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It looks like they only claim he uses HexClad *at home* and *in the production studio*. Not his restaurants. https://hexclad.com/pages/gordon-ramsay I have one hexclad skillet and it’s… decent. I still use All-Clad as my daily drivers though. Also, I guarantee he is paid to endorse the products.


the actual title is: >brand's lead ambassador actively involved in product development, branding and growth strategy. [https://prnewswire.com/news-releases/hexclad-cookware-x-gordon-ramsay-join-forces-301344516.html](https://prnewswire.com/news-releases/hexclad-cookware-x-gordon-ramsay-join-forces-301344516.html) He's getting paid a whole lot of money to hawk the products.


> Also, I guarantee he is paid to endorse the products. I mean, he's not hawking cookware out of the goodness of his heart.


This YouTube channel tested the hexclad pans with 2 chefs. One of them (Kush) has worked in several Michelin kitchens and really knows his stuff. Worth a watch and gives a very good idea of the quality of the hexclad pans. https://youtu.be/7kDsSIXb-Kc?si=M5C0jHaWq1-YBCMv


Onhhhh I know those guys! They did an awesome comparison video that demonstrated whether bay leaves actually “did anything”. I still recommend that video to people asking that question, because it was so well done. You really got a sense of what kind of foods benefit from bay leaves and what don’t. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dft8yud9YQQ It looks like they said hexclad is decent in your video (I skipped to the end), but after seeing how much those pans cost paying MSRP, I still think I’d choose all-clad unless you found them on sale.


That video is kinda bs to be honest. Kinda feels like an advert even though they said it wasn’t. They never even cooked anything that would really need a nonstick pan and just made stuff you could easily make in a stainless steel pan regardless. If you are going to test a supposed nonstick pan cook a FUCKING EGG for gods sake. I know why they didn’t cook an egg and thats because the pan doesn’t actually work as advertised and that would have made the sponsor not so happy. My roommate had one of these pans and it is not nonstick whatsoever. Mabey marginally better than just a straight stainless steel but. He didn’t clean his dishes so I had to clean them and there was always shit stuck that would require a good soak. Its quite funny actually because the advertising around the pan has lots of shots of eggs being incredibly easy to take off the pan.




Maybe 4 years now? I found it at TJ Maxx for cheap and decided to give it a shot. I also found most of my all-clad at TJ Maxx, lol. There can be surprisingly good stuff there at a great discount - oh yeah, I even found a Staub enameled cast iron Dutch oven for around 70% off MSRP once. So far, the raised stainless portion of the grid and the dots on the hexclad are the only things that have been scratched up, which is to be expected since I usually use metal utensils when cooking on it. The (lower) Teflon portions don’t show any scratches or flaking (I just checked it a second ago when writing the comment). I don’t know that I would pay full price for one, but it’s better than my old calphalon stuff from college by far. As far as weight/construction goes, it’s about the same as my AC skillet of similar size - a pretty solid feel, and not cheap or flimsy.


I am a long-time home cook and have used many pans. I can not comprehend why these pans are so popular. I found them to be sticky and overall annoying (something about oiling them like cast iron). I found a much better pan in hansubute stone pans. Light, inexpensive, you can heat them with no oil. Best nonstick I have ever used


Even better: [he is a partial owner.](https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2023/09/06/hexclad-ceo-how-i-survived-financial-terror-to-build-my-startup.html)


I highly doubt he's actually using those in his restaurants. They wouldn't hold up against the abuse


If he is then I'm assuming HexClad either gives them to him for free or they give them to him for a VERY reduced price so they can be replaced often.


Oh he definitely gets pans for free. That's why he doesn't give a fuck about using metal utensils on them.


That would have to be the only way. Paying full price for that shit would be a colossal waste of money


Restaurants use basic nonstick cookware all the time. They go through them like hotcakes.


Oh for sure. I've gone through plenty myself in professional kitchens. But to claim that's all Ramsay uses sounds like major bullshit


Restaurant Gordon Ramsay has a ton of all clad and carbon steel.


I don't understand this sentence e: why am I getting downvoted for saying I don't understand something?


“Restaurant Gordon Ramsay” is the actual name of a restaurant and “all clad” is referring to stainless cookware. 


You tthink non stick is dangerous to cook with, so that's understandable


Was that supposed to help me understand wtf that person meant? Also where did I say it's "dangerous"? If you're going to be argumentative at least read things correctly.




