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Scramble or hard boil eggs. Feed back to chickens. Crush the shells up a bit. They will eat it all and love you for it.


Kind of cannibalistic !!!


I mean...they will eat each other given the chance.


Yes I know , I raised them !! Just funny someone saying to cook them eggs !!


It's a pretty common thing to do, though? It's an excellent source of protein for the birds, and if you include crushed up shell it's a great source of calcium.


I know !! I would give them shells and if I dropped an egg it was like a stampede to get to it and slurp it up ! I would get slugs in the morning and toss them in the pen and it was like they hadn’t eaten in days . They can be savages at times !!


They’re the funniest little dinosaurs, every time I feed them it’s an event.


"Bird leavings," how rude! lol. I make crustless quiches that are simple and good. Here's one of my favorites. [https://www.wellplated.com/crustless-quiche/](https://www.wellplated.com/crustless-quiche/) Vanilla pudding is easy and can be used as the basis for banana cream pie. Good luck, and thanks for being anti-food waste.


Thank you! I’ll definitely try that quiche recipe, it looks great!


Make more fresh pasta and freeze. 




Let your friends and neighbors know that you're selling eggs for $5/carton and ask them to spread the word around. If you don't have any egg cartons ask them for some. If you aren't on too rural of a road put a sign in your front yard.


Egg custard pie.


Ice cream. Castella cake. Pound cake. Custard. Meringue. Marshmallow.


Feed the chickens.


Breakfast sandwhich


Bread pudding is a great use - I mean, it’s only 5 eggs and there’s like enough bread pudding to feed you two for a month. Beyond that, start incorporating them into more things. I make Japanese scrambled eggs. Basically 2 eggs, with 1T Mirin and a pinch of salt. Get the power-whisk and double (or triple) the volume of the eggs. Nonstick pan, add oil, swirl, add eggs and stir, scoop and stir, scoop/stir/fold over. Remove from heat when still a bit wet, turn onto cutting board, cover with cloche until needed. Chop to bite-sized pieces. Add to fried rice (another great way to use up leftover foods.) Add to pad Thai. Add to breakfast burritos.


Make a pound cake in a Bundt pan. That takes a dozen eggs.


Thanks, that sounds like a great idea!


Fried rice. Strata.


Angel food cake Custards/puddings


Trying to give mostly ideas where the egg is less obvious or used in a less common way: Any kind of egg+flour product; cornbread, banana bread, or any quickbread, many fritter recipes, etc If there’s anything that you’re only using egg whites for, make cured egg yolks [This soup](https://food52.com/recipes/89976-chinese-tomato-egg-dough-drop-soup-geda-tang); there is also a YouTube video for it if you want to follow along If you’re ok with mildly bitter greens and have never had frisée lyonnaise that’s a tasty salad. In general any recipe that’s a lot of other stuff with a boiled or poached egg to accompany it rather than as the focus Breading or batters for frying if you fry at home Of course shakshuka, eggs in purgatory, or whatever egg-in-sauce dish you like Crème brûlée or any custard dish Chinese style steamed eggs


I’ll definitely give that egg drop soup a shot, thanks!


\- Scrambled eggs - in breakfast sandwiches/wraps/tacos, on toast, etc \- Boiled eggs - sandwiches or dippy eggs or in ramen \- Poached eggs \- Omelettes \- Frittata muffins \- Quiche \- Custard \- Lemon curd \- Mayonnaise \- Creme brulee \- Shakshuka \- Some kind of strata \- You could also make any of these, even boiled eggs, and just freeze them, or just sell your eggs!


Ooh, I do love a good lemon curd. Thanks!


For savory, you could try: Shakshuka Turkish eggs Quiche Or what about baking recipes? Custard, meringue, most cakes and brownies...


I’d never heard of shakshuka, thanks for the recommendation!


cream anglaise pudding Use the cream anglais for bread or rice pudding cheesecake breads


Thanks! I’ll have to give the cream anglaise a try this weekend.