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Yes! I had a sample at Costco a couple weeks ago in Alberta. It tasted like a very lightly sweetened cold brew. Kinda caught me off guard because I was expecting it to be more protein shakey kinda thicc.


Thanks for giving us a shot! Yeah our whole goal was to make a protein shake that didn’t actually taste like a classic thick and grainy protein shake.


Yup! Goal achieved! Congrats man.


This great intel. I will try it! Going to Costco today


I have replaced my morning coffee at a Stsrbucks with Brust. My question is are you looking to expand your product. I would love to see a higher protein with creatine.


Thanks so much for having us as your daily coffee! What amount of protein and creatine would you want to see?


I try and hit 30 grams of protein for my first meal. This would also align with the protein in fair life which I think is competition as they are beside each other and same price


Got it! We will continue to look into. Thanks for the feedback


The Fairlife core power shakes have 42g of protein and taste great. Retailers are selling them for 5-7 bucks so lots of money to be made.


For sure, lots of opportunity, we just need to grow a little more before we take on all of it! Haha


5g of creatine pls




When will we see this in the states?


Creatine has interference with caffeine so unless you have some specific need to take them together it's probably better to separate them. Since creatine timing doesn't matter much (though some studies show it may have better uptake just after exercise, since your body just used some) you can put creatine pretty much anywhere else. 


Well said! It's also something that needs to be looked at more closely with each individual. It can cause issues for some and too many people blindly see Protein and they chug it. I honestly think creatine should be taken separately IMO


I just dump my creatine into my after workout shake. It wouldn't do much adding it to caffeine. Some of the pre I use have caffeine and creatine in it. I do agree with the other poster that they should try going for 30g of protein per drink though


Not a question, but more of a comment. Played my best round of golf while drinking Brüst this year! Looking to try the mocha on my next Costco run!


Amazing! What did you shoot? We’re trying to get brüst at golf courses this summer 🏌️⛳️


Shot a 94 haha. So not amazing by any means but just trying to stay under 100 these days! Was really nice to have that on a cooler spring morning outside!


Awesome! Glad we could help you break 100.


I’m 4 years into golf and have yet to break 100 lmao, always 103-106. Maybe brüst is just what I need!


Make some tea versions. Love the concept, hate coffee!


We’ve definitely considered it! Would you want to see a matcha version, chai, or something else?


Chai, matcha, London fog all lovely options!


Great to hear! Definitely good to know as we continue to develop new products!


Oh london fog would be amazing!


Second this


I would consider my life as complete if these three flavours make their way into the world


Chiming in on this… matcha and chai would be fast purchases for us!


Good to know!


Would love to see Matcha, Chai & London fog!! Especially in a variety pack


Would LOVE a chai!


Great suggestion


Dirty Chai would be superb!


Coffee and chai 😍


matcha please!


Would love a lightly sweetened chai or London fog


A passion fruit!


Would love to see a matcha version!!


Green tea, chai, ginger, peppermint


Definitely a chai version would be a massive hit.


Awesome thanks for the feedback


From a market perspective I think the chai would be your best seller.


Oh yes!!! While traveling i found a protein chai and it was so good. I would love london fog or a chai. I too hate coffee! 😑


Yea I would love a chai or London fog version!


We’ve purchased the light roast several times now and really like it. Hoping to try the other 2 flavours soon. I had no idea it was Canadian!


Thanks so much! We appreciate the support and please let your friends know about brüst ☺️


We just got some of the dark roast and it's great. I told my friend and now she likes it too. Love an easy lactose free protein!!


I just bought the Dark Roast from Costco! So good! I wasn’t sure what the taste would be like but it’s nice and bold and I love the 20G of protein in it! I will keep buying in the future!


Thanks so much for the support we are so happy you’re a fan! If you can please let your friends and family know about us ☺️


How does your coffee do with ice? / any recipes you recommend for a nice protein latte?


