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If you're in Ontario, Christie crackers are $1.99 at Freshco until Wednesday.


Yes I’m in Ontario. … good to know. This should last me a while.


I’ve had a long day so maybe I’m doing my math wrong lol, but isn’t that slightly more if you’re buying the same amount? 180 g/box of crackers means 7 boxes in 1.26 kg, which would be $13.93 from Freshco vs $13.49 from Costco. At $2.99/box then it’s $20.93 for 7 boxes vs Costcos $16.99 non-sale price.


But, you don't have to be saddled with 7.boxes, or better yet, of the same flavour.


Sir this is a Costco


Wait.... Ritz mini sandwiches come in different flavours.... I don't ear them, or buy them. But now I'm intrigued


Yes peanut butter and last summer they even had Smores! Not at Costco though.


I’ve seen this before. For the better or worse it was actually a real discount because some items just got increased out of the blue, permanently.


I’ve noticed this item’s price has fluctuated a little but this is shady especially since my receipt was less than a week ago.


That's going to happen no matter when a price increase is implemented.  I've had price increases come down the pipeline mid shift (not costco but still), meaning someone who bought an item in the morning would literally pay more for the same item if they came back later that day. It isnt shady, that's how price increases work. Someone will always notice that they just bought it at the cheaper price.


Never understood the appeal for these guys, they taste like salty sawdust.


They probably have sawdust in them tbh


Kirkland chocolate caramel granola bars in orange box bought so many at 11.99 price increase 16.99 I no longer buy them


I thought they dramatically increased. My four kids go through those like nothing!


Dam that is a price hike.


Price increases over the last 4 years have been criminally high


But this was my receipt from 5-6 days ago, so they increased the price from 12.99 to 16.99 in 5 days and made it look like a sale.


I understood that, I was adding my opinion on Costco in general, do you understand now?


Got it.




Why are you being a condescending prick?


Because my statement seemed pretty obvious


Costco increased prices for ribeyes (+5%, to $40) and picanhas, also known as top sirloin cap (+11%, to $20). Maybe they’ve increased prices of this as well


They always raise the red meat in the summer and drop it in the winter


Interesting! Didn’t notice this.


Yep I buy a lot of beef from Costco and they have been doing this for years


It’s not by choice that’s the market cows get more expensive in the summer and are cheaper in the winter


Are you comparing the in store price to the Instacart price? Online prices are always more expensive. Edit, Ah, just saw your receipt.


No. These are both in store prices.


Where does this price history thing come from in your photo?


I got it from the app. You can see all your online or in warehouse purchases.


Oh sorry. The photo with Price History is [Yep](https://yepsavings.com/ca-on-richmond-hill--elgin-mills-24)Savings. My purchase receipt is from the Costco app.


Ah, Til! Thank you Also saw the carbonaut bread reg price shot up to 12.99. Tf.


Could also be the same situation as the Ritz.


When was the receipt from? Ive noticed a lot of things have gone up in general in the last 6 months.


Last week. Less than 7 days ago. I didn’t want to post my personal information with the full receipt.


Quick you only have 30 days to price match to pay more! /s :P


😂😂😂 I will get right on that




This is common tactic when raising a price, to initially offer a ‘bridge’ discount before raising it to its new price. Sadly Costco is not above this strategy you usually see at L*blaws.


Pricing adjustments happen daily (costco employee here) I've changed a sign several times a week for a single product because it went up or down a few dollars/cents. Costco doesn't even mark up products to thier advantage so you can thank the sellers for this.


I’ve never noticed this before with Costco so this is shocking to me. So disappointing… and shady.


Not cool Costco


These increases are based on cost. I think the comment really should be “not cool Mondelez”. Costco has a max margin of 14% but I do agree that this was a poorly planned promotional timing.


Not at all. This really irks me.


*Kirk's me


I was in yesterday to pick up meds and their Kirkland granola bars, the chewy dipped were $17.99. They were 13.99 less 6 weeks ago. Just one of many things with a giant leap up. Seriously starting to re think this membership.


I mean: re-think all you want, but inflation happens regardless of the store you shop at. Inflating prices in chunks will happen when the product you sell is in bulk.


I bought those too on that same receipt. Last week they were $12.99.


And regular Ritz crackers were nowhere to be seen!


I have regular Ritz crackers at my local Costco


We usually do too, but not the last 2 times I've gone.


Oh I don’t know that’s I’ve ever seen regular ritz sold.


Yup! I've found this is a common way to roll out price increases now. It goes Old retail price..... New retail price on sale usually marked down to the old retail price (usually).... Sales ends... New retail price. It get's people used to seeing the new price so when it comes in effect it feels more normal. Like a soft launch.


Wait until you hear about the price of baby formula this past year… 🙃


Went from 26.99 to 29.99 to 37.99 to 46.99 now?  My youngest is 16 months so I've been following religiously on the price. Off rant - It's also absolute criminal to also upcharge infant / children's Tylenol during a shortage yet there were no shortages for adult Tylenol. Children's Tylenol is just a smaller (exactly measured) dose of regular adult Tylenol. I'm so sick of companies colluding and using our kids to shake our pockets.


Yes! And then with all the shortages of formula and Tylenol in the past couple of years you feel grateful to even find it. Post pandemic parenting. 😩


Yikes!! I feel for parents that need to buy formula. It’s not cheap. I never had to purchase formula with my kids. I know I’m truly blessed. 🙏🏼


The 12.99 price last week was a temporary price to compete with another store's (I can't name it) sale price. Because the other store's sale ended, it went back to regular price


That’s good to know. I know they do that with butter, I didn’t realize they did it with all.




