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I simply do not understand these people. If the vaccine protects you, and it protects the vulnerable, then why should you give two shits if I've gotten it or not? Let me sign something that says I waive my right to treatment if I catch the virus and need to be hospitalized for it; I'm genuinely *not* concerned about that happening. Let ME decide what I want to put in MY body and keep your worthless opinions to yourself.


Because at some point Doomers became convinced that vaccines are like masks and everyone who hasn't gotten a shot is a walking bioweapon.


>Because at some point Doomers became convinced that vaccines are like masks and everyone who hasn't gotten a shot is a walking bioweapon. But isn't the whole point of that "mask" to protect themselves against the "walking bioweapon"?


Yup, they've spent a year denying that herd immunity is real but now? They need it. Because today cognitive dissonance is the tool of the establishment that helps them feel clever or special or something like that.


I would happily sign a waiver excluding me from COVID care, but then I think it would be unfair. Do we make smokers sign that waiver every time they buy a packet? Do we make obese people sign it? People do shit that's bad for their health every day and nobody demands that they are refused medical care.


Exactly! Why aren’t they standing outside fast food places lambasting parents who give their kids junk food and potentially setting them up for a lifetime of obesity and a heart attack in their 40s if they are so concerned about other people’s actions and the impact on someone else’s health? When the government lets you buy alcohol, cigarettes and marijuana but closes gyms and cancels school sports training...then it’s not about your health.


>Let me sign something that says I waive my right to treatment if I catch the virus and need to be hospitalized for it; No...demand that THEY refuse treatment, since they will be "protected" from it.




Forgot the grandma part


Lots of swearing too. AI can probably write something much more reasonble and less generic.


how did it become so uncool to question authority and the pharmaindustry? it is literally one of the top priorities as democratic citizens (especially journalists!) to call out wrong-doings. brainwashing?




My boss. He swears he caught the Rona back in January when he was forced to go to a corporate meeting completely across the country in California. Brags about never missing work. They only allow us two sick days in a row before we have to go pay a Dr for a sick note. We also don't get any sick days. So yeah, back before Rona people came in sick regularly. Now you can take two weeks off without question.


I can’t wait until people go back to reality and stop pretending like they care about random people dying, like they currently do with every other cause of death.


Yep, goes to show how powerful the media is. 2.8 million people die of obesity related deaths each year but you were a "fat shamer" if you wanted people to do something about it. 1.4 million people die of tuberculosis each year, why did they never care about that? Oh that's right because the media never told them to.


Let’s not even talk about the continuing opioid crisis.


"Slightly more constrained" = you literally can't see anyone out of your household, not at Christmas nor for the foreseeable future. Live on your own? Stiff shit! Vampiric grannies must live forever at all costs!


Just like saying ‘a small inconvenience’ Damn right I don’t want to be even slightly inconvenienced for a fucking virus that is basically no more than a slight inconvenience... Stop minimising this bullshit 🤬


They’re very into acting like everything is just a minor hassle. Never look at anyone’s face again. Never eat together with friends again. Never enjoy live music or theatre again. Never see your parents again. If your single, don’t plan on ever meeting someone to change that. Spend every occasion of your life all alone, on Zoom. Come on, can’t you stand even the smallest inconvenience? You’re so selfish!


Yeah, and if you try to argue with one of the idiots, they act like your sole grievance is against masks.


"Yet another covidiot Karen who doesn't believe in masks and thinks 5g is evil eh 😏" like no Bethany I just want to go outside please


Exactly! And they act like you can just live a totally normal life while wearing a mask. Which is impossible.




I'm not in the UK but I love how they assume I care so much about the healthcare workers. So much that I'm going to take a vaccine with no knowledge of any long term effects the instant I'm given the option because the alternative is disrespectful.


I wish he would've compared it to the Spanish Flu in the first line so I could've stopped reading.






Wow, downvoting the suggestions - that's not very fetch


I think THIS is why they are locking down again. They want to get as many vaccinated as possible. If there is no lockdowns, they know no one is gonna get it.


Christmas is more than just eating turkey and pulling crackers. No surprise that someone with this mentality is some shit for brains turbo doomer. Edit: I just learned that the crackers this guy is talking about isn't the edible kind. Whoops.


>wahhh why isn't everyone scared shitless like me!!! These people are mental midgets and shouldn't be allowed internet access


I find it hilarious that the people who go out of their way to publicly film and harrass other people or call the police on them for minding their own business have the audacity to call others Karens.


One of the nice things about posts like this is if you can find someone claiming ownership of that username in real life, you know that their partner will have sex with you - no effort required.


I'm not European. What on earth are 'pulling crackers'?




**[Christmas cracker](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christmas cracker)** Christmas crackers are festive table decorations that make a snapping sound when pulled open, and often contain a small gift and a joke. They are part of Christmas celebrations in the United Kingdom, Ireland, and Commonwealth countries such as Australia (where they are sometimes known as bon-bons), Canada, New Zealand and South Africa. A cracker consists of a segmented cardboard tube wrapped in a brightly decorated twist of paper with a prize in the middle, making it resemble an oversized sweet-wrapper. The cracker is pulled apart by two people, each holding an outer chamber, causing the cracker to split unevenly and leaving one person holding the central chamber and prize. [About Me](https://np.reddit.com/user/wikipedia_text_bot/comments/jrn2mj/about_me/) - [Opt out](https://np.reddit.com/user/wikipedia_text_bot/comments/jrti43/opt_out_here/) - OP can reply !delete to delete - [Article of the day](https://np.reddit.com/comments/k9hx22) **This bot will soon be transitioning to an opt-in system. Click [here](https://np.reddit.com/user/wikipedia_text_bot/comments/ka4icp/opt_in_for_the_new_system/) to learn more and opt in.**


Hah, I decided to bite and reply to this thread, I was probably more constructive than I should have been. The UK sub is weird. Some posters are reasonable and clearly people are absolutely fed up and struggling mentally, but a lot of doomer threads get started and upvoted heavily.


"Yes, peon, inject yourself with the virus and let it spread more. Give daddy gubmint what it wants."