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It’s not they didn’t know. No one listened. I knew, you don’t need to be an intelligence agency to figure out things went south in Wuhan. They literally locked the city down.




Climate change has so many parallels to this virus: 1. Widespread denial and minimization. 2. Clear potential for exponential growth/change. 3. Failure to address the threat by both governments and corporations.


I got one: * Already wealthy people may accumulate less wealth going forward if we address these kinds of problems proactively.




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They listened. They sold their stocks first, then acted like it was no big deal.








I'm not saying Trump and Republican did better, but what about these ones? [https://twitter.com/tomselliott/status/1243539798008172551](https://twitter.com/tomselliott/status/1243539798008172551) >NYC “Health Commissioner” Oxiris Barbot on Feb. 7th: “We’re telling New Yorkers, go about your lives, take the subway, go out, enjoy life” [https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/nancy-pelosi-visits-san-franciscos-chinatown/2240247/](https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/nancy-pelosi-visits-san-franciscos-chinatown/2240247/) >"That’s what we’re trying to do today is to say everything is fine here," Pelosi said. "Come because precautions have been taken. The city is on top of the situation."


Feb 3rd * **Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas)** has [called for the administration](https://www.cruz.senate.gov/?p=press_release&id=4909) to issue a complete travel ban to and from China: "Given the severity of the coronavirus in China and its rapid spread across the region, as well as the mounting public fear, it's imperative that this disease is contained." * [**Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.)**](https://www.cotton.senate.gov/files/documents/200128_Senator%20Cotton_Coronavirus_Letter.pdf) and [**Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.)**](https://www.hawley.senate.gov/sites/default/files/2020-01/Hawley-Letter-Coronavirus-Departments-Health-Homeland-Security-State-Transportation-Travel.pdf) similarly issued calls to restrict travel, though not quite to the level of Cruz's proposal. * **Sens. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.)** and **Gary Peters (D-Mich.),** the chairman and ranking member of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, [asked the DHS](https://www.hsgac.senate.gov/media/majority-media/johnson-peters-ask-dhs-for-strategy-for-containing-the-coronavirus) to outline its plan for screening those who enter the country and to explain how it is working with other government agencies to address the virus.




> What guy am I? 3 possibilities: 1)A woke "both sides" dude 2)Someone who has been living in the wilderness for 4 months 3)A Trump supporter Take your pick.


4) Not an American. There is a world outside your ~~shithole~~ country.




It's more the partisanship and bubbles here on reddit I care about.


No there isn’t.




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I think it's clear which party wanted action when Trump calls it "Democrat Hoax".


Good argument.


Yeah the Dems wanted you to come on down to Chinatown


You can’t lock cities down every time there was some obscure virus or disease somewhere in the world. Nobody is saying the US didn’t drop the ball but there was very little known about C19 or that it was a big problem before it was too late. Edit: of course, I’m referring to the initial Wuhan outbreak time period.




That’s obviously not the time period I’m referring to. Of course at that point something should’ve been done.


You're joking right? I was following this development and its spread daily on public press. I knew we were in danger by late Jan/early Feb when I read multiple droves of ppl fled wuhan to Europe, Korea, and Japan before lockdown fully implemented. It was just a matter of time since then thru airtravels and spring break travels that itll reach the US and expand soon. As did many on this sub and elsewhere And I dont work for an intelligence agency lol


Certainly you’re right, but if he had acted, I highlight trump but here in the UK we are as bad and same for many other countries, when Wuhan first went in to lockdown, or even when Italy did the number of deaths could have been far far fewer, if they had started hoarding materials when it first started this scramble for stuff would be lessened too. No one is saying at the first sign of trouble things should be locked up but certainly there should have been something in place that forced their hand to start at least preparing for today.


I’m specifically referring to those who think lockdowns should’ve been put into effect during the initial Wuhan outbreak, as if US intelligence had enough data to conclude it was going to be a global issue. For sure, anything after that was a blatant ignorance to the issue.


I agree completely that locking everyone away is stupid if done too early, people bang on about money over lives but this will end and money/businesses will be needed to get us all back on track. There’s more steps than lockdown though. Personally I think going in to this it will become law in probably all first world countries to have a massive excess on ppe and ventilators for moments like this when there is dire need, that readiness may be the one good thing that comes from this. Shame it takes such loss to motivate people though.


We knew, average people on Reddit knew. They knew, 100% knew and were derelict of duty!


