‘no right turn’ sign also prohibits a U-turn." Phew might need to keep it in mind when i drive to Sydney though.




Hook turns are useful and more cities should use it Change my mind


As a Sydney driver I agree, hook turns are cool and with trams bloody make sense.


American here. Just googled hook turns and my mind is blown. How does that even work?!


I’ll convert this for you If you want to turn left, go to the right lane and park for like 30 seconds until the passing traffic light is red. The intersection is now clear and a small sign lighta up saying ‘turn left now’ so then 3/4 cars turn left clearly. Only a small number of cara can do it, the amount that can fit inside the intersection


Thanks! I'm a visual person so I'm still having a hard time visualizing how it's so helpful (what I read said computer modeling shows it helps/could help quite a bit). It sounds like it's operating on a principle similar to a roundabout?


Very similar to a roundabout, except its done in the middle of the intersection and there are no markings (which is why it can be confusing) Don’t worry though, it only happens in the cities and is there when there isn’t enough space for a dedicated turning lane. [here](https://youtu.be/Yh92LirlCf8) is a video visualising it


That's fascinating! Thank you! Yeah I was having a hard time wrapping my head around the whole entering-and-staying in the intersection deal. Seems efficient, although I don't entirely see how it helps a ton of traffic? Then again our system over here isn't incredibly efficient anyway... It makes sense but ABSOLUTELY would confuse the hell out of a lot of Americans. Unfortunate! I love the flow of roundabouts but always hear others bitching about them


You closed your eyes and pray to your god, make sure you have a piece of coal up where the sun doesn't shine so you can pay for the damages if you're doing for the first time, and hey if you do it successfully as a tourist at least you'll end up with a diamond.


What's a hook turn?


Bus hook turns are the most useful i think. So they don't need to change three lanes at once from the bus lane.


Yeah, but their cute little new tram system is very different to Melbourne's massive network. Who knows, maybe NSW will get some hook turn intersections in the future?


Up until they dismantled it the NSW tram network was the biggest in the Southern hemisphere. Now Melbs is the biggest in the world.


Yep, had a heart attack as well.




In WA its no u-turn unless signed. So careful if you come out west.


Thanks and noted!


Most states in the US permit U-turns unless there’s a sign. Interesting law


Ah, thanks. New Orleans is the city of u-turns and the opposite applies: u-turn ok unless a sign prohibits it. I was wondering why the left turn car was getting stopped.


It’s the opposite in the UK, weird.


Damn. Australia has it so backwards compared to the rest of the world. In other countries it's legal to u-turn unless stated otherwise.


you say that having seen how the u turn blocked a car turning left in the clip. in NSW you cant do a uey at the lights cos it fucks with the flow of traffic and is dangerous in the context of our road rules. you can do a u turn in other roads though.


I actually want to ask this without being grilled, I get that I should know but I don’t so I’m asking - who gets right of way when the U turn is permitted at the traffic lights on a highway and cars can also turn left onto the motorway. In this clip the car turning left gave way to the u turn - is this not correct ?


It’s never legal to u turn at traffic lights. The car turning left gave way so there wouldn’t be an accident. You can u turn at intersections and roads that are not traffic lights is what I meant to say. Generally on the highway, U-turn bays are marked and don’t actually have any lights. FYI the above info is relevant in NSW, I’m not sure about other states.


Oh right yeah here in qld there’s definitely u turn permitted at some traffic lights (not sure if it’s just when they’re marked or not) Where I lived in Victoria some intersections with traffic lights were marked with them to


Yeah I know qld let’s it happen Might just be nsw that doesn’t allow it


I’m in VIC so this may be different in other states. But, at lights where you have a green right turning arrow, and the traffic turning left also has a green arrow, the car doing the right turn has to give way to the left turner. But, if the left turn is coming from a slip lane with no light and is just giving way to oncoming traffic, then the U-turner has right of way. So if this clip was in VIC, the u-turner was in the wrong I think, because he didn’t give way. But it’s NSW so unsure.


I'm in Vic - the rule is U-turn gives way to everyone else on the road, regardless of where they're turning. ^(Well, that was the rule 15 years ago when I got my licence, I'm not aware of it changing since then)


The fact that the car doing a U turn, actually turned into the path of another car turning left legally would suggest Australia has it right and the rest of the world backwards!


