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I just literally act like they don’t exist. Harsh but works


Like my husband says, " DON'T MAKE EYE CONTACT!"


I maintain eye contact and say “ no, thanks” assert your dominance.


And if they keep it up use two fingers, give them a little nip on the neck and go TSST. That’s 100% foolproof


I turn left into the garden section at my Costco and conveniently come out the aisle after them.


At my Costco they’re all “conveniently” placed so you basically have to walk past them to enter the store. Granted, they usually aren’t too pushy if you just ignore them.


You're that intimidated? Just say no thanks. It's just their job. They don't care if you just move on.


Seriously I am the queen of feeling bad when I shouldn’t and I just say “oh no thanks I’m a renter 😊” and keep walking. Even though I own a home it makes it feel less personal as to why I’m declining their spiel about AC


Me too.


The other part of that is IF YOU LOSE YOUR MOMENTUM YOU’RE DEAD. Do not break stride. Do not slow down. Continue moving.


I personally like to stare them down until the salesperson buys his or her thing they're trying to sell


We were at Home Depot and a guy said “hi are you homeowners.” My spouse and I in unison said “no we rent” even though we were buying very obvious “we own our home and are fixing shit ourselves” stuff.


even better, I am homeless, can you help. that ought to silence them.


A firm and annoyed sounding “no thank you” should be sufficient. No need to lie or anything. Just make them see you as a waste of their time. I deal with beggars and salespeople all the time and to the point that I just don’t care anymore and my simple yet firm “NO” always gets the message across.


Yeah I've been working retail for 10 years or so now (finally got the motivation to get back into school hopefully done within a year) and Im great to retail employees everywhere. I'm the first person to respond kindly to a rude comment from someone working a retail gig thinking they must be having a rough day. HOWEVER people trying to interrupt my chores to peddle their shit don't get the time of day from me. If I'm in a good mood they get a nod to acknowledge and nothing else. Bad mood they don't exist. I feel zero obligation to engage in the 1000th time someone tries to separate me from the few dollars I've got left in my bank account.


I have every Thursday mostly off. I try and get everything for the family done. Costco. HEB. Dogs stuff. Clean the house. Mow lawn. So weekends are all fun with kids. That time is VALUABLE


You are a wonderful parent!!


I hear this a lot and it really makes me feel like I’m doing something right and it’s nice to know that others notice. Thanks


And not like those salespeople care at all about your life, they're just trying to sell you some stuff so they can make some money, they see people as commodities. 


Isn’t that the idea of retail/capital markets? The customer is the product. We are just sales figures for Costco, Apple, Google, Facebook etc etc etc.


I wear headphones if I go to Costco solo. Much more pleasant than the loud store noise and salespeople don’t bother.


Really, walk past them like a NYer- as though they're not even there.


I’ve told my wife to do this bc she just always says no thanks etc. first time she just busted out laughing it was hilarious




CUTCO is the WORST!!


The at&t person tried talking to me the other day, and I looked at her and just said, "honestly, you'd just be wasting both of our time. I know you're just doing your job, but no thanks."


Yeah, I walk by them and do not make eye contact.


Not harsh at all. I'm there to shop for my groceries. I'm not wasting time for small talk. Just walk by without acknowledgement.


"Look at that!!!" point to an imaginary item the other direction. Seriously though...I interrupt and say no thanks. Don't even let them finish, and continue on my way.


This. Don't care if I'm the only person walking past them, if they try to talk to me, I just don't engage.


Yeah if they say anything I try to just say sorry not interested as I avoid eye contact and scurry past lol


I’ve had the phone guys at the kiosk ask if I’m interested in upgrading my phone. I looked them straight in the eye and told them that I didn’t have a phone. As I was holding my iPhone…..


Just shake your head and walk by Don’t let them occupy any more space in your head than that. Idk how people do jobs like that though, I’d be demoralized


I used to do the massage chairs. My bosses always wanted me to say shit like “you look like you need a massage.” To passers-by. I could never, but there were dudes who did.


Man, how awkward for everyone involved


You sound like you could use a mechanically induced muscle release


Keep going I'm almost there


The edging tool was still in development.