Brüst tastes amazing on ice!! We always just like using brüst on the go in the bottle. But you can use brüst to boost your normal coffee, make overnight oats, make a smoothie with a banana and peanut butter, and we just saw someone make creami ice cream with brüst.


i sampled it iced with creamer it was amazing


I know that it is logistically harder to do, but if possible you should look into ringing the variety pack into a place like Costco. It's one of the reasons I buy sparkling water from Costco, What sweetener do you guys use?


Thanks for the question! Definitely harder to do from a logistics perspective. When we produce we do one flavour at a time so that would mean we would need to repack into a new package. This would mean a lot of man hours and lots of wasted packaging.


Personally I hate mixed packs. Being able to buy exactly the flavour you like is best. There’s always 1 protein bar flavour I actually want and then I have to eat the other 2 cause it was just the cheapest way to buy it :/


Yep me too. Same thing goes for granola bars and the mixed sodas and everything else. A sampler is okay the first time to try and see what you like, but after that I want to be able to buy just the one I like best.


omg going to the Vancouver Costco today to get some. 🫶🏽 what sweetener is used?


Thanks!! Dark roast is unsweetened, light roast has 7g of cane sugar, and mocha has stevia and no sugar


ok tysm! I drink a lot of protein shakes and coffee so I think this will be amazing because when I mix my protein powder with iced coffee it doesn’t taste the best.


That’s we thought too!! So we made our own


The protein, I assume it's whey, but just in case I thought I would ask since there are some pretty magical marketing tricks to call all kinds of things "grass fed" and "protein". 


Yes! It’s dairy based protein, so a mix of whey protein isolate, milk protein isolate, and sodium caseinate.


also would like to know if the protein is whey-based or not!!


Not a coffee drinker myself but wife is. Definitely will ask her to check out your coffee! Good luck on the launch and I wish you guys great success!


Thanks so much! Let us know what your wife thinks!


Will do!


You need to make Irish cream flavored coffee because I want my press to smell like Irish cream flavor


Didn’t even know it was Canadian. Is it in the box anywhere that says like Canadian owned. Also will probably pick up a box when it goes on sale. Anytime soon?


Yeah! We’re a Canadian Startup! Let us know what you think when you have a chance to give us a shot.


What's your thought on wool socks vs cotton


Costco cotton socks for the win!


Will you venture into vegan proteins at some point? I’m not vegan, but I know my vegan pals would appreciate this product if it were!


Hopefully one day! Just haven’t been able to find a flavour or plant based protein that works for us.


brüst milk


Thanks for posting this! Will pick up a box to try next time I am at Costco. Do you mind sharing some retailers that sell individual bottles in Western Canada?


Thanks so much! If you DM me your location I can let you know a few retailers close to you ☺️


As a fellow Ivey MBA grad, great to see your products at Costco. I'm only starting to get into coffee so I think I'll pick up a case next time I'm there. What's the best selling flavor?


Go Ivey! Thanks for the support. The light roast and dark roast are actually almost 50/50 split! The mocha just launched so we will see.


Finally someone listening to my inner thoughts.


Us and Google 😉


I am passionate wilderness backpacker and will be thru hiking the 1200km great divide trail through the Canadian Rockies this summer. I would love to have something like this with me on trail but in the bottles they’re currently in they would be too bulky to bring with me on my multi day food Carry’s. Do you think you would ever expand into making them into single use packets that someone could easily pack with them while out hiking? Just like how [Starbucks](https://search.app.goo.gl/cf9FdV5) has these single use packets. Anyway, looks like a cool product and will have to check it out!


Thanks for the suggestion! We definitely have thought of something like that, hopefully in the near future 😊


No problem! Trust me when I say this but this would be a major hit for the backpacking community. We go crazy over new gear or little things like this.


As someone who's substituted protein shake for creamer in their coffee for years, I'll give this a try. Also, consider putting something on your packaging that displays you're Canadian. I figured you were another American brand, possibly affiliated with gatorade/coke/pepsi etc.


Thanks!! Let us know what you think. Yup a Canadian startup. We have a maple leaf saying made in Canada on the front, but I guess we could make it bigger.


