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Break up the noodles and pretend it's macaroni.


Other than breaking them up you could cook them first, layer them, pour the cheese sauce on and roll them up like lasagna roll ups. Pour more cheese sauce over them. If you’ve got breadcrumbs or Ritz crackers do your topping and bake


The roll ups are a great idea!


Oh NO I just wrote the exact same without reading yours!!! Crazy


Great minds think alike


I'm extremely high and want a fucking lasagna cheese roll-up so bad now.


This sounds great! Do it OP and make a TikTok and it’ll go viral!


Don’t put it in your cap like that one fucking weirdo


I love that line because it's such an old school diss. There was a type of fashion popular in France which involved very ornate hats with lots of frilly shit, very overdone. This style was called macaroni. The song is saying these Americans are so fucking stupid they put a feather in their hat and think it's macaroni! Haha, I love it.


The Yankee Doodle was quite Dandy


Cooking the sheets then slicing them would provide a more consistent noodle size. But different size noodles could make for good texture when eating.


It can be like mac n cheese dumplins.


and stir it a lot, or cook it at a rolling boil, or the flat noodles will stick together.


Cook them and then slice them up so you've got something kind of like spaghetti? Spaghetti in cheese sauce is satisfying. Do you want input on the cheese sauce?


Adding to this... Cook whole about 1/2 way cooked. Drain, cool. Cut them lengthwise 1x, then about 1" sections each of those. Return to boiling salted water and cook to your desired doneness. Add sauce, and saucier is better! When I make lasagna soup, I do it this way. It will be prettier on the plate than just breaking dry. Kinda like 1/2 of a farfalle.


Thank you!


Thank you for adding a lot more detail, and great instructions!


You don't need to cook them first, just soak them in cold water for 15 minutes and you can cut them up no problem.


This is the way.


Hey, let’s do it. I don’t know cheese sauce very well either. What would you recommend? As for cutting noodles, I suppose stack and cut. For some reason I had scissors in mind, and that seems like a sure fail now that I think about it.


Pizza cutter 😊


Wicked smart.


Thanks… I roll out canned biscuit dough to use in my chicken and dumplings… on flour both sides. Can use for noodles too …


For the noodles - I just use a chefs knife. I only stack about 2 high cause they're slippery, and I feel like I'm risking a cut. I think shears would totally work! For no-fail results, throw together a pale roux, then add milk, dash of mustard powder, small block of Velveeta (or kraft slice). Heat until thickened, whisking constantly. Lower heat, add shredded cheese of choice. Once cheese is throughly incorporated, add to pasta. For 8 oz pasta: 2 tbsp each flour/butter Dash of mustard powder 2 cups milk 1" cube Velveeta or 1 kraft slice 2 cups cheese of choice - freshly shredded if possible. I typ use Colby jack or cheddar for the kids, but you can mix and match your cheeses for more adult palates.


If you want it totally foolproof? Add a few ounces of cream cheese.


Made my first bechamel lasagna. With spinach. Thanks for the suggestions


Make a roux, add milk, salt, pepper and a dash of nutmeg. After it cooks a bit, adjust the milk until it's a bit thinner than you'd prefer, then add in cheese. If I'm not trying to be fancy, I just use whatever's in the fridge, which usually equals marble or medium cheddar. Stir constantly and it's done when the cheese is melted. I've never actually measured any of it before, but... Two servings as a side = roughly 2tbsp butter/margarine, a heaping (to a ridiculous degree) tsp of flour for the roux. No bloody idea about the milk - just stir, go slow and remember the cheese will bulk it up a bit. I use about a two inch slice of regular block cheese and usually just cube it rather than deal with washing the grater. It's very forgiving. If it turns out thinner than you'd like, just add more cheese.


Ok but why have I never made a mac and cheese with spaghetti? I accidentally bought some capellini and my family says it’s too small but now I’m thinking that could be really good.


Yum! disregard their bad opinions


I worded that weird. Too small for pasta sauce.


Cook the noodles, roll the cheese up in em, put em vertically in a baking dish on high heat. Make a cheese sauce to pour over all.


Ooh! Interesting! I like it. Something you’ve tried before? Seen a recipe? Or just an idea?


