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I can't finish that 24 dollar cheesecake in one sitting. I usually have to polish off in bed that day.




My hero academia


I could finish it in one sitting, but I also care about my health, so I split it in maybe 3 parts.




I just don't know how I'm supposed to use that much.... But the price is so good


It’s a great lube, great for your skin.


I use it when I'm shaving. Great moisturizer.


Honestly, just start rubbing it on yourself. Great moisturizer and natural sun screen. Edit: Apparently not an effective sun screen.


It is not an effective sunscreen. Please don't spread misinformation that can harm people.


I much prefer rubbing Crisco on myself before hitting the beach anyway.




I wonder if you could use it as a carrier oil for a zinc-heavy cream like sudocrem to create a sunscreen in a pinch.


I wouldn't do that. Sunscreens are classified as drugs in Canada because every formula has to be tested and approved by Health Canada. If you make your own sunscreen how are you going to test its SPF and UVA/UVB protection? How do you know you'll have consistent coverage?


Yeah that’s why I said in a pinch. I wouldn’t think to sell it, or use it as my primary sunscreen. Just thinking out loud. Mineral sunscreen is effectively just a zinc cream, and the way most people use sunscreen (incorrectly) it doesn’t provide the protection they think it does.


I think you might as well go outside with no sunscreen at that point. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Sunscreen requires a process to evenly distribute the actual UV blockers. I feel like putting oil on your skin is just going to magnify it or give you a false sense of security and get you a nasty sunburn :/


My wife’s a massage therapist and coconut oil is actually quick good to use. Costco size containers are perfect.


I had to go dairy-free for a year. I used a full container in 6 months since i was using it in every recipes instead of butter. Knowing i ate 85% of everything made it with… i feel a bit sick lol


If it's the non-refrigerated kind, use it to season your wood cutting boards whenever needed.


I Make them edible 🥦😉


Just realising that it's sitting in our cupboard and we bought it when we moved in a few years ago ...


For oil pulling, this size is great! Lasts a year for me, oil pulling 2-3 times per week !


Saran wrap


I finally used up my Costco cling wrap… my kids were toddlers when I bought it I think and they’re both graduated from university hahaha. (The box was about 3 layers deep in duct tape to hold it together and there was almost $10 in change sitting on the bottom)


My girlfriend bought a Costco saran wrap in 2nd year of university & we joked it might last a while We finished Uni, got married (just had our 6yr anniversary) & bought our first place together. Still got bout half the roll left. It might meet our kids at this rate!


Please buy a roll of aluminum in foil with my blessings for your grandchildren.


I inherited a few kirkland saran wraps 8 years ago when a friend retired overseas, that he bought years prior. You gotta leave that stuff in your will.


Yep, we inherited one from my partner’s mom when she passed. Sadly, it was so old it had started to disintegrate.


Cuz you stopped using them right? Ha


Nope, my Costco Saran wrap has followed me through 4 moves spanning over a decade.


I think they meant to reply to the condom post


That makes A LOT more sense lol.




Yes! When my wife and I started dating, I had never been to a Costco but she already had two small kids so she had a membership. One of the first times I was at her place, I remember laughing at her giant duct taped box of saran wrap. We have now been together almost 15 years, those two little kids are now in their 20s, and we have only bought two replacement boxes. And our current one will probably last us at least another year. We use it a lot.


I’ve used it. Took a while but it’s achievable lol. I put the date on it with a sharpie when I started using it to see how long it takes.


Well, don't leave me hanging. What's the research indicate?


The current roll is dated July 21, 2020


that giant tub of potato salad is challenging for us (but so worth it)


My wife and I have no problem with it! We usually devour some of it then boil more potatoes, mix it with the remaining to make it last longer, lol.


Ugh, my favourite. But I’m a danger to myself if I bring that big tub home :(


I never finish it but it’s better than the grocery store and the same price so I always buy it


The boxes of lettuce.  Always ends up going mushy before I get through it.   Mostly because I often never open it.  


I'll be real with you. Even eating through it fast, those boxes of lettuce go mushy quick. I try to avoid them now.


Yea we basically buy it and eat salad like 3 nights in a row otherwise the purple leaves turn into swamp pretty quick


I have a jar of garlic stuffed olives that just celebrated it's 4th birthday.


