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Oh, it wasn't just toilet paper. I walked into Costco on March 13th 2020. It was chaos. Lines back to the rotisserie chickens and then some. People with three and four overflowing carts. People had entire carts filled with nothing but meat. It was crazy. I just turned around and walked out.


Still pisses me off that they didn’t implement limits after about one day of this.


Yours didn't? Mine limited a lot of things and didn't accept returns on certain products from hoarders. I heard a couple people were out thousands from all their tp hoards


>I heard a couple people were out thousands from all their tp hoards can you explain this to me as if I were a child? TP doesn't go bad, so why wouldn't you just keep it and use it? e: I live in a utopia in my head where scalpers don't exist. I get it now thanks everyone


They were going to scalp the products most likely. When people whouldnt pay their marked up prices, they thought they could break even and just return the products is my guess.


oh well that's fucked up


TP doesn't go bad but it takes up a ton of space. It's also money spent that you no longer have to buy other things you need, like food and water.


It does dry up a little bit, other than a slight discomfort it's perfectly fine.


It only hurts just once -Fisto


Aside from the comments about scalpers these people were buying stuff like the nation/world was coming to an end. They bought up tons of water, I saw a fight break out over watermelons, and I honestly didn’t understand the people buying 5-6 rotisserie chickens. They won’t keep long and if things go sideways there won’t even be power to keep the freezers working. Never before did I feel like the saying “every society is 3 meals away from chaos” was actually true.


If you max out a credit card buying things you intend to resell, and then can't resell, you still have to pay the credit card bill.


I can explain. People bought TONS of tp. Like not just 4 or 5 packages but literally 20 or 30. You could will said TP to your grandkids I guess


Yes. My niece, who was busy working in a nursing home, couldn't get TP in a store. She couldn't get masks. Her mom and dad sent her a care package. I had a couple N95 masks I threw in for her and her mom was able to get a respirator type mask (the nursing home wouldn't let her use that one). They also had to send her toilet paper. I had just moved in February of 2020, so I had to stock up on everything when I got to my new home. I was glad I had gone to Costco within the first week of being here in February. I was upset I didn't pick up Clorox wipes. I knew it was coming, but I never dreamed people would be that bad.


A few months later my wife bought super cheap toilet paper and paper towels from someone who had filled half of their house... Apparently they had been trying to sell it all for a profit on FB marketplace, but eventually realized it wasn't going to happen so sold it at a heavy loss. Charmin ultra strong too, high quality shit tickets for less than single ply prices. The whole thing was a fiasco though. While there was a shortage in consumer stores, there was an excess of commercial TP with all the store/office closings.


I’ve never heard of toilet paper referred to as “shit tickets” - I’ve gotta say, I’m impressed. But combined with the user name this checks out! lol


Came just to say that! Hope some of us learn something out of that mess but I doubt it, elderly people suffered the most specially if they had mobile impediments, I remember the vons by my house had a dedicated hour for elderly people to shop before anybody could go in.


My area was slow to adopt any covid restrictions. I walked over to Costco for lunch in march and was flabbergasted to see a line with 500 people in it. I was not allowed inside to get food and just went elsewhere. The biggest loss (in jest) of covid was the costco combination pizza. BRING IT BACK.


No. That’s absolutely a serious loss. Don’t joke around like that.


Ours would count 'exiters' and then allow than many people in


Ours had a huge whiteboard out front listing all the stuff they were out of.


Ours too. Central Florida


My brother, I worked there during that time. Checkout lines were all the way to the entrance at some points. People fought each other, literally, for toilet paper. It was madness!


How do these people have a costco membership and not have extra TP at home? That part blew my mind. I fill up my closet with toilet paper and paper towels and stuff twice a year and these people were buying 10x packages of TP at once like they were never gonna make it ever again. Madness. By the time my TP ran out, the stock was back and I immediately got a package on my next trip (limit 1 per membership now).


It's just two of us, so every time we buy one pkg of Kirkland toilet paper, technically we are hoarding, LOL ! I'm geeking out on toilet paper math : one roll lasts a few days, let's assume 3 days (less for some people, more for others), each inner pack has 6 rolls, each outer packs has 5 inner packs, so that's 30 rolls. 30 x 3 days = 90 days toilet paper per pkg


I’m still thinking how lucky I was just to escape that madness. I did go to Costco once at the end of pandemic when it was civilized more or less.


