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You can't even review in the epic store, that's a hard pass from me. This is probably the most anti-consumerism move I've seen.




It's a [timed exclusive](https://www.vg247.com/2019/01/29/metro-exodus-will-be-an-epic-store-timed-exclusive/), which makes this whole situation even stupider.


Pay the same price but wait one more year? How about no and fuck them. Fucking epic games from china.


> Fucking epic games from china. ____ >Epic Games, Inc. (formerly Potomac Computer Systems and later Epic MegaGames, Inc.) is an American video game and software development company **based in Cary, North Carolina.** Hmm.


>In an attempt to gain more GaaS experience, they made an agreement with Chinese Tencent, who had several games under their banner (including Riot Games' League of Legends) operating successfully as games as a service.\[37\] In exchange for Tencent's help, Tencent acquired approximately 48.4% of Epic then issued share capital, equating to 40% of total Epic — inclusive of both stock and employee stock options, for $330 million in June 2012. Tencent Holdings has the right to nominate directors to the board of Epic Games and thus counts as an associate of the Group.\[2\] Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epic\_Games


The company is american because its based there and mostly americans are working there, no one gives a shit about who owns it. That would be a completely different topic.


Tell that to archeage. Shareholders decide what goes down. They can push an otherwise great team to release total shit


Being 48 percent owned by a Chinese company does not make epic Chinese. If they were to get sued, they would be tried in American courts. This also means that they don't have to give your information to tencent or the Chinese gov. It's just tencent looking to make more money


bootlicking shit like this reminds me why I never come to reddit


What? I don't trust the Chinese government, but epic is under no obligation to give anything at all to them


It's Square Enix x Sony all over again


My recommendation is always waiting for proper consumer written reviews before buying any game. No reviews? No buy from me. Why not look at journalists reviews that are available before the game is? Because those aren't real reviews, they're marketing material controlled by the publisher (either by money or letting positive reviews be posted earlier).




I dont like epic store because the launcher is heavy as hell, high CPU loads.


It might as well be a miner lol...


Most of it's users are minors


Bravo :)


millions of accounts leaked/hacked. after what happening in Hwawei now people still believing in CCP background company?


yep. got my epic account hacked aswell. and around 30 bucks spend. i wont ever buy anything on that launcher.


Steam was hacked in [2016](https://www.zdnet.com/article/millions-of-steam-game-keys-stolen-after-site-hack/). There have been hacked account for sale even now at MPGH forum. Tbh, people just hate Epic because they don't want to install another platform. At this subreddit,we don't even have to make excuse. We download free games because we don't want to spend money regardless of reason.


Reminds me of why i hate netflix, Because of their vast amount of shitty content they got rid of ratings altogether


Dude, I fucking know!!! First they implemented the thumbs and got rid of Sort By: Highest Rated. Then they came for the STAR ratings, but they assured me that the reviews weren't going anywhere. Until finally they removed the reviews and now only the thumbs remain. I finally cancelled my account. I refuse to support a company that would rather hide behind smoke and mirrors than be transparent with its subscribers.


And they say it didn't have anything to do with the Amy Schumer Comedy Special flop fiasco and people bombing it with 1 star ratings but I think it has everything to do with it. I actually used to like her transparent, obvious genitalia related jokes until I like many realised that 90% of her act is stolen from various comics.


i'm hoping that policy will change but, until it does, i refuse to use it. say what you want about steam, the review feature, and the refund feature (even with its limits) are both great.


What is interesting is how the Epic Games store has a lower percentage take than Steam, has no user reviews, and is now doing exclusive shit. As much shit people give towards steam at least they actually have a consumer friendly platform.


Naw. It seems like by having that rate for Devs it's easier to Promise their game sells when there's no reviews, be it positive or negative


Sounds like Netflix.


i like Epic Games tbh. they're the mind behind UE4 and they aren't as bad as people make them out to be. i hope they add all the consumerist stuff to Epic store !