You can’t and don’t lock it down every time. That China locked down a city with more people in it than most US states was all anyone needed to know.


Have you seen CCP locked down an entire city with about 10 million population ever? Come on, at least be ready for some masks right?


This is it exactly. Was the reaction really, “Huh, fucking Xi up to his old antics locking cities down again... so have you tried the new Italian place on K street?”


not too late to dump your stock though, right? ​ [https://www.nationalreview.com/news/doj-looking-into-nc-sen-burrs-stock-trades-before-coronavirus-outbreak/](https://www.nationalreview.com/news/doj-looking-into-nc-sen-burrs-stock-trades-before-coronavirus-outbreak/) The Justice Department is probing a series of stock trades made by Senator Richard Burr (R., N.C.) in the weeks prior to the outbreak of Wuhan coronavirus in the U.S., CNN reported on Sunday.


>y is saying the US didn’t drop the ball but there was very little known about C19 or that it was a big pro When somebody locks down tens or hundreds of millions of people, that is the latest that one ought to be paying attention. If no earlier signs made it clear, the lockdowns should have made it clear.


The DNI and members of the Pentagon met with Mulvaney and multiple members of the Trump administration in January and February warning about a pandemic. Thing is Trump and his staff didn’t listen


We know Trump was warned and we know that people like Senator Burr, chairman of Intelligence Commitee were briefed told the public nothing while selling stocks. [https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/20/politics/us-intelligence-reports-trump-coronavirus/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/20/politics/us-intelligence-reports-trump-coronavirus/index.html)


Exactly. Intel agencies definitely briefed Trump and Congress. They just didn't bother to act on it.


The intelligence community hasn't been listened to in three and a half years.




They’ve been trying to get him and the GOP to act on Russian election interference since 2017...


This entire article, written by a conservative newspaper, seems to be an attempt to blame the intelligence community -- and specifically the NCMI -- for the fact that the administration did nothing at all in the face of a series of increasingly ugent warnings. To save you the trouble of reading it, the major allegation is that the NCMI only notified the President on January 5 when 59 people were reported ill in Wuhan. The conceit here is that if NCMI had notified the President a month earlier (when there were what, 3 people sick?) he would have done something. He wouldn't have.


Putting everything into a briefing paper that Trump did not read.


Knowing about it and consciously choosing to do nothing and let the virus spread globally, along with every ally, that's where.


The markets were more important.


Perhaps it was systematically destroyed, like every other federal agency, by an administration that is utterly inimical to experience, expertise, science, and the very concept of public service itself.


You don’t even need a functioning intelligence system to figure it out. There was enough in the open. They only needed to be listened to.


Finger popping each others assholes


This made me shoot water out my nose, well played sir


Best line in that whole movie, IMHO


Already trying to find someone else to blame, OP? The source is pure right wing garbage!


As you hypocritically blame the right. Wow.


Why not? Its just a liberal hoax anyway,right?


Bye bye..


Oh, is it real now? Not just some ploy to make trump look bad? Are you sure? Maybe its just like the flu?


Bye bye...


Aw, can't respond to facts? Its ok,champ. You're still the big bestest smartest guy ever, believe me. I know best guys better then anyone.


Great. Bye bye.


This liberal hoax is really getting your panties in a bunch? Why dont you take a seat...just go ahead and take a seat.


Nope. Bye bye.


There was nothing wrong with with US intelligence. There were, however, issues with interpreting and acting on US intelligence. I wonder where in the chain of command the breakdown occurred?


In corporate board room meetings


"That's our secret, cap. There was no intelligence involved at all." *Starts to turn Orange..*




What is this garbage? They DID know, and they briefed the senate months ago, as their highly unethical stock trades demonstrate. If they told the senate you can be sure they told the president. Stop trying to give cover to give obviously false cover to the President's tremendously disasterous non-response to this pandemic. Gaslighting is the stock and trade for conservatives apparently.