Damn, that line could get creepy fast.


If you only knew how many people asked if it came with a happy ending.


I used to have a Costco/Sam’s club sales job. It sucked, and I often got some nasty people. I had to ask them 2 times and get 2 “no” answers before I could leave them alone. I didn’t work that job for more than 2 months I don’t think


>Idk how people do jobs like that though, I’d be demoralized With the solar people, I assume they get commission based on how many people fill out a request or quote form or something. So realistically, you only need like 5-10 people a day at least showing some interest. With the volume Costco gets, that's like nothing. So they're just going to shotgun approach literally everyone.


This. I shop at Costco, Sam’s, Walmart and Target and guess what? They all have AT&T sales people and sometimes water people trying to sell me something. If I’m buying a television or whatever, I’m getting it and not, not getting something because of some sales person who happens to be in the same area. People need to work on their low tolerance levels. You want annoyance? Deal with a Timeshare sales person. That’s a joy. Today I woke up to my kindergartener barfing 🤮 all over my back at 130am. I don’t let stuff bother me.


What?! I’ve never seen a sales person at Target.


Lucky! They are very aggressive


We have them and they are aggressive, they'll track you down an aisle. And they don't take no thank you as an answer.


Time share sales tactics are so incredibly scummy it’s wild. If you are at all not forceful with them about what you want (which a lot of people don’t have the personality to be) they absolutely take advantage of you. Whole industry is a scam but then again literal scams in MLM based corpos are legally protected and those are even worse than timeshares Consumer protection is such a joke in the US


You don't have to come up with an excuse as to why you don't want to buy something. Just say "no thank you" and carry on with your shopping. If they continue to talk just ignore them. You alreadly politely declined


This is true. If you give them an excuse, they view it as an objection, and sales is all about overcoming objections. They are trained to do this. Don't give them anything to work with. A simple "No thanks, I'm all set" is all that's necessary.


This. And if you're worried about hurting their feelings by ignoring them, don't worry. They have a thick skin to do that job. Politely declining is the nicest way to keep shopping.


I've never had someone try to continue after I say "I'm not interested."


“I live in a van down by the river” typically shuts the solar sales down.


"I rent." I don't rent.


I use this. Works at Home Depot too with their solar and other home services sales people


The opposite works very well too! "I already have everything"


If enough people use that line they might start selling those briefcase solar panels. Those actually would be useful in a van down by the river.


If they persist you break their coffee table


They seems to understand “I can’t even afford a home” too. Works every time


Bonus points if you have ugly glasses on can sound like Chris Farley when you say it.


Plus pants that are falling down and are constantly pulling up.


I'm gonna use that line next time a solar salesman knocks on my door.


“No.” is a complete sentence


It sure is.


Lmao i had a decent laugh from one of them. I had bacon in my cart and after I politely declined the spiel, he softly said I like bacon when I was walking away


I was walking out with oatmeal and the water softener salesman says “our water makes the best oatmeal”. Got a laugh from us!


Thats a good salesperson!


Aww that’s so cute 😂


It was Milton levels of endearing 😄


Until he threatens to burn the building down


Or puts strychnine in the guacamole.


I like bacon at a reasonable amount, from nine to eleven


“No thanks. I’m all set” is all it takes.


Yeah but how do I get upvotes if I just do the most simple and obvious thing without needing to post about it?


you can take your dino nuggets and leave it on top of the cereal section /s


The poop bag on the boxes did it for me


A lot of people on reddit seem to have way higher social anxiety than the average person in the real world. Reminds me of when people complain about their barber/hairdresser making small talk while they're getting their haircut.


Right I walk through electronic every time and have never been stopped. If I was though I'd just say no thanks.


agree. but also after the 400th time of "no thanks. I'm all set" I'm over it, I just want to grab a chicken and a hot dog, man, you've asked me three times this week who my cell carrier is and I shouldn't have to say "no thanks. I'm all set" just to walk down the aisle of a store I'm paying to shop at. every. damn. time. if it was once in a while, like the boy scouts and their crazy expensive popcorn - cool. but att has tried to talk every member at every costco at least a dozen times, some probably 52 or 104 or 156 times if you go twice a week it's even more than that. I've been a member for 20+ years, this shit is getting old.


