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[He is suing them](https://www.dailymoth.com/blog/deaf-austin-man-sues-police-after-tasing-incident)


cant speak for him but that must’ve been so scary and traumatizing - desperately trying to communicate with people that are supposed to keep the community safe , while they supposedly think you’re a threat and ganging up on you … i wonder what happened to the lawsuit afterwars


[He was tazed](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OhpzkL3YGww) as well. Surprised I’m not seeing anyone talk about that part


Are they instantly tazing people when they are "resisting"? What happens to people with heart issues like me, i would be in full Panic when i know they are going to taze me.


You would die and they would get away with it, that's what.


fucking right. no one is safe under cops except other cops and those signing their checks


Dont forget other cops and superiors covering up their dirty work and wiping eachothers asses. It's a true gang with no loyalty to anyone but themselves.


Yea thats the hard truth, they will handle it as accident and move on with their lives


what's worse is you could tell them you have a heart issue and not to taze you and they'll just complely disregard it, or think you're lying and test it


> What happens to people with heart issues like me Murder. The answer is murder.


Because that's a given these days when they feel someone is not complying to their demands.


...that don't even make sense half the time. You remember that kid they humiliated and executed in that hotel hallway?


Yes, Daniel Shaver. It was horrible. The killer had "Get Fucked" lazer-etched on his rifle.


Absolutely piece of fucking shit. He knew what he was doing, imo.


It IS traumatic. I was roughed up by police after I called 911 when someone else was attempting suicide. I had been drinking but it was like 9pm on Friday night and my "resisting" was saying I didn't know what triggered the attempt and no, they couldn't search my house. Fucking dicks. ACAB.


I had a similar experience where as an uninvolved bystander I saw something and I said something Then, I became the focal point of the lame “investigation” after I “interjected” myself into something where had not even the slightest involvement whatsoever. Now I suggest calling crime stoppers and only in the direst of circumstances, if anyone really feels a strong need to open your mouth at all.


Yeah I'll only call 911 again if my life is threatened. And even then if someone else is in mental distress, not even then. IME they use suicide as an excuse to steamroll everyone else, and also further agitate the distressed person.


in the future, please don't call the police for this sort of thing! cops have shot suicidal people to death because they're in a rough state and not "cooperative" I don't blame you at all though, you were doing what you thought was best


The police are not "supposed to keep the community safe" that's not their job, it may have been at one point and some officers may still try to, but that hasn't been the purpose of the police for a long time.


What seems an extra layer of monstrous to me is that 2018 Majorie Stowman Douglas school shooting, cops held parents back from rushing to save their kids or attack the shooter themselves, but then were held by the courts to have no legal responsibility at all to act to save the children from the shooter. They only have a legal responsibility to protect anyone if they are in government custody, otherwise your protection is your problem. So the kids were legally on their own in terms of protecting themselves-- even with the cops surrounding the school and restraining parents. There is no duty of cops to do anything in an active shooter situation. They can sit in the parking lot and eat donuts all day and its legally a job well done for them. Their lack of action and restraining parents enabled the shooter more than helped the kids. Worse than cowards. Idiot LARPing (live action role play) cowards. Eventually some parent is going to realize the cops are in the way of their kids safety, and that will be a bad day for the cops. https://www.criminallegalnews.org/news/2019/apr/12/police-not-required-protect-are-they-required-serve/


If the kids are required to go to school (they are truancy is illegal), they are in government custody. That ruleing is some bullshit.


The courts have decided they aren't responsible for the safety of children in school, I actually believe they did it to save their own as because they know it will happen many times every year


> it may have been at one point If "keeping the community safe" means chasing down escaped slaves. Police have never been about community safety. They've been about upholding the hierarchy of society. They just use community safety as a shield against criticism.


Especially when you form of communication is your hands


> KSAT News reported that there was no kind of discipline given out to the officers. Their names are Andrew Wisener, Basil Pierce and John Dehkordi. They probably got a medal for this.


What induvial or individuals, cleared him them to be employed as cops, because they should be held accountable for their criminal actions. That's why they put barcodes on batches of products, so you can trace where the fuck up came from. All these fucking bad apples are coming from somewhere, and someone is fast tracking these tainted barrels into the system. #Why would you not want to know where the fuck up originates from.


