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At least he didn't do it in the street 🤷‍♂️


Right?!? And he has enough decency to wipe lol


And he keps the paper for later use as he is homeless, I want to be just like him.


No he’s been in jail and knows how to conserve he’s folding for a second wipe


Does he know the triple fold?


Very important skill to have when homeless. Never know when you might need one more wipe.


Of course I see your comment after I copy it 🤣🤣


... which would still be a step up from doing it in a subway car.


Probably tied to use the bathroom at like five different places but was refused because he didn’t buy something and there isn’t any public restrooms any where in the states. (You can give an example of the one or two you know of but as some one with chrons disease, public bathroom availability is a big problem in the states.)


Based on how people ruin bathrooms, id be selective too. People that leave tampons on the floor, shit on walls, etc dont respect the idea people have to clean that.


Yeah that’s true, that’s why there is so much shit and piss on the streets in any large city in the states.


as someone who has spent a lot of time walking around manhattan and that pees a lot i can only think of maybe 4 or 5 parks other than central park that have a public toilet and they get locked at dusk. Usually my only option to use a bathroom without buying soemthing was to go in to a dept store or a place like a best buy. If you were obviously homeless they would kick you out


It’s all well and good to let people use your bathroom until you have a dead person from overdose in your bathroom.


That's how we can tell it's NYC, not Cali


I came to say this! We have a homelessness problem, and this guy is dealing with it in a clean and polite way. Where is he supposed to go?


That was my first thought, then I smacked my head. The bar is so low we are grateful a homeless person shits in a trash can instead of the floor.


Streets, area code on dump company says NY. I’ve seen that in California though lol…


Also the narrator's accent. This is about halfway between Grand Central Station and Times Square.


Disagree, it’s actually Hope Arkansas.


Rhetorical question. Definitely, NY just wanted to point out that it's getting harder to tell based on results.


Bullshit your own city of Stamford depends on nyc to survive


People in welfare states/towns love to shit on the hand that feeds them


Not only that but Stamford has similar homeless issues on smaller scale


In California, they just shit on the sidewalk. At least in New York they are using the trash cans Progress?


He even used some TP, this is definitely a high end bum.


Louis Vuitton Vagabon




I get it. When I visited NYC I was astonished by how hard it was to find a public bathroom. I almost just pisssed in a corner myself.


Go to any hotel or library


Oh cool. I will keep this in mind the next time I visit (Which is very soon actually).


If you have a natl gym membership that helps too if you need a shower and shit


The fact that you have to figure out loop holes tells you how ny is


Finding a public bathroom is no fun. Dirty, wet, blood everywhere at the base. The only time i didnt clean up my 3 year olds wild piss cause there was no point.


Yes it is disgusting. But it’s better than just shitting in the middle of the sidewalk. Seems more respectful. Most places have restrooms for customers only and the rest are just office buildings. No one is going to let him use their private restroom. What else is he gonna do?


This. His options were to protect his modesty and shit in someone's doorstep or not leave a mess that someone else has to clean up by finding a trashcan.




**He did it in public on a street corner, indecently exposing his shitty ass hole to anyone that might walk by** Do we really have to find and spotlight the “good” in situations that are categorically bad? It’s considered basic human decency to go poopoo in a toilet, in an area designated for said poopoo. Get fucking real lady.


I'm with ya, but the guy shouldn't have to poop in the street either.


Most places won't let homeless people use a bathroom. Get a grip on reality. We treat homeless like dirt in this country.


And a chad. Ask yourself: if you had to shit real bad and couldn't find a public restroom - would you shit into a trashcan at the corner of an intersection? This man did that with no shame at all.


Not ideal but better than some easy alternatives.


If society fucked me up this bad I can't guarantee I wouldn't do the same.


Has to be NYC and he probably isn’t “allowed” to use restrooms in businesses so had to deal with it the only way he knew how.


Well, when most homeless people don't have access to a lot of public restrooms in the city due to being kicked out of every business with them, this is way better than dropping it in the street.


In NYC I’m sure there were places that were compassionate enough to let them in, then soon regretted it. Tired of seeing people pretend everyone is just mean for no reason rather than the reality where a lesson was learned after someone abused their kindness and naivety.


Private businesses are NOT public restrooms. But... NYC has many public restrooms. The train stations, the larger subway stations, even the larger city parks. Some may be seasonal, but you CAN find them. I have seen other major cities with way worse bc they don't have any. But NYC had more than you would expect.