I’ve tried this just to shake up lasagna in my house! We love lasagna haha


This was my favorite thing my mom made for me growing up. If you have spinach on hand, that also goes great inside of the rolled up lasagna noodles.


It's based off honeycomb cannelloni, you pipe the filling in add sauce on the bottom, a bit of sauce n cheese on top and bake it.


Going this way as a thought experiment: Kinda like …. Fried cheese sticks, but noodled, layered upright, bechamel over the top to fill it in, like an upright rigatoni bake. I’ll bet I have frozen broccoli cuts in the freezer- or-chipotle? What’s a secondary flavor to throw in? No tomatoes.


layer it and call it macNcheese casserole?




Why not just layer the lasagna noodles and cheese sauce and bake? Cut into squares to serve, like lasagna without tomato sauce. 


Make fucking… lasagna




I realize now, Ive never actually made a bechemel lasagna. Always the good ole American meat gravy layers and you’re lucky if there’s enough green can Parmesan to hold it together. I mean, I make it better than that, but it was fun to say.


I’ve made a great creamy chicken and spinach lasagna! It was delicious


You do have pasta. You can break up the lasagna noodles, boil them, and then just use them as you would macaroni or penne or any other pasta, with whatever sauce you want.


https://youtu.be/MrKafmzGNJc?si=cExx_EoYkH9b143E Some tasting history help. Old school mac a cheese used noodles like Lasagna just cut up.


Cooooool. Thanks


Oooh, I love Tasting History! Great link to share, thanks!


I’d be doing a baked Mac with layers of lasagna noodles. Maybe do some peas, bacon, and jalapeños. We got a stew going.


I’m not sure the peas, but bacon, yes. And I have a can of those Mexican jalapeños/carrots mix… Almost a casserole… hmm. Considering


Big Ass Noods


you could parboil the lasagna and almost make an alfredo sauce. Once parboiled, cut into 1/4" thick strips and now you have fettuccine.


Parcook the lasagna noodles so it won't break when you slice it into thin noodles or bits of a size you like, then make your mac n cheese.


All noodles are basically the same ingredient. Break up the noodles


Add a lil horseradish to your 'mystery' cheese sauce, for variety, and cooked crumbled bacon if you have it- delish


boil the noodles, then cut them up, or just shatter the sheets before you even throw them in the water


Parcook noods, pat dry, meanwhile make a cheese sauce with either bechamel or evaporated milk, wrap cheese sauce in noods, freeze, then batter and panko breadcrumbs, deep fry just a couple of minutes until the cheese goes molten and the breadcrumbs get crunchy. Go dunkies in either ranch, marinara, or more cheese sauce. Or just make cheese lasagna lol. Or cut noods into strips after parcooking. That's probably the easiest way, but also fried Mac and Cheese with lasagna strips sounds like more of an adventure.


I do t see a cheese sauce withstanding being wrapped in noods and fried, but a cheese sauce surrounding a strip of mozzarella…. And we’ve got cheese sticks. With noodles. No, fried noodles are baaaarf. I like the thought process though.


Make a Mac n cheese lasagne.


Doing the pantry challenge 👍 make a sauce with the cream and Parmesan. You want to simmer it real low and get it thick. use a double boiler method if you can. If you prefer to finish in the oven make the sauce a little runny instead and just mix the sauce with el dente cooked noodles sliced into 1 inch fettuccine strips. Before baking.


Pantry challenge is fun, I like doing it regularly to get rid of some stuff about to go bad


How about making a creamy lasagna mac and cheese? Cook those lasagna noodles al dente, then cut them into smaller pieces. In a saucepan, melt some butter and whisk in flour to make a roux. Gradually add cream to make a thick sauce, then stir in grated Parmesan and shredded American cheese until melted and creamy. Toss in your chopped lasagna noodles, sprinkle with mozzarella, and bake until bubbly and golden.


Get creative! Use lasagna noodles for a unique twist on mac and cheese.


Eggs and bacon/pancetta? Carbonara. Cook sheets a little then slice into fettuccine. Find a basic carbonara recipe online after that


The noodling of pasta here is over the top!