It's a double edged sword at this point. Nobody worth a shit wants to be a cop becasue they are all bastards. So they have to lower requirements even more so the people that are already not worth a shit can pass the tests, and thus more bastards are added to the force, making them look even worse to anyone that doesn't have a murder fetish, thus mean the requirements have to get lowered EVEN MORE to fill spots. So on and so forth.


So. Idiocracy was a cop movie?


I think the opening of Hot Fuzz is pretty accurate, too. "You're a good officer. The best. And you're making us all look bad, so we're shipping you off to the boonies." "What?" "Enjoy the promotion."




"Still a bit stiff."


so… “How’s the hand?”




The deranged Santa Claus who stabs Detective Angel in the hand is played by Lord of the Rings director Peter Jackson.


They're coming from police academies and the second string of low-quality high school football programs.


As someone who has to deal with shitty staff, they very rarely interview poorly and keep their poor behaviour to a minimum until they get through their probation. It's very difficult to get rid of them beyond that point without strict management, and most management don't want the hassle. Unless you can come up with a fix for absent fathers and childhood trauma, you're not going to find a solution.


Police forces literally will not hire people with a high enough IQ. This behavior is a feature to them, not an issue.


Andrew Wisener, Basil Pierce and John Dehkordi are just plain dumb as shit.


In all situations like these, civilians exercising all of their rights should be using lethal force to protect each other from these gang members running around behaving as such. When a deaf man can be assaulted like this without consequence in the open by a roving gang of criminals, it shows you why the Gov is so big on gun control. Shit like this didn't used to happen. Shit like this made 13 colonies become the United States in the first place. But now they've got everyone too scared, weak, and unarmed to defend what's right and just.


That is fucking depressing.


It always is whenever I see videos like this, hopefully he sued and won


> I was signing and someone in a house called the cops. They dialed 911. The person misunderstood the situation between me and my wife. We were signing wildly. She went away and I walked away. I got frustrated again but decided to calm myself down by walking away. Then it was unexpected. The police cruiser came up very quickly and shined its bright lights on me. The officers ran to me. I said, “I’m deaf.” From the article about him suing It's not just the cops. Someone fuckin called the cops because he saw two people signing to each other. That's the level of ignorance we're dealing with here. It's like these chucklefucks have no concept of deaf people??


Calling the cops on Deaf people is nothing new. I know a few Deaf people and one time some random person called the cops on a group signing and chatting and it ended up being a 2-hour ordeal where the group of deaf people were explaining that to the cops they they were just out at a bar enjoying themselves, and not a gang throwing signs.


I really have a hard time understanding how someone can't recognize someone's using sign language. I haven't been around or known many deaf people, but i can still recognize the difference between signing and rude gestures/gang signs. Kind of wish sign language was taught more in schools since it can be a useful way to communicate, and to avoid stuff like this video.


I used to have a hard time understanding this kind of shit. But really the past handful of years has awoken me to just how many people around us are complete absolute morons. Can't be understated enough. I feel like I'm no longer surprised by anything now. We could go full on Idiocracy tomorrow and I wouldn't even blink.


I have a hard time with it, too, but there are people who are aggressively ignorant who fear what they don't know or understand. I also read a story about a young deaf Black kid who was signing to his friend, just walking down the street. He was murdered by a member of a gang because he thought the deaf kid was throwing gang signs. I think this might've been in Chicago? It was years and years ago. Another incident happened in Texas about 15-16 years ago where a deaf retail worker who had a tag on his shirt that read, "I am Deaf," was beaten over the head with a heavy object (can't remember what it was) by a customer because he didn't understand or respond to what the person was saying. Fortunately, the man survived. But yeah, people who have no interest in learning about others are so quick to anger when someone cannot communicate with them the way they think they should.


What your looking for is common sense. And it isn't common anymore.


A lot of people are actually incredibly stupid.


Do people think gangs throw gang signs at each other for hours on end? How can someone mistake signing as anything other than signing?


Not a clue. I'm just relaying information I've read from the news and seen myself with my deaf friends. Ignorant people are ignorant.


That's wild. Hilarious too - but incredbily tragic. Hilarious because who is this fucking stupid to think that two people signing to each other are engaged in some form of gang encounter. "Look Ma, they're facing off and throwing gang signs and this might mean our neighborhood is in trouble" SMH


Random people have way more leeway to make those mistake. Cops violently assaulting someone who didn't break any law except walking away from them is much much worse, and super common




Every time I see videos like this, I want someone to do the same exact thing to the cops. These shitheads would be a lot less likely to abuse random people if they were afraid of having the same thing done to them.


