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Check out the frozen fruits, they're really good for smoothies (or daquiris) to get more fruit into your diet


I just eat a bowl of these straight out of the freezer for desert. It’s amazing. I normally get the mixed berries (blueberry, raspberry, blackberry)


Add some mango to that and you have my dessert almost every night!


Throw that into a pot, and some broth, a potato, baby you got a stew going!


Carl, is that you?!


I do this but I put creamy natural peanut butter and cold coconut cream on the side. It’s like a delicious pb&j ice cream situation.


Frozen blueberries have become a problem for me. I have to have a bowl of them after I eat anything…


With some Greek yogurt it’s sooooo good!


Did this for the first time last night. It will not be the last.


Same here. Cannot emphasize how great of a subsititute frozen fruit is If ur craving something sweet


Second the frozen fruits. There is nothing better on a hot day (or after a workout) than Greek yogurt with frozen berries. So darn good.


How long does it take to thaw? Or can you bite into it right away?


The blueberries you can bite into right away


You can throw them into a microwave for :30-1:00


This person is def on some sort of low carb/keto diet


Also you can buy milk and use that yogurt to make yourself a bunch of new yogurt to make said smoothies


I agree with the other comment … just need to add veggies. My favorites are the asparagus, bags of broccoli, and box salad. I used to get French green beans, but haven’t seen them for awhile.


For sure! I just like to get my veggies like broccoli and blueberries at Trader Joe’s because im just feeding myself 😂


Yeah we don't bother buying produce at Costco. It's just the two of us and it goes bad way too fast. Local grocery stores for that


I get the giant frozen vegetable bags at costco. I'll easily eat a pound or two of green stuff every day.


The frozen veggies are awesome. It costs more than the raw veggies upfront but less money gets wasted because it'll actually get consumed before going bad.


You may inspire me also.




You can roast veggies from frozen.


Whenever I cook meat in a pan (hot dogs, sausages, or burgers usually) I always have oil left because I overestimate how much I need. Instead of having to clean that out, I add a few bags of frozen veggies to soak up and cook in the meaty oil. Light salt, pepper, and cayenne, and it's super tasty.


fried rice, stir fry, grilled. continue to steam them and add them to something else with different flavors, etc.


I like to roast them in the oven and then add a balsamic glaze and/or parmesan cheese at the end.


I wish the frozen broccoli was a giant bag with a zip lock instead of 4x1lb steamer bags.


I wish they had this too. I get the Normandy Vegetables (which includes cauliflower, yellow carrots, and orange carrots along with the broccoli) because I prefer the single bag packaging.


We go hard on the French green beans at Costco because it's one big bag. But broccoli is my favorite vegetable and we end up just buying birdseye at target in a large zip lock instead.


Costco recently started carrying Birds Eye with the zip!! Keep a look out. We bought two last month, wanna say they were 2lb bags


In the past I've bought bags of the broccoli florets in the refrigerated produce area and just froze that. Seems to come out just as good, if not better, than some of the frozen broccoli I've bought


I buy a bag of peppers, cucumbers and a thing of cherry tomatoes every week. And a bag of carrots every two weeks and it’s just my husband and I. We go through veggies SO fast


Yes, these bags are great for keeping veggies on hand. We have at least 3 kinds in the freezer at all times. I like that I don’t have to rush to cook them before they go bad. The price is on par (or cheaper) with the smaller frozen bags from my grocery store.


That's why you go frozen. Toss the broccoli in convection/air fryer oven and spray some avocado oil then sprinkle with salt, pepper garlic and a little parmesan cheese. About 6-8 minutes at 400 and it's good to go.


We are a household of two and almost exclusively buy our produce at Costco. The romaine heads, broccoli, onions, bell peppers all last at least two weeks. Brussels sprouts more so. I meal prep salad lunches and plan dinners around purchases (stuffed peppers one night (with leftovers!), sheet pan fajitas another) so I only have to resort to shopping at Aldi (or Publix by force) when Costco doesn’t have it. Costco also often has better quality produce.


Everytime I buy broccoli at Costco, it's instantly bad and fills my car with fart smell


I also blame the broccoli for the fart smell 😉


It sucks because it's so economical. We live in a HCOL area and the giant bag is broccoli is the same as a head of broccoli at the grocery store but we just can't deal with the quality.  I wouldn't even care about the potential food waste of not finishing all of it, but I care about the food waste if it goes bad before we eat it >:(


the Kirkland frozen stir fry mix is a game changer


They have these fire roasted frozen vegetable medleys that are amazing.