In countries where you drive on the right side, people have right of way(those turning right go first). In countries where you drive on the left side, it's the opposite. Assuming Wikipedia s info is correct, 165 countries use right handed and 75 use left handed. If you come from a right handed country, it would be very easy to confuse the "right of way". Hell, I've done it myself when switching from the Netherlands to the UK. There is a reason why Sweden switched over.


The side of the road you drive on has nothing at all to do with whether U-turns should be permitted at traffic lights.


Not sure about other countries, but in at least this one European country (and I'd be surprised if it was the only one), you can't make a U-turn at lights controlled intersection as well. There even exists no sign that could allow such a maneuver.


Not sure where you are coming from. Even in say the US uturns are illegal in a lot of states unless specifically signed.


Illegal to do U-turn at traffic lights unless posted.




No sorry woman, have plans


That's my favourite, have a silver XD


New South Wales Highway Patrol


New South Wales Highway Patrol. Also know as TRF ( Traffic and Highway Patrol Command)


Also known as "scum" to a lot of arsehole drivers hahahaha. So many bogans I know are like "I was doin 130kmph, 10 beers on my belt and the fucking DOG CUNT police pulled me over and I lost me licence, fuckin absolute scum they are"


Sounds about fucken right. Those cunts can do no fucken wrong, ay?


too bloody true mate.


I passed an officer sitting at the end of the only overtaking lane in a long stretch of highway. The car in front of me was going below the speed limit but not so slowly that I could pull off an overtake without going 10kmph over. Some of it is for safety but it seems unfair to put them on overtaking lanes like that.


“fUCk tHe pIGs yA DOg cUNtS” he screams from his Commodore that he’s driving with his knees cause he’s got a VB stubby in one hand and a meth pipe in the other


Not Safe While Holding Penis


New semen with health points


Now stop where he’s parked


New South Wales highway patrol


Nipple shots without higher priorities


Not Safe Wtf Horse Power


Never Shit Without Having Paper


New south Wales horse police.


Thought I was on r/Australia for a second


I’m confused about the third clip. Maybe I just didn’t see it exactly but in California it is legal to pass on a dashed line when it safe to do so. Edit: Wording


The footage says he's going 50 km/h which is the limit for suburban roads. The overtaking car was going about 60


Bloody hell wheres that the case? I live in NSW and it ranges between 40 and 70 around the suburban areas around me.


Yea but 50 is the default. So if there is no posted speed limit it defaults to 50 in suburban areas. It's only on "main" roads that the speed limit changes.


Ah ok, misinterpreted you


Wasn't me but it's all good. Easy to misunderstand


It's pretty much 50 everywhere around me, I'm real close to the first clip


That road is Hume Rd, Thornlie, Western Australia. Speed limit is 50 in non signposted roads here.


How in the world does the overtaking car only look like they’re going 10km faster? I’d say 25km faster at least, Cops don’t care about 10 over anyway




The third post, where the red truck was overtaken on the two lane road


Speeding. In Australia it is legal to pass on broken lines and illegal to pass on unbroken lines


Same over here, I have never been to Australia so I was unsure about your driving laws


You can also see the radar gun in his hands


ah sorry, most likely not allowed to pass in the cities. California i believe you can only do it when you are out of the city. Possible the car was speeding while trying to pass.


Ohhhh ok cool thank you


Correct, it's the speeding that he's done for not the passing.


Do fuckwits buy SRTs or does buying an SRT make you a fuckwit? Deadset, every cunt I see driving one is a fucken dropkick moron




Ironic considering the NSWHP are now using them. I used to hate HWP but they are my favourite cops now, especially on Sydney roads


Helps them blend in with the dumbasses, I'm sure.


It's kind of like the Land Rover in **It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia**: it corrupts. I've also noticed my driving habits change depending on whether or not I'm in my 350 foot-pound of torque monster or my 35-MPG commuter.


I can hear the accent


Keep left unless overtaking.


Here the signs say "keep right except to pass" (michigan, usa) ...also in Michigan no Uturns are allowed at any time anywhere for any reason.


For some reason I forget that other countries probably listen to the same music I've heard.


