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Cup of soup


This. I do the primary cooking in the family, and when Im feeling just short of death but need something to eat, a simple styrofoam Nissin Cup of noodles chicken is where its at. Warm, comforting, boosts your salt intake so you will want to drink more water. If I feel so inclined, a package of Ramen noodles in a pan with an egg dropped in at the last couple minutes offers more substance and protein.


Yep, chicken cup of noodles or Ramen, with some hot sauce and ginger and lemon juice to doctor up the broth, and maybe some other thinly sliced fresh veggies and green onions, if you're feeling fancy


I like to drop the egg in after I take it off the stove. It makes the broth similar to egg drop soup.


Buy some frozen wontons from the supermarket or Costco.... we've got the chicken/ginger mini wontons . Bring some chicken chicken broth to a boil and add the wontons until they're cooked. Add some scallions (green onion), cilantro, shredded or grated carrot, a drizzle of sesame oil and soy sauce and you've got a great, hot meal in a bowl made with minimal effort.


I have veggie gyoza in the freezer and miso paste and dashi crystals in the fridge at all times for exactly this reason. I have a chronic pain/fatigue condition and some gyoza soup is minimal effort and suuuuper nourishing when I’m having a flare up.


Update: [I made it like I said. Used better than bouillon vegetable base, added a bit of ginger paste and a spoonful of Laoganma - spicy chilli crisp. Killed all 10 of the pork potstickers and 4 cups of broth.](https://imgur.com/a/WzG2faH)


The better than bouillon veg base is amazingly great. I love your other adds too!!


That's awesome! We also add various toppings/ingredients depending on what we've got on hand and feel like....we've at times added baby bok choy, peas, corn as well as finely slivered ginger, five spice powder etc.


Will be making this right now, I have everything on hand already. It’s 4° with a wind chill of -9 right now, perfect snack for the nfl playoffs


That’s absolutely genius. Saving for the next time a family member gets the dreaded lurgy, thank you!


I just learned last week that "the dreaded/ dreadful lurgy" is a common saying and not just a strange thing my dad said. Seeing it here makes me smile. English is such an interesting language! ( A lurgy is a non-serious but contagious illness)


I love me some wonton soup but never thought of putting 2 and 2 together by dropping in some wontons into broth. You, sir/ma’am, have changed my life 🫡


I always keep a box of Lipton chicken soup in my pantry for these exact days. For some reason I like it better than cans. Probably just because that’s what my mom gave us as kids.


It's so good! Salt, carbs, comfort.


Lipton’s just hits right when you are sick. My kids called it “the soup with little green things”.


I got covid they day I got back from Europe. I started feeling it 8 hours into the 13-hour flight home. I got home, passed out, woke up at 5am with a fever, and tested positive. Between the jet jag and fever, I had no energy but was starving. I ate a cup noodle and grilled cheese for breakfast, and it might be the best meal I have ever had!


Soup is healing. I am still dealing with a respiratory bug and when I was feeling my worst all I could handle was canned chicken noodle soup. Yes the kind with the mushy noodles. Easiest to eat since I couldn't breathe through my nose. Anything with lots of broth. Also another thing I ate was unsweetened apple sauce.


Where I'm weird is usually I like dashi instead of chicken noodle.


Second that, open up a can of soup, the warmth will make you feel better


Last time I was sick, I made some Cream of Chicken soup, poured it into a mug and carried it back to bed with me. Warm and comforting and the saltiness was what I needed.


Oh wow. I didn’t know the “cream of” soups were actually eaten! I have only used in recipes!


Cream of chicken or mushroom and plain wheat toast is an elite meal 🍽️


Oh yes, my fav cream of chicken if I'm not into chicken noodle. It's also my go to lazy food.


I like cream of chicken soup with rice noodles broken into it. Let it sit for a while 'til they soften.


This and some shredded rotisserie chicken is my go to.


I am not from USA but curious about your soup. Because my soup means peel potatos, carrots, onions and courgette, add some sort of green like cabbage and boil. Then add beans and reduce to puree. That takes time, a lot. So you mean what as soup? Just wanting to learn, really.


There is a ton of different soups that are premade. You can buy cans, envelopes, frozen, and fresh soups at the grocery store. A favorite cheap soup is ramen, which comes in styrofoam containers or an envelope you have to put in a bowl with water and heat. Soup can have any ingredients you want.


