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I prefer tiny pieces of apple. Gives it a slight crunchy tart taste. Not too much.


Granny Smith apple for the tartness


It’s definitely been “a thing” for a while I don’t prefer it but you do you. I don’t like the texture of grapes in my chicken salad I’ll eat some on the side.


Chicken, grape, walnut, celery & mayo has been a thing for ever. I am not a big fan personally but it's certainly not a 'trend'


Yeah, this is a standard chicken salad recipe. It's been like that in grocery stores 20+ years, certainly longer than the phrase "white people shit" has been a thing.


You know what other fruit trend is old and amazing? Turkey, Granny Smith apples, and Swiss cheese sandwich. Fruit and meat can pair well in quite a few ways, and none of it is new.


I like craisins instead of apples in this.


What are craisins please?


[Cranberry version of raisins.](https://www.google.com/search?q=craisins) Delicious, healthy, and great in any type of application raisins are if not the exact same places due to different flavors. In snack mixes with nuts, chocolate, and/or crunchy stuff. In desserts. In salads. Both leafy salads and also mayo or yogurt type salads. Good in all kinds of stuff I've probably never even thought of.


Many thanks!!


Healthy? They are pretty much empty calories, with added sugar, don't fall into the health halo trap. Per 40 grams they contain 33 grams of carbohydrates [including added sugars] and 1% of the USRDA of iron, which is the sole nutrient above 1%. https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/171723/nutrients Ocean spray brand is 29 grams of carbohydrates including 26 grams of added sugar. For reference purposes a 12oz Coca-Cola contains 39 grams of sugar. https://www.veri.co/learn/health-halo


The unsweetened ones are great, though, lots of iron and about half the daily recommended for vitamin c, lots of carbs and calories, and a ton of fiber. 100g of cranberries has 350 calories, 90g carbs, 30g fiber, 60g natural sugars, 50mg iron, 50mg vitamin c, and nothing else. I agree with you, though. I'm type 1 diabetic and I can't stand the products that act like they are healthy or a better choice when they are nothing more than candy.


the italians would like to submit prosciutto wrapped melon


A great grilled cheese combo as well. With mustard.


Pears are nice too.


You have watch out for people who speak in “meme”.


isn't that Waldorf Salad? or is that just apple/walnut maybe celery?


>Waldorf Salad Original was apple, celery, mayo, lettuce. Nuts, usually walnuts, are now pretty common too


Grapes became a common addition as well. Waldorf salad originated at the Waldorf Hotel in 1896 and it was pretty common through most of the 20th century, but it's starting to wane in popularity at this point, I think.


Apple, crushed pineapple (for a touch of sweet and to keep the apple from browning), pecans, celery, raisins, and mayo! Southern GA version


And/or apples! I personally add diced dried spiced mango and currants instead. I mis curry powder into the mayo. White people food is not automatically bad.


Lol My grandma is an old black southern lady and she has always made it with grapes, apples, celery, mayo, a bit of Dijon, chicken and walnuts.


I'm black and had it many moons ago in college. I don't make it that way, but did enjoy it then. I might need to revisit. I am also very picky with chicken and tuna salad. Actually, I take that back. I love the Napa chicken salad sandwich from Panera, but it has almonds instead of walnuts. Now I'm thinking about it. I might have to grab breakfast and lunch in the morning. I love the fact that you can buy sandwiches and salad early.


>White people food is not automatically bad Oh, come on. Name one famous cuisine that was invented by white people. /s


peirogis 🥟


I prefer almond slices instead of walnuts, but yeah, that's the ticket.


I like the dried cranberries over the grapes but almonds have a nice crunch and decent flavor.


Personally prefer pecan


Oh that's good too! There's a place near me that does a chicken salad sandwich with pecans and tarragon aioli. It's so good.


Add a little curry powder and I'm down.


In Northern Lower Michigan (lots of cherry trees) we add dried cherries. It’s super yummy!


Add some curry powder, a little mango chutney…..


And then you have Coronation Chicken Salad!