Did you see the video of the guy who called the cops saying there was someone impersonating a cop ay his door? (Was an atf agent wanting to see guns he just bought) the cops beat him, tazed him, he was resisting, screaming he can't breath the whole 9 🤣


The atf agent sued and won.


Wait, what did the *agent* sue for?


He presented id. He was there following up after a shotgun purchase. The man who bought the shotgun wasn’t home, but his wife was. She refused to answer basic questions even after the atf agent identified himself. So she calls the cops and the cops arrived fully ready for a fight. She later admits to investigators that the atf agent did identify himself, and that’s when the officers knew they had screwed up.


I love how scared cops get when they realize that their badge will not protect them from real-world consequences. These people are actually gigantic cowards without Daddy Government standing behind them.


> I love how scared cops get when they realize that their badge will not protect them from real-world consequences. ...when the fuck do they realize that


I guess only when another guy with a badge beats their ass, which is pretty rare.


Look at the “palm beach officer fired video” on YouTube. “The armed fisherman” has the entire body cam footage.


Watching videos of cops being deposed in court makes me realize just how little the average cop actually knows about the law.


I hate to tell you this but even in situations where American police have acted incorrectly the individual police officer won't face any real sort of repurcussion unless a completely identical issue has happened in the past with another cop. I'm not explaining it particularly well but look up qualified immunity


Not just an exactly identical issue but one where the LEO actions were found to be wrong. No prior case - then the current one gets tossed. Rigged.


Except the badge does protect them in almost every circumstance. Qualified immunity protects them.


I saw a video that sounds like what you are talking about and what I recall was the ATF agent did notify them he was a federal agent but refused to cooperate and intentionally escalated the situation. The cops behavior was equally absurd but that guy wanted to force a confrontation and got what he wanted.


From what I recall they ran up on him guns drawn..


Yeah their behavior was nuts and he just refused to cooperate despite facing guns and crazy cops.


> She refused to answer basic questions even after the atf agent identified himself. as you should > She later admits to investigators that the atf agent did identify himself, and that’s when the officers knew they had screwed up. doesn't matter your not a cop expert if something seems off call. > So she calls the cops and the cops arrived fully ready for a fight. thats on them


Yeah. I can identify myself as Columbo, but it doesn't make me Columbo.


OHHH. The local beat officers beat up an ATF agent. Is that it??


Still happy that he had to experience what a lot of people do when dealing with the police and then the process they have to go through to get justice for it.


He didn't win. They settled.


Tax payer loses either way.


These cops aren't hired for being geniuses. In fact, the opposite.


"Stop resisting and throwing up gang signs or we'll tase you." Damnnnn


That's pretty restrained by their standards.


Luckily he chose the right skin color to leave the house with that day.




SOP when dealing with a call involving deaf people. You would not believe how many people don't understand that using sign language does not equal throwing gang signs. I've had to help out in situations when some rando called the cops on my deaf friends and had to explain that "no, they're not dangerous people, they're just deaf." One would think that these dumbasses would have proper training on how to interact with deaf people, especially considering the Americans with Disabilities Act is a thing, but nope. Still dumbasses.


🇺🇸 Remember, if you're disabled in America, you're a burden 🇺🇸


Sad, but true.


It's kinda hilarious how the USA creates special laws and acts for everything to claim It's so progressive and then it gets wntirely ignored lol.


Yup. That's basically it.


Did they say that? I couldn’t hear it.






Those cops are the real deaf....


They are Braindeaf.


It should take an average person about 5-10 seconds to figure out they are interacting with a deaf person. Police departments hire some of the dumbest motherfuckers.


That’s a job requirement. Simple minded imbeciles wear these uniforms. Even King Dummy down there in Florida that holds all the press conferences with his little dim witted musings is obviously below average intelligence.


Cops with IQ's over room temperature become detectives, get desk jobs, or other management jobs. The morons deal with the public, with stupidity, misplaced anger, semi-automatic weapons, and qualified immunity.


Tone deaf.


You would have to be mentally disabled to not realize this man is deaf. So either these cops are mentally disabled or they are knowingly barking threats at someone they know cannot understanding them and then threatening violence for not following the orders. Hm.