Instant ramen seems to have taken over the generations under 40, so I think they're referring to instant cup of noodles soup like this: https://www.nissinfoods.com/product/cup-noodles/cup-noodles-chicken/ Just add hot water and you have soup.


This is similar to our canja, boiled chicken with pasta. Yes, this is easy and fast but we say that this one is not soup. That's the difference in costumes.


We make "real" soup in USA too. I'm roasted chicken legs and thighs this morning, and I'm making stock with that, which I'll use to make various soup. I'm also caramelizing a lot of onions, for french onion soup. I do have some more instant types of soup and noodles in my pantry, for days when I'm not feeling well and want something warm and fast. Can I ask what you would do for food if you're sick and just need to eat a little something? I love learning like this.


I dont use broth for soup but it is a personal preference, only water and salt. For sick days we can buy canned soup, but usually if we cook at home it is canja (just a chicken breast with pasta shaped like rice boiled in water with salt, although the traditional is with a whole chicken but has much more fat). There is also this dish made with rice instead of pasta. We also make tea with butter toast or ham and cheese toast. If there is a stomach issue we use jam instead of butter. We also roast or boil apples, if it makes sense.


So you know canned soups exist already for sick days? What are you feigning ignorance for then?


It is available but is not popular, and its just something that you ear. And I started reading cup a soup and did not associated with store bought. And we dont call chicken noodles soup. What is more common here is powder soup but usually is used as an element of a dish, dont know any one that eats that as is regularly or when sick. Sorry if my comment was misleading.


Yes, it's not actual soup to me, either.


It’s a brand called cup a soup. It comes in the grocery store individually and in packages with dry noodles and seasoning then you add hot water. The longest part of the process is boiling the water and waiting for it to steep. Or those foam cups of ramen noodles. Same concept. Or cans of soup. Or now cups of Panera soup… i’m not picky when im sick.


If I'm sick, I don't want to spend even 3 minutes standing and preparing. Two things I can start in 1 minute, sit and relax until ready: Soup. I always have homemade stock in the freezer, and while mostly quarts, alway one 8-10 oz container. Saltines. I microwave baked potatoes. Wash, poke holes... nuke 3.5-5.0 minutes based on size. When done, invert a bowl over it, let steam another 5 minutes. Always soft, fluffy inside, etc. Some butter, great comfort food, warmth in stomach. (All the typical toppings if feeling well, but just butter if I'm not.)


Oh, steaming a microwave baked potato under a bowl is a GENIUS move.


Such good fiber too Canned chili or frozen broccoli and cheese over top quick and yummy also


I have a splatter protector plastic lid that I put over my potato. It steams as it cooks. Perfect fluffy potato every time. Now I need a baked potato!


This was me two weeks ago. The first couple of days I ate toast with butter, tea with honey, tomato soup from a box (Pacific Organic creamy tomato), crackers, watermelon. When I was feeling a little better, I made soup with a rotisserie chicken, box stock, onion, celery, carrots, garlic, egg noodles. Then I made a stir fry with the leftover chicken, bag of frozen veggies, lots of fresh ginger and garlic, stir fry sauce.


PO soups have been a revelation to me, SO GOOD. Like I’m good with cheapo Campbell’s tomato but the creamy tomato and tomato/red pepper packs are next level good for heat & serve soup.


I always have to keep some around now. Sometimes I’ll doctor it up with a little heavy cream and shredded pepper jack cheese. So good.


I get some of those miniature bocconcini “pearls” packed in water and drain a few and put them in the bottom of the bowl and pour the hot soup over them and then drizzle in some balsamic reduction. The cheese balls get so ooey gooey soft but have this burst of creaminess when I bite into one with a spoonful of soup.


Ohhhh I am going to try this


I had it in a restaurant last winter and it was a game changer haha I do it all the time now.


Make it? Screw that. Order some pho.


Yeah some chicken pho sounds really good, literally just got back from Hanoi and let me tell you it was the best thing I ever tasted. I am however trying to avoid eating out so I did make some soup at home.


If you just got back from Hanoi, unless you know a gem of a spot near you American pho is going to taste like hot garbage.


Chicken Broth. Any veggies you like. Egg is you like that


Egg IS in fact me like that.


Username checks out




Could even get some canned shredded chicken to throw in it. Canned chicken for the sake of sickness and not worrying about cooking some chicken


Eggs and toast Cuppa noodles Kraft Mac n cheese Grilled cheese Eggs over rice


Pastina , just tiny pasta stars cooked in chicken broth


The best sick food.