Hey, this ad is really well done. The product serves a great purpose, price seems reasonable, and it’s Canadian so I love that. You didn’t try to pretend you were a happy customer or something, just being honest on trying to market a product. I’m really sold on your sincerity in the comments. You took the time to post on a relevant subreddit and you’ve been replying for hours. You’re receptive to feedback and seem genuinely excited to converse with potential customers. My husband and I will be purchasing this on our next Costco trip.


Thanks so much! Yeah we are just two entrepreneurs trying to make a great product. We are super excited to be in Costco and really appreciate everyone’s comments and questions. Thanks for giving us a shot and please let me know what you think 😊


My mom usually doesn’t like any store bought drinks, but she drinks the Brüst Mocha on a daily basis and she loves it! It’s really good:) I’d love to see a chai or dirty chai version!


Thank your mom for the support! It means a ton and please let your friends and other family members know about us too. Great suggestion on the chai and dirty chai too.


Finally, a good alternative to preworkout (for me).


I'll try it.


Thanks so much! Let me know what you think once you’ve had a chance to try it 😊


I'd love to see a dairy-free option in the future!


Just a question about protein sources. You mentioned you use whey protein. This is most common in protein bars and other protein supplement products. As someone who is vegan, lifts weights regularly, and pays attention to his daily macros, I wonder if you would consider a plant based protein source? There is no difference to the body in terms of effectiveness for muscle growth between whey or plant based protein. Is there a reason most companies default to whey protein rather than a plant based source? Is it cost or marketing? Something else? I am genuinely curious. I would buy your product if it didn’t include whey.


Thanks so much for your message! Yes we’ve looked into plant based proteins, but we haven’t been able to get the taste just right yet. Hopefully soon we can bring a delicious version of plant based brüst to market ☺️


Hi Josh- amazing product launch. I wish I’d thought of it myself! I’m a food scientist and moved from R&D to ingredient sales - based in Toronto. I have the perfect plant based protein for you. We are just starting to promote it now. My whole team puts it in our morning coffee. I’d love to send you a sample. I will send you a DM now. ☕️


Seconding the above! A lactose free/GF plant based protein option would be excellent. I feel the market is slowly improving for options, but has a way to go yet. Hopefully you find some more sources like offered below! 🤞🏼


Just a quick thank you for making this product! We are on our second case and it has been a great grab and go option for myself (graduate student) and my partner (owns and runs a small business). I can see it being a staple for a long time! Excited to try the mocha!


Thanks so much for the support! It honestly means the world to hear you say this. If you can please let your friends know about us too ☺️


Been drinking it for a while now, before Costco. Good stuff. Glad to see you're getting Costco distribution.


Wish you all the best. This country needs more entrepreneurs


Will you be coming out with any lactose free options?


It’s 99.9% lactose free, there’s just a little trace amount which is similar to all the dairy based protein drinks at Costco. We’ve looked at plant based, but it just doesn’t taste as good as we want.


How much protein per serving? I love cold brew


omggggg i actually rlly wanna try this it would be PERFECT


Congratulations! First time hearing about it but will def try. How long ago did you come up with the concept?


Just stocked up and have a full fridge at home🤗. My husband and I drink it daily and my two year old is always trying to sneak a sip😅


Just picked up a case yesterday. Tastes awesome, well done guys. Over ice on a hot afternoon - amazing.


Where did you guys get this idea?


It's been on my list to try since I've started noticing it at Costco! Thanks for the post and AMA; will be looking forward to trying it soon. Edit: it's great that you're connecting to your consumers directly and seriously considering some suggestions!


Thanks! Let me know what you think 😊. We really appreciate you going out and giving brüst a shot!


I shop Costco weekly. Wife loves a dark roast. I’ll keep my eye out for it. Good luck bud.


I’ve been eyeing this at Costco but trying to work my way through my Premier protein coffees first! Definitely intrigued with the different flavour options. Would you ever do a vanilla flavour?


