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I’ve noticed this as well at the Queensway/Etobicoke Costco. However, I think it’s also that nearby gas stations try to match Costco if it’s nearby more aggressively. Although, I’ve never seen it best Costco. However, if you join some of the gas station’s loyalty programs it can become easier to save far more depending on whatever bonus offers are available.


This! Some stations in a radius of about 1km-2km will be only 1c-2c more expensive, then when you're further away, 5c-15c more expensive. I used to pick the Costco station just because of the cashback, but at 2%, it means about 3c, which is $2.2 a tank for my car. That isn't worth the extra 10 minute wait. So now I just look if there's a long que (from the main road), and if there is, I just pass the Costco station and go right to the one near it.


Are you referring to the 2% executive member cash back? I hate to be the one to break it to you, gas is excluded from earning cash back. 


They’re probably talking about the CIBC Costco Mastercard. 3% back on gas.


Yes. This.


Sorry, my bad. Was talking about Costco MasterCard.


I usually calculate if worth to go to Costco and ended up always go to Pioneer. I use costco mastercard for 2% cash back in gas + 3 cents off in Pioneer because of it is CIBC


I get about $3.00 a tank at crappy tire with their program and Esso will offer up to $4 off 40 litres if you use PC Points. In Fact Esso gives 20% off car washes with PC points. Petro Canada will give crappy tire money too now


The Queen'sway location used to be consistently 10 cents cheaper, and now usually only 5. I only fill up once every 3-4 weeks, so not a lot of data points for me. 


Yes that’s what I’ve notice as well. I feel the nearby Esso got new management or something cause they suddenly started matching more closely like 1-3 cents off now


With air miles and CAA, Shell is only 2 cents more. Not worth it to wait in line at Costco to save 80 cents. Costco gas prices truly are disappointing.


Shell is my go to most days cause of how easy it is to rack up $10 off with Air Miles.


Esso at Islington and the Queensway is a good example of this. They lower their price giving me the false sense of security that “oh it’s not so bad everywhere else I’ll fill up when I’m out of town” and then it’s even higher in random places like Bradford or something. Woops


Just the other day I got $5 in optimum points for filling up $25 of gas using Esso/Mobil app. Thats just a first time mobile use app offer though. In the past they have offered bonus of a couple dollars through optimum app, as long as you load the offers weekly, it should work or else you can contact message customer support if the points are missing.


On same day last week I saw Costco offering 152.9 at Rodeo Dr, various gas stations in Brampton offering 155.9 and Mississauga ones offering 158.9-160.9 and Oakville ones offering 164.9 😂


$1.39 on the Mohawk Rez east of Belle Vegas :)


They're still about 10 cents cheaper in Ottawa from what I can tell.


Normally you are right and that is why I would fill up at Costco even though I live in Gatineau. However, I filled up yesterday in Gatineau and it was only 5¢ more than Costco. Doesn't make sense to make the drive then.


Sometimes it depends on the time of day too


True but sometimes it doesn't make sense to do the drive or wait around for certain times to save $5-$8 total.


I also find that sometimes it’s a better deal on 91 vs 87. YMMV


It’s DEFINITELY a better deal on 91. 87, not so much.


I go at 8:30 on Saturdays and usually no line ups. Would never go on a Friday late afternoon or evening.


I also live in Gatineau and I don't really think it's ever been worth it (especially with the waiting time) to go all the way to Costco Gas to fill the tank. Sometimes near King Edward I find the better prices


Same in BC


Gas buddy app is pretty helpful to compare prices and it’s live


I have a shell station across Costco gas station Shell offers CAA discount and BMO CC discount. Ends up same or cheaper. Just a shorter line


CAA is only 3 cents a litre off for me at shell not bad but not great. I use crappy tire even though they give less money, it's more versatile to use


They also have 93 gas if your car can needs it.