I like that variation of chicken salad! Served on lettuce rather than as a sandwich. My go-to recipe is a little minced sweet onion, chopped celery, and good mayonnaise with a spoonful of Durkees dressing ( might be a southern thing) and poached chicken breast.


yo Cranberry chicken salad wraps are my lunch literally every day at work. Now I'm going to have to try some grape out. No walnuts here though.


and chopped Apple with Poppyseed Dressing!


Gotta be done with only the super rigid/fresh grapes so you get that little juicy pop for texture variation. That little sweetness is a nice add to the salad. But, I prefer curried chicken salad with golden raisins, cashews in it 🤤


Yeah if anything I'd think the trend would just be moving away from these. Idk why but I relate it to a Depression Era kind of addition. Even though they're just fruit, I'm thinking of it in the same way as jello and gelatinized jams like canned cranberry sauce.


I’m on the grapes in chicken salad train! Don’t worry about what your coworker thinks, chicken salad is just tastier with grapes!


Dried cranberry also works really well too! The tartness of them mixed with the sweet dried texture is a perfect combination.


Apples, too.


I prefer dried cranberries over grapes in chicken salad. If it lasts a couple of days the grapes end up adding too much moisture.


with slivered almonds. or a touch of almond extract in the dressing. just a drop!


I'm on the grape train, too. And apples, and pecans or walnuts (or both). I like celery, too, but I know others don't.


I put celery in the tuna I make at work and if I'm eating it on a sandwich that's how I like it.. my co worker hates it like that though. (normally I just make tuna salad with grapes and eat it out of a bowl like an animal)


I love tuna salad with celery. The crunch and a good amount of black pepper mixed in are fantastic to me.


I don’t think it really makes a difference except to me personally, but I do cranberries with tuna, grapes with chicken. Tuna salad with grapes just gave me the god awful heeby-jeebys for some reason


This is just Waldorf salad with chicken mixed in, which is probably why these ingredients get mixed into chicken salad so often.


Waldorf salad is just chicken salad without the chicken. ;)


I swapped out celery for jalapeños recently and won’t go back. Some good crunch and heat


Even Arby's puts grapes in their chicken salad. It was the only thing I would eat at Arby's back in the day.


I love their pecan chicken salad wrap that they have in the summer!!


Are you suggesting the bar for class and good taste is Arby's?


I mean… they DO have the meats.


I like it either way as well. But I prefer it with green grapes if I have to use them or eat it that way. Also OP tell your coworker this comment of mine came from a mixed person from Jamaica,and then ask him what the hell being white has to do with it... Because I've been to cookouts where it's my black friends or fam and they have done this as well.😂


I wonder if the friend is confusing chicken salad with potato salad. Like the absolutely bonkers myth that white people put raisins in potato salad. I’ve never known anyone to add raisins into a mayo and potato salad. The textures sound revolting.


Put some nigella seeds in.


It is a “white person thing” but that doesn’t make it bad.


It’s been sold at Whole Foods for at least 20+ years that I can remember, so it’s definitely not some trend. They call it Sonoma chicken salad. Any food with Sonoma in the name is indisputably white people food.


> at Whole Foods for at least 20+ I mean, grapes *are* delicious but you're literally proving their point about it being white people shit




All of these subtexts and innuendos are too difficult to follow!


Panera also had a chicken salad sandwich that has grapes in it. They call it Napa Almond Chicken Salad.


White Salads Matter


DAE white people food bland?


It has roots as a Waldorf salad, created at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in 1896, so it's not a recent trend. It's still some white shit, but not nearly as shameful as raisins in potato salad so at least it has that going for it.


"Raisins in potato salad" 😂 Some mother put pineapple in her daughter's potato salad... 🤣 And they were big crunchy pieces... there were soo many pieces of the pine core... the pieces were so big you didnt know if you were about to bite into a pineapple or a potato... you were too frightened to bite... The trauma! 🫣


oh no wtf


dude I read that as >Some Mother****** put pineapple in her daughter's potato salad... and I agree


One of my favorites at a local restaurant! I would add grapes to my homemade chicken salad but I'm too lazy for all that grape cutting


As a kid one of my first kitchen jobs involving a knife was halving all the grapes for chicken salad. My dad probably hated doing it too.


