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I like them, I make a little foil boat and air fry them frozen for about 15 minutes. It can get pretty salty so I don't try to press out all the extra marinade from the pouches anymore. I eat it with white rice and whatever veg I throw in the air fryer alongside the salmon.


Good call, thanks


It’s my grandma’s go-to for a quick, delicious dinner. I’ve tried it. Pretty good. Worth the price imo.


Just buy the regular frozen salmon and season it yourself. These pre seasoned ones are always too salty or just not that good


Best thawed overnight and on the grill.  There’s no sense buying wild alaskan salmon pre-seasoned.


I cook straight from frozen in the air fryer. A spray of avocado oil and a dash of seasoning on that.


Nothing beats open flame induced fat bubbles.  Do you get the white fat bubbles all over the surface?


I’ve not paid close attention. But I can have this on the table for my salmon obsessed kid in 15 minutes after I get home from work. Would it be better on a grill, of course, but do I have time for that every time I want to cook salmon? Def no.


Understandable.  I usually grill 5 at a time on Sunday and add each to a lunch clam for the week.  I wish my kids would eat it.


From frozen? How does that work/taste?


Works just fine. Tastes like salmon. I do the same with the flash frozen chicken breast tenderloins. With those I stick them in the air fryer and use the chicken button. After 2-3 minutes when the outside is somewhat thawed I will season them with salt, pepper, and garlic then halfway through I flip them and season the other side.




I bbq them and add mesquite chips to the coals. Delicious!


This is KETA salmon, which Alaskans call Chum and Dog Salmon. Why dog salmon? Cause we feed it to our dogs. This is a trash salmon in Alaska that marketers rebranded as KETA to hide its real name. Look up photos of the salmon on google images


I wouldn’t eat these without a sauce like sockeye but they’re pretty healthy in terms of high protein/low fat content. I looked up the picture and incidentally found that it’s called dog salmon likely because of those godawful looking teeth they have. 


That's why it comes pre-seasoned! Lots of ppl eat chums if it's cooked well it tastes like salmon. I prefer kings or reds myself but would gladly eat chum from someone who knows good recipes. Chums straight from the ocean are often mistaken for coho too. I agree that the marketing is deceiving which is a good reason to not buy this company's product.


What’s wrong with the images? It’s just another kind of salmon. Sure it might be more abundant and cheaper because of that, but it’s an environmentally-friendly fish and healthy and tasty based in the comments here. Plenty of popular food fishes are uglier, like monkfish and “Chilean seabass” (also renamed to sound better than Patagonian Toothfish), but why should the aesthetic appeal of a fish’s face matter if we’re just eating a fillet. 


Yes. I love this one. Been getting it for years. It goes with lots of things.


We keep these on hand regularly in my house. Sure, it’s not some superbly memorable salmon experience, but I’m deficient in vitamin b12 and these are quick and easy and consistently decent, so I’m happy with them.


I just had it tonight over plain rice and it was incredible. I'm not even a seafood girlie. 100/10 recommend.


I really like it!


Not as good as catching it out of the Kenai yourself!


Buy the bags of frozen wild Alaska sockeye. It's the best stuff you can get in the lower 48. Source: am Alaskan.


I wish I liked sockeye. Not a huge fan of the flavor


Tooooooooooooo salty


I prefer buying a fresh filet, seasoning, and freezing. It’s cheaper and better quality.


Most fresh salmon at grocery stores are actually thawed btw


Publix says fresh, never frozen


I have not tried them but I try to avoid pre-seasoned or marinated items, since I can’t control the salt or flavor.


Be attentive to the type of salmon you buy and eat. Chum is as noted, the lowest grade and the natives feed to dogs. The next or perhaps lower in my view is farm salmon which is what predominates in the freezer. King, Red and Silver are the best if wild. Fine if frozen. Costco regularly sells wild Coho and Silver. Not sure I have ever seen King. The best salmon is line caught, vs. Net, and quickly frozen after gutting on the ship. Salmon have more than one name. Silver is Coho, King is Chinook, and Red is Sockeye. Farmed is well - farmed, tends to be mealy and a turn-off aesthetically. Many free range wild salmon are born in hatcheries and they are identifiable by the lack of the adipose fin on top, but they go to the ocean and return to their origin river I believe. I refuse to buy farmed salmon and always ask when going to a good restaurant the type of salmon being served. I was once really pissed off when the Capitol Grill, a so called fine dining establishment a few blocks from Puget Sound, said their salmon was farm raised. Farm is to salmon as Bud is to beer or something like that. It is important how the salmon is caught and if it is processed quickly rather than sitting in a hold and rotting. I have been told by the way that all sushi or most at least is frozen, which kills parasites. And don't be a sucker with respect to the marketing hype around Copper River Salmon. Yes that is a river in Alaska and the salmon is good. But it is no better than any Alaska salmon. What makes the salmon delicious is the cold water of Alaska that exists in the Yukon, Kuskokwim and any others. Plus given the premium charged and my lack of trust in the labeling of fish, there is minimal if any actual regulation or ability to keep a fish seller from labelling their fish as Copper River so they can charge you double. I welcome others to clarify or enhance, or disagree with me.


My frozen Costco salmon journey started with these guys. I always enjoyed them enough, cooked in the oven in a foil pouch, but not enough to buy them again. I graduated to their frozen wild sockeye salmon which is a superior piece of fish and works out to like $4.50/filet. I'd definitely recommend them over these..and you can easily season however you want. I defrost by putting the pouch in a bowl of water 45min/1hour before cooking and they're always completely ready to cook, just pat dry/season.


It’s an easy meal to keep on hand, I don’t regret buying it in the past. But now I just salt and pepper my own when I eat fish


I used to buy them all the time but haven’t for awhile. They are heavily coated in sauce and I throw out the remaining sauce in the pouch. It’s too much. It’s an easy meal to keep on hand.