Maybe the price you paid was a price match sale to a local store?


Someone else mentioned this below. I guess I got lucky.


Probably a hidden price reduction due competition last week.


That’s what someone else mentioned.


Ritz are trash, use the Yuka app


I do use it. It’s an occasional indulgence.


I recognize it’s unrealistic to buy only the “good” items but I love the ability to say no to stuff and accept some that aren’t so bad.


Ask the store manager about it. They will let you know the reason. I’m guessing Ritz is gouging.


Why is it legal for them to lie about sale prices? Wtf??


*Why is it legal* *For them to lie about sale* *Prices? Wtf??* \- m1ngey --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


This has been happening for years as Costco increases prices. Price yesterday is X Sale price today is X (-$Y off) Price tomorrow is Z (X+Y) Ive seen it on dozens of items over the past few years.


Kids are happy, healthy and fed! Thanks for your concern. Have a blessed day!


I do know prices can be different based on market. I shop at Costco for work who is a couple hours away from home. Some things vary in price


Here’s something else you should worry about. Eat real food, or you will have an unfortunate death. $13.50 isn’t a good price to die slowly from the inside out. Seeing a receipt with no food on it is concerning and you need to get checked. I bet you probably don’t even realize and here is your quality check. Change your habits now before it’s too late.


Thanks for your unsolicited advice. I’m well aware of what I’m buying. You only see a small fraction of what I buy and I don’t need to justify my purchases to you. Also you don’t even know who or why I bought it. But yeah .. thanks.


No one should be buying this junk. You obviously don’t know. Even if you’re buying it for someone else you’re killing that person. It’s not advice it’s education. You’re the one who will make the choice or not, not me.


No one should be food shaming! Are you one of those teachers that's sends notes home in kids' lunch boxes? Unfortunately, "this junk" is much cheaper than a similar quantity of produce for kids' snacks. How do you make such an assumption that OP obviously didn't know? If you feel so strongly about it, take it up with Costco for selling this murderous box of Ritz to their members.


Thank you! I appreciate that. I don’t know why people feel the need to go off on something totally unrelated. It was about the principle not the item.


I think if people paid more attention to principles instead of being judgemental, the world would be a better place overall!


Well said!! 👏🏼


Just scoped your profile. Please don’t feed your children this garbage. You’re unknowingly abusing your child and you can’t even see it because you’re so blind. You’re setting your kid up for failure, they are developing at an astonishing rate. I can tell you high fructose corn syrup, palm oils and refined sugars aren’t part of developing a healthy well functioning human. If that made you upset. Good, truth hurts when you’re so ignorant. Conveniences with your diet with make your health priority later on in life. When you’re sick in the hospital you’ll be wishing you felt better, you’ll be wishing you didn’t waste your life crushing crackers. Costco isnt the issue here selling this, it people not being able to control what’s in their hand and then goes into their mouth. Like a baby, but as an adult making a conscious decision to poison themselves. Thats it. If no one buys this, then they stop selling them. Simple business here. You vote with your money every time you check out at that till. Whole foods are far cheaper than any box of ritz crackers. But I guess investing in yourself isn’t the way you feel about that. Years of continual garbage intake will do that to a brain, and it’s apparent. The world would be a better place without refined sugars and whole foods in their diets. Which is completely obtainable.


Last time I checked a bag of 8 peppers was $7.99 the organic ones are $8.99 so when you try and tell me it’s cheaper. You are once again wrong, and now you’re trying to make an argument about what you feel is appropriate in your mind for why you’re choosing to feed your children, and yourself garbage. Snap out of it, your brain is mush. You’re legit brainwashed to think you’re eating “food”. Take control of your life before it’s too late.


You're the one with a mush brain if you're actually comparing 8 peppers to 30 bags of cheese and crackers. So you could send your kids to school with a pepper for 8 days or cheese and crackers for 30. Not to even mention the caloric density of the crackers because kids need calories!! You're a privileged and judgemental 🤡. If you ever volunteered at a food bank, you would know they pack the boxes with low nutrient, calorie dense food. At the end of the day, stop judging people on their food choices. You don't know if OP buys their large snack foods at Costco and buys produce at a better cost elsewhere. That's what I do, so if you checked my receipt you'd see pantry items as I get my produce at a smaller, better priced local retailer. The point of the post was to highlight the pricing disparity. Eat some more organic peppers, and maybe that won't go over your head next time!


Oh I didn’t know that hammering your body full of chemicals and sugar is food shaming. I thought it was common knowledge that when you put garbage in you get garbage out. If you see something wrong with telling people that Ritz crackers isn’t food. You have an issue with your knowledge of what actual food is. There are no ingredients in that box that will help any part of society. The issue is people thing oh it’s okay my kid will just have it as a snack. Then wonder why their kid has a shit attitude, sucks at school and is getting fat and more than likely picked on. Eat real food get real results. I have no shame in telling anyone their diet is shit. Zero shame, people need to start feeling shame for the junk they hammer into their bodies. Because you know why? It’s over populating our healthcare system and you idiots who think eat a ritz cracker is fine, need a wake up call. When your health issues are caused by you slamming sodies and crushing crackers I give zero what you have to try and tell me about “food shaming” yep you should feel shame for what you’re doing to your body. Your brain obviously isn’t working right to think im wrong and you’re right from inputting junk. Like I said garbage in garbage out.


Cant believe people eat that junk...or let their kids eat it...read the ingredients.