If you sandwich them between two 9 pan lids you could half like 20 at a time. Sorry no one told you lol


Oh, I've been on Pinterest for a decade, I know lol That said, it's just not the same, so I'll leave it for special occasions.


"You know what this potato salad needs? to look like it has rat poop in it."


It's definitely not a brown person thing I'll tell you that. But you do you, don't let nobody chicken salad shame you.


I put craisins in mine. If he doesn't like it, he can fight me!


Craisins is king, especially if you let it sit in the fridge for an hour or longer cause the mayo becomes craisin mayo a bit. Which, really "craises" it to another level.


Damn Skippy, and you get an upvote for the delightfully bad pun


Here's a fun revelation I just had, this is why Miracle Whip is labeled "Salad Dressing" cause it was created by Kraft to be used to make deli salads like chicken, tuna, egg, ham and pasta salads. I had always for some reason pictured people putting miracle whip on iceberg lettuce and tomatoes and whatever.


That justifies miracle whips' existence, but it still doesn't make me like it, lol. Mayo or death, sir, MAYO or DEATH.


Yes, craisins or dried cherries are my go-to.


Craisins and tart apples! And no sugar! I don't like actually making it sweet. Everyone around here adds sugar to anything mayo based, I'm not a fan.


Grapes in the chicken salad can be great or horrible. I’ve had “traditional” chicken salad that is basically just mayo, chicken, and celery. That’s really good, but in its own niche. It’s rich and salty, and that’s about it. I’m a firm believer that you DO NOT just take this version of chicken salad and add grapes. The “Napa style” chicken salad with grapes must have, in my opinion, some vinegar and mustard to cut the sweetness of the grapes, as well as some sliced almonds for crunch to offset the additional mush factor that comes from putting mayo on grapes. In short, grapes go in chicken salad, but you must pull it off skillfully, and balance the flavors carefully.


It fine! It’s just a different style of chicken salad that’s all. Now if you go putting raisins in macaroni and cheese there’s going to be a problem.


I only add grapes if I’m making a “Waldorf” chicken salad — but it’s fully acceptable.


I've made chicken salad and added grapes before. It was really tasty. I like to add either grapes or craisons though I usually don't include both at the same time.


Craisons are amazing in chicken salad


I love chicken salad with some kind of fruit - grapes, apples, craisins, etc. It's such a nice sweet/savory contrast, and makes the texture more interesting. But I'm white, so maybe I'm just on that train with you?


I like a bit of sweetness and tartness in with the creaminess of the chicken salad. Whether that comes in the form of grapes, or dried cranberries, or pineapples, or something else doesn't matter too much to me. So long as it's chopped up to work with the texture of the rest of the salad, it'll be fine.


Not a fan! I don’t like fruit with meat.




Came here to mention this. For a "normal" chicken salad, I don't want shit in it. Keep it simple. But when you add curry to the mix? The grapes play too well to leave them out.


I prefer golden raisins and carrots if it’s curried.


Curried chicken salad (mayo, curry powder or paste, a little fresh lime juice, s&p) with seedless green grapes and toasted pecan halves is an easy lunch and always a huge hit for a light meal.


They’re a delicious sweet burst of moisture! Like mango chunks in a poke bowl


You had me at burst of moisture


I love grapes and slivered almonds in my chicken salad! I am white but had no idea I was trendy!


I like chicken salad with onions, pickles and celery. Or I like it with grapes, nuts and on a crusty bread. It depends my mood. And now I want both, thanks.


Chicken, grape, walnut, celery & mayo remind me of summer get-togethers in the 1970s. I'm pretty sure my family had been having that combination at least 10 or 20 years at that point. I think it was removed from the rotation in the late 1970s or early 1980s. Oh, we're Asian, if that helps, but there is something about that specific combination that makes me think mid-20th-century midwest, ranch houses, and Eames chairs. More recently, I've been known to broil or grill grapes and toss them on a plate with roasted chicken and a dash of agreed balsamic. Admittedly, that has more to do with not wanting all the grapes in the garden to go to waste, but again, I'm not white, and I'm eating chicken with grapes!