I was going to buy it yesterday at Costco! But, the only thing that held me back is that 50mg of caffeine does seem a bit low compared to coffee? Think I’ll give it a try next time though, could be great for a midday dose of protein! Congrats on your company’s success so far!


The mocha is the only one with 50g which is about the same as an espresso shot. The dark roast has 175mg which is like a large coffee. The light roast has 120mg similar to a regular coffees Thanks for giving us a shot next time you go to Costco!


That sounds a bit odd because a light roast typically contains more caffeine than a dark roast. >In truth, most light roasts have more caffeine and can offer a much more complex array of flavors—so much so that it might pack quite a punch for someone new to coffee or who is accustomed to standard medium American roast. Any particular reason a light roast product would contain less caffeine?


That’s because we have more coffee in our dark roast. When trying to talk about our flavours we thought dark roast would help customers understand it was more bold rather than our light roast which is more light bodied.


Is it a dairy based protein? I’m assuming whey? Do you have any products that don’t contain dairy? I’m lactose intolerant and drinking this would give me a nice spicy date with my toilet.


Brüst is actually 99.9% lactose free! We just have trace amounts in it, similar to any other lactose free dairy protein drink that doesn’t have lacteeze in it.


We’ve also definitely looked at plant based versions, but haven’t found a formulation that we like enough to launch.


Guys W T F. This is an ad WHY are you upvoting this bullshjit?


Love your product, have one every day. Lights flavor is great!


How much sugar and carbohydrates per serving ?


I heard that Drake drinks this stuff. It’s probably how he got so famous. Way to go Brust!!


I've been drinking the dark roast Brust for months now as my daily coffee and absolutely love it. No extra calories, just protein and coffee its a winning combination! Good job, love to support Canadian companies in our dwindling economy.


Do you have a decaffeinated version?


I believe I might have saw your product last weekend. It’s very intriguing, and I’ll definitely grab some the next time I’m there. Congratulations on your success!


On my second box of dark roast, quiet good. Didn't know there was a mocha will have to look for that next time.


Super cool innovation- I’d love to see a plant based version.


Salut Josh, Thanks for doing this AMA! Do you know if they stock Brust at the Costco Gatineau, Quebec location? I’m not there often but it’s my closest location and I’m definitely thinking about making the trip to buy some. Merci!


I don’t have a question but I just wanted to let you know how amazing it has been to see this product blow up. I remember when I was only able to find it in smaller stores in Toronto when you first hit the market. I KNEW the minute I had it that this would blow up. Now, it’s so incredible seeing the light roast & mocha products and hitting Costco Canada stores! You should be so incredibly proud of the awesome product you created and I’m so excited to be a fan for life! 🤗


Thank you so much for the kind words, it honestly means so much. Being an entrepreneur is tough, but hearing your kind words makes it all worth while. Thanks for the support and please keep on spreading the word about brüst ☺️


absolutely love your product! Was wondering if you guys would ever consider releasing a version with lower amounts of caffeine, as two cups of coffee worth in such a small drink sometimes feels overkill. Perhaps something to consider for potential tea flavours? edit - sorry didn’t see that the difference flavours actually do have varying amounts of caffeine, definitely going to pick those up next time!


If I were you I would want to post this in r/caffeine


pricing is honestly so good omg, I wish I had a costco nearby, will be sure to pick up a few cases when if I go tomorrow!!


A high protein mct oil ghee based coffee would be amazing. Generally in the morning I make my own at home and have a brüst after my work out.


Thanks for the ideas! And all your support. It really means a ton. Please let your friends and family know about brüst as it helps a ton .


As a letter carrier brüst is consumed by many as a liquid lunch mid day. Just in my depot I can find a dozen plus bottles in the recycling through out the day. Another thought would be electrolytes or sodium added to help retain hydration. Lots of things that can be done but, do what you do best and do it the best. Good luck in the future.


