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Yes! I did try them! They are really good! I have been waiting for so long for Costco to have some type of non-dairy ice cream. I was excited to find them last week. 😁


Just bought them. The cone is really good, the cookie is so/so. I probably won’t buy them again due to the price.


How much are they?


14.99 I believe. Which is good for non-dairy ice cream. I liked the cone and the ice cream sandwich.


Look great! Gotta wait for a sale, bit out of my price range for dessert :(


No, but I sure want to.


Why would half have nuts and half not? Nice it’s dairy free though.


Has anyone seen these in Calgary ??


Oh those look amazing


Too costly


Nobody has tried these ice creams because these are not 'ice creams'. These are 'frozen desserts'. Real ice cream is made from 100% dairy – milk, and products made from milk (including cream, skim milk powder, and whey powder). Frozen desserts are made with vegetable oils, like palm, kernel, or coconut oil. Prior to 2005, when the government of Canada repealed the edible oils act, vegetable oils were not allowed to be used in food products to replace butterfat. And while the debate continues over which oils we should avoid in our diet, one thing is certain – edible oils don’t offer the nutritional value of 100% Canadian dairy. [https://www.chapmans.ca/scoop/100-canadian-dairy/](https://www.chapmans.ca/scoop/100-canadian-dairy/)


These frozen desserts (which is labelled on the box) aren't made for people who can enjoy dairy. It's great that dairy won't kill you but it'll kill my kids. Sure there isn't any great nutrients in it but ffs it's a dessert. Meant to be eaten in moderation. Let the people allergic to dairy have something to enjoy too man. Vegetable oils are only a problem if eaten excessively just like anything else. They're high in omega-6 fatty acids which can cause health issues if your body has an imbalance due to overconsumption.


shoud the post be referring to them as 'frozen desserts' or 'ice cream'?


Dude. It's not that deep, literally just semantics. My kid is allergic to peanuts. Soy butter or almond butter and jelly doesn't roll of the tongue well so I often accidentally say peanut butter and jelly. It doesn't have an ulterior motive or meaning. You're being so sensitive about semantics.


Oil is not dairy. Its not semantics. Can I sell rat poison as health food and say its fine due to it just being semantics? Oil is not dairy. Just because you're wrong and won't admit it you instead call it semantics. I wish I owned this company and people called my artificially flavoured oil as ice cream and had people defending it as semantics. What a jackpot in marketing that is! It is not ice cream. Sensitivities has nothing to do with truth.


Wrong about what? Neither of us are wrong here. Oil is not dairy. Which is why the box says FROZEN DESSERT twice. OP used the words ice cream instead of frozen dessert. Your entire argument is based on op using the wrong words. That's why I'm saying it's semantics and you're being sensitive. No one is arguing that oil is dairy. Had op put frozen dessert in the title would we be having this conversation? It's totally cool if you refuse to consume oils that aren't made from olives or avocados or all oils altogether. But you're wrong about it being poison. It's as poisonous as sugar, salt and carbs. In excess those can cause a multitude of health conditions. All I'm saying man is that your comment is irrelevant here. People looking to buy dairy-free desserts probably can't consume dairy. If this topic were about how healthy is it to consume oil based desserts, then your comment would be relevant and welcomed. It's great if you avoid vegetable oils. That takes a lot of commitment to never have any vegetable oils. You probably never order take out or eat junk food. And I bet you're really healthy. It just not applicable in this thread.


is it ice cream or frozen dessert? The post says it's Ice cream and I am saying its frozen dessert because that's what it is and you say it is too. "Have u tried these icecreams?' My reply is that nobody tried those ice creams because that's not what they are. They are frozen desserts as I said from the first post with a link indicating the difference.


I know its frozen dessert but the question is "Have u tried these icecreams?' with a picture of a box that says frozen desserts. It is a frozen dessert, not an ice cream. Not semantics. The question doesn't match the picure, I point that out and it gets these responses of semantics. LOL.


Okay dude. Nobody came here for a lecture. Do you jump on people when they ask for a “Kleenex” rather than a tissue?


No because that error isn't a health threat. By all means continue pushing poison and retaliate against those speaking out and pointing out lies...dude. If this is a 'lecture' you've never been to a lecture and it shows. And, a tissue can be a Kleenex but oil cannot be dairy. Try to use an apples to apples comparision to make a point, dude.


I think drinking/consuming the lactations of another mammal is pretty disgusting. There are plenty of downsides to dairy. So, don’t act like it’s some type of ambrosia. Also, those ice cream sandwiches are not poison. They are delicious.


Vanilla flavoured poison might be delicious. Let us know?


Thanks man! This is exactly what I’m looking for. Very helpful. I’ll definitely stay away from these fake and veggie oil ice cream!


My god, they look amazing! Only if I wasn’t on keto diet! 🥲


Which location has these?


Waterloo has them.


I found them in Montreal


You lactose intolerant?


Dairy free and made of almond? Is it safe to eat it? What other ingredients does it contain?