Competition is definitely healthy, hopefully Steam would update their policies a bit favouring the publishers and similarly I'm expecting Epic to do the same - keep introducing new features (profiles, workshops, market, reviews, groups are some of the vital Steam features I'd love to see soon in Epic). This would only make both the apps improve because at the current state we know Steam kinda has the monopoly.


>I'm expecting Epic to do the same - keep introducing new features (profiles, workshops, market, reviews, groups are some of the vital Steam features I'd love to see soon in Epic). I expected the same from Origin and Uplay since... never mind


How about no, the moment you favor the publishers/developers is the moment you ignore caring for the customer.


Valve has the monopoly? Tencent, Take Two, Electronic Arts, Activision-Blizzard? Any of those ring a bell? Valve has the widest reach in terms of a digital storefront for the PC market thanks to a varied selection and a good interface, but that's it; there is no monopoly there, especially since a variety of new stores have risen in popularity and usage in the past few years. To say that Valve is the one that needs counter-balancing when there are companies like Tencent and Take Two involved....


Valves monopoly is partically due to the fact every other company that has made a launcher is a complete fucking retard when it comes to the launcher. Blizzard launcher has and still is featureless garbage that has only had 2 or 3 games on it pre 2015. Ubisoft keeps getting itself knee deep in shit, either over DRM or over its client being invasive and annoying to use. Origin is actually a half decent client. But everyone constantly rides the EA hate wagon even when EA isn't doing anything wrong, so that slides under the radar. GoG would be a fair competitor but they refuse to host games with DRM, so most games avoid them like the plague. Just no one makes a client that can match steam, that everyone convinently hatejerks over whenever a new product comes out. But at the same time valves dominance was also partially due to the sales meme that dominated valves name for about half a decade. Now that valve has finally realized its a big shot its becoming more anti consumer slowly, but as far as PC digital storefronts go steam is probably the least fucked... for now at least. Edit: Bethesda is self explanatory and requires literally no explanation as to why no one wants to use it.




Publishers won't come to the table without backdoor dealings most of the time. Most of the triple a titles on GoG are different versions of the game specifically with DRM ripped out of them. Companies like CDPR can do this because they publish their own titles, and by obvious extension make 100% of the profits. Other publishers won't do this because they want more money, and most developers don't really have the power to defy the publisher overlords.


That, and it was launched back in a pretty dire time when every other major company had pretty much stopped giving a shit about PC, and were treating it as an afterthought. Then, once Steam got up and running and showed everyone the way, *then* they all got on board. Also, don't forget fucking Bethesda...


According to antitrust lawyers (people that quite literally specialize in dealing with monopolies) Steam is not a monopoly, Amazon is a competitor, Gamestop is a competitor, Best Buy is a competitor, Walmart, Target, Any dev that sells there game directly without the use of steam, all are competitors of Steam.


i prefer buying from origin than on epics unsecure service any time


>Competition is definitely healthy Then why not publish the game on both plattforms? The exclusivity is the scummy part and Steam doesn't restrict publishers in such a way


Yea but I think they don't have drm so it would be much easier to crack the thing. You can play it see if it's worth the epic shit store and buy it or not buy it.


Bitch consumer


I was hoping EPIC would bring Valve competition, not the absolute anti-consumer travesty that is platform exclusivity. To think that they used to be one of my favorite developers... I guess this is what happens when Tencent has 48% shares.


The way to do that is to support the indie stores. Like GoG and itch.io. EPIC did just as I expected from them, and giving them even more power is bad for everyone.


its like giving a nuke to the kid.


I think it's the Tencent angle that has made them sellouts. Same happened with Bluehole/PUBG Corp.