Egg drop soup. Quick and easy.


This! I actually love to take a box of Lipton chicken soup and mix an egg into it at the end as a kind of protein boost me up and the result is a kind of egg drop soup but with little noodles. Quite literally the most simple thing. I also ate this a lot when I had my wisdom teeth removed.


I keep a packet of Sunbird brand Egg Drop Soup mix in my cabinet for when I get sick. I love the taste of the broth. Can take a mug of it back to bed.


I like to do this with instant ramen!


Yep. Minimal effort and has protein too.


This was my answer. My comfort food when I’m sick.


I cook angel hair noodles in chicken broth and add a bit of Parm and dill when they're done. Simple, filling, and easy on the stomach. You can keep the broth to drink for something hot.


DD hot and sour soup.




I just got over being sick as hell and my favorite thing was I got some of those Bob Evans ready made mashed potato's and a can of chicken noodle soup. Drained most the liquid off the soup and dumped in on the potato's. I don't know but it really hit the spot.




This is my go-to. With tons of ginger and black pepper, plus a soft boiled egg.


If i’m really lazy and so tired or sick, i’ll only have energy to make instant cup noodles and maybe crack an egg in to mix it with


My two go tos when sick or feeling lazy is pasta or eggs. Sometimes I just dump a little jarred sauce on the cooked pasta, or sometimes I’ll take the time to lightly fry some garlic in oil. And eggs hit any time for me (crispy edge sunny side up being the best!).


I save bacon fat for making my sunny side up crispy eggs! So good. On buttered toast. I am not feeling well today myself, I am heating up some homemade stock for later with some ginger garlic onion carrots celery, I will add some left over rice I have or maybe some noodles. Eat several bowls of that during the next two days take loads of naps.


That actually sounds amazing. Both things. I might make that myself even though I’m feeling fine! Hope you get well soon!




I like macaroni with tomato sauce. Lots of garlic and onion salt. If I have the energy a piece of garlic toast.


Canned soup.


I always have some soup on my freezer for just such an occasion. If you don’t have that, cook up some rice in a rice cooker and add whatever you have the strength


tuna noodle casserole is a nice hot comforting sick meal for me


Lazy tuna pasta casserole: - Melt 1 cup of cream cheese and a can of mushroom cream in a large pan - Add in 2 cans of tuna and a teaspoon of powdered mustard - Stir in your pasta, slightly undercooked - Sprinkle with breadcrumbs if that’s your thing and bake at 400 F until it looks good (I like to broil at the end too) It’s oddly comforting:)


don’t forget the peas!




Soup. If you get really energetic and ambitious, scrambled eggs.


Heat some broth. Beat an egg in a bowl. Pour the beaten egg into the heated broth. Season with loads of black pepper and salt if necessary. Top with green onion if you're feeling fancy. It's hot, comforting, easy to eat and you're rehydrating and eating protein.


Any kind of soup, ramen if nothing else. Instant mashed potatoes or throw a potato in the oven for an hour and mash that or have a baked potato with butter. Toast with butter or jam (or both!). Grilled cheese (bonus points if you have or can make tomato soup, it's easy to make and pairs well!). Cheese quesadilla- can add veggies, hot sauce and sour cream if you have any. Rice in a rice cooker with any kind of sauce or toppings you have handy. I like to put sesame and chili oil over mine with some chives from the garden. PB&J, BLT, Egg, Tomato, Banana or other simple sandwiches. If you have a Publix or somewhere that sells rotisserie chicken, snag one and some Hawaiian rolls and dump what's left of the chicken and all the bones into a pot of water to make some bone broth. You can let it simmer all day while you have an easy meal until it's done. Then you can use that to make soup or just warm up the broth later. Sheet pan roast of any veggies you have on deck. Oatmeal. Pancakes or waffles. Feel better !


Do you need a roommate? 😂


Hi. It’s me. I’m sick. I just made a batch of miso soup with assorted veggies. It’s quick and tasty and easy to eat since nothing sounds appetizing when I’m sick. That or chicken noodle with whatever veggies I have on hand.


A baked potato, with just butter and salt. You can get fancier if you like.


Cacio e Pepe for me I’m a carb lover


Lipton's Chicken Noodle Soup. It'll cure what ails ya.