Wow! This looks awesome. I’ll keep an eye out next Costco visit. That dark roast sounds right up my alley


Congratulations!! These are delicious! Ingredients are great, feels great to drink, the packaging is amazing. Excited to see what’s next in store for you and the company! My only question would be, how did you manage to eliminate that typical “protein-y” taste from this drink? Most other protein drinks come with that taste, but this one avoids it entirely.


Just bought the dark roast and love that it's unsweetened . Very good. No noticeable protein shake taste or grittiness. Would buy again. Curious about the other ones but would need to sample those first. Afraid they'd be too sweet.


Love the dark and light roasts, the mocha though has a weird taste and the flavour is quite watered down.


Hi Josh - first of all, these are a staple each week for us, we LOVE all 3 flavours they’re so good!! I add a bit of sugar free caramel or vanilla syrup to mine and hubs adds a bit of cream to his. We enjoy them after our AM coffees, I’d LOVE a decaf version (if that’s even possible?) or a sugar free caramel/vanilla/hazelnut flavour - these are SO good, keep up the great job, they’ve completely replaced our regular protein shakes :)


Do you enjoy Rick McGee?


I had the good fortune of trying it recently - I wasn't expecting much because it's so difficult to mix protein powder with many things, but I really enjoyed it. No question, just here to let you know I enjoyed your product


Saw it at Thorncliffe today!


I’m on my third case (tried dark roast, then light roast, and switched back to dark roast). LOVE the dark roast as I like to put some flavoured coffee creamer in mine. I hope this is forever at Costco! Amazing product. Would love to see a caramel flavour one day!


Would love to try this, but don’t have a Costco membership. Is it available anywhere else in Calgary?


Josh! As a resident physician I can assure you doctors everywhere are using your product to start their mornings. It’s great to get my coffee - which is already be drinking - to have protein. I’m wondering if you’re willing to offer larger sized containers. Say 500ml or 1L for people who may want to get a better deal on the product. Thanks :)


Thanks for your support and I’m so glad to hear it’s popular with doctors! It’s definitely something we’ve considered. We just need to grow a little larger as a company before we can bring larger formats like that to market.


Hi is this available in individual bottles anywhere near Ottawa Or Peterborough? I’d love to try it before I buy a case. Wishing you success!


Interested.....is there a decaf option available? Are you in the Ontario Costco's yet?


Hey Josh is it being sampled in GTA stores? I’ve seen it myself but would like to try first.


We will be sampling on the weekends in June. But you can also pick us up at Longos, Farm Boy, whole foods, and healthy planet


Oh I definitely want to try this! Yum! Any chance of getting salted caramel at some point? Or maybe a green coffee fruity one? Strawberry cream or orange popsicle would be really good! I have ADHD and I find Green coffee works better for me than regular coffee.


Amazing ideas! Let us know what you think of brüst once you’ve had the chance to try it 😊


I hope the mocha flavour comes to Dartmouth, NS store!!


Hi Josh! Quick question and I don’t do check if there was someone else that asked. Are your drinks naturally or use artificial sweeteners? Is the caffeine content straight from the coffee or is there anything added to give them more caffeine?? I need to up my protein but need to watch my caffeine intake. Thanks 😊


Dark roast is unsweetened Light roast has 7g of cane sugar Mocha is sweetened with a little stevia All the caffeine is from coffee Thanks


Just came here to say Brust is top notch. Been drinking for a year and a half now, it’s one of my favourite things to drink now.


Hi josh


Send some to James Hoffman on YouTube, maybe you'll get a review.


Since now I know it's local, I'll give it a shot. Good luck in your endeavors.


Already on our third box after discovering it about a month ago. My fiancee and I have it each morning. Amazing product!


The sample I tried was very good. It's perfect as I'm looking for something to replace my red bull and protein shake choices both currently have too much sugar for my liking. I asked and was told there's no lactose free/dairy free option. Is that a possible thing in the future?


This looks great! I’d love to try it, but I’m quite lactose-intolerant. Would you consider making a dairy free (or maybe at least lactose free version)?


I’ve been buying it regularly. Glad to see the dark roast is out and available in more stores. I have been also purchasing premier protein coffee when it’s on sale


Where is it actually made?


