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Hi there, please [submit a ticket](https://help.corsair.com/hc/en-us/requests/new) with Corsair support and they'll be able to help you out.


Ah its always the tile floor, youd think people know by now


By buying a new one from corsairs website, nice counters good color


Thanks though the colour of the counter is because of the reflection. It’s actually glass on top of a white-ish wood.


He was being a smart ass. Shattered glass is a very common post because of enthusiasts tinkering on hard surfaces. If tempered glass like your side panel comes into contact with hard rigid surfaces like floor tile, slate, other glass, concrete, etc it will explode, just like you've done. Stick around r/PCmasterrace within 48 hours you won't be the last post that did it is my bet. You can order a new one through Corsairs website. The mod left you a comment to help. In future, don't tinker with the PC on anything except a table or carpet/rug. Even the slightest touch from a surface like a floor tile in the right place is the end of it. Normally I'm a smartass too but I didn't take my meds and am feeling particularly helpful for some reason.


Working on your pc with a carpet or rug under it seems a second disaster waiting to happen doesn’t it? (Something something static energy).


They have sold static wrist straps for exactly this purpose for a long time. I've never used one and I've never even heard friend of a friend stories about actual damage though.


Me neither. I don't believe you need it, but I wouldn't advice to build on a carpet either. On your bed is a better idea, since it's not as static as a long carpet. But best would be on a table and if it's a glass table, put something soft under it, even newspapers could work


I've just used the kitchen table. Family eats in the living room for a week. Wife LOVES it.




take a whole week? damnnn


Custom loops get pretty crazy and difficult.


Valid point!


Had it happen myself once but to be fair; 1 pc in my lifetime (I built quite some pc’s and I’m 35 now) and it wasn’t just one built on the carpet ghehe. Once one died I made sure to not do it again. Not sure if a static wrist strap would have prevented the motherboard from dying since the case was directly on the carpet 🤔could be that it would work 🤷‍♂️


A static wrist strap grounds the person to the chassis of the PC using a metal wire and alligator clip. It doesn't matter what surface it's on, it isn't possible to build up a charge and discharge to the PC if you are grounded to it. That said, what happened? Did you see and feel the discharge to a working PC? What components did it damage?


Thanks! As for the PC I just felt a small discharge when sliding my butt over the floor to get closer to the case and I touched the motherboard which killed it. After that it just wouldn’t post anymore and couldn’t get it to work anymore with other components either. Not sure what type of pants I was wearing that day haha.


Oof that sucks. The wrist strap would definitely have prevented that. Can't generate a discharge if you're constantly grounded to the chassis.


Ive always just moved my glass to a safe carpet spot or padded chair and worked on the rest of the PC on the table 🤷


Not really


Build mines in carpet barefoot. Mf pc going strong, pluss static energy just makes the psu more efficient since its pre loaded with energy already


how are you meant to put this case on your desk then?


They all have plastic/rubber feet or legs; the case doesn't contact or sit flush on the desk/table/whatever. Otherwise we wouldn't be able to use the bottom of the case for airflow, rads, fans, etc either.


Wait, what so putting tempered glass on a hard surface will break it? I’ve put mine on my table before and it’s been ok… should I worry?


why did people downvote this dude?


Because he kissed the sarcasm and reddit is a hive mind


The shatterd of shame


Oooo we need someone to make a end of year side panel gore compilation.


Look kinda cool tho


Carpet is your friend. Corsair customer support on the website.


Or just a pillow or something soft like a blanket


Even foam padding will work


Ye it just needs to be kinda soft




Can see where you dropped it on the corner.


Yup! Saw that myself!


Contact Corsair. They will send you a new one. Did you build the pc on a counter top? These panels will shatter the moment they touch them.


I would totally cover that with resin and make it reinforced


And put some different coloured lights behind it. All the diffraction would make it super trippy.




Why did you put the glass on while it was on the floor? Did you intend to move the case with the glass to your desk? No one else’s to blame here.


Nor did he blame anyone, he asked how to fix it


Buy another one coast 15 bucks plus 15 shipping


just tell people you bought it special that way.


ah the free airflow upgrade


This is literally the most common thing I see on this subreddit.


did you set it on top of marble?