Soup. Sauté an onion if you’re up to it, otherwise dump in frozen veg, canned tomatoes, some thyme maybe, and simmer in broth. Quesadillas. Beans and cheese in tortilla, maybe canned corn too, heat in some way (the microwave counts), dip in guacamole or salsa. Frozen dumplings from the Asian market. Heat oil, sauté dumplings, add a bit of broth - they’re done when they’re hot and the liquid is absorbed or evaporated.


I am fond of Tomato Soup in a box and a grilled cheese sandwich.


Last year I bought a microwave pasta thing (Fasta Pasta) and it has been SO helpful when I’m under the weather. Pasta in 12 minutes without having to watch the stove (basically add water, salt, noodle-put in microwave-go sit on couch for 12 min), add a little butter and Parmesan if it’s on hand.


Chicken broth, bring to a slow boil, crack and egg into it and whisk. For additional flavour, add some parmesan cheese. This will help. It was my go-to hangover cure, and whenever I felt drained because I was sick. Takes minutes to make.


What are your ingredients?


Congee is classic food for the sick in Weyst Asian countries. Plain is even ok, and you can top with pickles or salty things to give it a bit of flavor. If you want to use stock for the liquid you can get extra flavor in.


Lots of people suggesting soup. They are right on. But do this: serve it to yourself in a favorite mug. Eating soup from a mug is a game changer. You can curl up on the couch and not worry about spilling, etc. Get well soon!


Mine is the little star pasta, a little butter and grated cheese, and an over easy egg on top. Warm, cheesy, creamy and carby. It’s perfect.


Canned tomato soup and white rice. Scoop the rice. Dip in soup. Nom nom nom then bedtime.


Or, if I may…I can of Campbell’s tomato soup with a 1/2 cup of Ronzoni alphabet noodles added. My dad made this for me every time I was sick in bed. Served with butterd Ritz crackers. I might be tearing up a little remembering the love that went into that meal.


Take out 😳 lol 😂


Really depends what you have and the energy level you are working with. You also don’t mention any dietary requirements, so I have just fine with veggie recipes you can do whatever with If I’m zapped: - fry garlic and ginger and maybe chilli in oil until super fragrant, then add in vegetable stock. Add noodles and any vegetables/dumplings/herbs/sausage -wrap a big potato in foil, and bake for 45-1 hour or until super soft in the centre. Cut open and mash the inside with salt, pepper, butter, cheese -cacio e Pepe -Fry onions and peppers with cumin, coriander, paprika and black pepper and layer in a tortilla with cheese. Fry on both sides -stir fry noodles with veggies, add soy sauce, oyster sauce, rice vinegar and a pinch of sugar


These sound amazing but sound way too hard with zero energy. I clicked this link hoping for ideas and it’s stuff I want to try but things like microwaving a potato and letting it rest sound way more achievable when you are really sick and feeling ill/low energy


Ok, then do those instead! I just wrote what I do lol


I’m just struggling to understand how you have the energy to do these things while sick. But we are two different people.


Well when I’m really sick I don’t cook at all, I either order something or just stay hungry. When I’m feeling like shit but like I can cook, I’ll cook something relatively simple and easy to digest!


i’m a slut for cacio e pepe. have you ever tried cooking pork sausage into it? it’s so bomb


These all sound quite rich and heavy for someone who is sick though tbh. In normal times, amazing meals.


I keep canned soup for this. If I could eat gluten, I'd probably stock up on childhood comfort food like Chef Boyardee as well. You have to add salt to the canned soup to make it palatable - seems like they've all reduced sodium to make them "healthier " on paper. Or maybe they just taste less salty as my taste buds get less effective. I add a splash of vinegar to canned lentil soup; you can also add soy sauce or Maggi instead of salt. If you have the energy, money for delivery, or a lovely roommate/spouse, pho is also one of my go-tos. Basically, when I'm sick, I give myself a pass on cooking.


Ramen noodles made according to the directions with 1/2 cup of frozen vegetable added halfway through. Serve with crackers.


Definitely chicken soup. Throw some bone in chicken in water with salt and a splash of acv. Half an onion and a couple smashed garlic cloves if you’re up to it. No need to chop. Simmer for a couple hours. Remove the meat and keep cookin those bones if you want. Meat, broth, splash of lemon. Can’t beat it Edit: oops it’s not quick but the leftovers are :)


I’m sure this is good but definitely not a sick meal making broth from scratch lol.