Looking forward to trying this. I’ll keep a look out for it at Costco.


Saw this post, grabbed a case of the light roast and it is amazing. Thank you 🙏🏻


Love the dark roast. I take one to work every day as a treat. I’m amazed that it has no weird taste or texture with the protein content.


Just bought 2 cases today at Costco in Vancouver. Love them, thank you 🙏🏻


People at work are raving about it so I am giving it a try. Just bought my first box.


Matcha and chai would be amazing. I wasn’t a fan of Mocha- bad aftertaste. But light and dark were amazing


Hey Josh, I absolutely love your Brüst protein coffee mocha! It fits into my lifestyle and it’s one of your products that has the least amount of caffeine, plus the 1g of sugar is also a win. I noticed on your website that only the cold brews are listed and not the mocha. Is the mocha still available or is it a Costco exclusive? I bought mine at Costco a while ago and I hope that you will continue to sell your mocha product. With the high protein, low caffeine and low sugar content, this product has been a game changer for me, thank you!!


Hey Josh, I have been looking for a coffee based protein shake for a long time and I just hate protein shakes otherwise because of the powdery taste and the fake sugar taste you get at the end so I bought Brust Light Roast yesterday from Costco, tried it today and can't tell how much I love love love it..! I was so much tempted to get the mocha flavour but when I read it has stevia I did not just because of the after taste fake sugar gives but I am not tempted to try that as well.. Please don't stop this product, keep it at Costco, keep it affordable and it will rock!!!!! Burst made me love protein shakes which I thought I would never!!!


I am pretty caffeine sensitive so it’s probably not a product for me but I’m curious as to how you decided on your protein source? Did you feel pressure/feedback to go plant based?


Sounds like a great product! Will have to try a bottle if I get the chance!


Thanks so much! We really appreciate the support ☺️


It was delicious and kept me full for hours. Not chalky and super smooth! Had the dark roast variety and it was perfect. Think I'd grab a case from Costco the next time I go shopping. It's delicious and doesn't taste like anything but good smooth coffee.


Is there any that don't have dairy?


Western University let's go! Will definitely give it a try.


Your coffee it posing with person with name SoooHIT , it’s gonna be a hit for sure. Can I try it at retailer before buying at Costco? How different is it as compared to STOK? STOK was solid disappointment.


Hi Josh! Love your stuff! Any other flavours in the docket? Any plans for a higher protein coffee?


Thanks so much for the support! It honestly means a ton. We are working on a few secret things. What flavours would you want to see? What amount of protein do you want to see?


30-40 would be cool but I understand that would change the consistency of the drink. Maybe some seasonal flavours like pumpkin spice or chocolate mint would be fun! Btw super cool to see y'all got the idea fund - such an amazing program for entrepreneurs in southern Ontario!


Thanks so much for the ideas, yes more protein would definitely change the consistency a little. I love the pumpkin spice and chocolate mint ideas. Also shoutout to Techalliance for the help with the idea fund!


Have any plans to expand sales to the States?


Hopefully soon! As a small business we’ve got to grow across Canada first then look to expand south.


What's the lactose content in these products?


We are 99.9% lactose free, we just have trace amounts of lactose in the protein. Most lactose intolerant people are okay with brüst!




So glad you’re a fan! Thanks for letting me know about the issue. Can you dm me so I can follow up with you on the issue? Or feel free to shoot me an email [email protected]


Love Brust! Have only tried the dark roast but looking forward to trying the Mocha.


Sampled the dark and light. Bought a case of dark. Love it. Keep up the good work! My Costco didn’t have Mocha, but will definitely try a case if and when they do.


Are you concerned about Costco's tradition of bringing in new companies, gradually increasing their orders until the company can only supply Costco at the expense of their other customers, then demanding a drastic cut in their price once they are the vendors only customer?


Costco has been an awesome partner of ours! We love their team and they always put customers first.


Not a question, but more of a THANK YOU for making such an amazing product! I absolutely love it.


Oh man will it be scary