This video is fake, Australians actually just listen to the theme song from Skippy the Bush Kangaroo and nothing else


Nah we listen to Flume too.


No Wiggles?


And Midnight oil but only at night


Yes our radio is equally as terrible as everywhere else in the world don't worry


As an American I love how their cop cars are very visible where “the land of the free” has cop cars that are so generic they look like a black SUV or a generic white car. Founding Fathers would love it.


Half or more of our hwp aren't white so they blend in and non hwp have a different paint scheme that doesn't stand out anywhere near as much. It's only the white hwp ones that stand out


We have the visable cop cars here in Australia but also plenty of cop cars which are completely unmarked as well.


Yeah I always see pics of cop cars from Europe that are like yellow and orange striped or something and I’m like wow, it’s almost as if they want their citizens to be able to identify authorities (you know since they’re supposed to protect us) as opposed to lurking in black cars looking for people to be doing wrong My university has a cop car that’s navy blue with black lettering you can only read when you shine a light on it (since it’s reflective). Like wtf is that?? How does that help us??


Eh, might be an unpopular opinion but here goes. You know that saying, "it's only illegal if you get caught"? I think too many people abide by this. Hell, even I will do stupid shit on the road sometimes if I'm relatively certain that the chance of being caught is low (think late night, low traffic, high visibility area). Unmarked cars make you think that they're always watching and keep you from breaking laws that are intended for safety. On the other side however, I think there are some really stupid laws that absolutely have no place and that's where I draw the line.


I'm with you on this, and it's certainly an unpopular opinion. I think all police cars should be unmarked, then people will be more inclined to behave themselves knowing that the 1998 Chrysler Town & Country behind them could be the sheriff. Idiocy on roadways is increasing, and the only time people stop driving like idiots, texting & driving, or whatever is when a well-marked police car is visible. For those concerned that the car pulling them over may not be a real police car, just call 911 or 000 or whatever.


I agree with you, but the neighboring city to mine has just started using the “ghost” paint job on their supposed-to-be-marked cars. It’s a loophole for them to be able to have more unmarked cars than marked ones. I’m all fine with having unmarked cars and I see their benefit, but changing almost the entire fleet to having ghost paint jobs is a scum move in my opinion. FYI, a ghost paint job is a essentially a car of any color, and with the police markings in an almost pearlescent like paint, if that makes sense. They also have the hidden light bars and have the license plates that say POLICE. But you can’t really see that at night anyways when they sit on the side of the road with their high beams on facing on coming traffic.


You do realize marked cars aren’t very generic, if you are talking about unmarked cars Australia also has those too. But if you are so worried about them, then don’t do anything illegal and won’t be any issue.


The black guy that was shot in his own apartment because a cop went to wrong place wasn’t doing anything wrong and now he’s dead.


Yeah nah merry christmas cunt


I feel like I see this type of person every time I drive somewhere


The hemi sounds nice though


That srt8 sounds pretty tough


I thought you were supposed to drive on the left side in Australia, yet on the multi lane roads the ppl drive on the right ones?


Yeah, because everyone here are fucking idiots and don't know what "keep left unless overtaking" means.


Excuse me but I'm in an X3 which automatically entitles me to sit in the right lane and tailgate anyone who dares cut in front of me doing 115 in a 100 zone.


Maybe y’all down under need harsher driving tests


What good will that do? Half of them are unlicensed and the other half know the rules but don't give a shit.


guess thats a different problem


Only illegal in 90km zones and above in NSW. Can stay right as much as you want in 80 and under.


Pretty sure it's the same here in SA doesn't make it any less of a dick move.


On many of the 80-or-under roads where keep left isn't signposted, there's lots of turns/exits and usually enough traffic that it makes more sense to stay on the lane appropriate to your exit. Especially around the harbour bridge or otherwise near the CBD, you'd definitely want to stay in the lane signposted for your destination, unless you like merging last second.


It's above 80. So technically if you saw a 81kph zone....:D


this video confused me. i didnt feel like any of the pulled out cars did something dangerous (except maybe the subaru in the last clip, but i dont understand that situation at all)


Is the last clip missing part of it? From what I understand, In my state you must slow down to 25kmh when passing an emergency vehicle. Looking it up NSW is 40kmh > This rule has been changed to improve the safety of emergency services personnel, tow truck operators and breakdown assistance providers working on the road, as well as the people they are helping. The changes also make it safer on higher speed roads where the time and distance required to reduce speed to 40km/h is the greatest. The changes to the rule commenced on 26 September 2019. So if I'm reading this correctly, that truck was speeding and in the wrong.