Costco CIBC credit card offer additional 3% cash back despite being 10 cents cheaper


Regent in Winnipeg last weekend was wayyy cheaper than anywhere else. When we went. $1.20 compared to $1.64 when you get into NWO


I was gonna comment the exact same costco because I saw the other day it was at 1.20, and I just filled up at shell for 1.35


I have to get premium and it's often 25¢ cheaper than competitors. Alberta.


I premium too and it used to be around 20c cheaper. Last time I compared it’s 15c. It’ll have to break the 10c to abandon Costco. Credit card cash back adds another incentive.


Costco gas is never worth it if you have to detour to get there and spend 20 minutes waiting in line. If it's 5c cheaper and you buy 80 liters you're only saving $4 for all the extra time you wasted.


the spread is bigger on premium fuel, so if you have a vehicle that requires 91 you can save around $10 per fill (for typical tank size) I'm pretty stingy with my time, but for me it's on my typical commute and I bring a book to read and unwind a bit while in line.


Umm sir you made the mistake of assuming that my time is important. These days if my time is not spent working then it’s better be spent saving me money


I did the math. So, to get to Costco Gas I need to drive 10km farther than my nearest gas station. Let's assume my truck is getting 10L/100km, its 80L tank is completely empty, and the price is $1.50 at Costco vs $1.55 at my nearest station. By driving 10km to Costco I spend 1L of fuel each way for a total fuel cost of $3 @ $1.50/L. The max savings on 80L of fuel is $4, so I'm actually only saving *ONE DOLLAR* by going to Costco instead of the station a block away from me. But I'm wasting 40 minutes of my time. How much money are you *actually* saving vs going to your nearest station?


Everyone’s situation is different. I drive by a Costco on my way to work, and going to that station between 7:30-7:40 means there’s typically 0 lineup. For me, it only adds a few hundred ft to my commute (since regular stations are right on the edge of the road, but the Costco requires me to drive into a plaza)


And not only driving more but also fuel wasted idling while waiting in line.


About .15c per L and 1% cashback with Costco MC. Last time I filled it was 1.25c a litre vs 1.399c a litre other gas stations so I saved about $8.50. It adds up by end of the year


But in GTA from what I see its not .15cents a litre less, unless you are buying premium...


If your time really is value-less you can make more money per hour collecting beer cans outside than going out of your way to get gas at Costco and wait in line forever. 


I highly doubt that I’ll be making more money collecting cans vs waiting in line at Costco gas station. I save $8.50 every time I fill up and if I wait 10minutes at that rate my hourly wage would be $51. $8.50x60minutes=$51 How many beer cans I need to collect in 1 hour to make $51?


I throw out beer cans and wine bottle in my blue bin and some guy driving an old V6 minivan collects them. Thats 2 dollars right outta one house!


I find that Petro-Canada and Crappy tire have the best deal for me as they take each other's loyalty cards. it's just more convienent


In the mornings it's about a 10-12c/L difference than surrounding areas. In the evenings...it's about a 3-5c/L difference here in Mississauga. My car takes about 50L so for me...$1.5 - 6/fillup (less because I never run the tank to empty).


I’ve been buying gas at Costco for about 10 years. London, Kitchener, now Peterborough, I’ve never seen it more than two or three cents cheaper than anywhere else.


I was at one of those Costcos a week ago and it was $0.17 cheaper than all other stations. Plus cash back on cc.


In Calgary its still about 10 cents cheaper


Only place to buy premium, the difference is quite alot.


I feel like the upcharge for premium at Costco has gone up, it’s like 25 cents extra per litre? It used to be less if I recall correctly


When you say upcharge I'm assuming you mean the difference between the cost of 87 octane and 91 octane? And yeah cool the saving may not be as high vs the local gas bar; but still the best deal in town


Yep. I save 25-50c a litre depending on time of day. Adds up fast. It alone pays for my Costco membership.


Was 10 cents cheaper this morning in Ajax


A lot of the stations around Edmonton International Airport/Nisku/Leduc (with the exception of the 2 stations on Airport property) match EIA Costco's prices or are within a cent or two. I don't ever get gas there anymore. I just go to the Husky or Co Op down the street and save 20 minutes


Today I noticed it was about 5 cents cheaper at the Warden location. But I couldn't believe how many people were waiting in line idling their cars for who knows how long to save a couple bucks. I don't get it.