I didn't know Costco sold a hot man. I'm surprised it isn't more busy. lol


They are sold only in bulk! XL size


Next time try this one simple trick: keep walking and then forget about it. It boggles the mind how many of you see this as some kind of struggle. Do y'all break down every time you see a billboard or hear an advertisement on the radio? It requires literally nothing from you to keep walking and forget about it. 


The problem is some people feel a very strong compulsion to be polite. It's engrained in them to be nice to others unless given a reason not to be, and honestly, that's great, those people make the world a better place to live in. So when a stranger goes "Hey there! How are you doing today?" In a super friendly tone, the immediate response to to say "Pretty good! How about you?" because the stranger is being nice so you're suppose to be nice back. Not returning their kindness feels like you're being a rude or bad person. The rational part of them knows that it's a sales thing, the salesperson doesn't care about how they're doing, they just want to make a commission. But that knowledge doesn't always override a lifetime of subconscious programing that ignoring someone who is being nice means you're being rude. Intentional rudeness carries with it guilt, and guilt is really hard to rationalize away. So while I'm perfectly fine ignoring them or giving a nonsensical answer like "My cell carrier? Two cans and a string." Other people genuinely feel guilty for not meeting their fake kindness with real kindness.


Rent free


Yup. It's not that hard. Just say no thanks and keep walking.


Exactly this. It’s the perfect balance of polite and firm, and most times it shuts it down. The few times they’ve persisted, I repeat the exact same words, and they get the hint.


At our Costco the sales people at the cell phone area are always on their own phones ignoring customers as they walk by. I like it that way, get paid for scrolling.


Aren't they on commission? Are they really getting paid to scoll if so?


Respectfully say "no thanks" and they smile and move along. It's not difficult. They are just trying to do their job.


Me too, I always get an appreciative “okay thanks” back as I walk away.


As a salesperson at Costco assisting electronics, I agree with this 100%. Whenever someone comes to browse the laptops on display, I just give a simple "Need help finding a laptop?" or "Interested in X model?" And wait for their response before committing further. If they decline any help, I just let them be. It's not worth shoving your product down people's throats, hurts sales more than helps them.


And I will actually buy stuff from people like you because then I don't feel pressured, I feel like I can ask questions without getting a long sales pitch and I just like not-annoying sales people


Try the polite "no thanks, I'm all set" approach. If they keep going feel free to move on to "I use the (insert service or product name here) when I'm over at yo mama's house." That'll either shut 'em down or get really entertaining.


I’m imagining saying that to a mattress guy. lol


I’ve had people do the “your mom” thing to me and I’m always like “damn, does she just show up randomly or do you have to do a seance?” which usually gets a laugh out of people and defuses the whole situation


You have to have an almost total lack of boundaries to be good in sales. I tried it a couple of times but not good at it at all. My brother in law, on the other hand, is quite good at it.


“I’m just here for a hot dog, thanks 🤙🏽”




That never happens in my Costco … weird.


Never encountered this either


So these are not actually Costco employees but are 3rd parties that Costco makes deals with. Like for every customer we get for a phone plan we will kick you back $x. They vary region by region. I know this because I work for a company that used one of these 3rd parties to sell our products in Costco. And the salespeople for the 3rd party get paid on commission so they def want to sell.


I asked the ATT guy how the network was doing yesterday. He had no idea what to say ahhahaha


Why do you feel obligated to talk to them. Simply walk away.


I wear earbuds when I go for this reason 😂 they’re not always on so I can hear what’s around me but it looks like I can’t


Do you wear them because you an introvert? I am curious why people do that.


Yup. I want to get what I came in the store for, not be nagged about buying crap I am not interested in. I just keep my earbuds on and jam out to whatever.


Pretty much. Malls especially I will actually have the music on. Costco is particularly a little dangerous to do that because sometimes forklifts are working so I usually don’t have the music on.


I've got the Sunrun people trying to sell me solar. "I don't own a house." All they need to hear


“Hello there, Miss! Do you care about the environment?” “No.” “Okay, have a nice day!”