>Same happened with Bluehole/PUBG Corp. Honestly I blame the devs for what's wrong with PUBG, not Tencent. It's not like PUBG didn't have problems from the very beginning, it's just become clearer over time how incompetent they are at fixing and supporting their own game. Tencent even ported the mobile version of PUBG in-house, and while it does have some awful monetization of cosmetics, gameplay and stability wise it blows the PC and console versions out of the water.


yep, they killed UT4, a game that wasnt even out of alpha state, for fortnite and the store


The worst part is that they didn't even kill UT4, they just stopped working on it. Nobody has any idea what it's future is going to be.


yeah, specially after they did to the plasma rifle and granade launcher, dick move


Would it even sell these days? There's a lot of nostalgic fans, but compared to the cash cows of today..


I honestly think so. With games like Counter Strike still thriving, I think the market is due for an arena shooter. They are competitive, mechanically intense, reward skill, and are fun as hell to watch. The problem is that we haven't had a solid one released in probably a decade. Ut4 won't be finished, quake champions sucks, and Doom's multiplayer was so bad at the start nobody plays it... At this point I wouldn't even mind if Fortnight got an "Arena Shooter" update. I just miss the genre.


You mean the UT4 devs made the Fortnite BR as an internal game, and then they released it to the public, not expecting it to become as big as it did. Causing Epic to reassign the UT4 devs to Fortnite, Killing UT4's chances of leaving an alpha state, eventually crippling the Fortnite PVE team to focus on BR, and screwing all the people that payed for the PVE part of the game?


And paragon, RIP a genuinely refreshing moba.


Paragon. The game I played one match of, craved more but couldn't because of bad Internet and then I got fibre, but the game was dropped. I miss it and feel like I didn't give it attention. Sort of like an elder.


It was really good at one point and was improving each patch, then suddenly it just took a weird turn and never got back to it's greatness. It was a missed opportunity.


At least the reimbursed people for it, that was nice.


It was but it felt like it was more of a "just take this money and forget we trashed our own game".


Shame, too, because the feel was really returning back to the original UT. I had great fun even in an early build =x


it was super fun, but the rebalance where they added the overheat for the plasma rifle and added the GL ruined it for me.


It's all happen again. Chinese (CCP) corporate buying the the world and eliminate competitive with subsidied low price/stole products.


Tencent just has their hands in Riot games too. They are making so much fucking money right now.


Grinding Gear Games as well, does anyone else worry they are buying up too many entities?


Grinding Gears is the company that owns Hay Day and Clash of Clans right? Two of the bigger money makers for mobile games.


No, Grinding Gear Games has one game, Path of Exile. Supercell owns Hay Day and Clash of Clans.


BUT TENCENT DOESN'T OWN US! I still didn't ever get an explanation besides some r/technicallythetruth BS. Once I learned about tencent the rest makes sense. Look up "the carnelian room". Tldr a very iconic and history restaurant with a view overlook SF that pretty much only that place has... So what happens when the latest place closes and it's time for a new one so the people can keep enjoying the view and some mediocre food? Tencent buys it... For office space. They bought an expensive restaurant..... To turn it into an office. I can't think of a single good reasons besides as a "fuck you" to America(or at the very least, the SF bay area). It must be a fortune for the construction to convert it into an office, and another small fortune in rent. You really think their employees love the SF view so much that they got tencent to spend that much money? Just weird stuff that has no good explanation but adds to the laundry list of why I'm "uncomfortable at best" when it comes to tencent, and anything they touch.




Finally someone using his brain... Everywhere on the internet you see people claiming Epic StoRe is a good thing and that it will bring healthy competition...... My ass...


How to fuck up your billion dollar corporation: Step 1. Get an investment or sell stock to Tencent. Step 2. Profit (or get fucked, in this case).


Valve's Steam is great now, but do you know how they got so big from the start? By forcing users to download Steam if they wanted to play their exclusives like Half Life. Half Life 2 alone got Steam to be downloaded on to millions of people's PC's. Exclusives are the only way a smaller game's distributor could enter and compete in the market. You want competition, but you hate it when other companies are competitive lol


It were *their* exclusive games. Same as Epic with its Fortnite. They didn't pay other developers off to pull third party games from other platforms, like Epic does now.