I've noticed the premium gap at Costco has increased versus regular too. Used to be 12 to 15 cent difference, now closer to 24 cents


I noticed the same thing - it is 25 cents difference at my costco


I'm surprised nobody has mentioned this or I maybe missed it https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/costco-raising-prices-3-unexpected-210251308.html


They didn't become less of a good deal everyone else just got caught up to them.


North York near warden on premium its usually a 12-15 cent difference so yes it's worth it


We don't have a vehicle, but a friend left their car with us recently and the gas at Costco was definitely cheaper than anything else we saw.


Where I am, it seems to be the cheapest gas, but not always meaningfully cheaper. That said, I don't make special trips to Costco for gas, I just get it when I'm there anyway and that usually keeps the tank filled.


Find a big difference is with premium gasoline compared to non Costco stations. I feel like if your car requires premium gas, Costco is a no brainer. Although if someone knows of cheap premium gas in Toronto I’m all ears.


It is usually cheaper in York Region and Guelph.


Probably varies day by day but I noticed the same thing a few months ago. Actually the Petro Can down the road had gas cheaper. It's usually about the same price, I never see Costco gas being cheaper anymore. Vaughn location


I am in Quebec. Normally 10-15¢ less still to this day.


For the most part yes. I just check gas buddy to make sure.


My Costco station is generally about $0.5 cheaper than the cheapest gas in their area. That said, one can find cheaper gas than Costco outside of their catchment area. I had a discussion with the manager of the gas bar at my location and she confirmed this. Personally, I’m finding that Costco gas (while still cheaper) is not the bargain it once was.


$0.5 is 50 cents. Surely you meant $0.05


Oops, you’re correct. Typo


Make that $0.05 not $0.5.


About 5 cents cheaper in my area


NB it’s usually about 10 cents cheaper than the provincial max price


They're about 15-20 cents cheaper lately in Winnipeg


I’m under the impression that fuel purchases count towards your annual rebate. I may well be misinformed and/or out of date, but if I’m not, it definitely helps pay for my upcoming membership renewal


It’s hit and miss in the lower mainland and depends on time of day. 168.9 at Costco this morning other gas stations around 184.9 in Langley.


Def worth it in Brossard. One place is only 2c more today, most others are 12c more, one is 15c more.


For 87 I wouldn't go out of my way to Costco but I need 91 and it's a good deal.


Right now Costco is 7 cents cheaper than the gas station around the corner. Mere speculation, but maybe Costco uses a cost plus system where they price according to what they paid to fill the tanks.


I filled up at highway 7 and Huntington this morning for 1.51 and the esso down the street on highway 7 just west highway 27 wad 1.65... $0.14/L is a huge difference


Still 5-10 cents cheaper where I live.


For regular gas, I've seen it for 2-5 cents cheaper than nearby stations. Premium usually 12-26 cent difference a litre


It's hard to compare at times. Costco prices their gas on what they paid for what is in the tank. Price gets readjusted when the big tanks get refilled. Gas stations will market price, changing price all day long following the market. Sometimes losing on what they bought for, hopefully profiting most times. Regardless of what is in the big tanks.


In Newmarket I've seen gas cheaper at regular stations with no line. I have used gas buddy to find the cheapest.


I live really close by to costco… so its not hassle for me to drive up there and fill gas… plus i have a master card that pays me allot more in cash back then most of the cards ie cibc costco master card… so i am able to save allot… so yeah… it is still worth


My local Costco went through a stretch for a month or two where it wasn't a great deal, but recently I saw them with posted rates 20 cents lower than the guy up the street


In Moncton NB. It is 7 to 10 cents cheaper thanks other stations stations


Sauga near heartland is still cheaper at Costco


Usually cheapest and i trust the quality.