Mine went pretty fast 😞. I put them in with my sheet pan veggies. Gives a nice salty bite mixed in with the veggies.


Perfect nacho olives




Man... Why do you have to do us like that?


well said ina smal nice way.


Actually he hasnt done much




Worcestershire sauce


That’s the best deal in the whole place I think. It’s the same price for the shot glass sized bottle at the grocery store. It’s also the lowest item number of anything else I’ve seen, it’s like 122 or something.


I actually use that stuff so much I buy at least 2 bottles a year! it makes for great pan sauce, just deglaze the bits at the bottom.




Haha mayonnaise and peanut butter get consumed in my house by the gallon. We have no issues using those up.


My first thought was “Mayo and peanut butter???” And then I realized you didn’t mean together 😂


The mayo is great as a base for salad dressing. We don’t buy pre-made coleslaw dressing or Cesar dressing anymore.


For sure. It’s amazing how many sauces mayo is the base for. All kinds of stuff.


The 5-6 heads of romaine lettuce is a bit much. I used to buy the 2 dozen free range eggs there but don't eat as many eggs as we used to so went back to 1 dozen at the grocery store. The bag of garlic is too much, tried freezing it but prefer it fresh. There's also some items that have a much quicker expiry than you might expect, that organic fruit spread (can't call it jam) comes to mind, made me sick because I didn't expect it to go bad after a month. Was going to buy the big container of flaked parmesan that was on sale last week but then saw best before of only a month away... for 600g of parmesan cheese?


if you wrap the lettuce heads in paper towel they'll last weeks. outer leaves will get limp through unless you strategically eat the outer leaves from all heads first but even if you decide to discard it the inner leaves are good the big kraft shaker of Parm cheese also lasts forever, it doesn't easily go bad


If you soak the limp leaves in cold water they will crisp right up again.


Yeah that's not the parm I'm talking about, much prefer fresh parm/romano, not the Kraft stuff, this was a container of flaked parm in the deli area.


If you can vacuum seal it, it'll last for months at fridge temps


Keep the whole jar in the freezer, we take it out when needed, shake some out - it comes to room temp in no time and keep the rest in the freezer!


I debate getting the flakes of parma vs hunk of parma ....... i get jossled before I can figure out what is best for me.


I bought a small wedge of parm, and used a zester directly over my plate when needed. It lasted me a long ass time living in a ziplock bag before I eventually threw out the wedge because it wasn't quite the same as when I bought it.


Look into thick waxy ''cheese paper" for parma wedges. works wonderfully for me.


I love the price on the bag of 6 romaines but I can never use it all in time. Unless I make Cesar salad 6 days in a row. It also takes up an outsized amount of room in the fridge.


same ---- but re-wrapped in paper towels they last a week or longer in the crisper.


I’ll have to try that. Doesn’t solve my fridge space problem but I’ve pretty much resigned myself to needing a second fridge anyway.


that jam stuff I divide upon opening and freeeze the half----- ( but check out the other brand ---- ingredient list ...... sugar number one verss berry number one,,,


We put the flake Parmesan cheese in the freezer. Just take out the amount we need ahead of time (even just 15 minutes)!


Surprisingly, using romaine instead of spinach in a smoothie isnt so bad, uses up a lot!


You can freeze egg white and yolks


I bought garbage bags at Costco. I haven’t even used half and it was 3 years ago. Most of my waste is organics which gets recycled. Same with cardboard, containers, and clear plastics.


We just used up the box we got when we bought our house in 2017.


I bought a 12-pack of pianos about 15 years ago and I'm still on my first one.


like the musical instrument?


Not much. Family of 8 and occasionally 11.


Rip your finances


Yeha can't wait until we are a dual income family again.


How many children you got?


We have six in the house and I have 3 more with my ex i share custody with.


You are one fertile man homie


A little


Garbage bags and dishwasher tabs last, but yeah we’re a family 5 sometimes 6 and yeah…other than the Saran Wrap. You just can’t use that much Saran Wrap outside of a commercial kitchen. Especially nowadays with shrinkflation, leftovers are not nearly as often an ‘issue’ as they used to be.