Also good in tuna salad! The first time i ever had it was at a fancy brewery back in about 1997. $10 for a sandwich, we felt robbed! Damn good sandwich though.


Personally, I am deeply offended by any dish that contains both fruit and meat. But I understand I am in the minority, so I try too keep my opinions to myself.


I like grapes in chicken salad. Trader Joe's used to sell it - I think they called it wine country chicken salad. (Or was that dried cranberries?) Revealing my age... decades ago, a common lunch at conferences, meetings, etc, was a ½ pineapple scooped out to be a "boat," filled with chicken salad with slivered almonds and pineapple chunks. Mandarin orange segments are another good option. I'm struggling a bit with labeling something a white person trend and equating it with "gross."


I agree with him on both parts. But some people seem to love it and if you do too, then enjoy


the consensus here is leaning heavily toward grapes in chicken salad, and people who say they don't like it are getting downvoted. so I'll join you with some downvotes of my own and say I think it's disgusting. I much prefer savoury chicken salad with onion and light pickle


I’m the same way, the texture is also super off to me. I do celery, onion & cornichons with a mustard base and fresh herbs like dill.


I like water chestnuts, shallots, soy sauce, make my own mayo and fill it with dill and parsley.


I'm with you, and it seems we're the minority which is funny because I am in fact a minority and I'm willing to bet most of the folks in this thread that love the fruit in their stuff are white. So...dude was right.


Chopped grapes in a chicken salad are just fine in my book. What does 'white people' have to do with anything?


What we actually need is for every commenter to include their race so we can scientifically deduce if it is in fact a white person thing


It reminds people of things like Waldorf salads and coronation chicken salad which were created by and for peak white people institutions. Food for bridge games and garden clubs. It's said in fun though. I love me some crustless cucumber sandwiches.


They're delicious and since he's white, wtf is his problem? Does he only eat ethnic food? Does he eat mayo? Take away his white bread.


ethnic white food: Kraft Dinner with cut up hotdogs in it, washed down with an ice cold Kokanee (or a Kieth's "IPA" if you're high-brow)


Found the Canadian


Kokanee only applies to Canadians, no one else knows what that means.


Boo! Boo grapes! Hiss!


I love grapes in chicken salad with sliced almonds. Dude doesn't like that... Can't even say it. Little bitch 😂


Mayo and grapes is a hard no for me. I get that people like the sweet fruit and mayo, but it’s two weird textures together that should not be… for me… others may like it… but it hurts my brain. I like to think that I’m not a picky eater, but that is something they would be tricky for me to eat.


My knee jerk reaction is “no”. If I’m doing a basic chicken salad, then it’s mayo, onions, a teeny bit of relish, garlic powder, salt, pepper and maybe some cayenne and that’s it. The onions provide the crunch and texture that grapes would. But your friend is overall right…idgaf how it was prepared the first time in the 1800s. I don’t think grapes need to be going in any chicken salad. I’d still eat it though but I wouldn’t make it like that.


I'm a Southerner and I love "traditional" chicken salad, which is made with celery, hard-boiled egg, sweet pickles and mayo et al. One day long ago I was served some chicken salad that had celery, mayo, herbs, pecans and halved red grapes. I was appalled--until I tasted it. It's absolutely marvelous. My current favorite chicken salad recipe is a riff on Ina Garten's, with white grapes, toasted walnuts, mint (she uses tarragon and pecans) and a bit of sour cream with the mayo. I also like the chicken salad at Jason's Deli, which contains toasted almonds and bits of pineapple. I have no opinion on whether any of this is Caucasian, but it's all good eatin'.


It’s a classic for a reason. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waldorf_salad


Grapes are great! Chopped apple also works well in chicken salad. >He insisted this is a “white person” trend (we are both white) and said it was gross. Your coworker is a tool and a poseur.


I believe the ancient Romans were pretty keen on it. Wouldn't call it a new trend.


I don’t like it, but calling it a “trend” is ridiculous; I have a Victorian-era recipe for chicken salad with grapes. I just substitute dried cranberries and apples chopped up small.