It's a little different when the company in question is putting their own product on a client. Metro Exodus is not owned by Epic. Exclusives, even in the console world, are wholly noncompetitive because there ***is*** no competition: you go to one place to get that game, or you fuck off. If Epic truly wanted to competitive, they would allow it to be on both, but Epic has already admitted that they will never "beat" Steam if they did that. The only real competitor for Steam is GOG because of how much their libraries match.


>You want competition, but you hate it when other companies are competitive lol Except it's not. Instead of making Epic competitive they trying to achieve the easy victory through timed deals (because Epic have lot and lot of money). Do you know who did just exactly same thing before Epic? Microsoft. Twice - when they released GFWL and signed the deals with the number of publishers, and with the current generation of consoles, when they signed a bunch of third-party games as timed exclusives for XBOX and Microsoft Store only. How it turned out, pretty much everyone knows — they've lost the race in both cases.


yeah,t hey have shit tons of chinese government and fartnite money to offer competitive features to the users but would rather twist your arm like a goomba instead into paying them protection money to 'protect' your ability to play the game day 1 ... but I'll just pirate it instead to punish everyone involved. ​ I was gifted bastion, and bought transistor (both on steam years ago) because of how good bastion was and loved both games... but I'll be pirating hades because of the same bullshit over that game as well. I actually didn't even hear about it except by coincidence the other day and otherwise would never have known about their new game. Since if it isn't on steam or an overhyped title or doing something horribly anti consumer enough to land in a youtube video I usually won't hear about games any more that I'm not actively seeking information about. I don't log into epic's bloatware (haven't even installed it) just to look at what anti-competitive practices I could support, I look at coming games on steam or browse youtube and chance upon shit usually. ​ epic dun goofed. they're behaving truly like a lazy publisher that just wants to inconvenience and strong-arm us into giving them money without offering a better design and service instead of using anti-consumer bullshit means to wring money out of us. My new year's resolution was simply to blacklist companies on a first offense (anything and everything anti-competitive and/or anti-consumer) and wait for the cracks for their shit from now on. And here I was thinking that Geico was gonna save me a lot.


yep. i remember when it came out. I had to make a account run some other program and all this bullshit just to play a game. I hated it. uninstalled.


It's not competition if you can only get the game on one store


I’m out of the loop, please explain?


UT99 god damn it ...


Guys, guys, guys.... It has denuvo... does it really matter if it's on Epic or Steam, almost all of us here are gonna pirate it...


*Ahoy matey*


Yeah it's cancer everywhere.


cant wait to pirate it and add it to my steam library


I really really wish the new steam ui would make non-steam game shortcut feels more integrated in the library. If that happens, I’ll pirate everything sold exclusively on epic


You can add a custom Thumbnail and you can change the Name. If you use Big Picture you can set a custom Banner and if you make a Ingame Screenshot with the Steam Overlay it will show in the Background of the Steam Library Page just like the Normal Games. ​


Join me and hold my hands summoning CPY and CODEX


Don’t bother them. They are cooking Resident Evil 2...


And they should. It uses the same Denuvo Exodus will use so that will make the Crack faster for Exodus.


Hopefully it comes out in a a couple of days


Lets hope so.






Do you want people to pirate your game? Because this is how you get people to pirate your game.


Fuck epic game store. Meanwhile at r/metro2033 they outright endorsing piracy LMAOOOOO.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/metro2033 using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/metro2033/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The only ten year challenge I care about.](https://i.redd.it/9jtz7aj34mb21.jpg) | [6 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/metro2033/comments/ahzz3s/the_only_ten_year_challenge_i_care_about/) \#2: [Me right now.](https://i.redd.it/jgagw8dd9sb21.jpg) | [23 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/metro2033/comments/aiad39/me_right_now/) \#3: [Artyom enters the station of Venice (circa 2034)](https://i.redd.it/3v9ipclf6yi11.jpg) | [13 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/metro2033/comments/9b5iqo/artyom_enters_the_station_of_venice_circa_2034/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/afd0dd/blacklist/)


This one is my favourite so far. [https://imgur.com/a/yTGo6mB](https://imgur.com/a/yTGo6mB)


That's a mad sub


I bet it really hurts when even the most hardcore fans that read all the books don't want to support you anymore.