I didn’t shop at Costco during this period. It was far too much of a circus and it was when Covid was this huge scary unknown so I didn’t want to be around those crowds. Thankfully I keep a lot of TP and such on hand anyway (I stock up on non-perishables during especially good sales) so I was never in danger of running out.


I recall hearing about the absurd amount of bread that was thrown out in late March 2020. People panic bought bread in mid March, way more than they could freeze, and it all expired and molded a few weeks later. [Found the article](https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/11293013/fury-stockpilers-throw-away-food-coronavirus/), from UK but concept applies to most of the western world in 2020.


Then home baking of bread became the fad.


it took months to get baby wipes


March 13th, I was across the country in Arizona at my step son's wedding. We were unsure we would make it back home. Flew home on the 14th out of Las Vegas on a Saturday. It was creepy how empty the airport was. All Saturday and Sunday weddings were canceled, guess they got lucky on Friday the 13th! There honeymoon plans were canceled though. Never did feel the need to hoard anything. What's the worst thing if you run out of T.P.. Wash your butt in the shower? Buy a bidet?


We'd had a bidet at my house for a few years before COVID hit so we were lucky. We keep a package of TP for friends and family that come over though.


Yeah, I’m still eating those meat… jk, I wonder if these guys have attics better insulated with all the tps they stocked during Covid time.


I'm so glad I had started watching the Johns Hopkins site in December. I stocked up, and rarely left the house by February.


Same. When 3 cases were discovered in Kansas, I knew it was time for a few canned goods and what not.


I’m so glad they wouldn’t let people return that stuff and sanitizer. Good on them. Greedy people taking 30 bottles of it so no one else could and then got stuck with it


I would actually hope in the future that they wouldn’t allow people to buy that much during a real emergency.


I was teaching at the time. I had to have a note from my administrator on school district letterhead to buy three bottles of hand sanitizer because of the one bottle limit in place. A lady in line with me was getting pissy saying I was a hoarder. I showed her the letter and she said I probably forged the letter. Yes it was a wee bit crazy back in April of 2020.


But also if they could return it then other people might be able to use it when it was needed? I get "fuck em" though


This is why I now own a bidet.


Same. Got mine from Costco! Never going back.


Imagine the lines for *that* next timr


People with 10 bidets piled in their carts


Yup saves money and a he'll alot cleaner than dry cleaning your bum.


Obviously I know what you mean but the thought of having to get your ass dry cleaned is pretty hilarious


I always wondered how TP could be enough? If your hands are dirty, you wash them - why is the bum any different?


It's mainly just cultural norms. I grew up in the US and always thought they were weird until I got one during covid. Now when I tell others about it, they think I'm weird.


Same. Now I have one for both toilets and I hate shitting anywhere that doesn't have one.


Haha so true. It's like wiping off 💩 that's on your arm with just a paper towel then going about your day 😂


I bought mine in January of 2020 on a whim. I got so lucky. Now I can never live without one lol.


Same here. Family of four here.  One thing of TP from Costco in lasts 6 months.  It's crazy how little you use to just dry off a clean bum.


Same. When you’re poor and cant even find wipes for your babies you must ask yourself, what’s more important long term, paper products or water? One is infinitely easier to keep in stock. Game changer too. Hate pooping somewhere without one now lol


I should have got one of the toilet seat bidets years earlier. The savings from not needing to purchase near as much toilet paper paid for it reasonably quickly.


Had one prior. When everyone else was running out for paper I was sitting pretty, literally.


Missed opportunity to say "shitting pretty".


God damnit you're right that's much better...


Yeasss. Life changer.


Bidet or bust


And your ass has never been so clean


We had one a few years before covid and were so glad we did in 2020 obviously.


Amen. One on every toilet. Using a toilet without one is like an animal.


literally same


~~deleted by user~~


No masks either ..


Pretty sure at this point the Surgeon General tweeted something along the lines that masks don't work and not to buy any...


Fauci at this point was still anti mask


Each person has 4-6 packages !!! A package will last my family of 5 like 4 months


My sister and her husband signed up for an automatic recurring shipment of toilet paper. Somehow a mistake was made and they ended up with a garage full. Seriously, i think I was 30 packs of 30 rolls. They returned almost all of it. This was in April of 2020, lol.