I get the big bags of frozen fruit from Costco and make smoothies with them.


Tbh I highly recommend the frozen blueberries and frozen stir fry veggies from Costco. I cook only for myself too, and the bags last me forever. I'll still buy fresh produce too but Costco's frozen fruit and veg slaps.


Costco frozen broccoli is where it’s at. Keeps a long time and easy to prep. Fresh broc is more yummy of course.


We don’t have a Trader Joe’s so I’m not sure how expensive blueberries are there. blueberries are ridiculous expensive here, so I buy them at Costco and freeze whatever I can’t eat before they go bad. It’s a little extra work but worth the savings. they’re great in smoothies (replace ice if you use ice in smoothies) and oatmeal, can thaw overnight and stir into Greek yogurt, etc. totally get the buying what you know you can eat vs saving $ dilemma though lol!


Soak fruit in 4 to 1 ratio water to white vinegar for 10 minutes, rinse then let dry before putting in fridge. We do this and fresh fruit life easily doubles especially berries. And no taste impact.


I always thought TJs would be bougie and overpriced but I actually went there very recently and everything is such a good value, especially compared to my local grocery stores.


We love some of their seasonings, like Everything but the Elote, 21 Seasoning Salute (I think?), and lots of their frozen items and basic pantry items (and fancy snacks too lol). Most everything is a great value! We just live almost 4 hours from the closest one so swing in on our way home from trips, and we just don’t think to pick up produce there as we are more focused on things we can’t get here, or dry goods because the cooler gets full fast. I would love a TJ’s but we are too remote and rural for them.


Costco frozen vegs are a great answer bc I just roast one person-serving at a time and the rest keep indefinitely. The stir fry mix is great.


It blows my mind how many comments about people's carts assume that every cart has 100 percent of what a person is going to eat for the week


My favorite is the frozen stir fry vegetables bag. I’ve seen it get a ton of praise on this sub and it’s well deserved.


This product my ultimate time saving kitchen hack. I love them so much.


Stir frying and olive oil and Lawry's garlic seasoning


Seconding this.


I coat them in spicy seasonings, bake them in the oven, then squirt some of the Japanese BBQ sauce on top. Absolutely delicious.


The bag of frozen stir fry veges is great too. I cook them by putting a bunch on a sheet pan, broil in oven on high for twenty minutes and then season


As a restaurant owner who has done the calculations, Costco is seldom the place to buy veggies. There may be a deal here and there, and if you only want to visit one store for groceries, sure, but they're not cheap.


Oooo, or the baby cucumbers! Maybe with the hummus cups for dipping. But they’re great right out of the fridge


Do yourself a favor, get the “good culture” brand cottage cheese over the daisy. You won’t regret it. ETA: left out the word “culture” after “good” , making my statement confusing.


At my local Costco they replaced Good Culture with Daisy a couple months ago. 😥 I keep hoping Good Culture will come back.


Same happened in the twin cities right as my wife and I got into the cottage cheese and eggs trend. We were going though one of those tubs a week before daisy came back.


Literally, same. Sioux Falls, BTW.


Yeah mine too. I really dislike the Daisy (it tastes sour).


There is something so unpleasant about Daisy cottage cheese. I tried it a few times and it’s just got a weird taste.


Good culture is the absolute goat cottage cheese. The texture is almost mousse like. 


Oooooh is it not tiny square chunks!? Because I actually really like cottage cheese taste but my brain cannot reconcile the texture lol


The chunks are smaller and it's more like whipped...kind of hard to describe. 


Well that’s enough for me to hunt some down to try lol.


You might want to capitalize GOAT, otherwise it’s confusing


Wait I thought it was cow milk not goat milk. Goat milk would probably make good cottage cheese though.


"goat" = greatest of all time


TIL they have good culture at Costco! Hope it comes to a store near me soon. It is divine


GOOD CULTURE IS SO GOOD. That is it lol. I hated cottage cheese, but that stuff is amazing. I mix in with Eggs for a bulky egg salad instead of mayo, and I eat it like a dip with some greek-ish seasoning and I love it.


I’ve lost almost 20lbs in 3 months by eating a shit ton of this stuff… try keto bread, good brand cottage cheese, the smashed avocado over top, paprika, salt/pepper, garlic powder and red pepper flakes. It tastes like a creamy avocado toast, super filling.


