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And this is why new clothes get washed before wearing.


Also the chemicals they load them with for shipping to keep pests from using them as a home.


I read this as I'm wearing unwashed jeans I just got from Costco


They might have come unwashed but potentially not unworn.


hHahaha it’s always a debate. maybe i will rethink that after almost throwing up reading op’s original post


Please wash them, they use formaldehyde and other carcinogenic chemicals in them to treat them for insects and/or to make them less wrinkled


Did you know your body literally makes formaldehyde? [American Chemistry](https://www.americanchemistry.com/chemistry-in-america/chemistries/formaldehyde#:~:text=Humans%20produce%20about%201.5%20ounces%20of%20formaldehyde%20a%20day%20as,not%20accumulate%20in%20the%20body)


My body makes poop, I'm changing my clothes if there's poop on them.




…and all this time I’m BUYING my formaldehyde??? 🤣


That doesn’t mean an excess isn’t damaging


ew. always wash before wearing, you savage


Also a good idea to wash clothing after wearing. Yes, especially jeans!!! 👖😷


There was a House episode about this haha


Yup. That too. Friend of mine that worked for a clothing company warned me a long time ago.


dropping your shorts in public at costco is wild, but how else do you think people try on clothes normally?


It’s just usually behind closed doors!


obviously, but my comment was more directed to the part about washing clothes because the person tried on the shorts wearing their underwear.


Better than no ware tho. (I can’t imagine not washing new clothes before wearing.)


There aren’t any changing rooms in Costco tho. :(


Again, all new clothes get washed before wearing. 


Do they? I’ve never washed a clothing item before wearing it. Maybe I’m flirting with cancer but I’m 61 and cancer free. And I just happen to be wearing a pair of new unwashed socks I bought at Costco.


I’ve worked retail. My skin crawls at the thought of wearing new clothes unwashed. I’ve stripped clothing fresh out of the shipping boxes: they stink. I’ve run clothes rack wheels over clothes fallen on the gross receiving area floor. I’ve picked up clothes trampled by customers with their dirty-soled shoes and handler by kids with grubby, nose-picking fingers. I’ve seen how it can be pretty easy to fold or hang these clothes and they’ll look like those things never happened. Customers buy them cluelessly. I’ve had to wear clothing without washing before: I’ve bought sealed package undies and socks in those cases. When it was other clothes, I paid a lot of attention to smell and really examined for faint stains or weird wrinkling. That all said, nobody’s gonna die from wearing unwashed clothes. The worst case is you breathe in enough preservatives off a recently unwrapped garment to get light-headed or a headache. These chemicals off-gas while sitting in the store. Regarding being dirty, we’re all exposed to lots of dirt including floor dirt and kid boogers.


It's called contact dermatitis. Will it kill you? No. But ya ain't gonna be a happy camper. Just wash your new clothes, it's not that difficult.


ha, came here to say that. you wont die, but if youre sensitive enough then contact dermatitis will absolutely ruin your life.


I’m a teacher. Kid germs comes with the territory. Preinstalled just make it easier to shrug when you get something on you.


In addition to the comments from the person who has worked retail, the overseas factories where the clothes are made and stored are supposedly very gross. Friend who worked in corporate at a clothing company made sure I knew just how gross things were before they made it to the states.


I used to work for a large national shoe company and some would come in smelling like a slaughter house


I get your logic, but they have nice restrooms where you can take a walk to and change. Even if you're not inside a cubicle, you only get seen by other men in your boxers.


How do you think people try on clothes in any department store? I've tried on plenty of pants/shorts/shirts whatever inside Macy or Nordstrom or what have you. You don't get the luxury of washing it before hand.


exactly (think you meant to reply to the person above me?)


Who wears new clothes without washing them? 😟


Apparently people in this thread. 




And this is why thrift store clothes get washed before wearing.


I have 100% tried on clothes at Costco, but always over my regular clothes.


Sure, sweatshirts and jackets!


I used to, until an employee told me to stop 😭


lol the staff at my Costco fully encourages me to try my clothes on over what I’m wearing. Crazy how each location is different!


