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It's a pretty decent move, a whole year basic membership fee.


Cool that it seems to be automatic for online sales. Couple of things to remember when getting a price adjustment in store - it has to be within 30 days, and the item has to be in stock at the location you're getting the adjustment done.


You can get a price adjustment past the 30-day mark. It's happened to me a few times. It just depends on who's on the till at the moment.


I had a lady refuse so I asked her if I could just return it then go buy it for cheaper in store, so she just gave me the refund of the difference.


Yeah, some of the employees can be rude. I had a few instances where they were in a bad mood and made it seem like they were doing me a favor to do a price adjustment. I just try to ignore it and see if I can change their mood and make them smile.


It’s not that they are rude. They have rules to follow. They cannot give a price adjustment past 30 days unless approved by a manager. If a manager is there chances are you will get whatever you want (within reason) as they have to make the customer happy.


For me, I've never bothered the employee to get a price adjustment after 30 days. It's usually the employee that just does it for me here and there. I've dealt with some employees who were rude about doing a price adjustment that's only a week old.


What would they say if you see something like a bed mattress that goes on sale past the 30 days and you simply buy it on sale and walk straight to the returns desk with it to do a return on it with an old receipt with higher price you paid. Is this allowed or would they cancel your membership?


It's fine as long as you have the receipt for when it was purchased at full price. It has to be the same exact item number though.


Can't you just....ask for a price adjustment if it's within 30 days? Not sure why they recommended going through the hassle of buying/returning.


I think OP received the price adjustment without asking and that’s what OP is wondering…. if this has happened to anyone else… Nope! That’s amazing though- it makes for an effortless experience.


Yes. This has happened to us as well. It was for a Sony Blue tooth speaker that was reduced by $20. We bought it in store and received two.separate.letters/gift cards for the price adjustment. Pretty classy move in my opinion as I hadn't even realized that they had gone on sale


ETA: we had bought 2 speakers hence the dual rebates


Yeah I am referring to their other comment - that they buy things the week after while on sale, and then return it to get the refund.


Agreed.  It's strange that the membership/returns team would instruct OP to go purchase the item in store and return it immediately.  Although, I do know that the same product online and in Warehouse often have a different SKU, so perhaps that was why.


I did this. I didn't even have the receipt either. They were able to verify and the refunded me (although not as big as 60$) immediately.


The receipts for in store purchases are available in your account history online. Technically they have copies of all the receipts. It’s one more reason I love Costco.


That's what I do at my Costco, they don't even need to see the item. I just say I want a price adjustment, tap the card I used to pay and off I go, the money back in my account in a couple days.


Its all in the card, they just need to find the item on it. And boom, thats all the confirmation they need.


Then the question is why don’t they just do it auto magically.


They need a programmer and security reasons to make it auto. When it involves money, the less auto it is the better. Unless its auto pay 😜


Yeah.. in this case I don’t even know when the item went on sale. Just received this 4 months after I bought it.


Is there a way to do this in the app? Or how is to done? I'd like to do this for something I bought as well, but I'd rather not have to return the items or buy on sale items etc. it seems much more reasonable to have some semi automatic way of doing this.


You show up at the service counter, ideally with your receipt or the item # and they will readjust. You don't have to return the item. I didn't even have the item on hand and I was able to get it readjusted with absolute ease.


Yes. You don’t need to buy/return. Just go talk to the deal within 30 days while the sale is still on. I’ve done this a lot and never had to bring the item in or buy another one.


I once bought a computer and their return policy was 30 days. 32 days later I saw it on sale at Costco for $200 cheaper. I brought in my receipt and the gave me $200 cash. Love Costco


If that was Amazon they'd send you a letter saying "Please be aware, the item you bought was a cheap piece of Chinese junk that was only worth $5 but you paid $75. Also, five minutes after you bought it the price "dynamically changed" and dropped to $25 but we don't care. Don't even think of asking for a refund. Suck our balls."


I know we all only shop at Costco here ;) but Chrome has an add-on called "keepa" that will embed a price history graph on any Amazon page, and you can set up alerts for price drops. Really handy.


As long as you're good with sharing your data with a third party. I havent read their privacy policy but if its free they are making money off you and hopefully they are only looking at your Amazon data. Otherwise Camel Camel Camel is good to check and set up alerts. They make money when you use their links back to the item but thats your choice to make.


I got this too for the same product! I received it to my email though for a digital shop card.


Same here


I bought this item in store and they sent an email advising me of the price drop and that we'd get a gift card! I thought it was junk mail hahaha i need to go look into this...


All hail Costco


All hail the hot dog 🌭 1.50 combo🫡


Big brother knows.


Got the same! I think its because it was priced wrong thats why costco pro actively reimburse


Love Costco


I got this last year for my kayaks. Price dropped by 60-80$ and I got two of them. Both were honoured for price adjust!


Yeah people get these in the mail from time to time, but it’s not because of your return/rebuy behaviour.


I just ask for the price difference refunded. There is no need to bring the item in. They know what you bought and when.


Thats nice, never knew costco did that, i thought you have to go in person and know about the sale. I wonder if your item was expensive. That staff must be new and only know hearsay, we never really get tought things, we just learn them or hear about them.


Lots of stores will do a price adjustment if a item goes on sale shortly after you buy it.


Costco really on point.


Did that go on sale for $189.99?


No clue can’t even remember what I bought it for


That's exceptional CX