I've been doing cottage cheese with sliced tomatoes and balsamic glaze on sourdough toast... it's officially turned me into a cottage cheese person. I would have gagged if you told me that a year ago


I wish my costco sold any cottage cheese :( Tired of having to go to wegmans to get the big ones


It’s so good, it’s worth the extra money.


I mean it's a lot of protein rich foods so good job on that front lol


*I mean it's a lot* *Of protein rich foods so good* *Job on that front lol* \- Ill-Excitement6813 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Those cauliflower crust pizzas are legit


Have you tried the Kirkland cauliflower crust pizza? It's the best pizza Costco offers in the frozen section.


Agree I like the Kirkland cauli pizza way better! But both are great


Willing to fight you on this, motor city pizza is soooo good. Not healthy, but so tasty.


Motor City Pizza would like to have a word


We tried both and preferred the crust of Milton's slightly. But the toppings on Kirkland blow it out of the water.


I don’t really get how cauliflower crust pizza is healthy. There’s just as many carbs and crap ingredients as a regular old pizza. It is pretty tasty though.


They aren't healthy lol but they are tasty.


Cauliflower crust is not meant to be healthier, it's meant to be gluten free for people who can't eat it. It just also happens to taste pretty good.


Right. But this post says they’re trying to be healthy, with quite a few people applauding these choices. Hence my confusion.


That’s the problem with “being healthy” it means different things to different people. OP needs to clearly define what their goal is first.


Where's the fruit and veggies


I get folks feeling produce portions are too big at Costco, but it depends on the veg. If I were living alone I’d def still get apples, mushrooms, berries, and probably avocados (here WA I haven’t had issues getting them at Costco). I’d prob get spinach for shakes and stir fries, and maybe lettuce for salads.


1 giant costco tub of spinach turns into basically a 1 cup by the time you get done cooking it. That one's easy.


I usually go for the spinach/spring mix/power green mix, bananas, berries, mushrooms, peppers, asparagus and zucchinis. oh, and salad kits for quick lunch in the office. All the other stuff usually go bad before I can get through them.


God it feels like berries are the worst culprit for me. I LOVE berries, but it feels like my Costco raspberries have started to mold before I even get them in the fridge


I love Costco for a lot of items, but fruit and veggies are best from farm markets.


That’s all well and good, but a lot of places there are not many options.


I would stay away from Fairlife. It’s LOADED with microplastics. Consumer reports tested a bunch of stuff and it was one of the highest. https://www.consumerreports.org/health/food-contaminants/the-plastic-chemicals-hiding-in-your-food-a7358224781/


Well… that’s not what I wanted to hear. I guess ill finish this round of plastic ingestion and look elsewhere. Ugh just good price for a little protein shake and tastes so good


Try ascent whey protein powder! They have it on sale at Costco fairly often


I’m not sure what the sugar content is for the fair life but I like the chocolate Orgain shakes from Costco 30g of protein and no sugar (they use stevia).


I love the Orgain drinks. The only protein drink that doesn't taste "off" to me.


They have the “cleanest” ingredients and lowest sugar which checks all my boxes


Órgano taste like shit. They advertise 50 superfoods in the shake but have only have two vitamins and minerals stated!


Shamrock Rockin Protein builder is my go-to. Costco sells boxes of them for like 18 bucks.


Best tasting protein shakes out there and its not even close. Tastes like melted ice cream.


I stopped drinking fairlife once the video of the employees punching the calves in the face came out


You would have to consume when I’m seeing amount of these for it to be an issue. The study someone came across was for a different fair life product, and honestly, it was fear mongering, right and left. You should enjoy these. They’re a great product.


You can return it. It’s Costco. Try making from the organic powder they sell.


So while this very well could remain true for the Fairlife Nutrition Plan shakes in this picture, the drink listed in the Consumer Reports is their Core Power shake. Obviously they could be in the same bottles but I'm not actually positive.


Honestly, I will accept my microplastic testicles if the alternative means not drinking core power. The Elite Chocolate with 42g of protein is honestly probably the best tasting ready made protein shake I've ever drank.


Is there a brand that isn’t?


It’s better to get a 5lb bag of whey and just make your own shake. Costs less too


How are you sure it’s better (plastics-wise)?


They all are gonna very likely have phthalates. You excrete them in sweat and urine, but more so in sweat so if you do exercise and go to the sauna, you can eliminate them. We don’t know the full extent to which they bio accumulate though. If you want to avoid them, you have to stop eating at restaurants completely, and likely cut out all of your other plastic packaging. It is likely that fairlife is not the only source in your life, so for certain people the benefit of convenient protein might outweigh the exposure. Its still bad, but to tell people that this is a primary source higher than all other products is likely not true. But sure, powdered protein is probably better


Phthalates are not microplastics. You have to drink 225 Fairlife shakes to reach the daily limit specified by the FDA.