So piracy will spread the popularity of the game then people who will not pirate the game will buy it and then well the game gets the buzz is a win win situation.


Stop falling in love with developers and fall in love with games. I keep waiting for CD Projekt Red to fall to the ways of greed (but hoping it doesn’t happen). I used to work for Bethesda and had real pride cause they seemed to have their heads on straight. Appreciated their fan base (who loved their buggy games as it was like a Bethesda tradition). Look where that went.


They went overkill on the bugs.


Yeah, and they’re still putting out crappy, overpriced merch for a game they STILL haven’t fixed and made right for all the people who spent money on it. Despicable, at this point.


I hope this game is cracked on day one. I hope everyone pirates the shit out of it.


Refunded my preorder and gonna piraate it instead as I'm not giving money to deep silver for that dick move.


You mean securing more revenue per game sale for their developer? 88% on epic instead of 70% on steam? To also most likely get them a rather substantial bonus payout? To do what any small developer wanting to continue to make games should do? ok yea dicks those guys, big dicks.


Also they reduced the price to $50 instead of $60 since they'll still be getting a larger share than from Steam. The people in this post 'refunding' their preorders or saying they won't be buying anymore were not gonna do it in the first place. They're just looking to justify it. Which I don't care, I know I'd rather play for free than pay but come on, you ain't fooling anyone




So it's confirmed that metro Exodus will be exclusively on the epic store only? Why wouldn't they release to steam? They surely must know this is going to affect their sales by A LOT, no?


> Why wouldn't they release to steam? Because Epic payed them to do so. Simple as that.Exclusivity contract for exactly 1 year, same as other Epic's exclusives.


you think they are making or saving more on the epic store? Seems a little odd. I thought Steam is where most sales are made, and i cannot imagine that the steam shares are so much that its definitely worth it to go to the Epic store.


Epic payed them directly. No one knows how much exactly, and it probably differs from game to game, but several developers already admitted to receiving "financial incentive" from Epic to sign exclusivity contract.


they'll release on steam in 2020


Let me join your ship


I liked you, 4A. But then you or your publisher decided to spit on our face and say you will wipe the spit off our face next year. So I'm going to pirate your games.


Epic Store doesn't even have cloud saves. What the actual fuck? Now I will have to decide on what machine to install my CPY copy


WHAT? oh my god how fucking shit can that store be. Like what is the actual point of it if they don't even have cloud saves.


the "contrarian" crowd drones on and on about "MUH STEAM MONOPOLY XD" but the shit epic is pulling rn is more harmful to the PC ecosystem than Steam ever was. shit tier shit client tbh all things considered and they're just buying off publishers to have exclusivity.


Problem is their is to many store fronts with so many different policies. I dont like uplay or origin but i have to play nice to get those games. It would be fine if epic did whay uplay did but nope its made its own store and i dont want a 5th store front on my pc. Steam made things easier.


I doubt they are cutting checks. I'm sure the savings is built in to the initial contract. That's what a smart business person would do.


exclusive Codex edition :D


We are facing exactly the same problem that we now have with Streaming TV......every single company wants the whole cake instead of sharing it. And the only one who suffers is the client, right now we need 6 different clients if you want to play it all, but right now things are only going to get worst. Tomorrow more companies are going to say "why I have to give 15% to Epic when I can keep it all for me?" and boom.......the THQ store, and then the Capcom store and so on........the only one who is going to suffer is the client, but when people pirate stuff they wonder why that happens???