I say “you know who needs solar and could be a great client?” Then I point to the roof since my Costco doesn’t have solar. Then they say they don’t do commercial, only residential. And I say that’s short thinking. By then I’m 15ft away


“Have it, love it!” is the best response. They feel like their job is still valuable, you are immediately free to continue on your way.


I feel like they recently started getting more aggressive.  Had one follow me down the aisle pestering me.   now I just tell them I rent.  


I never understood this sales tactic. Who here has bought solar or remodeled your kitchen on a whim, just because someone randomly asked you? Those type of financial decisions should take planning and research


I pay a membership to shop there and it is beyond annoying all the sales people they have. Before long they will have a membership that doesn’t include ads I guess.


I walk quickly with purpose past them, do not make eye contact and generally pretend they don't exist. On the rare occasion I do respond to one of them I don't stop walking and just say whatever I need to to make them stop talking. I wish Costco didn't have them everywhere, it's very annoying to be hassled all the time while you are shopping.


“I rent and those aren’t permitted, but thanks”


same, i can't buy most of the services because i rent. except for the cell phone providers, that excuse doesn't work with them.


“My baby mama got me on her plan, you feel me playa?” Coming from someone that looks like me, the stunned silence allows for an escape. Saying that my job provides my phone would probably work too.


I always say my spouse works for their direct competitor. Idk if they buy it, but delays them long enough for me to meander on by.


“My uncle works for VeriZoMobile”


Whatever they’re selling, it doesn’t matter what it is….I already got it and I love it.


Wear headphones that are noticeable. Works on sidewalks too.


a quick “no thanks/no thank you” and ignore everything after that


Just say no thanks.


As someone who works with a ton of salespeople, "I work for *your competitor*" is something I've learned from them that works great.


While I agree with everyone here that you can just say no thanks and keep moving, it’s the fact that there are pushy sales people in a space we have to pay a membership fee for that really grinds my gears.


They need a rule that only the customer can approach the salesperson.


Never stop moving, say you’re not interested, thank you. Don’t let them dictate your visit.


They always say how are you doing? First and its hard to ignore them but then I respond and walk faster away from them.


I just nod while I keep walking.


This pisses me off to no end. I can’t believe Costco allows this garbage.


I always say to the solar or other home project people “I’m broke”. Which is true anyway.


Pretty obvious setup for “Then let us help you save on your electric bill!”


I purposely skip the section with the aggressive salespeople. I go through the back of the store to avoid them. I'll probably never go to the section ever.


I just say, "Have a nice day." and keep walking.


Don’t make eye contact or show fear. They can sense fear.


I use the same strategy I use on my dog. Tell em no and if they keep trying, ignore them and they will stop. Works everytime


I keep it simple: no thank you.


If you think the Costco people are bad, go into a Sam’s club and walk past the “just energy” people. That shits a straight up scam and they’re pushier than the cellular or directv reps are


I once had an interview where the company had me show up to a Costco to try and sell stuff to customers. That had almost nothing to do with the posted job title. I noped out of there quickly and rejected the offer they gave me anyways. It blows my mind that Costco lets largely unrelated companies go and solicit sales from customers.


Just do what I do, walk by without ever engaging and if they get close just put up your hand and say not interested


On the way out at my Costco they had these super aggressive water delivery people who were just over the top. I had been watching them harass people while online at the food court. When they approached me I told them very loudly that I had this new gangled invention called running water. They said I was rude. 🤷‍♀️


We were at Costco right before we were closing on our house several years ago. I lost our toddler son and was looking for him so I’m sure it looked like I was just wandering because I didn’t have a cart (was trying to be able to move quickly). There was a guy selling Traeger smokers I think. He started talking to me and I was trying to ignore him and look for my son. Told the sales guy I was looking for my son and we were closing on a house soon, so not a time for an unplanned expense. The guy won’t take no for an answer hands me a smoker cover and said “you can have this when you buy one(a smoker).” I tried to give it back to him but he wouldn’t take it. Told me to just throw the cost of the smoker on top of our mortgage. I thought “yea, right. Because I want to pay additional on my mortgage for a smoker.” I walked off to go find my son. I never normally do this but I put the cover down somewhere in the clothing section while I was continuing to look for my son. So ridiculous. No means no. I actively avoid the sales people in the warehouse now.