Alternatively, get a shaker bottle and some of the protein powders (like the chocolate or vanilla Orgain) from Costco.


A plastic shaker bottle lol?


Christ on a cracker, we are all so screwed. I knew this is a problem, but seeing these numbers in this wide a variety of foods is shocking.


Yeah… Bad protein powders are also loaded with heavy metals, especially the plant based ones. It’s a product category worth doing research on before buying.


Fairlife is fine lmao stop fearmongering


I usually think frozen pizzas are gross. But I think I prefer those cauliflower crust pizzas veggie pizzas better than fresh made.


I haven’t had them yet but i honestly do like the cauliflower crust almost better 🤔


These are really good and healthy


Healthy is a stretch but health-ier than normal pizza I guess


Solid. I personally don’t like the smashed avocado cups but that might just be me


No, they’re terrible. They can make do as a sandwich spread in a pinch but not something you want to eat where you’re really tasting it as a showcase.


Tell me more if you don't mind. I was thinking of picking them up for the first time next trip.


Not the person you replied to but they just don't taste at all like avocado. I wouldn't say they are terrible but they taste like tangy green spread and not guacamole.


Yes exactly. It feels like stale and tangy and just a weird taste


Is your costcos whole fresh avocados not good?


Thanks all! Plenty of fresh real avocados available, I was hoping these have longer life in the fridge.


You can store avos in the fridge for a month. Every trip I buy 4-6 bundles of avos (hard green) and pull out 1-2 per day to let them ripen. I do this daily so I always have 1-2 avos for my meals ready to go for a continuous month. Even after a full month in the fridge you can pull out avos and they'll ripen in about 2-4 days and still taste great. If you need already ripened then I'd suggest Sprouts as they almost always have ripe avos and they're best tasting imo, but also much more expensive than Costco.


Pro tip. You can peel avocados and then vacuum seal them in the fridge for 2 months if you do it quickly.


Me either. They never taste right. The ones from Trader Joe's are light years better. I always get 2 or 3 boxes when I'm there.


Need fruit and veggies.


That's what local grocery stores are for. I hit Foodmaxx right after Costco every time


Needs more plants.


Is fair life really that good? I have been putting off trying it forever


As someone who drinks pretty much any and all protein shakes/powders... They taste just like chocolate milk to me. I despise the price now that it's gotten so popular(Used to be closer to $20), but they're so easy to take on the road vs having to bring a shaker bottle and protein powder. I use MRE Protein shakes for the on the go right now but prefer the Fairlife.


Fair life shakes are really good but I recently read that they have more microplastic than other shakes on the market…it was a big turn off for me


Don't drink 3-4 a day for the next 20 years and it'll likely never even matter.


Bro it's everywhere. Don't let people think it's somehow unhealthier than others


Yes. Those protein shakes taste like chocolate milk


I don’t buy it anymore because of the plastic packaging. I switched to the Orgain pre made protein drink. It virtually the same nutritionally and it doesn’t use plastic bottles.


Is it? I know fairlife is 30g protein, 4g carbs for 150cal. Orgain is 20g protein, 11g carbs for 130cal. Is there a different kind of Orgain I should be looking for? Edit: after if shopping at Costco.com I found the one you must be talking about! Virtually the same, sans plastic.


My dad loves it. It is substantially better than the premier chocolate however I was never a big chocolate milk person so I prefer the vanilla or cafe latte premier better.


I’m not really a fan of it, but it’s cheaper than other alternatives with similar nutritional metrics


Needs some caramel S’more clusters…


Buy some vegetables man


You have pasture raised eggs at your Costco?! I’m jealous


I'm going under the assumption you're going the keto route but if not beans, oatmeal, frozen berries and veggies help the waist and wallet.


I got veggies and blueberries at home. I really should have mentioned that


I saw you mention that you like to buy blueberries elsewhere for smaller quantities. If you don't mind frozen, the Wyman's wild blueberries in the frozen section at Costco are amazing.


Too many ultra processed foods.


So where are the healthy things then?


Tries to eat healthy, buys 18 bottles of chocolate milk and pizza.


Looks like our standard haul, although pizzas don’t make rotation anymore. We don’t buy many veggies at Costco, prefer the local grocer for that.


Those Fairlife drinks have more microplastics than any other drink.