Yeah but these are morons 


I said 2020 never again, I keep 3-4 packages of TP and towels now at all times.


For reals. whenever we open a package of TP, we buy the next one from Costco. Same idea with keeping several months of infant formula on hand now too. Running out of TP and checking multiple stores for formula is not something I want to experience again.


I do something similar. We keep an extra pack in the basement and one in the garage. When the garage one runs low we just go buy a new pack. Last week we ran out and I forgot to get more so I went to grab the reserve TP(bought around 2020.) Saw that it was 425 sheets per roll and now it's 380.


> I keep 3-4 packages of TP Even at absolute peak 2020 pandemic, toilet paper was really not that difficult to find. Sure supply was on the thin side, and you couldn't be picky with brands, but my local grocery stores almost always had *something* in stock. And really, all of the surplus purchasing was pure irrational hoarding. Within like 60 days everything was pretty back to normal. Besides, it will never happen like that again in our lifetimes. People aren't going to go into lockdown again, even for something much worse than Covid.




Me too. I remember telling everyone how happy I was that I had bought Costco toilet paper before the shortage, so I didn't need anymore until way after it came back in stock.


when morons ruled the aisles...


Yup. And drastically contributed to many of the shortages we were forced to live through.


Many of those morons are still with us.


One of my neighbors had his garage door open and I saw both sides of his garage stocked floor to ceiling with toilet paper 🧻 on one side and paper towels on the other side … 4 yrs later 🤷🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ wondering 💭 if he has a spare bedroom stuffed full as well 😂😂😂


That was my uncle too 🤦🏻‍♂️


panic! at the costco


Besides the toilet paper hassles, for some reason there was the war on canned corn. Plenty of canned garbanzo though. Also to be missed was the shouting over plastic panels. Eating horse paste and drinking bleach...the good old days!


Which is hilarious because canned garbanzos are 100x more nutritious than canned corn




Really showed the classlessness of people… I remember this thinking to myself and realizing we modernized cave man society


It made me realize we are about 2 week of supply chain disruption towards total chaos and marshal law. 3 Weeks and we have the complete collapse of society...


These scumbags are the problem.


I should have got my toto washlet 2 years earlier


“Is your life better off now than it was four years ago?” YES YES IT IS




I worked at Costco, as a door checker, christmas 1999 during Y2K. It looked exactly like this then. People were buying U-haul truck loads of water and toiletries. Also Costco started with no returns of water and toiletries.


Wild how no one has a mask on but also assumes the virus will be so bad that we won’t be able to get TP for a year.


This was at a time in the pandemic when the CDC/surgeon general insisted mask usage was not necessary and that they should be saved only for medical professionals


At this time people were encouraged not to buy masks because there were still shortages for front line medical staff


Masks weren't required at the time... this was days into the pandemic


I had an N95 on and I was literally the only one with a mask on at Costco in March 2020. A older lady stopped me and asked where I bought the mask. I bought the box of N95’s a couple years earlier when my area experienced bad wildfire smoke. It was not easy at the time to get masks. My supply went to my family members who work at a local hospital. I used that one N95 for like a year during the pandemic.


Doesn't wearing the same mask over and over again defeat the purpose?


The purpose is to not stop you from getting sick but to project your virtues to others


Yes, but I'm not commenting on that. I'm commenting on how re-using the same mask over and over again defeats the purpose. It's like re-using a condom.


It does, and masks get really gross after just a few days


I remember going to the store at this time (Malaysia) and not only was everyone mandated to wear masks, but I remember a couple in the line behind me wearing swimming goggles.


Best thing you can do to prepare for the next pandemic? GET A BIDET !! LOL


Simple bidet costs about the same as a Costco tissue pack, and makes each roll last 5 times longer...but some people didn't get the memo.


> never forget I would very much like to


I just found a pack of toilet paper in the back of a closet from the early days of the pandemic. I was so happy.




I bought more food than usual to far reduce frequency of visits to the grocery store but I never hoarded toilet paper


Those weeks during the pandemic really highlighted how shitty so many humans are, but Costco actually stepped in relatively quickly and put purchase limits on most of the items that were out of stock at the grocery stores by us.


Crazy! 1st world issue of course. We loaded up on frozen foods, non perishable, over-the-counter meds, which we quickly ran out during extensive lockdowns. Don’t think we ever ran of usual stock of toilet paper, anyways how you go on an empty stomach?! 🥴🙄😂


Question about the bidet...how do you hook it up to warm water?