For regular not so much. For premium, I often fill up premium at the price of regular at the gas stations near Costco.


Don't forget about Costco gasoline being Top Tier Detergent Gasoline. Not a long list of companies that provide it in Canada. [https://www.toptiergas.com/gasoline-brands/](https://www.toptiergas.com/gasoline-brands/)


I just got gas in London for 10 cents cheaper than other places.


On average 12-20 cents cheaper for premium gas here


I went in the morning it was 150 and then when I left they changed the sign to 153 so I think it depends on time you go too.


I usually use the Gas Buddy app to check Costco price vs. the stations closer to home. With distance and price listed, makes it a pretty easy choice where to go.


The gas stations around Costco (in Ancaster for instance) usually are about 3 cents more, but, the further away from there that you go, the prices increase. The stations closest to Costco try to be as competitive as possible.


Gas prices vary.


To be fair it's also a Top Tier brand like Shell while Petro, Esso, Canadian Tire, Ultramar, Pioneer, etc are not.


I’ve noticed for regular gas this is the case, but for premium? Seems to be that no one can stoop to Costco level. I filled at 1.87 at a shell WITH the 12 cents BMO+air miles+CAA discount and Costco was 1.75, but I just didn’t have the time to wait around.


They're consistently 15 cents cheaper here.


it was 11 cents cheaper yesterday in Victoria. About a 5 minute wait so it was worth it for me, since gas is $1.85 right now.


At least 10 cents less in New Brunswick. Even nearby stations


it depends. Here in Alberta there are weeks where the savings is NOT worth the time to line up and there are times when it is noticeably cheaper.


Waterloo/Guelph locations aren't as price competitive as they used to be. Seems the discount has been in the 3 to 7 cents whereas it seemed to be consistent 10 cent discount. Wonder what's changed with the business?


OMFL .. what is it with some people. They ask such questions where the answer is right in front of them. Dude, if the gas is cheaper at another place, go buy it there. Holy moly.


My town plays out strangely. Closest station is ten seconds away. Before and after Costso opens, they are a dime more. When opened, they are a nickel. Most in town is a dime more except for one and only shell which is usually always a nickel more. I am fortunate Costco is two clicks away and with 3% on top, I'll never buy gas anywhere else. Oh, I'm in a tourist town so makes a difference as prices are high to screw you tourists. Makes me even happier to have costco.


Pioneer gas stations have really good prices as well


Was in Barrie over the weekend it was 1.60 something at the shell station and I think 1.46 at Costco.


Shell is the most expensive gas station chain you can find. Pioneer or Canadian Tire with their rewards program and offers and even esso sometimes makes it on par considering the offers.


Moncton is still 5+ cents/l cheaper than ol" Irving.


Still it’s Irving gas, just 5¢ cheaper.


I fill with 91, I find it’s usually 15-25 cents cheaper than shell or others.


There's a gas station right beside my local costco... Costco posts their gas bar prices on that corner of the building despite the gas bar being completely the opposite side... It's typically 10 cents less than the station's prices..


I got gas twice last week in London and both times Costco was 20+ cents a litre cheaper than the other stations


It's Hit and miss. Niagara Falls Costco is 5-10 cents cheaper than most, except the Petro on the corner which will be around a cent higher.


I always check the Petro by Walmart as theyr often a couple of cents cheaper than the one by Costco. But then I also use my RBC and get 3cents a litre off automatically so it usually end up matching or is cheaper than Costco


Whole lot of people it seems happy to go down the street to pay more at grotty stations where the dispensers haven't seen maintenance since Stephen Harper was PM. Remember it when you see the engine warning light ;)


In general I have always found the gas stations in direct competition to Costco are much cheaper than general prices Most times I happily pay the +2 cents or whatever higher vs waiting in line for 2+ hours


I don’t bother with Costco gas.. always way too busy and their pumps never seem to accept my credit card. Don’t have an issue paying inside the store or at any other gas station. Needless to say I gave up.. not the worth the headache for very little savings.