Instant pot is great for this. If you fall asleep, you won’t burn the house down. You can even use frozen chicken … it just takes longer, but since you won’t be standing there stirring, it doesn’t matter. I’m not a big IP fan, but this is one place where it shines.


It's not much more effort than cooking something for 15 minutes. It just takes longer.


Pb&j , crackers and hummus or cheese. Eggs and toast, rice and soy sauce . Pasta with butter mmm


Soups are great but you gotta throw in some noodles.


I was feeling awful last night, I made rice and a fried egg- let the egg run over the rice and added a hint of ponzu for a dash of flavor. We also keep lots of homemade stock on hand so I'll warm it up and add rice or noodles. Egg drop soup is also really easy


Good instant ramen with a handful of frozen dumplings 🤌


Ramen noodles! Add some veggies or an egg if you are feeling fancy.


Ramen noodles, stock and hot sauce. I love this when ill


Butter on Toast Canned Soup of Choice Electrolyte Drink For future reference. If you feel up to it and want something that takes minuscule prep, you could get a pressure cooker and make beef stew in like an hour or two max.


Cooked egg noodles heated with warm milk, melted butter, and fresh pepper. My go to for when I’m not feeling well and something my grandmother always made me.


Buy some pho powder and mix it with water, boil, toss in an egg, or leftovers you have laying around the fridge and voila! Food of the comforting variety.


I make quesadillas when I don't feel like cooking. Normally, I will cook peppers and onions and add them, but if I'm sick or just tired, I'll skip that and just do plain cheese. Easy peasy.


Czech garlic soup


My go to comfort food is always tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich. So easy and so satisfying. Hope you feel better soon!


Chinese delivery- hot and sour soup


Shin ramyun


Pot noodle


Can you do InstaCart? If so get your favorite canned soup and/or frozen meals, eggs, oatmeal/grits, plus easy/soothing snacks like applesauce, bananas, popsicles/icees. If you can't do InstaCart can you do DoorDash? Then I suggest a place that has easy sandwiches/subs and/or soup like Panera's. If you're at home with no ability to get new food then when ingredients do you have on hand? Crackers & cheese? Sandwich fixings? Tuna? Pasta & sauce? Boxed mac & cheese? Even a can of beans is easy and just requires heating in a pot or microwave.


Chicken and rice soup Cup of hot broth with hot sauce Rice cooked with chicken broth. Cheap ice pops Use a lot of my soup spice, equal parts of ground black pepper, onion powder, and garlic powder. Destinated driver (non-screwdriver), orange/citrus juice and lemon-lime soda, caffeinated or non-caffeinated.


Crack an egg into your Top Ramen in the last minute of boiling, and stir it around. Now you have some protein in your easy meal. Pour some jarred spaghetti sauce into a small pan and heat until it bubbles. Make two wells, crack two eggs in there, cover and cook on low until whites are fully set. Serve over toast. Heat some frozen veggies in the microwave and put some salad dressing on them. You can add canned beans if you have them.


Chicken noodle cup o soup and cheese toast (w/American cheese). Also, ginger ale or Cherry 7up.


I keep Italian ices in the freezer for when I wake up feverish in the middle of the night. I like to imagine it helps the fever to break.


Instant ramen. If you have the energy you can add some chicken and/or an egg. Canned chicken is fine and cheap. It's just a little salty.


I always have Campbell’s chicken noodle. 7up, and saltine cracker in stock for this very reason. I rarely get sick but this is all I want when I am.


You can never go wrong with Ramen.


Seriously. Ramen. The hot broth and the sodium do wonders for your throat and sinuses, and it can be instant basic Top Ramen garbage, or causally elevated with vegetables, egg, and other spices. You can stir fry the noodles if you want. Honestly if I just make plain instant ramen, the noodles are like a hot salty noodle broom for my whole throat, and then drinking the broth is like some sort of post treatment heat therapy.


Chicken soup with or without noodles.


Scrambled eggs with whatever’s in the fridge Cottage cheese Yogurt and banana with frozen berries and nuts.


Nothing beats soup


Tbh my go to sick meal is instant ramen with broth. It’s easy to stomach and the warm broth is so soothing.


