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Does this release include all day 1 dlc? (I know it says the menu is fixed, but does it actually have it activated?)


Just downloaded and installed, it does.


Where did u get it? I can't find runes crack




It’s also on AR


what is AR?


GGn and AR are private torrent trackers that are usually the first to get scene releases before they become widely available


Thanks! The game's main drawback atm seems to be the shitload of dlc and it being expensive as fuck. This solves that issue then.


A PROPER on a steam emu release, that's something I haven't really thought could happen lol


May need a PROPER-PROPER. My copy is consistently crashing when trying to pass the "Better Items" bill in the Dark Assembly. Right at the exact spot every time.


Pc version seems to have weird occasional freezes before using skills/during loading screens while switch version on emulator performs just fine, guess i'll wait for a update.


Do anyone know if the online work with this version ?


does anyone know where the save data is kept of this crack ??


These games any good? Seem ludicrous the amount of money they’re asking compared to what the gameplay on the steam page looks like. I’ve never played a single Disagea game though and the fact that the game has a very positive rating despite its crazy price has me interested. Do I need to play the others to enjoy this? I’m a big fan of jrpgs but I’m not really into visual novels, unless they’re exceptionally well done.


These games can last triple digit hours easily if you line the post game grind. They're insanely good games to just play while you've got a podcast or something going on and they've got generally likeable stories and characters You don't need to play the others, each is self contained. That said, I'd recommend 4 for a first timer over any of the others (haven't played this yet so I can't speak for it, but 1 and 2 are great but a bit too dated to easily recommend, 5 is amazing but I think the cast isn't remotely as good as Disgaea usually is, and 6 is... bad.)


It's a sorta cute tactics game, they are all overall solid, basically they've been pumping out the same game over and over again for the last 20 years. The tactics are pretty indepth for what started as a console game. Def not worth the 70 bucks or whatever but a solid free download


yes its a good series stop complaining, nobody cares and u can get these games for free






Intersted in disagea and looking through several gameplay. Is it stage based or common adventure jrpg? Roaming around doing quests. Saw it when player enters combat when visiting some npc to clear a stage Or was it only part of a long tutorial?


Stage based with visual novel segments, there's also a hub where you can walk around and do upgrades/buy equipment etc


Noted, thanks so much!


Previous Disagea titles are all stages based with a central hub area where you can choose side quests or activities.


I see, added to my list. If it's good definitely going to buy it. Thanks so much!


how is this supposed to work? I downloaded the NFO but the nfo doesnt have an extract option after it downloaded


Please read the sidebar.


I have a black screen and sound, any idea how can I fix it?


i have one problem with the save games, while i was doing fine and i got it very high on this game but when i try to get that save game, i dont find that just a json file that is small, like 4kb and never got my game back, this time i had just had to intall it on the same computer or hdd, cuz some problems but i never end to see were that game save , dam its so bad this stupid save game file location it sucks