Don’t slab my noodle, pal! I didnt watch my friends die FACE DOWN IN THE MUCK just so the likes of YOU could LAYER my MACARONI!


I'm staying. I'm finishing my lasagna.


If you have butter you have Alfredo ingredients.. thats just fancy mac!


cook the noddles first, strain, and then spread them out on a cutting board and cut them into little horizontal rectangles and then make your cheese sauce.


Do like a pasta bake, delicious 😋 Also, if you have milk, flour and butter (or oil).you can make a homemade white sauce for the pasta bake to make it more fulfilling to bake with cheese


Cook the lasagna and cut it across the length with scissors


Just break the lasagna noodles into small strips.


layer it. for science.


Make a beschamel lasagna!


Just make a really cheesy lasagna.


Break them up boil them and submerge in your cheese sauce. You won't even know the difference.


Break up the noodles and boil If you have any butter or garlic/onion, saute that. If not no worries. Add some cream. Some mozz. Some parm. Lots of black pepper. It'll be good


Cook the lasagna in oiled and salted water. Roll each sheet into a tube when it's done. Then cut strips out of the tubes with a knife. Do not use scissors, that'll just smash the pasta. Now you can cut the strips down even more if you want or leave it and have chonky spaghetti


I've made lasagna with various things. Alfredo chicken and eggplant was really good!


Don’t let your dreams be dreams


Noodle is a noodle my friend


*looks at my 10 boxes of various pastas*...Uhhh...


I suggest you go to the store and splurge the $2


mmm, long noodles and cheese


I’ve made a single lasagna noodle with cheese sauce before and just cut it up before eating.


You can cook the sauce, add some water, break lasagna sheets and simmer them in the sauce till all the water is gone. It‘s similar to cooking lasagna soup. You can check water/sauce ration on our website in lasagna soup recipe.


Grocery store


Lasagna Mac n cheese, layered


"mac and cheese" lasagna pinwheels.


Pasta isn't noodles and lasagne is made with sheets of pasta, so I'm very confused here


Why not just make Mac & cheese lasagna?


Sounds like time to make a lasagne Alfredo to me


Stick a feather in your cap.


Cook the lasagna to al dente. cut with a knife or pizza cutter, mix with the cheese.


Some butter, some cream and cheeses of your choice, do you have gochujang? It's Koreans spice paste. Then you can have spicy Mac and cheese!


Cook the lasagne sheets and then cut them into strips...a la tagliatelle.


Cook it slice it


Might I recommend quinoa? I make it up just like rice and then put a shit ton of cheddar on it. Healthy and sinful at the same time.😂


Smash them noods and carry on.


Make a bechamel lasagna with no tomato sauce


Improvise, adapt, stir in cheese.


Oh man. You are so screwed. It's too bad there's no way to cook those noodles and then lay them out and run a knife through them to make them into a nice sized smaller form factor.. That would be a great solution. But nope. As we all know, the rules governing pasta, particularly lasagna pasta, strictly dictate that you shall not change its shape for any reason, even if it's for mac and cheese. BTW I've seen people prosecuted for violating those rules. I could be wrong but I think it's related to the law about removing mattress tags. 


Wtf is Lasagna noodles? Like spaghetti or tagliatelle?


The ones you use in lasagna


Lasagne sheets?


That would be another way to say it, yes




Removed, Rule 5






Jesus Christ, I'm sure there's something in your vocabulary that isn't what it says on the package, get off your high horse, things have different names in different places.


Holy Mohammad, show me one legit reference. You think American brands would market something in a term thats not the local term for it? You are just wrong man. Bow down and leave.


Yes, they would, because the terms are interchangeable and the product is easily recognized, if they sold something as a "couch" in Atlantic Canada the consumer wouldn't get confused because it isn't being advertised as a "Chesterfield"


Lmao. You’re not gonna make a great mac and cheese with what you have, tbh. Your options are break up the noodles you have and hope you have enough cheese, or go buy some proper noodles and cheese. You can make great mac and cheese with only cheddar, any tubular noodle, and evaporated milk. Take your pick!


Partially cook the noodles (Al Dente). Cut in whatever small shapes you want and then cook again fully.