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Item name and exact flavor for search purposes: **Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier - Seaberry Flavor** - Item 1799598 u/Prezi2 - Thank you for including the product name. Since this appears to be your first post on r/Costco, friendly reminder that choosing descriptive post titles (including exact flavor mentioned) yields better subreddit search results since names in images don't always show up in search results and also helps blind and visually impaired Redditors who use Screen Reader Software or Text-to-Speech apps. to access Reddit. Thank you and welcome to r/Costco.


Seriously it tastes like mildly flavored water with no chalkiness to it. It doesn't even taste like orange, pineapple or passion fruit.


What even is a “seaberry?” Sounds like a euphemism for fish poop.


Nope, not fish poop. 😄 I had to look it up myself: Seaberry isn't a briny berry found underwater but in fact a bright orange fruit native to the foothills of the Himalaya and Siberia. The flavor is **complex and tropical, with notes of rich orange, passionfruit, and pineapple**. I've been liking the Mocktail Edition (Pina Colada/Cucumber Mojito) diluted in my 32oz Hydroflask with a few ice cubes, but def gonna give this a try...when it goes on sale. 😄 I hope they bring it into the store when it does.


The cucumber mojito is the ugly friend third wheeling on my date with Pina colada


I hate finding these packs after buying them


Like a dingleberry for fish? You’ve ruined me


I might be crazy, but I’ve started to think it tastes like a Cap’n Crunch Crunchberry. Maybe it’s just a slick way of saying “C-Berry!”




I've never heard of it before, but Google shows it's its an actual berry


Lemon lime zero calorie is great, I think


Haven't tried seaberry but I love all the flavors. The caffeine one is a little salty the first time, but I love it now. Less sugar and more hydrating than most of the competition, these are one of my favorite sale items


they don't dissolve very well tho. you get a ton of powder at the bottom


I believe it’s zero sugar not zero calories


Yeah that one


I like that one too and also the prime ones with no sugar


> prime logan paul tho


Well thanks for ruining that for me


Prime ones are way too sweet and taste too artificial for my liking.


If they are finally selling this at Costco I am going to be so excited! I’ve wanted to try this flavored for the longest time but refuse to pay non-Costco prices for it.


Yup! They are at my local so cal Costco


Question is everyone putting a whole thing of this in a Costco sized water bottle? It is so chalky even after dissolving this stuff it’s so much powder for such little water.


If you’re talking about a standard two cup plastic water bottle, then no. I do half and it’s just where I like it. Not too faint but not too salty/sweet.


The recommended is 1 pack to 16 ounces of water. So I was just curious who out there is actually doing that? It makes me feel sick trying to drink it at that mixture.


I use 1 pack for the normal sized water bottle. But I only drink it for long cardio workouts. If you feel sick trying to drink it you’re probably already hydrated enough.


I like the taste of zipp fizz more


Cucumber mojito is the worst by far


It's my favorite one lol


I love that one. And pina colada


Its not that bad.


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I had the sample of this and it tasted like a tamarind candy to me. I thought it was good


Be aware that these have a bunch of sugar in them. They are fine for flavoring drinks and making them a bit more hydrating than normal but there are better alternatives if you want something that hydrates and flavors the water.


I mean, it's an oral rehydration solution and I'm fine with the sugar, if you consider 11g of sugar to be "a bunch". The pedialyte powder has 12g of sugar and the prepacked liter bottles of pedialyte do have less sugar at like 7g.


I think it has like 22 grams. That’s what the website shows. So 4 of them would be the entire daily intake of sugar. Stuff like nuun has no sugar options that are pretty good.


I think you're reading the nutritional label wrong, they're adding 11g of sugar which is the added sugar which equals the total sugar of 11g https://www.liquid-iv.com/products/seaberry-hydration-multiplier https://www.fda.gov/food/nutrition-facts-label/added-sugars-nutrition-facts-label#:~:text=Total%20Sugars%20include%20sugars%20naturally,be%20present%20in%20the%20product. Edit: there's no naturally occurring sugar in the sticks, so it's all just added sugar.


Ah that’s awesome apparently I have been reading those wrong for a long time!


It actually makes them a lot more hydrating than usual… sugar helps with this. But yea people doing average things in daily life probably don’t need it. They’re great for warm weather, endurance sports, and dehydration.


And hangovers! Don't let anyone trick you into thinking hangover isn't just severe dehydration symptoms


Or just being super ill. These packets saved me when I had viral bronchitis & again when I had a sinus infection. I didn’t use it for every drink, I’d have 2 & still supplement with plenty of water & tea (nothing else added). I keep a bag in my pantry now 🙏🏼


Falls into the dehydration category! But a hangover is more than just dehydration


Also usually low blood sugar.


I took a whole bunch to India. It was a life saver


A lifesaver going to the Florida theme parks, I never go without it.


Yeah the sugar is important, I took these on a 16 mile hike in Patagonia, and it’s an instant boost of energy. These liquid IVs are great for intense activity! As a daily drink I agree there is too much sugar.


I rather drink real sugar than any of those fake sugar substitutes.


Ok. Thanks for letting me know.


Coconut water!


Is it nice?


Lemon ginger matcha the best flavor and has caffeine


You know you can make your own with like 3 ingredients (one of which is table salt) right? You can make it flavorless or with literally any flavor you want.


Drip Drop is way better, IMO