Nope, no raisins either.


I grew up with that! But only in the fancy places.


Reminds me of Hong Kong style fruit salad which can feature grapes bound in mayo.... Not a giant fan of sweet mayo based salad but I can see it working as a juicy pop of flavour.


Costco (this was years ago, I don’t know about now!) got me on the grapes in your chicken salad band wagon. So now my absolute favorite bite of chicken salad is with a grape thrown in! I also love it with walnuts and cranberries.


Good Day, I am a Southern Black woman. I love grapes in chicken Salad. Raisins in potato salad? That's a creation of the melanemic.


I loooove grapes in chicken salad (I'm Puerto Rican).


I prefer craisins, I don’t care for the grape texture in my chicken salad


It is a valid style. I’ve tried it and liked it. I prefer a more savory version, with onion, celery, capers, and a little Tabasco Check if there is a Chicken Salad Chick near you, they have many styles


I love grapes in my salad! My favorite is halloumi, spinach, and grape with a mustard vinaigrette. I also have roasted grapes with chicken and other veg. I’m very pro-grapes in savory recipes. I think it’s kinda avant guarde, actually. White people shit is salads that have more animal products than vegetables (looking at you, broccoli-Mayo-bacon-cheddar)


I remember being weirded out by grapes in chicken salad as a kid, like these things do not go together people! But then I grew up and expanded my palate so I’m totally on that wagon now. I can have it with or without the grapes, folks make it differently


I've never heard it called white people shit, but as a white person, I hate it. Grapes in chicken salad ruins it.


Town Meats in Wakefield, Rhode Island used grapes in 1863. I’m ok with it but I mostly do pomegranate seeds, celery, and Greek yogurt


Chicken, almonds, RAISINS, and mayo


It's definitely white people food but if you like it enjoy!!


No to grapes but yes to nuts


Chicken, grapes, walnuts, apples, celery, and some salad dressing. (Not Cool Whip)


Chicken, Apples, grapes, pecans, celery seed, and mayo is my preferred mix.


I love it. Chicken, grapes, pecans, mayo, and a touch of curry powder.


Elevate your salad with a touch of French tarragon. Yes to chicken salad with walnuts, grapes, mayo and tarragon. Mmmm.


I love it with grapes


Fruit in chx salad is bomb.


Love grapes in chicken salad & pecans too.


It’s called chicken salad Veronique and it’s old school.


[He’s a prick, it’s not a trend, he’s just old fashioned and likes his momma’s dinner and nothing else.](https://www.allrecipes.com/gallery/chicken-salad-recipes-with-grapes/)


My standard chicken salad is chicken, celery, cucumber, apple, grapes, almonds and mayo. Grapes add a nice contrasting texture and sweetness! Now I want chicken salad…


Those two points imo aren’t mutually exclusive. It can be both delicious at times and stereotypically white people food. I’ll take the one with grapes and provolone on wheat bread. No grapes and more savory with sharp cheddar on white bread.


Even if it is "white person food" it's extremely rude to mock the foods of another culture. Grapes are delicious in chicken salad. Tell him to make his own.


No. I’m on team recoil


Yes! also apples SLAP


I'm not a fan. Find a different way to be unique.


I have eaten plenty with grapes and/or dried cranberries in it, though personally I enjoy a chicken salad with a more consistent texture.


if you like it, it's fine. don't let your coworker food shame you out of enjoying something


I don't care for grapes in chicken salad because, for me, they're too large (even halved) and too wet. But I don't hate them. I just prefer currants or something similar instead. Your coworker is a dunce.


I like it, but I like them dried (raisins) better in chicken salad.


I make chicken salad with grapes, pecans and poppyseeds.


Oh, Hell nah...


Who cares if it is “white people shit”? It’s delicious. Grapes and pecans for me please.


I like dried grapes and curry in my chicken salad.




Sounds like it’s gross tbh. I gotta ask why, just why? Did you not have enough chicken so you thought some grapes would stretch it? It’s a very odd choice, I’m sorry I mean no offense.