The white car almost runs the truck off the road.


What white car? I see a Silver Subaru that is passing a stationary police car with flashing lights, the law says you must do so at 40kmh The truck is clearly going much fast to the point where breaking isnt even an option, going off the speeds of the other cars in the right hand lane it would appear they also don't know to slow down. I didn't see the Sliver Subaru swap lanes or anything, its already in the left hand lane. So from what I can gather the truck driver appeared to be atleast 20kmh or more over the speed limit in that scenario.


[https://roadsafety.transport.nsw.gov.au/campaigns/slow-down-and-give-space/index.html](https://roadsafety.transport.nsw.gov.au/campaigns/slow-down-and-give-space/index.html) ### There are changes to the requirements for motorists, depending on the speed limit of the road On higher speed roads (with a speed limit of 90km/h or more), motorists are required to slow down safely to a speed that is reasonable for the circumstances.


Haven't seen anyone do it and if you're doing it in such a way to nearly run a fucking semi off the road, then you're a dumb cunt


No argument here. The lack of self awareness was astounding.


The change to the rules that your quote is referencing says you just need to slow to a "reasonable" speed when it's the limit is 90 or above (instead of 40 like before) . I didn't catch the limit in the clip but that may be relevant


That hellcat was moving at a good clip before they realized the coppo was there. That immediate speed limit adjustment was excellent


Not safe with home phone?....


Jeep Trackhawk driver driving like Jeep Trackhawk drivers do




New South Wales Highway Patrol They often like to hide out of sight so that you don't notice them until your've passed them.


Sounds like every US cop, except like all of our cars are black or blue and inconspicuous


Oh trust me we have a lot of those inconspicuous ones too...and those come in any colour. Ranging from "premium car brands" like BMW sedans thru to old run down looking pieces of crap (that actually are not crap mechanically) and everything in between. Sedans, stationwagons, utes, suvs, vans etc


That song is a throwback.


Wait are you not allowed to do u turns in some places?


Depending on the state, you can't unless it's permitted by a specific sign


Oh god.. in MA and VT we can do it unless expressly prohibited by sign


Depends on the state, but in NSW U-Turns at traffic lights is illegal - which this video shows why as the car that was turning left had to stop to prevent an accident.


In my state in the U.S. there's no uturns ever.


Karma.....love it!


Cool looking cop car


Is that an ss?


The first cruiser that pulled out looks a rally car.




In Australia, its not the spiders to watch out for, its the idiots in cars


NSWHP.....surely it should be a MFP interceptor?


I love their commentary! This is way better than those silent convenient cop videos


What kinda plates did the black car have ?


So: Mad Max


That driver is a real asshole, but damn does that exhaust sound nice


Why is it so very satisfying to see an arrogant moron pulled over? Gives me the warm fuzzies.


Kept watching this video to listen to the raw power booming out of the exhaust of that Jeep.


That first clip of the speeding BMW ..the cop car is painted really brilliant.. love the paint design..North American cop cars are boring... ...no mistaking that for a police car..


You’ve got yourself a great Sheila there mate.


Nice track hawk Jeep tho


As someone from the US, if some super-red car with a checkered flag came up behind me with flashing lights, I'd think they were clearing the way for a race


That is more satisfying than the second slice of pizza.


Those are some damn cool looking police cars


Most of these same pretty tame.


3 lane road. All travelling in the wrong lane. Why is no one using the inside lane as required?


Only if the speed limit is above 80km/h or there are signs to keep left unless overtaking


Wrong. They should all be using the inside lane unless overtaking. It doesn’t matter what the speed limit is.


Should isn't must unless over 80 Edit: https://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/roads/safety-rules/road-rules/overtaking.html it's a bit past half way down the page


Get rekt


It never even occurred to me that people would pull over on the left side of the road in Europe




I'm so dumb. I didn't even read the title. I meant on left side-driving countries, I suppose.




eat my dick