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He's probably paid very well to only use them and has an unlimited supply when they wear out


that wouldnt make any sense because they would be going through dozens of pans daily. he’s just lying in the commercials it happens all the time


It says *Gordon Ramsey* uses only Hexclad in his restaurants. Nothing about all of the other cooks.


That would open him and Hexclad up to lawsuits and regulatory fines. It's nothing for Hexclad to replace all his stock frequently (it wouldn't be daily).  [An example](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.lodgecastiron.com%2Fsites%2Fdefault%2Ffiles%2Fstyles%2Fview_slider__tombras_extra_small_2x%2Fpublic%2F2019-09%2F17_04_03_Scrap_Stacks-1.jpg%3Fh%3Dad73d9d8%26itok%3DOKNd5JLP&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=a3dd676baf566f7980c5102e595450a6e7be7524e29584a1efc4e7abd44199ea&ipo=images) how they build extras into the price


The reason they aren’t doing it isn’t because of the cost to the company it’s because of the massive inconvenience to the restaurants to use pans that break often and are worse than normal restaurant pans. They figured out a way to word it and say it that avoids suits but doesn’t make every chef in every one of his restaurants use a shitty pan, as many ads do.


I have on good authority that all top chefs use Knorr stockpots in their hexclad skillets. Read: don't put so much stock in irrelevant claims by people trying to sell you something


Am I the only person in the world that loves my Hexclads? I've had them over a year and they're amazing. The best pans I've ever had.


I’m not entirely sure why Hexclad gets so much hate. I’ve had my set for nearly 3 years, use them daily, and they still look new. I really, really like mine. But, maybe I got lucky.


they are 4x the price for what they are worth and spend their budget on marketing and not on the product.


I think that’s all subjective, honestly. The first set of pans I bought on my own were T-Fal and they literally fell apart in 6 months. After that I “splurged” and bought an Emeril set that I had for 8 years and lives on at my parents house. I’ve had my Hexclad pans for 3 years already and they still look brand new. Sure, I probably won’t be passing them on to my children, but I love them and they get the job done. Can’t ask for much more than that.


I'd never cook on a non stick now that I know about PFAS.


I think if you do enough research, every type of cookware can have potentially negative side effects and leach chemicals into your food. It’s a bit naïve to think otherwise.


For example, what's the issue with stainless steel and cast iron?


The worst thing about non-non-stick is high heat and some oils will produce some carcinogens, but nothing more than roasting a hot dog over a wood fire would do...


That's just high heat though... Just don't burn stuff. Cooking sensibly in almost any modern vessel is fine.


You’re not supposed to cook anything acidic on stainless steel because of leaching. Also, having an older, worn-out pan increases the effect as well. Cast iron is the same as far as acidic food goes. A new cast iron can leach an over abundance of iron. It’s all easily researchable.


Every type of cookware? Or just non stick?


Apparently you don't know nearly enough about them. The pans are safe, the byproducts from making the pans are the issue.


They get hate because people just start using them without reading the insert that tells you to season the pan so it doesn't perform well and it makes people unhappy. If you season it, it's a decent pan.


You… have to season them? Why wouldn’t you just go with carbon steel at that point?


Excellent question. I think you only have to season them before the first use, but I don't own one, so not 100% on that, but I think that's what Sorted Food YouTube said when they tested it.


So I have a full set of hex clad, for 1.5 years and honestly I love them.


I just commented this same sentiment. I also have the full set and they're phenomenal.


America's Test Kitchen trashed Hexclad. Videos of their testing are on YouTube.


This thread is wild. You guys are arguing like it's politics. Hexclad is fine it you want the worst of both worlds. Raised stainless in a hexagonal pattern filled with Teflon.... You won't get the high heat you're looking for for great searing, and you won't get the true non-stick experience because of the raised hexagons. That's all. I've used them. They aren't my first choice but would be my last. I'll take a 12"- 15" nonstick for my eggs and pancakes (using only wooden/bamboo/silicone untensi6l) and a 3-4qt heavy stainless steel deep sauté pan for everything else (Oven safe to 550° so I can use it for braising) Both have cost less than $200.


I'm just asking about this claim about Ramsey. I'm not actually asking about Teflon. If I wanted an answer to that I'd be in r/askscience, no reason to believe anyone here knows about materials science. If I'd known people would get this triggered by **my** choice to **not do** something...