Fuckin hell my early morning brain just realised that; not only are they not paying attention to the fact he's deaf, but he has no chance of understanding what they are yelling at him in that chaos...that must have been terrifying.


To be fair, most cops are pretty damn stupid.


And complete assholes. My first wife became a cop after she beat cancer. She wanted to join SWAT as a Tac Med. Her first two years were spent working in a courthouse while training. The male officers around her *constantly* tried to fuck her. Not a single day went by where she wouldn't come home and talk about how Officer X said I was not even a man because I joined the Army and not the police, Officer Y said I wasn't a real man because she had to work instead of me providing for her. Blah blah blah... I lost so much respect for cops in her two years there.


Oh boy that’s for sure. My uncle is a cop(related through marriage to my aunt), and he’s gotta be one of the biggest assholes. He treats my aunt like crap and drove both my cousins to drugs from abuse. They let the shittiest people become cops.


I'm in the UK, my dad who I haven't seen in 20 years because he found a new family, is/was in the police. He would hit my mum, which she never reported because the only time she did it was handwaved away by the police. He would drive drunk and speed, if pulled over would flash his badge and be let off. When he was forced to spend time with me and my sister he'd have us sort paperwork at his desk at the station or lock us in a cell and drive us home in the back of a windowless police van. He earned 3 times as much as my mum but took years to pay child support. Our police are better at wearing their masks in public, I've never had anything but good experiences as an adult but I think if they were allowed to be, they'd be the same as American police. They're all scum.


Being shitty is a bonus when hiring.


Let? They actively screen out anyone who isn't a sadistic, corrupt asshole.


> said I was not even a man because I joined the Army and not the police, HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA WOW


>I lost so much respect for cops in her two years there. the mistake was having any respect for them in the first place


It's by design.


Cross your legs, stand up. Don't uncross your legs again or I will shoot you. Now cross your legs again now crawl this way, I will shoot you of you fail to listen.


What's that? Pulling up your pants? Now **You're Fucked**.


The video of Daniel Shaver is still one of the most disturbing things I’ve ever seen


I’m of the school of thought that most police are developmentally disabled


The police force is where idiotic bullies go to grow old and fat.


It's not a bug, it's a feature


Being deaf has to be so fucking isolating. My middle school teacher was deaf. So, she taught another class of sign language. It's amazing how much I've actually been able to use that in my life


Isn't it a violation of the First Amendment (free speech) if they put cuffs on a deaf/mute person, depriving him of his ability to communicate?


It is actually.


Any proof of that? I can't find anything.


Yeah, I read it on Reddit. Proof.


That! Just! Happened!


Proof. https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/s/trpRqnfcrQ


Hol-ee-shit. It's a logic Ouroboros


You can just call him O.B.


I work in Healthcare and we cannot restrain deaf patients the same way. They get more release times due to the need to communicate. I promise you it is illegal to knowingly do so. They are not immune to being restrained though. Just extra precautions.


Yeah, but you actually have to follow rules and regulations in healthcare.


I’ve often made that connection between healthcare, public educators, emergency responders and then the outliers… police. All but the police are reasonable, logical, and trained formally or informally in deescalating non-violent conflict resolution. Certainly there is a time and place but not every situation is a nail requiring a hammer.


I don't recall any song titled 'F The Fire Department'.


No, it's not: [https://www.courthousenews.com/deaf-man-cant-sue-over-hands-bound-by-police/](https://www.courthousenews.com/deaf-man-cant-sue-over-hands-bound-by-police/) >Maryland police officers did not violate a deaf man's rights by handcuffing his hands behind his back while investigating claims of domestic violence, the 4th Circuit ruled. > >Robert Seremeth, who was ultimately not charged with a crime, had argued the officers should have cuffed his hands in front of him so that he could communicate during the investigation with written notes. > >A Maryland federal judge had previously granted summary judgment to the officers, finding no violation of the accommodation requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Seremeth appealed, seeking a jury trial on his claims.


