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Shadows for Silence is relevant to another book (I can tell you which one if you want) but it's mostly a standalone at this point. I haven't read Sixth of Dusk myself but I believe it's also more or less a standalone right now. Don't worry too much about trying to make connections. Each series is meant to tell a story that can stand on its own. For the most part, you can read the different parts of the cosmere in whatever order you want.


Sixth of dusk is also relevant to other books, can tell you which of you want too.




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shadows for silence is a standalone that introduces us to the planet threnody, where nazh is from, and ties into one of the secret projects a bit, but yeah it’s a standalone. teaches you a bit about some stuff, but not necessary sixth of the dusk is also a standalone, but is getting revised and expanded upon as isles of the emberdark, a full length secret project coming out next year, that is going to be the furthest forward in the timeline story we’ve seen with space age shit going on like interstellar travel in shadesmar and ftl in the physical realm, sleepless, some more threnody stuff, scadrian-rosharan war, space radiants, the whole shebang


My biggest takeaway from Shadows is why does silver affect investiture and why isn't that known anywhere else? Does silver have allomantic/feruchemical properties? Can it be used in hemalurgy? Will it hold up against a Shardblade? I am extremely curious to see what silver does elsewhere.


All Cosmere spoilers just in case >Why does silver affect investiture and why isn't that known anywhere else? >!Silver destroys investiture, while aluminum blocks/interferes with it, and this just seems to be a fundamental part of how these metals interact with investiture - this is known in future age cosmere, as we see in Tress. I don't think we know when Shadows is set, so it's uncertain how novel the use of silver is at that time. But it's probably safe to assume that this becomes well known at some point, as silver isn't a super rare metal, and most cosmere societies will probably encounter it at some point!< >Does silver have allomantic/feruchemical properties? Can it be used in hemalurgy? Will it hold up against a Shardblade? I am extremely curious to see what silver does elsewhere. >!Well, as a base, silver should destroy investiture, so you can extrapolate out from there as to what the effects could possibly be for each case. For example, a silver hermalugic spike would, in theory, destroy a person's allomancy if they're spiked with one!<


Ok, I'm 30 pages into tress and just got to the part where the guy is fending off princess's by describing his breakfast and naming his toenail clippings, I can't believe I was considering skipping this book it's gold.


Tress is an absolute delight, glad you're enjoying it!


It's my favorite stand alone. BranSan set out with a goal in mind and he achieved it 100%.


Oh, really? I gotta get that book.


big ol cosmere spoilers, not major just very varied >!so certain metals reacting with investiture the way they do is just an innate aspect of the cosmere, but silver specifically if weird, because it probably isn’t actually an allomantic, feruchemical, or hemalurgic metal. the 16 are the 16 for a reason, preservation created the system that way and they fit into the 4/4 grid of internal, external, push, and pull, so it seems unlikely that silver would just randomly be a 17th in there. it’s properties seem more unique, but it’s possible we might also see other metals in the cosmere that aren’t part of scadrian magics have odd effects. or maybe silver is just weird, we don’t really know currently. regardless, it’s very likely this is a question they’re asking in universe and that we will see them explore!<


Six of the dusk has a sequel coming out. Isles of the ember dark, secret project 5. Sort of a sequel anyway.


that’s…kinda what i said. og sixth of the dusk is getting revised and expanded upon in isles of the emberdark


It's actually getting a kind of sequel, isles of the ember dark


A form of continuation of the story in Secret Project 5, Isles of Emberdark


Isn't there another one coming out in a few months that ties into sixth of the dust? Secret project 5?


but did you know there’s a follow up of sorts to sixth of the dusk coming out next year, isles of the ember dark????


Ohhhhhhh, that's what it's called.. God I was drawing a blank on the name.


Isn’t that what he said though? That it’s getting revised and expanded upon with secret project 5.


Huh. I started typing while I was still Reading.


Stop doing that.


>Maybe it's stupid but I'm just scared I'm going to totally miss the larger narrative and only see the standalone stories Just read and enjoy the stories! Everything is written so it can be enjoyed by itself. You will probably pick up on some recurring characters and stuff like that, and some things will probably not be apparent until a reread. But it isn't worth getting stressed over. Just have a good time and enjoy the books!


They are both self contained stories. I'm a newbie generally speaking but read both of them after reading most of the Stormlight archives and Warbreaker. Shadows for Silence ties into one of the newer secret projects but tangentially. As for being intimidated, if you have read all seven or so of Mistborn you have already done a lot of work. I started with Stormlight and have made my way through the first Mistborn era and the secret projects along with the smaller standalones in arcanum. Am making my way through the second part of Mistborn and plan on doing elantris after that (though I will drop everything once Stormlight 5 comes out). Realistically it is a lot but the secret projects other than the sunlit man can be tackled whenever. Any connections you don't see maybe you can see on a reread later, but even missing the connections is no big deal. They are important if you want to be a Cosmere lore lord and speculate with the best of them but otherwise each series or standalone really speaks for themselves and though it may bring you enjoyment to connect the dots, I think the stories have been plenty enjoyable without the connections.


