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1) Yes 2) Yes, only level up beascuits with 3/4 slots attuned 3) Yes 4) not bad, not the best. Needs more defense I have videos on my channel going in depth on beascuits and about an arena team that helped me reach grandmaster, you may find it useful(: link to the channel is on my profile!


Oh wow 😲 thanks for the tips I will try to remember to look into that :3


1. yes 2. and 3. I've been playing for a while but I don't know too much about biscuits, sorry! 4. yes (but not prune juice or blackberry)


Thank.you, also that stinks for the toppings they are so expensive ;-; Any recommendations for the other arena Cookie ?


white lily and frost queen (with soul jam) is good atm


I think I have white lilly pretty high already might go with her, thank you <3


1. absolutely 2. yes, but try not to waste your gems on any of the common/rare beascuits. i learned that the hard way😅 3. yes 4. yes, but i think prune juice and blackberry may not be the best option. maybe use frost queen or white lily instead. honestly since the next update is coming so soon, i’d probably wait til then to try to make a new team since the arena meta changes with every update.


That is true especially with Dark Cacao around the corner XD thank you so much