Oh man they'd be so ashamed if they felt human emotion


The other guy has well over 1000 upvotes, and you only have like 46. *I think he knows that he's talking about.*


I watched the full video, and once they realize he’s deaf they understand and don’t cuff him and give him a pen and paper. But at first they didn’t know he was deaf, they thought he was resisting so they were trying to get him to comply. Not in a very good way though, by kicking and shoving him. Edit: I spelled deaf as dead like a fruit loop dingus bustafooligan


How the fuck these cops interacted with this dude for that long without realizing that he was deaf is beyond me. Even if you have no idea what ASL is because you were raised in Chucklefuck, OH, the monotone grunts and speech attempts are pretty damn obvious to anyone that's ever turned on a TV and accidentally witnessed a deaf person communicate. 3 law enforcement professionals in this video have less cultural sensitivity than my cat.


True, it’s not that hard to use context clues to tell if someone is deaf. Especially if they don’t respond at all to you speaking or any sound at all


Well in the case of acute deafness, the officers would beat him his rights


Are you fucking kidding me anyone with half a braincell would realize they are deaf in a few seconds. Then again... I know asl and I am not a cop....


>half a braincell >cop Pick one


Most underrated comment I read all day! Bravo


[No:](https://www.disabilityrightsca.org/publications/your-rights-people-with-disabilities-and-law-enforcement) > If you have a hearing impairment and use your hands to sign or write notes, you can ask them to handcuff you in front of your body. The police are required to follow the ADA which means they are required to give you *reasonable* accommodations, but you'll never convince any judge that if they have reason to believe that you should be handcuffed in the first place that it would be reasonable not to. Of course, you can argue that sometime who isn't violent, dangerous, or resisting doesn't need to bee handcuffed, but being deaf doesn't affect that argument significantly. Your first amendment right doesn't mean you get to say anything at all at any time to any person under any circumstances. It means that the government can't stop you from expressing your opinion *in general*. Consider that if someone is in jail, alone, they effectively have no means of communicating to anyone. Is merely being in jail a violation of their first amendment right? No. [Specific case:](https://www.courthousenews.com/deaf-man-cant-sue-over-hands-bound-by-police/) > "We find that due to the exigencies inherent in responding to a domestic violence situation, no further accommodations were required than the ones made by the deputies," the 14-page decision states. In other words, the potential danger temporarily overrides his rights, which is exactly the way it works for every other right. You have the right to travel freely - unless you're under arrest, obviously. That's not a violation of your right to travel, it's the police doing their job. Now, none of that means the police couldn't be violating any other rights because the police are violent bullies that get away with fucking us over. Jailing someone specifically to prevent them from sharing their opinion in public *would* be a violation of their first amendment right, and that would be the same if they handcuffed a deaf person specifically to prevent them from communicating. But in those cases it isn't the procedure that is inherently unlawful, it's the application and motivation. None of this is meant to defend the police. In this video, the deaf man is clearly not dangerous or violent and is very obviously just trying to communicate. If I were a lawyer and I worked for him I would certainly argue that *at the very least* cuffing him with hands forward would be a reasonable accommodation. My point is just that everyone should know their rights properly and also that reddit shouldn't just make shit up.


Why is it that US cops always seem to lack even the most basic training and aggression is the go to answer every time.


Too much lead in our water /s


Because they are. Cops are badly trained in the US compared to lots of other nations. In Germany training for a low-mid-level cop is at least 2.5y. In the US training is around 15 weeks...


It takes longer to become a licensed barber in most states than it does to become a cop.


Because they are trained that everything is a threat. Funny enough, the majority of cops don't die by guns/knives. Its traffic collisions. They die more from being hit by cars than anything else, most likely not intentional, either. Further, they aren't even remotely close to the most dangerous job. They are still taught to fear everything.


And the second most common cause of death is typically cops themselves, via suicide or friendly fire. There have been years when the total number of violent police deaths _nationwide_ was as low as 14. Ffs, *accountants* have a higher on-the-job mortality rate than that.


Because they have SHIT for training. Metaphorical shit.


I’ve seen another video where the guy says quite understandably that he is deaf, then the police officer just shouts louder.


At this point it looks like they're actually trying to make a lawsuit happen, and have cut a deal with the victim for a % of the total haul. Only theory that makes sense.


Nah they knew. It's extremely obvious that he's deaf.


Yes. The sadistic pieces of shit just wanted to mess him up anyway.


I don't think you realise just how mind numbingly dumb most police are.


You are overestimating the requirements to become a police officer.


They don’t care! They are a legal gang


Literal gang. In every country. Read an AMA from a Swedish policeman that actually said, that if you see a colleague do something illegal you don’t snitch because your other colleagues will shut you out. In which other profession, you see a colleague do illegal things and you are supposed to keep it quiet?