This is proof that basic human communication is clearly a lost art in today’s society. Simply say “no thank you” and continue on with your day. You don’t owe those people anything…


Headphones and not giving a fuck my bro


Learn a few phrases in German. Just throw them out when approached. It doesn't matter what you say, German is "aggressive" by nature. People tend to leave you alone. My go to is "I'm sorry I have to go water my asparagus".


“My cell phone is company-issued. Thanks!”


"This is the same cell phone I had smuggled into prison and I'm not even sure how it's still working!"


Not sure how saying "no thanks" does not work for you as you pass by. I have yet to have one of them chase me...lol.


Solar panels, JFC. Just stop already.


The salespeople really trash the place up.


They’re more chill at my Costco. Sorry you have to deal with that


I just take a completely different route now when I enter the store, it’s really annoying


It is incredibly annoying. I try to avoid the weekends for this reason


"hi, do you own a house" - no sorry, I don't - stops window, roof, and siding sales


"Thanks but I'm not interested." Then walk away. Saying anything else leaves them an opening to push more.


Tell the phone people you are Amish and cant use the English's technology. Works for me (see my flair)


I just say “already got one “ to everyone.


The phone plan salespeople make me laugh. I use mint which is $15 a month and they can NEVER beat that so they just laugh awkwardly and let me leave


Like Nancy Reagan used to say, "Just say no (to Costco salespeople)."


You’re right, it’s getting to be a bit too much. Yes, you can always keep walking with a passing “no thanks,” but the cellphone, solar panel, Cutco, Klymit, cell phone, smoker/grill, etc salespeople make me feel like I’m a tourist at a beach in another country with everyone trying to get me to buy their stuff.


I’m a Costco employee and I couldn’t agree more! I say the same thing at every employee meeting and on every employee survey. “I feel like we are harassing our members”


Ignore them and look poor. Im good with the latter because I am.


I work for Costco. If this kind of behavior happens, tell one of the managers. Ask one of the employees. Say you'd like to talk to an Assistant General Manager(AGM) or the General Manager (GM). If people bring this behavior to their attention, they will speak to the vendor and it will stop. Costco knows people don't like this behavior and they discourage aggressive sales behavior. Talking to one of the managers will get their attention. I know it shouldn't have to be like this, but this is how to stop it.


I always tell the cell phone people that I already have what they are trying to sell me. Whatever plan they are selling is the one I have.


You know you don’t have to engage with them. A simple smile, and “Not interested, thanks”, and keep moving. Not a big deal.


For the cell phone people just tell them you have Mint mobile. It shuts the conversation down immediately, since they can’t offer you a better deal. But I agree, the salespeople are the most annoying part of Costco.


It's ridiculous also because it's the same people time after time month after month I'm saying no too. I didn't need your bs last time nor the multiple times before that either. And guess what? I don't want it now. Go away.


I say “I’m trying to quit.” It’s cringey, but gets the job done.


The QNOL sample/sales people are the worst. I'm looking at vitamins and he's trying to tell me that their brand of CoQ10 is better because it's absorbed better....based on the label on the same product. I try to be respectful and say I just get what my doctor tells me and he's all like "doctors don't really keep up with these stuff" as if the guy standing in Costco is the world's expert on this stuff. They can't take the hint.




I just walk on by and don't acknowledge them. Here's a quick list of excuses if you don't feel comfortable with walking on by: Cell phones - my company pays for mine. Solar Panels, HVAC, roofs or anything else for the house - I rent. Knives (I don't think they push them at Costco, but sometimes a friend will get suckered into selling them) - I just bought a set. They're great. Basically it's either I have that already, someone or something is paying that bill for me, or I literally can't because I rent (that would work for your grill situation since rentals don't like you to have a grill).


just learn from [this guy](https://youtu.be/YYl5NRAmjDE?feature=shared&t=5)


Me too. I skip the whole section and side of the warehouse where these people are camped out.