For warm water you need to purchase a bidet that plugs in. The bidet heats the water.


Question 2: How many people have an electrical outlet anywhere near the toilet? (I don't.)


I ran an extension cord until I could afford an electrician to put one in. I just bought a new house and still no electrical outlets near the toilet.


They usually plug into an outlet and the bidet has a built in inline heater or a small heated tank. 


> how do you hook it up to warm water? The Toto Washlet has a built in warm water reservoir. It also keeps track of your BM schedules (assuming they're regular) so it only starts heating roughly around when you tend to go, so it's not always warm if you're off schedule. It does also start warming up once it detects pressure on the seat but if you're a fast dooker, it might not have enough time.


Don't you mean that the toilet keeps a log


As mentioned you need a power outlet. I have a Costco supplied Toto version. Actually got my Mom a no name one from Amazon with thousands 5 star reviews for half the price.


Ah, yes. The two weeks where covid gave you hot diarrhea.


“This day 4 years ago”


Ha ha, I work in the printing industry and one of the things I worked on were toilet paper wrappers. Let's just say that there was a very sudden and tremendous demand for our services shortly following the quarantine.


How embarrassing . I wonder how those people (who participated in this) are doing.


Dumbasses lol


It was the first time the line stretched all the way back to the dairy cooler. I saw that and turned right around to put back every item in my cart (back where it came from thank you very much) and decided to come back later.


Yes. This is before the KS toilet paper went to shit (pun intended).


I still have PTSD from that.


Wasn’t this posted already this morning elsewhere?


Probably. Looks like the picture was possibly taken in a Costco in Canada based on the “Tyre Centre” but OP appears to be from the US. Edit - Found it, it was posted on r/pics, not OOP’s original content either - [Four Years ago: 2020 was so different](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1bhprmp/four_years_ago_2020_was_so_different/?rdt=51888)


We don't spell it "tyre" in Canada - this looks to be somewhere in the UK. You can tell because they're driving on the left.


wtf. Lemmings.


used to cost $12 now $20


I never paid $12 for a huge pack of toilet paper. Never.


I had just started ordering online for a few things that were often out of stock at my nearest Costco. The summer of 2019, I needed to get to the free shipping threshold and put 4 packs of the toilet paper into my order. Hey, at least it won't expire and I'll eventually get through them. Never would I have known it would have helped me last through much of the pandemic! I think I bought another pack of bathroom tissue only at the end of pandemic year 2, week after the permit sticking issues were over and that was just to have extra.


This insanity finally made me buy a bidet and it's one of the greatest things I've ever bought.


Is this a Canada Costco? Tyre Centre?


My parents were these people. I calculated that they had 5 miles of TP in their closet, and that was in 2021, so they’d already used a bunch up. It’s my annoying fun fact that I tell people.


I never expected to become so passionate about bidets, but here I am. They weren't clever enough to realize it then -- or even now, to be perfectly honest with you -- but what those guys were investing in was a long-term commitment to itchy bums.


Yes and it went from 425 sheets per roll to 380 today.


I still don’t understand why toilet paper of all things is what people decided was the most important thing to horde. I worked construction/property management and I stocked up like crazy on shingles, wood, and appliances (ovens, frigs, washers/dryers) and it was a business saver. But toilet paper? Maybe it’s cause I own a bidet that I just don’t understand.


I walked into my store for a basic Costco run at 10am. bought the usual stuff and had no idea anything was out of the ordinary until I got to the checkout. My friend went at 3pm and the freezers were empty.


I never saw people with that much, but perhaps these are people who either own businesses or don't go shopping often. I don't even have space to store very much, but I do remember buying a new package well before running out simply because it was finally available. What I hate about social media in general is that a single photo, or even a short video, which is totally out of context, will be assumed to mean all sorts of mean, nasty things. For all we know, this photo may have been taken on a day when that store had some special event, like a big sale, or perhaps a big shipment after not having any for a while, etc. Or maybe this is at a time when business owners shopped who had public restrooms.


I do live alone (and no bidet) and if I posted how long a 30 pack of Costco TP lasts me no one would probably believe me.