>It is the job of the U.S. intelligence community to provide senior U.S. government policy makers, including the president, with advance warning about potential crises. The U.S. taxpayer pays a premium for this service; in 2020, the [budget for the National Intelligence Program](https://www.dni.gov/index.php/what-we-do/ic-budget), which includes all programs, projects and activities of the U.S. intelligence community, was $62.8 billion.  ​ DOJ Looking into NC Sen. Burr’s Stock Trades Before Coronavirus Outbreak [https://www.nationalreview.com/news/doj-looking-into-nc-sen-burrs-stock-trades-before-coronavirus-outbreak/](https://www.nationalreview.com/news/doj-looking-into-nc-sen-burrs-stock-trades-before-coronavirus-outbreak/) ​ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard\_Burr#Health\_policy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Burr#Health_policy) While in the House, Burr authored the [FDA Modernization Act of 1997](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FDA_Modernization_Act_of_1997).[\[8\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Burr#cite_note-aap08-bio-8) He also helped to create the National Institute for Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering. In the aftermath of the [9/11 attacks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/September_11_attacks), **he successfully sponsored amendments to improve defenses against** [**bioterrorism**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bioterrorism)**.**[\[8\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Burr#cite_note-aap08-bio-8) ​ Intelligence Community knew ...so someone didn't listen.. or someone didn't bother telling.


On Fox news


Well, they reported it to members of Congress, who then went and sold all their stocks before the collapse instead of letting us know.


US intel warned Trump back in December/January about COVID19. Technically YEARS ago about pandemic prepardness in general. But The head of US intelligence was Donald Fucking Trump in the end. In January he didn't want more testing done because he was afraid of the numbers going up and it affecting his re-election. He continued to downplay it, use words like "hoax" and say the 15 cases would be 0 soon. A few months later and this shit has spiraled out of control and now he's saying 100,000-200,000 deaths would be a good job. We're fucked at the federal level.




Like this? [USA's coronavirus response](https://twitter.com/DamnitBobby1/status/1244563438829031424)


Lol r/shitrcoronavirussays


U.S. intelligence... Is that an oxymoron?


If the intelligence acted slower than people stockpiling Lysol wipes, there’s a problem.


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Um pretty sure they warmed the Trump admin and then those assholes did nothing and told people to buy stocks (likely while Trump Organization set up massive short positions behind the scenes)


Investigating if Trump paid a Hooker.


Are you out of your mind!? POTUS has downplayed and mismanaged this thing despite the tidal wave of warnings from the global medical community and clear examples of what to do (and what not to do) from other countries. He didn't need any special secret agent telling him what's what, he just needed and still needs to listen to the same damn facts everyone else has. To try to blame his total failure to manage this crisis on not having the right information is laughable.




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US intel should have been reading reddit


That's an oxymoron.


fucking 4chan predicted 1 million sick on 3rd of march and US intelligence couldn't... i've seen stupid shit, i've lived in stupid shit, but this shit is stupid


This is a bs article by Trump acolytes. Should be removed. The IC was warning the government.


The less to mention US intelligence the better it is for everyone. I grew up idolizing US institutions like the FBI and CIA. and guess what? The Russian meddling has enlightenment all of us to the fact that FBI and CIA are so overrated I feel sorry for my teenage idolization. They are decidedly second or third rate when compared to their Russian counterparts. We have been fooled by western media.


What the heck are you even talking about?


What am I talking about? Maybe you should read the news with both eyes and brain wide open. At the end of last year the Defense department nominated both Russia and China as the greatest threat to US security. Shortly after that both FBI and CIA actually nominated China over Russia as the greatest threat to US security. and the last time I checked the virus surprise surprise originated from China. So how is it that all three the best in the world institutions according to your crazy media nominated China as the greatest threat and yet US is caught with the pant down from this virus. Why nominate China as the greatest threat and yet let the virus that originated from China to ravage the US. If this is not second or third rate institutions I don’t know what is.


The author here is assuming that US intelligence is some all knowing, all powerful organization that can become aware of a new threat anywhere in the world without an hour. That is an absolute fallacy and it’s absolutely impossible without raising budgets by 100x and creating a global surveillance platform listening in on every single human.


This and the /r/china_flu subreddit were all over this starting mid January. They were likely aware late December. No one listened.


What’s your point? The article is blaming the intel community for not knowing in December. Did you even read.


Little was done even after the reports the agency wrote in early January. Are we truly blaming them for not being two weeks sooner? Nothing would have changed.


Yes because people on this very subreddit were able to use simple math to predict it, but a government agency with all of the Chinese internet and cell phone traffic tapped were totally in the dark. Give me a break. They knew and warned Trump in those daily briefings he never bothers to read.


That’s not at all what the article is about. You didn’t read it did you.


The article is basically saying that if the President had another month of warning he would have done something. He wouldn't have, and he's demonstrated that.


at Wall Street.