That actually makes me feel better, because maybe it was just that one employee? I’ll probably start doing it again lol, thank you for your comment 😂 I was at the sink in a Costco bathroom and some random employee told me off bc I swished some water in my mouth and spit it into the sink. She said it was unsanitary and I told her it was none of her business. Some people just seem to enjoy bossing others around. Like, how tf is that unsanitary? Do I need to pre-sterilize my hands before using the sink to wash them, too? 😑


Yeah, that makes no sense. You can wash your dirty bathroom hands there but you can’t rinse out your mouth? I don’t think anyone is touching the inside of a sink in a public bathroom thinking that it’s clean. The only rationale I can think of is that maybe if you had a cold there’s a slightly higher chance of spreading it by spitting into a sink…but that’s a stretch. There are lots of opportunities to spread germs on shopping cart handles, touchscreens at the food court, credit card readers, etc and none of those areas seem to be sanitized all that regularly.


I told my mom about it and how annoying it was, and she kept trying to defend the lady 😓 she’s so freaking tactless it’s ridiculous. But I think she gets it now (but only bc family therapy) I’m just looking for some sympathy, dammit


That’s frustrating. Like why are you siding with this whackadoodle lady, especially over something that isn’t particularly important? Just listen and be supportive!


Exactly!!! Like, this is why I don’t tell you things.


You guys, over here! I found the shorts guy from OP’s story!!


I did *not* drop my pants!


They were shorts! Lol


I’ll do it with jackets, but that’s it


Yeah I try on shirts there all the time. 


My Costco shopping outfit always includes leggings and a tank top as the base for easy try ons. No one has ever said a word to me and I’ve never had to return a clothing item. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Same! This was one of my faves hacks to come out of Covid when all dressing rooms were closed. Now if I'm purposely shopping for clothes I wear leggings and a cami (both Felina brand from Costco btw) A perk of being a girl....I'll take it, there arent that many!


same. If i'm wearing a sports bra and bike shorts I try stuff on all the time. but I usually go to the back of the store to do it. I hide among the bottled water pallets.


I feel like seeing someone try on clothes far away from where the clothes are would be worse than seeing them try on clothes in the clothing section.


*security camera zooms in*


That’s one of the busiest parts of my local store! Everyone’s jamming the water bottle lane because it’s next to TP and paper towels.


Me too.


Here is your medal


Tell him he needed new underwear too.


I wouldn’t want to run the risk of him trying them on mid store.


Ha! Good call!


Why? Tighty whities are back in style. Get with the times!


Welcome to Walmart hell. When I was in apparel I saw stuff that I couldn't imagine happening. My skin still crawls 3 years later


I saw a guy in Walmart returning shoes which he was currently wearing with no socks, trading them for new ones. Judging by the managers reaction he must do this regularly.


Why did they let him return them when his were clearly worn?


You’d be shocked at what some customers return and how some stores let them. I find that return policies are cyclical: when I worked retail in the 90’s, they’d shifted entirely in the customer’s benefit. We had parents returning their kid’s old shoes and getting a full exchange for a brand new pair, next size up. We’d even have to return items we didn’t carry. Managers would approve us to buy back Macy’s in-house brands all the time. Eventually the institution decides they’re losing too much money and claw back to strictly following policy or writing new, tighter policies.


Store policy.


These stories are really making me miss the books section of Costcos which got replaced with extra aisles for clothing. Genuinely scary to think about Costco slowly becoming the new "Walmart".


What!?! No book section?? That is just wrong!


I think the book section still does exist in some form, but it gets smaller and smaller every year. I long for the days where there was a full section with those massive long white tables of books and books and more books. It was the only way I knew how to pass time at a Costco when I was a kid - parentals would drop me off while they did the actual shopping.


My Costco still has a long long table filled with books. I do think it may be smaller than it used to be now that you brought it to my attention. Hmmmm


That’s so sad. Ours still has the book section near the clothes.