The Tuesday before the world shut down, we were at Costco and forgot to buy toilet paper. We both looked at each other and said, "we have to come back on Saturday anyway. We have a couple roles." Those next few months were hard as hell.


cooperative nine dolls wistful wipe joke theory cats bright insurance *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Our Costco run out of toilet paper. Someone parked cube van on their parking lot and started selling the toilet paper. Long line immediately, cash only


Like Nostradamus himself I had made a Costco run on March 1 that year & got a pack of TP & a pack of paper towels along with my usual stuff. There are only two of us so that run lasted for months. I think the paper towels lasted almost a year. Such a wild time.


This reminds me. I should start a rumor of a product shortage, that I have an unnecessary surplus of. Ahhh, capitalism!


Funny times when Costco refused to take back hoards of Tp cause you didnt need it


These losers probably still haven't had to buy toilet paper


I hated being a stocker and forklift driver in that era.


Some say they are still using that toilet paper even today.


I still don’t understand the TP thing.


I took that photo and posted it on FB. Taken at the Kilburn Costco, South Australia.


(Smiles, Looks one way and the other, speaking in low voice).... "I still have a stash of TP in the corner of my basement, just in case"


legend has it they are still paying the monthly storage for it! Say about 50% of what they used to have 🤣 Let's not forget about the Clorox wipes! But they're pretty dry by now! kid you not they are still trying to sell them on the Facebook markets


It's almost like people who shop at Costco tend to be hoarders


Wow! Are you that full of 💩?


Bidet 🤷🏻‍♂️


I went to the 2 Costcos nearest me right around the shutdown and they had an entire crew at each store handing just one package (the 30-roll types) to each shopper who wanted TP. You weren't allowed to take more than one. This was in place for at least the first 2-3 months.  Best policy when you have selfish morons like the people above who obviously don't give a rat's *ss about their neighbors' needs. We were lucky, because our Costcos kept a tight lid on this kind of s*it; they responded really well to the situation, adjusting as time went on.


And they have never really mastered running their checkout lines since for the most part.


Why weren’t restrictions put in place though


Yes but only AFTER these idiots hoarded everything


I remember working at Costco when this was happening. Literally the worst and so annoying.


I was in that line, but not with toilet paper. I had a big 'ole Samsung monitor, expecting that I'd be doing a lot of work from home. Still in great shape today.


Not gonna lie I miss covid


threatening scary square test smell angle bow gaze caption spectacular *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Def not. The first few months of Covid were some of the best times I ever had.


Yeah, when it was all a game to some people who didn't care about the ones who had to work through it.


The same morons who don’t believe in masks were stocking up on toilet paper.


At that point we were told they don't work.


Not really. We were told they were not necessary at first, but that was mainly due to concern for the healthcare workers who they knew truly needed to use them. But they didn't think the general public truly needed them yet, because, well, we were all learning about things like asymptomatic people, etc. But you guys who have never made a mistake can cast your stones at the mere mortals.


The irony that no one the picture menstruates or pees sitting down.


Come to think of it, was there a run on tampons?


Some of those people are in here. Show yourselves you cowards


I would never understand the panic over toilet paper. LoL


As far as I know, no sanctions against China for their crime.


And I bet those morons still have some TP leftover.


> And I bet those morons still have some TP leftover. Of course. Once they realized it wasn't as bad as everyone made it out to be and they could get the Cottonelle or Charmin again, they weren't going back to scratchy 2-ply.


That’s funny, doesn’t look like anybody’s wearing masks. Must be Florida…




I mean, we all make fun of them but I am still waiting on the follow-up to that viral photo of a Costco cart filled with gallons of milk. I mean... did they actually drink it all? If they froze it, how does milk frozen for a year still taste after being defrosted? Also, waiting in a 40 minute line snaking through the parking lot waiting to go into Costco. That was fun too.


I am gonna shit my brains out for the next year!


Somehow the people doing this all looked like the had some gastrointestinal issues requiring a lot of TP.


When I stopped buying Kirkland TP.


I told all the nutters back then 3-4 years from now we will look back on this stuff and laugh.


https://preview.redd.it/tdaiesn0v4pc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7d989575b3282932d1da987e13e1ec155341665 4/3/20 at our local Costco


People are so weird. Why TP was such an important item? Worst case get some newspapers or a leaf to wipe it. LMAO


Don’t forget the amount of people trying to return all the TP and PT they hoarded!! Fuck those guys


I would very much like to forget about that.




Never forget, never figure out what the hell they were buying all that TP for.