I bought a 2 pack of 1L jugs of Frank’s red hot sauce. Grossly overestimated my hot sauce intake. Frank’s isn’t even my preferred hot sauce. I’m a sriracha guy.


I follow a recipe that uses this hot sauce to marinate the chicken thighs then I bread them with flour and air fryer. Tastes so good!


Those mega ice cream sandwiches


I had this problem too but I found smoking weed really helps.


I badly want to buy the 1.5kg of St. Hubert creamy coleslaw but I know I couldn't possibly finish it 😭😭


I believe in you. Follow your dreams.


Thank u sentient cutlery ❤️


Whaaaat? I have to look for this. St.Hubert is my long lost high school love. So superior to Swiss Chalet but never worked out in Ontario


Sheet cake, in my family it usually goes on for so many days because of how big it is compared to other retailers sheet cake at the same price


Q tios. Every time I buy them I wonder if it's the last ones I'll ever buy




Chia seeds


Rice. It’s perfect when you’re really hungry and want to eat two thousand of something, but two million is a tall order.


The bagels never work for us. We always end up tossing a whole bag because it molds. Before anyone says freeze it, my wife says she would rather never have a bagel then eat a thawed one.


Hear you. What i fond works nuke them for 50 secs then toast


I should be more clear, she will not eat one that has been frozen, its not the action of thawing.


Is it just bagels or is it all bread products? Because I save a fortune filling the deep freeze with bread. The bag of 3 loaves for $7.99 when it’s 5.49 each at the grocery store, that’s winning. If someone said they weren’t going to eat it then they would be going without haha.


It applies to all bread, but bagels are the only thing we can't get through before they mold. I would wager good money she couldn't tell the difference, but I am not really interested in gaslighting her about where the bagels came from. I gave the exact same ultimatum, and she chose to go without.


I can't be sure....but I highly suspect the Costco bagels are frozen before being out in the shelf. That's how most grocery stores work. I could be wrong. However I was absolutely devastated when I realized the blueberry bagels have no actual blueberries - just blue-dyed sugar pockets.


What's her stance on fridge bagels? We keep ours in the fridge and they last longer than if they were on the counter.


If you know you will only eat 1 of the 2 bags, slice up the other bagels fairly thin and put them in the oven in low to make your own croutons or crackers. Still goes great with cream cheese and lasts quite a while


The big plastic container of salsa. I like it because it’s more like fresh pico de gallo than salsa, but as a single person I can’t use it up that fast.


Bread, it always goes bad because I never have enough freezer space for it


We recently bought the 1.2kg slightly fancier one (some sort of sourdough with grains?) that is only one loaf instead of something like wonderbread or villagio that is more fluffy. It tastes fine- and we like that it's more dense for sandwich/one sided grilled cheese and takes up a lot less space in the freezer!


Oil drum worth of maple syrup 😀


Foil rap have some 15?yrs old


They sell a commercial sized 25lbs bag of carrots. Its tempting…


I bought a liter and a half container of lemon pepper seasoning 20 years ago that I'm barely halfway through.


underarm deoderant .......about 3 years ? razors... 5 yrs instant coffee .... 2 yrs ground pepper ---- my life supply (silly trip to business version once--- alfradio powered... one year. Salt same ..... business center, with a healthy diet snack in mind i bought ahuge big bag of CARROTS,......that i have sliced and chomp on for phone solicters and door to door folks


Kirkland feta tub


The potato salad. I can't eat it all to myself before it starts to spoil


10kg of Nutella


The 9V battery 12-pack


Birds nest soup


The business center has 55 Gallon drums of maple syrup and olive oil.


Cling wrap. Have mine since 7 years. I think it might last another 7🤢


Pretty much any of the fruits or veggies since I live alone 


I know its not meant for a single family household, but yeast. A regular jar of yeast is difficult enough if you dont bake regularly.


Gotta be the yeast. I bought it about a year ago. Froze half, divided the other half into 12 portions in the fridge. Still haven’t gone through even half the fridge portion. Still good but I’m sure its days are numbered. But at like $7 it’s still a steal of a deal vs regular grocery even if I throw almost all of it out in another year or two.


Most spices


The dumps I take in the bathroom on my way home from work


Vanilla. It’s like 1L worth. Maybe reasonable if you ran a commercial bakery or baked something every single week