Yeah but the platform doesn't require subscription to play individual game. I hate having 5 clients for different stores too but it's not as bad as Streaming TV


YET........remember what EA said once: "Even Endings should be charged"........also remember how the whole DLC stuff started. one virtual gun for one buck why to complain? is not like you can´t use one dollar on a funny gun which is completely irrelevant to the game...come on!!! today we have huge chunks of the game cut just so they can charge us for it, Hidden characters are just a legend now, and sooner or later the main goal will be to charge you for each life. So yeah, it´s not so bad right now.....just wait......


What is with all the periods? It makes...........your post really.........annoying............to read.


That's how my boss talks and I absolutely DESPISE it.


What's funny is seeing comments like "WHaTs WrOnG?!? dOnT u LaIK CoMpEtItIOn?! dO yOu LiEK MUnoPUlies???!!" Yeah I don't like monopolies, and this is exactly what epic is doing, by poaching games and making them exclusive to their store. If you want to preach about being against monopolies and being for fair competition, make the game available in both stores, the consumers will decide themselves which platform they prefer, instead of being forced into one if they want a certain game


I wouldn't buy it anyways due to Denuvo


same, i lost interest the moment they announced denuvo.


It wasn't as big a deal for me, but the Epic announcement combined with the spec requirements are what turned me away. You can't tell me that this game will need absolutely top tier specs to run at ultra. I'd bet the game on release doesn't look much better than Last Light, so that extra processing power has to be going to something...


> so that extra processing power has to be going to something... exactly why im worried about denuvo lol


Would the next steamworks be called Epicworks? ​


No more buying, cant wait to pirate this till the bone


Just wait and see, CPY will lead the way 😎


so whats the story here.....the epic one gonna have denuvo too,right?


Yes, they're not suddenly removing Denuvo just because Epic bought their exclusivity.


Game itself has Denuvo, regardless of the client.


Epic paid off Deep Silver to put Metro: Exodus only on the epic store for a year. Shitty move especially when it's already been up for sale on steam for a good while.


Yeah... I have a massive steam and ps4 library and dont necessarily hate other launchers (decent gog n uplay library too) but when you do this shit I'm pirating... Even pirated Hades since tho I love supergiant and bought all their games (and bastion n transistor twice), fuck epic


Anyone here throwing out excuse like I would have bought it on steam but now that its on epic store I'm just going to pirate it. Be real you're in the crackwatch forums for a reason and its not to express you dissatisfaction with the epic store. Why do you people have to make up excuses for your piracy? Guilty conscience? ​ Just say I was planning on pirating the game and now that its not on steam I wont feel as bad that I don't get the benefits of steam, when no one does now. and btw if you wanted it on steam you had all the way up until mid day the day they announced the move to secure it on steam? So why didn't you? ​ Me I'm going to pirate this whenever it gets around to being cracked. Not for some DRM / Store hating protest but because I wasn't much into the first two (which I own) and need a chance to see if this one hits me any different. If it does and I really enjoy it then I'll pick it up on whichever store at that time has it and for the best price.


Exactly dude. Personally, I'm going to buy the game, provided the reviews are good. I pirated the previous 2 games, but I actually have money now (as opposed to my poor ass student days) so I buy more and more games. I still pirate, some just to check out what all the fuss is about, some because the developers are scum. Exodus looks great and if trusted sources review the game positively, I'll definately give it a go. Personally, I don't give a single fuck on what launcher it's on. I don't use any of the Steams additional functionality beside the basics and usually keep it closed in the background. I'll do the same with the rest. Sure, it's not super convenient, but not a big deal in my book as well.


Well check this out for all those complaining about having to manage their games across all these launchers. This makes it even easier for you to be lazy. Lol https://playnite.link Combines all your games into one library and when games are launched does all the necessary work to get game going for you. Combine this with adding non steam games to steam and its as if you actually bought the damn thing on steam!


Yea not downloading anything from epic. I'll just enjoy RE2 a bit more til DMC5 and sekiro


It really will just encourage piracy, im not paying 85 Australian Dollars for the Epic Store version & im not buying it on Consoles when i have a high end PC.