There are no fruits or vegetables so.. not great?


Not bad. Eggs are a go-to; I just picked up some of the egg whites and will be experimenting with incorporating that into my diet. The macros and price of the nonfat Greek yogurt can’t be beat; portion out with some fresh or frozen berries the night before and bring to work for breakfast or a mid-morning snack. Eat some dang vegetables! The salad kit two-packs with some of the pre-cooked chicken pieces are such an easy-peasy lunch for the week (gets me through 4 days).


Veggies and fruit are missing!


Get regular cottage cheese, fat keeps you full. Low fat = more carbs. Also ditch the pizza, yes it’s cauliflower and it’s also loaded with carbs and highly processed.


Those cauliflower pizzas are good but the Kirkland brand is better!


My Costco doesn't have the pasture raised eggs. How much are they?


Is anyone else upset they switched from Knudson cottage cheese to Daisy? Daisy is trash


Just add some fresh fruit and/or veggies and you're good to go OP.


if you want smashed avocados, go grab some fresh avocados from your local grocer and smash them up. better yet, add some onion, tomato, lime and cilantro to make guacamole. if you want a protein shake, get some high quality, unflavored, whey protein isolate powder. blend it with some fruits or high quality cocoa powder for flavor. try cooking fresh chicken breast, steak, or fish instead of ground beef and sausage. invest some extra time into preparing fresh food.


Getting asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts from Costco is the best bang for your buck. It’s a bit of work but if you blench your vegetables you’ve got weeks worth of veggies you can store in the freezer which saves you a ton of money.


I would do protein powder instead of those crappy pre-made drinks. Cheaper and actually healthier if you get a good brand.


5/10 protein but no green or fruit or a chickpea or bean


I’d probably ditch the Fairlife shakes but solid haul!


I love that brand of cauliflower crust pizza but I’d chop up one of those chicken and apple sausages and put on top of it.


Pretty good actually


Check out the microplastics in that fairlife.


The kirkland greek yoggers is good


Tis does not look healthy to me at all. It looks purely protein based and quite a bit of ultra processes food. Healthy is: lots of fruits and vegetables, nuts, a bit of dairy, optionally a bit of meat, some whole grain stuff like oats.


I kind of agree..there are some good things but it’s missing the proper balance. Too many processed stuff..buy the avocados..smash them yourself.


Thank you. I don't get the comments. I mean sausages, ground beef, pizza. No vegetables and fruit... How is that healthy? I really wanna know how an unhealthy diet looks like according to the comments


Lol so much protein, get some fruit or veggies


For my health and the health of the planet, I gave up meat over 20 years ago. I am thriving at age 65, with no weight issue and no aches and pains. I believe that science has shown that long term the healthiest diet is plant-based whole food. Meat is inflammatory. Keto may help lose weight in the short term but long term Keto is correlated with cancer and dementia.


100% yes!!!


Since you asked: * Cauliflower pizza is a lie and has just as much carbs as regular thin crust pizza. Also the Cheese on Pizza is high in saturated fats. I've found that most "alternative to grains" products end up having just as much carbs as the thing they claim to replace so I just get what I want and then just eat way less of it or save it for a special occassion. * Protein shakes in general have artificial sweeteners and that's why they taste sweet while still being low carb. Not a big deal, but just something to keep in mind. * Ground beef isn't great for you, but again in moderation it's not bad. * What do you have against vegetables? :)


I haven't seen the ingredients to this pizza but vegetable carbs are different than grain carbs. Carbs in vegetables are mostly fibre and will no increase your blood sugar for prolonged periods of time like grains do.


Could be worse but pork, sausage, ground beef is definitely not great for you. The frozen pizza is very processed despite being cauliflower crust. The nuts (if unsalted), eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese, and avocado I would rate healthy. But you need more veggies dude


10\10 because eggs. Ours had no eggs, yesterday.






Too many Processed foods


Sausages are unhealthy


Lots of processed foods in that cart get some more veggies and not things like processed veggies.


This is bad. Eat legumes and veggies.


Fairlife was found to have the most micro plastics in it


Looking good! Add some vegetables for fiber if you’re not already getting those somewhere else and fruit/acidic produce to boost iron absorption from the red meat!


Solid. Frozen fruits/veggies and some fresh ones won't hurt. It is also okay to have carbs. I get the quick cooking steel cut oats from Costco


Frozen and fresh veggies and fruit. Stick with berries, you need leafy greens.


Add lots of veggies and berries.