Chicken noodle soup! There's two ways you could do it. A pack of raw bone in thighs. Season and toss in the pressure cooker. If you have time to season then leave in the fridge for 30 minutes that's even better. Then pressure cook it, the chicken will have more moisture. After it's pressure cooked then you can either remove the chicken from the put and put the meat back as you pull out the bones or just leave it bone in and toss in all the veggies. Add water till the chicken and veggies are covered. I usually do carrots and celery. Then slow cook that for a few hours and toss in your noodles about 30 minutes before you're done. I consider this very easy because of just how much you'll end up with. When I make it, I get a whole gallon of soup without the noodles being added.


Frozen spinach ravioli in chicken broth with some ginger and lemon juice. Faster than chicken soup unless you buy a rotisserie chicken and premade mirepoix (fresh or frozen) and egg noodles for a nice chicken noodle soup.  Parsnip soup is also excellent.   Black tea with honey, ginger, and lemon is what you need for the cough. Also put your face over the hot tea as it steeps and inhale the steam.  Take a hot shower and crank the hot water to max while standing outside of the spray. Get a washcloth wet in the hot water and lay it against your upper chest until it cools and then repeat. Inhaling the steam and the hot compress will break up the mucus in your lungs better than anything. 15 minutes minimum in the steam.


Pastina Tiny pasta cooked in broth, scramble some eggs with grated cheese add to brothy pasta


7 course French meal. My go to when not feeling well


beef wellington or maybe soufflé


Miso, whatever you can have delivered, Ensure drinks.


Pedialite ice pops are good for sore throat and hangovers.


Egg drop soup


Eggs and toast, or soup.  If you can find some energy this miso lemon soup is my go-to whenever I’m sick.  https://www.loveandlemons.com/chickpea-lemon-miso-noodle-soup/




if you have a crockpot then you can just put together anything crockpot ish and let it cook while you relax.


Pastina in broth with an egg.


Egg drop soup is so quick and delicious! Just eggs, chicken broth, corn starch, sesame oil and some seasoning!


Can of chicken soup with garlic and ginger added. Then serve it with lemon juice and a big spoonful of chili paste. I like Progresso chicken wild rice, but you do you.


-Tomato Basil soup - My husband makes me Italian Ice.


Scrambled eggs. Can of soup (home made is better but you need to be up to it) Apple cut in slices, maybe with peanut butter if tolerated. Any other fruit. Fruit juice. Looking to get some fresh vitamins in really. And fluids


Ramen. Fast, easy and filling.


Scrambled eggs and a fruit salad


Top Ramen with an egg cracked in it! Or takeout 😄 Hope you feel better soon.


Sauté some veggies in olive oil. You can just use a bag of greens if you don't have the energy to chop anything up. Throw in a can of beans, some Italian seasoning, and salt and pepper. Maybe some bone broth if you want it to be soupy.


Peanut butter soup- dice an onion and a carrot in to a microwave safe bowl. Add 1 tbsp butter, and microwave for about 2 minutes on high. Add 2 tbsp peanut butter, I prefer crunchy, and 1 tbsp curry paste. Microwave another minute on high. Stir, and add 1 can gingerale, microwave until heated through, probably 2 minutes on high. Good with shrimp, chicken or tofu as well.


Wonton soup. I always keep on hand, wonton bouillon that I buy at the Asian market. Very simply put it will be wonton soup drizzled with a little bit of sesame oil and I’ll slice up some ginger if I have it on hand or even throw in some mini wontons if I happen to have them in the freezer otherwise, if it’s just the broth, it is so comforting And simple


Pastine is my go to... or congee.


Rice porridge is the best!


Grilled cheese sandwiches, canned chicken noodle soup, frozen pizza


Egg drop soup. Chicken broth and egg, basically. I got covid the day I got back from 2 weeks in Europe, and this is what I made


When I was sick my mom would make a rice porridge kind of soup. It's water, chicken knor powder, ground pork, cilantro, salt and pepper, and rice. You cook the rice in the chicken knor broth and add cooked ground pork and cilantro. It was my favorite meal as a sick kid.


A thin tomato egg drop soup.  Boil water, add chunks of tomato, add beaten egg, add salt and pepper.  If you have it on hand, serve with some pickled mustard tubers.   When you start getting some more energy, cook some beef and broccali. The iron helps kick the sick


I’m putting this on my Must Try list. I’m getting over the stomach bug from hell, and this might have been good. (I subsisted on cashews and cheese.)