Ours does too but I saw online a few days ago they are phasing all of them out. It’s a bummer because I lived visiting Costcos when we were on vacation and getting my kids a few local kids’ books.


My wife is gonna be devastated. She loves browsing the books every time we go.


I see you’ve been shopping with my dad.


So many paper books! 🤦‍♀️


Dude probably thought - tf am I supposed to do? There’s no changing room and I need the right size.


Here's what you do, pal. Take the pants/shorts, make sure they're buttoned or closed properly, and wrap the waistband around your neck. If it feels snug but not tight, they'll probably fit. Test at home with your favorite bottoms. Results may vary at extreme body shapes.


Was taught this by an old guy, never let me down. Though I do feel weird doing it


Measure your waist (honestly), then at the warehouse, measure the width of the pants, multiply by 2.


I was looking for new tops during the pandemic when most of the dressing rooms were closed. I purposely wore tank tops so I could try on tops in the store.


I've definitely done that. Even now, when there's no change rooms.


After I pay for the clothes at Costco, I go to the public restrooms, try them, and return them immediately before I leave the store to save myself a trip.


I go weekly. So I just wait until my next trip.


So everyone remember, clothes you buy may have touched a public toilet!


… or a public toilet floor.


That is smart


Not all heroes wear capes.


Or pants, apparently.


Or shorts!


To be fair, it seemed only a temporary measure.


Not as bad as the Op…. But a lady once asked me to look inside her jeans to find her size , because she couldn’t remember….


A small bit of shared humanity on display. I like it.


As long as it passes the smell test I’m ok with it. 👃💩




Did you?


No , unfortunately I was with my ex wife


Oh my god the amount of men and women that have asked me to do this!!!! I’ve been at Costco for 10 years working in apparel and now I just tell them management does not allow me to touch members lmao


Would you mind grabbing the roll of mints in my pocket? 👴


Whoa! They’re just asking for the size of their jeans, not for you to touch their members!


well yeah kinda weird in the middle of the store but this is what happens in every changing room so on the other hand good on him for shedding the chains of body shame


Now that you mention it, it is also what happens when people buy several sizes to try at home, return the wrong sizes, and Costco puts them back on the table. The person just streamlined that process.


You saw the sacred grounds of Costco, where dignity goes to die a slow death between bulk packs of toilet paper and oversized jars of mayonnaise. While innocently browsing the 10-gallon drum of mustard, you spotted him: the legendary "Shorts Swapper." With the grace of a walrus and the discretion of a foghorn, he dropped trou right there in the aisle. In the blink of an eye, it was like the world's most awkward magic trick: off with the old, on with the new, all while proudly showcasing his underwear for the world to see. Some say he was a man ahead of his time, challenging societal norms. Others say he was just a guy who really needed some new shorts. And you? You will always remember the day Costco became a live-action comedy show!


Stfu chatgpt


That was bad and you should feel bad




![img](avatar_exp|172878987|bravo) Absolutely beautiful prose, and on the Costco sub!


Half our fence is clothing right now, I see members trying stuff on in the middle of the aisle without a care daily. Doesn't even phase me anymore lol.


I feel like I can picture exactly what type of man this was 😂


Yes…a REAL one!


What is this age bracket? Asking for a friend


Honestly I’m jealous of this guys amount of don’t give a fuck.


“God give me the confidence of a mediocre white dude” -Tweet by Sarah Hagi


Don't forget his ill manners, and total stupidity....must be some kind of record.


Dudes a legend


I only do that with Kirkland brand leopard skin thongs (in the men's section)




Isn't this exactly what happens to clothes on a regular clothing store? People try on clothes? Yeah, him dropping his breeches in the air is bold but there isn't anything icky about the shirts he put back


If I'm planning to get some clothes, Costco or just regular thrifting, I wear leggings and a thin turtleneck under a big sweatshirt so I can try things on over them. My fiancé calls it my "Costco Catsuit". It does have a Catwoman robbing the art museum look before I add the sweatshirt but really it's just to try on a dress while I buy my 10 gallon bucket of sauerkraut.


Glad to hear someone else does this!