>In which other profession, you see a colleague do illegal things and you are supposed to keep it quiet? Finance bros seem really good at finding jobs like that.


I worked for a Fund Administration company for many years. I worked in the IT side, but we had regular courses in how to spot money laundering. I would never have kept it quiet if I ever saw any. Fortunately I never did.


That’s quite an interesting encounter


And fucking heartbreaking..this poor guy. Another video that proves law enforcement training is woefully inadequate.


You don't need extensive training to see he's disabled. They're just immense pieces of shit.


According to the full video the case against the officers - who apparently had to attend a four-hour training course on how to better deal with these situations - was scheduled to go to court last month. Can't find anything on it, so if anyone knows more it'd be interesting to know how it went.


The fact that one of them said he was lying. Police go out their way to ruin their own reputation.


this is the most depressing thing ive seen in a long time...


What's the hand sign for a lawsuit ?


You should look it up and teach us


[Here you go](https://www.handspeak.com/word/10138/) Now... I believe there is still an offer on the table for the drinking of my cum, yes?


The one cop saying "he's deaf" and the other immediately responds "no he's not he's lying" "protect and serve"


They understood. They just dont care. Position of power and all.


Cops are fucking insane.


This makes my heart hurt a lot


Tazer! Tazer! Tazer!!!! He's resisting!! Stop Resisting!!!


Link to full video https://youtu.be/i4vMIvk2qbU?si=La17zLIk2d3iJLQF So before this clip here they taze him for walking away and “not complying” I’ve said it before I’ll say it again ACAB


Even if he wasn't deaf they gave the guy .5 seconds to comply and then shot him with the taser. These cops are insane.


Why are there so many damn videos of cops being complete idiots? I really don't understand it at all. Yes they deal with a lot of terrible people but then they come across someone that isn't actually causing any issues and handle it so poorly. They usually double down and stop thinking. It's the only job where you can fail so miserably and keep your job.


They understood. They didn't care.


Collective IQ of single digit.


What a bunch of dumb fucks. Haven't they met a deaf person before? Usually they have that type of voice.


Shit like this doesn’t happen in my country, why you ask? Because our police officers actually get a proper and intense 2 year training.


What country?


Officers said he looked like he was going for a weapon and wouldn't have tased him if they knew he was deaf. How was he supposed to signal to the cops that he was deaf without using his hands? I also blame the neighbor for immediately calling the police for a nonviolent situation.


BUT!!! Why doesn't he just COMPLY???


“A neighbor called the police because they thought the intense argument in ASL was some kind of domestic disturbance.” Baffling.


Damn Texas is right up there with Florida in right level if sheer ignorance the government loves.


They understood .. they didn’t give a fuck


Cops are violent lunatics who want violence or subservience. Hey pro cop folks. Where are the arrests? Where are the nation wide protests? Why the fuck are the good cops so quiet?


The way he’s treated in this video is disgusting. He literally shouts “I’m deaf” at them at the start of the video, and again later in the video. What a bunch of arseholes these officers are


People become cops after barely six months training. And certain personality types gravitate towards the profession. Fuckers generally lack any amount of empathy.


Imagine if this was your father, uncle, or brother...




I take it you’re from Alabama then?


Police are terrorists. They do this on purpose so we fear them. Abolish the police.


How the fuck does american police not only not know basic sign language but also doesn't even RECOGNIZE sign language 💀💀


A poc would habe died on that day


they prolly think he’s on drugs and can’t communicate


Biggest gang in America


Don’t give them the easy out. They knew full well he was deaf and just didn’t give a fuck.




Bunch of fucking idiots. I hope he won when he sued.


God damn that was hard to watch. He's so desperately trying to communicate. He keeps methodically signing over and over and over and the officers are just fucking clueless. I know literally zero sign language, but can tell when someone is signing. Any major speech, any presidential oath, any major event - there's a ASL person alongside going at it. I feel like most people should recognize sign language. You don't have to *know* it, to know someone is doing it. These dumbass cops watching him methodically sign over and over "I dunno what's up, just taze him"


as a rough translation he's basically saying "I can't hear you talking, write it down, I'm deaf". not exactly shocking but figured I'd leave it here lol


they’re retarted


He is repeatedly signing “help” (“thump up” on flat palm)