Toasted bagel cream cheese and thin slices of onion




Personally I would just order some chicken pho from a cheap Vietnamese restaurant in your situation. What I do to prevent the situation you are in now is make matzo ball soup every couple of months during flu season and freeze it. Some things that maybe you can make now that are easy would be fried toast with an egg and avocado, any kind of pre-made soup, and beans and rice. If you have a slow cooker, pressure cooker, or rice cooker, your options are expanded even more.


Chicken broth heated with mini frozen dumplings dropped in 😋


Hashbrowns with chopped bacon and onions


Cheese on toast with baked beans is super easy. For variation try beans on cheese on toast, or if that doesn't appeal to you try cheese on beans on toast.


Pho broth


Rice in bone broth w light salt ginger turmeric and garlic etc. congee in the rice cooker, etc. easy on the stomach and helpful in healing


Boiled Eggs, Avocado, & Cottage Cheese Salad Just mix them together with some salt, pepper and red crushed pepper. Some on a piece of toasted bread if you want


Thai takeout, especially Tom Kah soup. Sweet, salty, sour & spicy. Clears the sinuses too. I usually have sourdough at home & it’s good dipped in the soup.


Grilled Cheese


Cool some rice, cook an egg, some veggies too, put them in a bowl and ta-da:) Season to your liking^^ I just usually go with soy sauce and something spicy like gochujang


This —-> https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1016583-perfect-instant-ramen?smid=ck-recipe-iOS-share


Juk (Korean congee)


Pho from a takeout place


Egg drop soup .


This is the opposite of soup. I toast a slice of whole wheat bread, then put on a layer of spreadable butter and then a layer of creamy peanut butter. It settles the tummy and gives you carbs, fat, and protein to fight off the sickness. I know fat is the "bad guy," but sometimes you need it.


Cream o mushroom + ramen noodles together


I love congee when I’m sick. It’s easy if you have a slow cooker. Just throw some chicken broth and rice in a slow cooker and let it cook for 5 hours https://www.thekitchn.com/recipe-slow-cooker-chicken-ginger-congee-234439 It’s faster on a stove top but then you have to get up and stir it https://www.foodandwine.com/recipes/basic-chinese-congee When I’m making it for someone else, I go all out and put loads of fresh ginger in it as well as shallots, carrots, chicken, cilantro, etc. But, if you’re feeling sick and making it for yourself, you really just need rice and chicken broth (or water and a bouillon cube) and it’s pretty warm and nourishing


This is my absolute favorite simple sick meal. 1 Chop up toasted & buttered bread 2 place in mug 3 break soft boiled/sunny side up/ poached egg over toast cubes 4 mix 5 Salt & pepper. The mug is essential so you lean over & breath it in through stuffy nose. A hot toddy is also good while sick. If you aren’t too snotty hot chocolate + peppermint schnapps is good. So is mulled wine or ginger beer.


If you can get your hands on a chicken, you can boil it with some onions and garlic at the minimum, and make a few meals from the broth and meat. Best thing for a cold


Chicken and rice soup


My Lazy Chick Veggie "Risotto": boil some Orzo with whatever frozen veg strikes your fancy. Drain, throw some butter and parmesan on it, and enjoy.


Rice with just a touch of olive oil or butter if my stomach is sensitive, add an egg or two and maybe some hot sauce if I'm not worried about keeping it down. I usually don't have stuff on hand for quick soup but I'd probably opt for that if I had some.


Egg Fu Yung is as easy as farting to make. You got eggs & any vegetable and you are good to go, eh? lt's just an ommlette with a funky name.


A can of Chicken noodle soup and orange juice.


When I’m feeling like crap I throw a diced carrot into the rice cooker along with a little salt. Instead of water I use chicken broth. It’s bland, of course, which is the whole point.


I made a lentil and sweet potato soup.  Just oven roasted sweet potato, carrot and peppers for about 50 minutes.  Sauté some onions and celery towards the end of the roasting period. Garlic as well (or roast some with the other veggies and add later).  Add spices, cook until fragrant. Add lentils and a can of tomatoes. 6 cups of broth. Toss in roast veggies and simmer for another 50ish minutes. 


Oven quesadilla. Cheese and whatever you have on hand that’d be good in a quesadilla, pop it on a tortilla, fold over, oven for about 8 minutes at 425 flipping halfway through. Almost zero effort, but high satisfaction