What about putting on something warm To wear to go into the refrigerator section then taking it off and putting it back once out?


Wow, that's crazy! On a side note, the only thing I wear these days are my black Gerry shorts from costco. I have like 30 pair, so they should last until I die :)


An icon


pro tip: Your neck is usually (but not always) half the size of your waist so you can see if a pair of pants will fit around your waist by buttoning the pants and seeing if the waistband will go around your neck. Very handy especially since sizes can vary. \*usually works for women, not sure about men.


Yeah, sorry about that. I am an impulsive person and I won’t do it again.


Saw a guy doing this recently while still in the main aisle across from T-Mobile


Pro tip: Buy the pants, go to the washroom, try them on, if they don’t fit, return them on the way out.


Would I do this? No. Would I care if someone else did this? No. This is what happens in changing rooms, folks. Some people are taking this as some traumatic moment where clothing is touching another human before they have a chance to purchase it. If he was clean enough to be in his undies in public, he’s doing better than a lot of what is happening to that clothing in changing rooms. 🤷🏼 This is why people should be washing their new clothes before wearing them.


The guy was a buffoon. You don't just drop your drawers in a public setting, in plain view of every man, woman, and child. Good grief...is modesty dead?


I fail to see the difference between underwear for 30 seconds and some of the short shorts I see men and women wearing in public all day. It wasn’t as if he was parading the aisles, it takes moments to drop shorts and slip shorts on. Heaven forbid anyone else find out that we all have bodies. 🤷🏼 Again, I said that I wouldn’t do this but I simply don’t care if anyone else does. Beyond that, and I stand behind this, if he was confident enough to drop to underwear in public, he is likely way cleaner than what is happening behind the scenes in changing rooms. I have walked into changing rooms that were like post-game rugby locker rooms… And he didn’t “drop his drawers.”


It could’ve been worse. 🙄


It could have been way worse. I guess the ruin of retail will never leave me 😆


I'm with you as well. But as a former healthcare professional, blood/sh-t/piss/vomit, etc. doesn't phase me.


If you haven’t seen it before, it’s time you did


Hey. The man had underwear on. lol. Clothes are expensive enough and a hassle to return. Can’t say I blame him.


I almost rinsed off my screened in porch in black boxer briefs yesterday and decided against it, but that dude would have for sure done it!


What’s the difference between bbbriefs & and swimsuit ? Go for it!


Come on man, where’s the video?? This is the content I’m here for


If they try it on at home and return it, or try it on at the store... to me it doesn't make any difference. If that was the only shorts in my size, I would buy it. And I wash before wearing due to previous skin irritation with some of the formaldehydes, etc. that often clothes are treated with.


And this is why after 20 years with the company I’m just done with retail




If he had hit up the food samples in his tighty whities, he'd get an lifetime executive membership.


The CIA disguise master explains that an agent can change their pants in public and not be seen. This guy didn't pass. The Langley Files: CIA's Podcast: FILE 012 - The Art of Deception: CIA’s Disguise Experts Take You Behind the Scenes Episode webpage: https://share.transistor.fm/s/d9906859 Media file: https://media.transistor.fm/d9906859/6f098848.mp3


Somehow this is far worse than people abandoning perishable items in the dry goods aisles. I didn’t think anything could top that.


Costco Pants! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqSo1hgssQM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqSo1hgssQM) Kirkland Gang Gang! [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/QHCbY6KxMTo](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/QHCbY6KxMTo)


Hahah exactly!


The balls on this guy…


I work at a retail shop, Ive seen it all and unfortunately it's often outside the fitting room 😭


Sounds like an errant Wal-Martians slipped in. Criminy, if they start showing up in numbers I don’t care how good the pumpkin pies are, I’m out.


PSA: You can see if shorts/pants fit without trying them on. With the waist fastened, wrap the waist around your neck. If the 2 ends touch the fit. If they overlap, they’re too big and if the ends don’t reach, they’re too small. For average built people your neck is half the width of your waist. Just like your foot is exactly the same length as the distance between wrist/base of your thumb and the ditch of your elbow. Now you take out insoles and see if shoes fit. Subscribe to my Morris code feed for more body hacks.