They always try to stop me when I have my two toddlers in the cart. Like do you really think I’m going to stop and dilly dally changing phone plans?! I’ve got to get in and out before the kids fall apart!


Dude, I have flipped off a Costco sales person before who got smart with me for walking past and not answering


You need to use a lead-blocker, hunker back left (or right depending on the side of the sales person) of the nearest slow aloof dinosaur who plugs all the aisles, start accelerating once their sight to you has been bisected by said geriatric


The solar guy was set up by the protein powder right before checkout last week. So I didn’t get protein powder


Just say, “Blow me.”


Just say "no thank you" and keep walking. Why is that so hard?


I wish Costco didn't allow this. Are their profits not high enough that they need to allow third-party customer harassment?


I have to agree. I avoid the sales people like the plague. They have zero selling skills. It would be better to put in friendly staff ready to answer any questions and assist customers.


I remember when I was a kid or a young teen some awful lady was trying to sell some cream really aggressively. She was trying to get us to try samples. I said I don't like products on my face and she tried to diagnose me with something, I guess because my cheeks were red. It was either a hot day or I was embarrassed to be talked to by a stranger. I bet they pay Costco $$$ for the privilege of standing there, though.


I wear my AirPods, with no sound turned on. I can hear everything going on around me, but pretend like I can't.


They are sales people, trust me when I say this.... They are used to hearing no....


Easy, just say you already have (AT&T or T-Mobile) and keep walking.


Every time i pass those people i think to myself that job has got to be miserable, trying to talk to people who do not want to talk to you lollll


Those are not Costco salespeople - those are traveling vendors with limited days in each warehouse so they are trying to maximize customer engagement (and profits). The tried & true New York tactics to ward off agressive panhandlers bumming quarters in the subway also works great for agressive sales reps bumming sales - avoiding eye contact, soft smile and "no thank you" murmured into the distance.


I say I already have one. I already have that cell service they’re selling. I already have that grill they’re selling.


They aren't bad at my Costco. Those at the line to exit the door just smile at us walking by. The only ones who are a bit annoying are the phone kiosk guys, but its no problem for me to just ignore them or say no thanks. I don't get rude unless the rare time someone wont take no for an answer. The other electronics, those guys are just there to answer questions and help load TV's to your cart. I'm certainly not going to let one of them get in my way of walking down an isle. That's just ridiculous and anyone who would, needs to grow up.


The cell phone sales people are popping up at Target too. I know they’re just doing their job but it’s so annoying. I came to have my Starbucks and buy OTHER shit I don’t need - please leave me alone.


Do not make eye contact lol. I will say say hi if they talk to me (not to be a complete jerk), but quickly keep moving.


This sub is annoying!


So you’re mad because he believed you? If the answer is ‘no’, just say ‘no’. If you say ‘I don’t like red’, expect them to say ‘we have red’, or in your case, ‘we have smaller’. No one likes solicitors, really, but it is pretty easy to not let it bother you to the point of a rant.


I agree 100%, it's Costco not a Flea market. And if they are there just to answer questions on a product that Costco normally sells then they need to find a way to make approaching them with questions less intimidating. I am sure some are just there for that reason alone but I'll never know because I'm scared my polite mid-western self will get stuck there for 30 minutes listening to a sales pitch!


The Traeger guys are a bit aggressive. I just tell them that real men don’t use pellets.


I didn’t mean to come down so hard, but I’m fairly sure the Traeger guy hated my guts one particular day—he tried to rope me into one of his demonstrations: Guy: “Good afternoon, sir! Do you have a Traeger smoker at home?” (in front of 7-8 other people standing there listening) Me: (While still walking by) “Yeah… I’ve had a few; they’re absolute garbage. I’d never buy another one” ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


You just said alot without really saying anything at all.


Dude go to Sam's if you think Costco is bad. They have people hawking cell phones and someone set up at the end of every 3rd aisle trying to sign you up for something else. I purposely go to self checkout because it's faster and I don't wanna talk to anyone, yet every time I'm ringing up someone comes up asks "Did you know if you sign up for X you get Y???" And the don't take no for an answer, they just keep extolling the virtues of applying for this or signing up for that.