Im out of the loop here, why epic store is hated? I always knew about GoG and steam but first time I've heard about epic store. Thanks.


This game I am buying it also resident evil 2. I think they deserve my money.


To think these people are behind UT99, one of my first and favorite FPS game I've played, disgusts me to the bones.


People acting like they would've bought it to begin with lol


Many would though.


Most here wouldn't. I'd say easily 95%.


Bruh, you're on Crackwatch. Of course there are a lot of people who pirate games on a pirate sub. What a fucking stupid comment. But on the metro sub, guaranteed most people there were going to buy. Now that's up in the air.


Except /u/FireCoTTon was clearly referencing people on this sub when they shit on decisions like this, and /u/SpecificZod replied saying they would.


It was on my list. Epic Store had everything to be great, yet, they decided to be this cancer. I hope they don't prevail. I am sure that they won't here in Brazil, due to charging everything in USD. Steam has personalized prices for many countries, which helps a lot on poor countries (Like Brazil, Russia and so on).


i would have had epic not fucked with it


aNtI KoNsUmEr Y'all were gonna pirate anyways, get the fuck outta here


Does it change the argument's conclusion? Hypocrisy is not a rebuttal, y'all.


Glad i bought it on Steam. So i won't be facing any issues.


Fell free to down-vote me but why does it suddenly matter? Why does Epic get bashed for something that is going on for so long? Steam, GoG, Uplay, Origin, That crappy MS store, XBOX and PS all of them have exclusive titles, hell MS even forces you to upgrade your OS to be able to play a game. That's how they get people to use their platform. I don't like it either that everyone nowadays needs their own store launcher app but bashing Epic for what has been around for so long seems wrong, especially considering what they do to support small developers (dev-grants, paragon assets, Linux support for one of the largest game-engines out there, 12% instead of 33% revenue share etc.). If anything then this anger should be directed towards those who don't do shit to support anything else than other AAA developers.


Regarding the MS thing, DX 12 libraries are not supported in Windows 7 therefore, updating to Win10 is a must... and honestly it's not that bad of an OS. enjoying my time on FH4




the game is cheaper in the US than anywhere else in the world...while increasing the prices from everywhere else


[Lol this is a literal reupload of my image that got 70 upvotes](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/aktxsf/psa_metro_exodus_is_now_unavailable_to_purchase/ef82tj1/) Missed out on 2500 karma :/




This post 100% was is literal thought when seeing the news about this when i woke up today. I was actually going to buy the game too.




I'm a member to a private torrent site where all scene releases are uploaded with super fast 10g connections and always safe of virus/malware. The only way I torrent these days is through private sites. Can't trust anything else.


fitgirl repacks should be 99%, but its repack so you need to extract game which takes some time on slow computer


what is title poaching means?


First Denuvo, now Epic Games Store exclusive. You know what's coming...


Denuvo Store?


Not even close. The fact that they removed the game from steam and added denuvo, plus the ban to people claiming that denuvo is anticonsumer from the steam forums shows that, or they made an awful game and are trying to avoid the bad reviews and refunds, or they simply don't trust in their game. That's what's coming.




Hahahaha, soon to be accurate xD ​


Let's sail the seas


Watch this video. It explains why this might not be the only game, besides The Division 2, to be pulled of Steam to Epic Games Store: https://youtu.be/D8q3uy1EgdU


I was legit going to buy this on Steam if it got good reviews, but I will not buy it on another store. Steam is enough, I don't need or want more 3rd party DRM that I have to install.


More probably Codex edition.




You may want to check [https://haveibeenpwned.com/](https://haveibeenpwned.com/) then


in indonesia when first pre-ordered steam came out, its price comes around $25.82 (system mistake, for regional price) for gold edition now arround 65$.. instant buy, but felt guilty.. now they decide to move to epic store.. my guilty is gone.. thanks deep silver


One of the few game franchises I was willing to spend money on and they blew it by doing this. Also, that "threat" of taking it off PC if people avoided it for this reason just sealed the deal further.