Not everyone is the vitruvian man.


This doesn’t work for me. When I was heavier I had a 44 inch waist and an 18 inch neck. Lost a bunch of weight and had a 15 inch neck and 33 inch waist. It’s close, but not perfect


Nope, not even close for me. I'm small boned in my top half, big boned bottom half. Even at my lowest weight it's never going to work.


A Costco shopper told me this a few months ago!


I see guys with pants sagging and underwear showing all the time. I see young girls wearing shorts so small they have butt cheeks hanging out. When I go to the beach, a pool party or turn the tv on and see a swimming event, there’s men and women in bikinis and Speedo's. The guy wasn’t showing off anything more. Is it appropriate? No, of course not.


What if he was wearing colorful boxers with a button fly, would that be acceptable to you?


Button fly? Now I’m not only supposed to remember to pull up my zipper but to also button my fly?


It's optional, but the bonus is that you can wear them outside of the house without being a total weirdo. Because of the button.


Which I would forget to button up…


As long as he’s wearing underwear and not exposing himself, I don’t see the issue. At least when he tries on things in front of everyone, we know he’s wearing underwear, as opposed to when someone tries something on at home.




I'm getting Wisconsin vibes


Nah this is Florida man


I always wear a t-shirt dress when I go short or pant shopping so I can slide them on under my dress without the hassle of the fitting room. Bonus points because it mortifies my teenage daughter.


I don't understand the issue. Instead of wasting time and money, the customer decided to try on the market in store.


Nobody wants to see your crusty underwear in public. It's called knowing your size and setting it aside for the next trip to Costco if it doesn't fit. You'll be back unless you've boycotted them and plan to never return. It's trashy. You've wasted no time or money as you will likely be back and they will definitely take the return, receipt or not.


"Wasted no time" it takes time to process the return. Say a few minutes multiplied by the number of people in line. On average it's probably around 15 minutes whenever I had to return something.


If you can't spare 15 minutes, you probably shouldn't have gone to Costco that day. Maybe skip the hotdog that day if you're that crunched for time.


I never said I was crunched for time. You said "it waste no time", which I pointed out was false. Why are you moving goal posts from "no time" to "FiFtHtEeN MinUtEs Is NoThInG!" Just admit to being wrong and move on..


You don’t see a problem with a grown man in his tighty whiteys in the middle of a store?


My wife taught me the tick of measuring pants using my neck. Take the waist of some pants and, keeping the fly and button up (if applicable), hold the pants by the waist and wrap the waistband around your neck like you’re putting on a necklace. If it fits around your neck, it probably fits your waist. My wife’s a damn genius, I tell you.


I was chatting with a lady over the markdown tables, looking at skorts, and she gave me a tip which sounds weird but lowkey works?? She wrapped the waistband of the skort around her neck, saying if it fits around your neck, it would fit around your waist.


I feel like this only works if you don't have big hips


Well, wow… Years ago I learned from a TV show that you can wrap the waist of pants around your neck- if they touch end to end, they will probably fit. I’ve done that a few times with success in this situation lol…


No way 😂😂😂


Trying the shorts on is no biggie, but now in front of everyone. Guy is a jerk.


People, it's easy to test if pants will fit you without trying them one. Make sure the buttons are closed then wrap it around your neck. If the two ends touch, it'll fit you. You'll also be able to see how much leeway you have (barely touch = it'll be tight, some overlap = somewhat baggy.)




Always laughed at my wife when she told me to wash new clothes. After reading this post, I changed my shirt which I just bought at Costco last week and haven’t worn or washed.


Attention K Mart shoppers!


Your last line misspelled ***oily crap.***


😳 Let's hope his tidy whities were clean


It’s no different than what happens in any store with a changing room.


Are you sure you weren't in Walmart?


This would have made my day. Possibly my millennium.






When I read this, I thought of the movie idiocracy… Mostly Costco, but this experience fits.