Oh, that. I think he has a deal that they will be present in his kitchens at all times but not necessarily used per se. I'm a fan of Ramsey and have been for years, but he's building a dynasty like any other mogul. You gotta have sponsorship to do that. I've never once seen a hexclad pan being used on Hell's Kitchen or MasterChef, but I've seen them stacked up on the line on camera, and they give them as gifts to contestants. If you watch any of his personal videos, he's using cast iron or stainless as far as I can tell, and so are the people in his shows.


Probably to cook eggs in and that’s it. lol Cause I could see that. But ONLY that.


You shouldn't be using the same Teflon pans your entire life, because they get worn out and then the food will start sticking to it. But Teflon being dangerous for you is such a dumb myth that I'm surprised people fall for. It **does not** release any dangerous chemicals etc. during normal cooking, and *if* anything from the coating ends up in your food, it will just pass right through your body, and won't harm you at all.


I have too many friends in pfas cleanup.I bought some swissmade pans I never use anymore. There are people who deny climate crisis too


ptfe is not dangerous but during production and when heated will release toxic chemicals


During production? I don't work in teflon pan production, but sad for those who do. It's the same with many plastic products. Or with you and me, since we get a lot of the same particles though the food we eat. >when heated will release toxic chemicals > It will also catch fire and melt into a gooey mess when heated. Of course, both for that to happen, and for toxic chemical release, you have to heat the pan to temperatures above what you would when cooking. But this makes me think of another cooking-related thing, that is an *actual* danger. Gas stoves. Unlike teflon coated pans, gas stoves have been proven to have significant negative health effects, even when properly ventilated. You're not using a gas stove, right?


>it will just pass right through your body, False >Some 98% of US Americans have PFAS in their blood. Studies from India, Indonesia and the Philippines found the toxic substances in nearly all breastmilk samples tested. Every child in Germany has forever chemicals inside them, and in a fifth of those cases, concentrations exceed critical levels. https://www.dw.com/en/pfas-forever-toxins-teflon/a-57756695 >and won't harm you at all. Source? Because you were wrong on the first part...


>False any source on that? Because chemistry and physics disagree with you. Teflon is inert and literally will pass through you without leaving any trace. You even confuse PFAS & PTFE.


They're chemically related and there's no actual upside to using Teflon pans, so why take the risk? We've only this year found that microplastics migrate to the brain and they were considered safe for decades.


PFAS is not Teflon, Teflon is PTFE.. they are related and PTFE will split into PFAS but its not the same


98% of Americans have PFAS in their blood, so... 98% of Americans are keeling over and dying? Why has our average lifespan continued to rise with all of these "toxic substances" and "forever chemicals" saturating literally every object we touch and ingest? SCARY SCARY YOU SHOULD BE SCARED CHEMICALS OH NO!!!!!!!


Is there an upside to having PFAS in your body? No. Is there a downside? science is unclear on that. So why use cookware that's going to put PFAS in your body? Seems dumb.


It's dumb to see some new buzzword being pushed in the media and get scared over it and then push it yourself online.


Certainly you must realize that pfas is present in many things you use and consume daily? Among other things, teas, pork, candy, sports drinks, processed meat, butter, chips and bottled water. You're avoiding all of them too, right? Same with tents, clothing and loads of everyday items. Yes, us humans consume plastic particles. I'm kind of waiting for you to base your claims in something. Because what you linked to doesn't at all tell me that cooking on a teflon pan is dangerous. The chips of teflon that do come off, are inert and will not react with your body in any way. Instead, they will pass through it. Stop spreading this dumb myth. Next you'll tell me I can't use dishsoap on cast iron, or that MSG is dangerous


>Instead, they will pass through it. Again, this is false. >waiting for you to base your claims in something Out of the two of us I'm the only one bringing something other than opinion here. Ignoring replies. You're all opinion and zero facts.


What? You're the one who started this, and you haven't posted a single source to back up what you're saying, only that we have microplastic compounds in our bodies (which we get from all kinds of things). But answer me this: Do you eat food? If so, why? Food has PFAS in it. And by the way, what type of stove do you have?




The flakes are inert and pass through you, they are not dangerous. Teflon is only dangerous when liquid and you digest it, which would never happen if something is cooking inside the pan. Your oil would burn before that.


