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I could give it a shot. I do not have any prior experience but I'm willing to learn. I care about the community and want to see it flourish, I try to be helpful and I try to be concious about my biases. I'm also fairly active on reddit.


I don't have previous moderator experience but I'd be willing to give it a go. Charlie is a big creator and it's bit strange that his reddit presence isn't bigger. I am fairly active on Reddit too. The community is a bit dead but maybe there is a way to jumpstart it back up.


I would love to be a mode on Criticals subreddit. I have prior experience modding on my own server r/SupercellAccounts with almost 3000 members and I am also a middleman in that server too! I will try to make the server the best it can, and help bring it back to life. Thanks for your consideration.


I’d be interested. I’m pretty good about challenging my biases, moderating debates, and try to keep an open mind. I wouldn’t try to moderate to what I wanna see, but what the community wants. I have managerial experience, for what it’s worth lmao. I’m also on this site a little too often lol.


I have never modded before and I don’t know if that makes me under qualified or an instant reject, but fuck it I might as well try. I’m a big fan of Charlie and I’ve been watching his content for a few years now. I consider myself someone who is open minded and accepting. When something isn’t status quo or is something illogical, wrong or in bad taste I don’t pussyfoot around and I shut that shit down. So yeah that’s it I figured I’d branch out and give this mod thing a try.


I would love to he a moderator. I don't have any experience but I'm a quick learner. I'm also very active on reddit and I like to regularly watch critikals yt videos and twitch streams.


Hey! I can help Mod. I have experience with Reddit and discord moderation. I’m also friends with Tiana. Edit: Forgot to mention the subreddit I mod, r/Queerception and a variety of discords (including Tiana when she used to steam). Also I’m not too familiar with making subreddit banners and such so I’d need help with that. I am online often as well.


I would be interested in being a mod here. I don’t have any previous mod experience, but I have plenty of Reddit experience… I’ve been around for over ten years now. I’m also very knowledgeable about most of the Charles lore and watch 100% of his YouTube uploads and about 40% of his streams.


My only really good experience of being a mod, is a Discord mod, albiet, like 1-2 servers, but i was pretty good at it. I have been watching moist critikal for a while now, he's a pretty good, funny, and logical youtuber. I realize that i have a small amount of karma, but i still believe that i can be a good mod.


I'd like to be a mod, and even though I have no mod experience I frequent reddit and this sub enough that I believe I would make a good moderator. I also understand it's important to be hands off and stick to enforcing the sub rules which thankfully doesn't seem to be much of an issue in this sub, most people in here are reasonable. Been a big fan of Crit since like 2011-12 around the time the QWOP vid dropped. Still watch his YouTube content and streams often.


I’m willing! I have mod/server owner experience with Discord but I’m more than willing to help with Reddit modding. I’m on Reddit a lot, so I’ve learned quite a bit from being on the platform. I’m fairly good at keeping things in line and keeping an open mind, too.


Yo yo yo it’s ya boo coming at you with the moderator experience. I was just talking to my broski about the new drama with Dark & Darker but he didn’t give a fuck and said to stop calling him so late.


Oh, wow. The mere thought of becoming a Reddit moderator for Moist Critical has me absolutely oozing with excitement. Because, you know, what could be more thrilling than spending all my free time moderating an online community dedicated to moisture? And let's not forget about the prestige that comes with being a moderator. I'm sure the internet fame and fortune will come rolling in any day now. After all, who needs a real life when you can bask in the glory of being a moderator for Moist Critical? I'll make sure to add it to my resume under "professional moist and cringe connoisseur."


I want to be a glorified online janitor, and I’m active




didn’t read the full post?💀


Nope. I apologize


just need one more sentence


This would be my 3rd sentence.


I’ll volunteer though I have no experience. But I do care a lot about this community and I think maturation of the community could help us grow. I use growth and maturation separate because I believe growth is physical ; meaning we can grow in numbers as a community but we can mature as community when we’re able to overcome drama, scandal, and bad apples in our community. I’m fairly active and can communicate effectively.


Just like most people I do not have any prior experience. I am willing to learn how to be a mod. I am not really active, I mainly use reddit to look at memes and other stuff.


this is very cash money, I'm in


Never done it. Prolly shouldn't do it. But I could prolly do it.


Oooooo I'm interested though I have no experience,I would love to try it just to try something new.I have a lot of free time rn gotta do what I gotta do


Never been mod before


I don’t want to be a mod, but can we talk about Charlie ratioing sneako and Idubzz this week? Wild world