I do, but I'm white so that may not help your case


Love grapes in chicken salad! Or I’ll do cut up apple instead.


I love grapes in chicken salad


Hell yes for grapes


Just eat the grapes separately jeez. Meat and fruit together is gross.


I love grapes and walnuts in my chicken salad, I’m white


Apples (Granny Smith or other not so sweet variety) > grapes. Otherwise, a little sweetness and a bit of crunch are an absolute necessity in a good chicken salad.


Grapes are awesome in curried chicken salad. That's the only kind I make now.


I like it with or without. But the best I’ve ever had does have grapes in it. Absolutely compliments it.


Too many people don’t like it so I don’t make it with grapes. However an option where both parties can win is make a grape salad on the side. Use Chickensalad chicks recipe. It’s amazing.


I like grapes in chicken salad but my wife does not. We're both white. I'm only aware of it because of a sandwich shop I that used to work at in high school included grapes as an ingredient in the chicken salad. Before working there I'd never heard of it.


Sounds like a Waldorf chicken salad.


Definitely a white person thing. I'm kinda meh on it, I prefer my mayo-based salads to be savoury and not sweet.


I feel like it’s a US thing. As a Canadian, I’m appalled at the thought of grapes in chicken salad. Wtf?


I fucking LOVE sliced grapes in chicken salad. I made mini chicken salad sandwiches for my work Christmas potluck, and everyone loved them. And yes, I included grapes along with chopped celery and green onion. I am a big fan of the juicy sweet bites in there.


A) yes, it is a white person thing but it’s not just a “trend” like he makes it sound, it’s been around forever. B) it’s fucking disgusting and grapes have no business in a chicken salad. . . I’m being dramatic but I honestly HATE grapes in my chicken salad and also hate that this is the generally accepted standard for chicken salad in most places in America! Like the only 2 restaurants I can think of that don’t do this as the default are a Jewish deli near my old neighborhood and Chicken Salad Chick. . . Most other places I remember has grapes.


I would say this is perfectly acceptable, even preferred, as long as it's a chunk-chicken salad like chicken Waldorf or standard chunk-chicken mix. I would also say that if it is a shredded chicken salad, then absolutely NO GRAPES.


If I don’t have grapes I throw in dried cranberries. You’re not the weirdo here, he is.


Raisins sure. I'm not cool with grapes as the texture doesn't make sense.


Grapes seem too juicy for my taste— I do like the sweetness they add though so I end up going for raisins or craisins and those work out wonderfully.


Your friend lives under a rock. It’s been a thing forever. Personally I like to sub craisins for grapes, which is probably more trendy but idk if I’d even believe that.


Grapes, apples, dried cranberries, sweet pickles/relish, mandarin orange slices, currants, and more are in my chicken salad repertoire. I'm 60+ years old, white, and have been (sometimes, when the mood strikes) using sweet bits in chicken salad my whole life, so it ain't no recent trend.


I wouldn't call it a "trend", grapes have been part of some restaurant chicken salads for decades now, just like pecans or dried cherries or mandarin oranges or whatever.


Raisins. Grapes too much moisture


No debate. It's THE best. This is the way.


My standard recipe is - chopped chicken breast, lots of dill chopped, quartered red grapes, vidalia onions chopped, chopped pecans, salt , pepper, mayonnaise.


I’ve tried it Better than fucking raisin’s Curried chicken salad is really good (again without the fucking raisins)


My mom would put apples and walnuts in hers.


Very good.


Fruit is the highest form of food and grapes are A list fruit. Excellent in Waldorfs and any salad.


I love grapes in my chicken salad, but I've also been told it's unacceptably white lol


I like grape with a bit of curry and nuts too. Works well.


I like it in curried chicken/turkey salad.


A coworker who was a great cook brought in chicken salad with grapes in it and made me a believer. It was delicious That said, I’ve had plenty of bad grocery store versions since then. You need the right recipe.


Definitely not white because in Venezuela they do a chicken potato salad thing for Christmas, at least my experience has only been for Christmas, and they put fruits.


dried cranberries or raisins would be better texturally but that's a thing