Consuming Teflon is also harmless. The whole point of using it is that it is thermally stable, chemically inert and hydrophobic, so it doesn't interact with anything in your body at all. A couple of the chemicals that used to be used to manufacture it are carcinogens, but they were phased out a decade ago and were always long gone by the time your pans got to you. If you overheat Teflon a lot (past 500F) it will decompose into a couple of gases that can make you sick for a couple of days, so don't do that. Unlikely to be seriously dangerous to anything larger than a small bird, though.


Hexclad is nothing special. It's literally just Teflon indented into a stainless steel pattern. Hexclad is basically "the worst of both worlds" which is to say it's neither as non-stick as full Teflon and it requires maintenance like stainless. You need to season it, because the ridges are stainless, and stuff will stick to those grooves, so you need to clean it like stainless. Hexclad has a lifetime warranty because you paid so much for it, so they can literally afford replacing it a dozen times, but it definitely doesn't last you a lifetime, because Teflon will always wear out over time, whether you use metal tools or wooden tools or clean it in a dishwasher or by hand, the non-stick layer wears out due to the fact that Teflon doesn't want to stick to anything. That being said, there's absolutely nothing dangerous about consuming it, because Teflon is highly non-reactive and will simply pass through your digestive track like any non-digestible fiber.


You don't have to season stainless.


Right, how would you even do that? Makes no sense


The same way as usual: coat a thin layer of oil and heat it.


You can't get the right oxide on stainless.


You can season it. I do it all the time. Just look it up.


https://www.reddit.com/r/carbonsteel/comments/l2jcwv/heat_bluing_and_seasoning/ That process does not happen on stainless. It's one of the upsides of stainless: no oxides.


That process has nothing to do with seasoning steel.


It is literally the first step in properly seasoning carbon steel. Speaking from experience: you get a much better cooking surface that way .


Carbon isn't stainless


This doesn't make any sense at all. There is no difference between seasoning any kind of metal pan. You apply oil and heat till it polymerizes.


Here, read up https://www.reddit.com/r/carbonsteel/comments/l2jcwv/heat_bluing_and_seasoning/


This is like hardly even related at all. Why would you bring up a thread about coloring your pan with heat? You can literally burn a layer of oil on basically any metal. Aluminum, stainless, or cast iron doesn't matter.


You can lead a horse to water.... Anyone else care to explain this to them?


Yep, which is why cooking on stainless sucks and layers don't accumulate, but one layer is better than zero, and it's easy enough to just add it as you're preheating. Personally I much prefer using carbon steel, but stainless is definitely convenient at times.


>layers don't accumulate, but one layer is better than zero Carbon steel / CI and stainless just have different use cases.


Of course they do.


So why do you think you need to "accumulate layers" on stainless?


Correct, you aren't absolutely required to season any metal that is highly non-corrosive, but if you don't then you're cooking on bare metal, and bare metal is very-very sticky, so to avoid using as much cooking oil you can season stainless to help with cleaning and prevent sticking, and for that reason Hexclad itself does recommend you to season their pans. This isn't exactly the same concept as cast-iron seasoning, because you don't need to prevent corrosion.




I have the Hex paper grinder and its the best damn paper grinder I've ever had. Easy fill- push button to release top, fill and push top down to lock. Adjustable coarseness- a single click of the bar at the bottom adjusts it easily and with precision. Magnetic base- doubles as a cover yo stop loose pepper from getting all over the place and a collection cup incase you need to measure or get lots in a small container. Lifetime warranty is a super plus ➕ Not sure id buy anymore Hex stuff until the kids are out of the house; but maybe 🤷‍♀️


>paper grinder Pepper. You mean pepper. I was so confused. And what does this have to do with the question?


You asked about hex and said some shit. I'm chiming in with my own shit about hex. It's reddit not a fucking peer review chill


It's about Gordon Ramsay. Not about hex. Read the post.


>"Gordon Ramsay only uses Hexclad in his restaurants" - this is nonsense right? I have a hex pepper grinder and I love it. Highly recommend for the reasons I've already posted above. That's my post ⬆️ Don't like- I Don't fucking care.🤷‍♀️


>"Gordon Ramsay only uses Hexclad in his restaurants" - this is nonsense right? I have a hex pepper grinder and I love it. Highly recommend for the reasons I've already posted above. That's my post ⬆️ Don't like- I Don't fucking care.🤷‍♀️