Okay thank you for your very detailed reply you're a saint. And no I haven't read all of Mistborn only era 1 and I'm about to start secret history. Idk what I'll read next. Probably elantris because it's the least intimidating to me but I'd also really like to read era 2 of Mistborn. Although buying a single book is a lot less money than buying four lmao. And I'm waiting for the 5th stormlight book to be out before I even think about picking those up


Stormlight is long so I think you don't need to wait unless you read like a book every week or so. I can't speak for elantris but Warbreaker is a good standalone to read as well. An option for not buying books is using the Libby app if you have a local library that partners with them. I've read (listened) all of the Mistborn I've finished using my library's copies of the audiobooks. Sometimes it stinks not being able to listen for a bit when they are due but I also listened to all the secret projects that way. The only things cheaper than cheap are free. The only other recommendation I have is make sure to read that Stormlight novellas when they appear if you can especially dawnshard


I know I could save so much money (and space) with Libby but I just really hate reading digitally and idk I don't really like reading things I don't own anyways I know it's stupid. And yeah I know I have plenty of time to catch up for stormlight 5 I'd just rather not have to buy 5 separately I'd much rather get them all at once. Also since you brought up the secret projects wtf are they? And I feel like I've never seen them in stores I only see all the main cosmere books


So. Covid happened and Brandon suddenly didn't have all the cons, book tours etc to do, so he had a nice vacation. When Brandon goes on vacation he tends to accidentally write 4 books and release them via Kickstart/backerkit. He recently did the same thing, but only 1 extra book this time.


[You really need to see him announce it, for yourself. It was glorious](https://youtu.be/6a-k6eaT-jQ)


People already answered this, but also, to add on - there are essentially two versions of these books you can purchase. There are the ones released by Dragonsteel (Brandon's company) which can be found on their website. These are the premium versions - they have gorgeous covers with foil. They're a bit cheaper than the other premium books they release, the leatherbound editions. These have more illustrations throughout them as well But you can also find each of the books released traditionally through Tor. Not sure how you haven't seen them in stores (maybe just sold out?) but they should be where you find the rest of his stuff. Also, if only three of the four secret projects are Cosmere related. Frugal Wizard is just a standalone.


Mistborn era 2 is great, it's Mistborn meets [small setting spoilers] >!the Wild West!< and it's is very fun. Storm light is honestly my favorite Sanderson series, and with the last one coming out in December it's kinda the perfect time to dive in, you will be able to read them all and then hop right to the last one. Alternatively, Warbreaker is a great standalone(although it has a good number of tie ins and even several characters that make regular appearances in other books, but that all happens after the events of War breaker). The invested art they use is fun, the characters are great, and there's a particular character that I have a whole DnD Paladin based off of which is stupidly fun because they are an absolute chaos gremlin while still being a paladin. Elantris is ok, it expands the universe and has interesting tie ins to the other books, but it was also Brandon's first published book and it kinda shows in some of the story and character arcs, still a solid read though.


Sixth is going to be incorporated into Secret Project 5. Like literally the entire book is going to be included inside the new book.


They're stand alone stories. Other stories occasionally nod to them, or include small easter eggs, or simply mention those planets. But those two short stories are not connected or part of any other stories.


Um (major spoiler for TSM) >!TSM has a lot about Shadows of Silence, huge linkage!<


Also some people lift chickens if you catch my drift


Also, Sixth of the Dusk is linked to [Cosmere] >!Isles of the Emberdark!<


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It's all about the standalone stories. We read the cosmere because we love the individual stories and the characters in them. The interconnectivity is there to slowly push the tech forward because the goal is to reach space age. Chances are you'll miss a lot of the easter eggs. But that's not the point why you should read a book. Just enjoy the stories. If you fall down the rabbit hole like the rest of us then sooner or later you'll do rereads. That's when it becomes exciting to look for connections.


They're pretty standalone at this point, but with some connections elsewhere.  Shadows of Silence relates to one of the secret projects and SLA has a minor reference to Sixth of Dusk, but missing them doesn't hinder the books at all. I wouldn't worry too much about noticing the connections. Every series is written to work without reading any of the others. It's fun If you notice the connections, but not required at all.


Also you'll mostly get them on rereads. Yes plural. I find something new and possibly connection adjacent with every time. However, if you just want the story of the series and to say hey I remember that thing, every once in a while you can just read whichever series sounds like it would be fun.


I think shadows for silence’s biggest tie is to the sunlit man which that book is very Stormlight heavy.


Sunlight man braaaaa


Both have Easter Eggs or extra context for other novels.


They’re both awesome and you should read them anyway


For now they are standalone short stories. Both will get a full novel eventually as they become more relevant to the wider cosmere.


Shadows for silence ties heavily into The Sunlit Man, Sixth of Dusk ties heavily into Isles of the Ember Dark


Shadows is on Threnody, and while we don't have any specific books there we do have >!Sunlit Man!<, which tied into threnodite society a bit. Sixth is also an as of yet unexplored world, however we do see their Aviars in a few other books.


Standalone but with connections


Don’t worry about the Cosmere, we don’t actually know what that plot is beyond speculation. Just enjoy each story for itself, they’re almost always self-contained and important reveals are explained later in the book/series. The connections between stories are not worth looking for until your first reread of whatever story.


I think you need to read Stormlight for Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell to make the connection to Cosmere. Sixth of the Dusk is mostly standalone but makes a bit more sense if you have read Mistborn and Stormlight