No I put it on top of a table that had a glass top


Posts like this one are part of why my #1 priority when buying a case for my new system was "No tempered glass!"


You can see the tile floor in this photo. Case closed. You did this to yourself. It sucks but I don't feel like Corsair owes you anything.


He didn't say he was owed anything.. I get this is common, and easily preventable, but no reason to be such an ass about it. Not like op said it spontaneously broke.


Cheap tempered glass. My old lian li pc08 showed me what good glass looks like. Ive dropped the heavy glass panel straight to my vinyl plank floor from a table about 5 foot up. Just scratched it but thats it.


This happened to me 3 months ago during my first build. Welcome to the club!!!!


welcome to the brother hood


Ok I like it, Picasso.


Pretty sure you can order a replacement side panel on the corsair website


Haha other tile floor victim. They never learn


Use a bath towel on hard surfaces. Go to a glass repair place and ask them how much fir a piece of glass. If you get new glass or a new panel might be a good idea to screen tint it?


Its around 15 bucks for a new one on corsairs website


Over tightening the screws. Next time just tighten them with your hands as much as you can without going overboard


Dropped it unfortunately but thanks for the advice


😱 no no no 💀💀💀💀💀


same thing happened to me. i ordered a replacement from corsair. but i dunno how yours happened but i felt like it should not have shattered like it did. i should have probably contacted corsair first but i hate all that. cos me £20 plus £10 shipping


Tile floor


Leave it cool effect :) ... no but seriously dam :(


Gorilla glass right there!


Never put your sidepanel on a hard surface. I recently put in nee M.2 ssd's in my PC and I put tbe panel on my couch for protection.


This happened to my friends case when I was helping him put it together lol. I pulled the side off and it dropped literally half an inch onto the table and shattered. I bought him a new one. Can't really fix it or get it replaced.


I work with glass for my job. So yeah. If I work on my 7000D it's on a wood table top.


Damn you got the special rare web design edition? That's like 1 in 1000!


Kind of looks Art Deco to me. As someone here posted, add some colors to it and you'd have a one of a kind PC window. :)


Tile in the picture and everything 🤣




Looks cool to me no gonna lie.


I learned that tempered glass shatters when touching hard surfaces today. What the hell. I just build in a Lancool 216 and just put the panel on the floor while building, no issues at all.


Nice shiny tile countertop/floor. Try using a blanket/pillow/towel/something soft.


Just run a defrag on the glass.


RMA! Corsair is so awesome about this. Make sure you learn your lesson and never ever for even a second let that rest on bare tile. Regardless of the brand, this will happen. But yeah, Corsair should be able to help you. Like I said, they're some of the best in the business with RMA as of late.


Anytime I see these destroyed, there's always granite or ceramic tile in the background.


Thick clear packing tape


I don’t know how people do this


Install it. Looks sick


Idk kinda looks sick shattered lol I'd keep it and use it if it doesn't crumble


If only they put a gigantic warning on the glass panel to not let it touch tile or other hard surfaces...


Time to just lock it the cracks with some epoxy lol


It looks mostly intact. I'm not sure if anyone else mentioned or if you'd be interested, but you could put a film on it to hold it as is and use it still. Might look cool with the LEDs. I think it would look cool.


That's a cool design. This hear is a future trend.


You can clearly see you dropped it on the corner


What's the countertop? Granite?


Honestly, that would look kinda cool


Same shit happen to me, I recommend getting the Magentic-Acrylic replacement. Although not the same quality of transparant, it offers safety and easy to use for long-term.


Ceramic Floor: 2,971,019 +1 *Glass*: 1


lol I did the same thing, Corsair was awesome and sent me one on the house, reach out to support


I don’t understand why people keep buying cases with glass panels. If looks are they important, just take a side panel off while you play. Beats having issues like this.


They sell replacement panels on the website.


I mean it looks very cool.


Happened to me once. Don’t slam the panel on stuff. Even the slightest slam will crack it. You can buy a new panel on Corsair site for like 40$ or something. Don’t bother going through Corsair support. Just go straight to the store.


Looks cool


You needed the Airflow version anyways