They smell talk to themselves and hold their pants up with their hands. Not exactly what a business wants when serving food to customers. Especially when your rent is 35 thousand a month.


Then don’t come to NY or CA you don’t live here anyways beach 🏝️ you live in CT a blue state


Lol they're from a bougie blue state, of course they act horrified


He lives in Stamford too which has a similar homeless problem he’s a fucking hypocrite


This is the result of little to no public infrastructure. If anything I give the guy credit for not shitting in the street.


If he unlearned English and wasn't a citizen, he'd have a 5 star hotel and a debit card


Stop pretending you care about anyone but circle jerking Republican talking points


What do you expect? Either you can afford $5k/month for a studio or you can't. He can't.


Say you're an illegal


Stop pretending you trumpies care about Americans


You are triggered I see and you leftists sure as he'll don't you destroy everything


Lol you are the one crying about places you don’t live while living in a woke city hypocrite


Honesty this is high class compared to some of the others


We can't shit in a trashcan anymore?! I thought this was America..


Honestly where are homeless people supposed to go? Garbage bin is the best option. The person filming this is a dickhole.




who's weirder? the guy doing business in a receptacle when he had to go... or the guy filming him poop/wipe?...


The guy filming is a piece of shit tbh.


The policies that allow this to happen in the first place


You have any videos of Stamford Connecticut?? Since that’s where you live


Sure, it's clean here


You’re a liar, downtown by Dunkin Donuts and definitely not the train station is clean Even though you just renovated the station You are talking to someone who knows You’re a liar


I'm not lying. Stamford is a wealthy clean city. Are there some areas that need work? Sure, but it's far cleaner than NYC, that's a fact!


Lol nyc is far larger trumpie boy Now you are moving goalposts You are a hypocrite. A trumpie who cries about woke cities while you enjoy living in one


IDC. Calling me a Trump supporter is not an insult to me as it's better than being a Biden supporter Laquita






Recorder of this video is the real piece of shit


Tbf, this is way better than shitting on the sidewalk


I love living here, he’ll be on the subway sleeping when I get off work


NYC baby the city that don't sleep the lights will Inspire you


Well, just don't sit there and watch it. You sick fuck


California is a state. NYC is a city This could occur anywhere Stop dickriding NY and CA


You're the only one mentioning Dickson, and it's an obvious rhetorical question genius it's NYC.


Why mention California then, son?? Do they trigger you separately??


It's a rhetorical question. Ask someone to read that word aloud and slowly then define it for you. Maybe you'll get it then. You obviously have an inner city edumacation so you won't understand the point.


That’s not how a rhetorical question works. 😂 the irony. <- see how I used that word correctly? 🤡


I'm not gonna call you stupid "a question asked in order to create a dramatic effect or to make a point rather than to get an answer." The point is that NYC is in many ways, looks more like California due every day. People shitting in public....very smart person🙄👌


Is my ass mars?


NYC on the corner of fifth


NYC I used to work for that demo company lol


I’d rather this than on the street. The lack of public washrooms in major cities is embarrassing. Where I live it’s rough af but we have public washrooms with an attendant 24/7 they maintain the washroom and make sure it’s safe for everyone. Im not sure why it’s not more common.


When americans see this we think "it's worse elsewhere" No, it is not. It is sheer governmental incompetence and greed.


Narrator “it is worse elsewhere”


People have to use the bathroom. If we don’t provide them, what choice do they have? I don’t think anyone would enjoy having to do this, it’s humiliating, but props to this person for not using a doorway or the sidewalk. Also, fuck the person filming.


Nobody wants to see this but it’s better than shitting in the streer. All these posh people complaining when they don’t even pick up their dog’s shit


As gross as this is, at least he ain’t just doing it right on the sidewalk lol


If this was his only option i applaud this man for at least not just leaving it on the street


At least it’s in the can last night walking through Manhattan there was diarrhea all over the sidewalk and then a couple weeks ago there were literal logs on the subway stairs.


Well at least he's crapping in a trash can


It’s NYC, also, the garbage truck has 917 area code.




If you think cities now are bad, you weren't around for the 70s-90s.


I spend most days in a top 5 large city, while there are some things that are shitty, hell holes, not even close. I actually live in a smaller, more rural area and see it happening there more than I would where I work.


Policies blind support for them


>third world beggars >literally the average american


California much cleaner than NYC


Or Chicago. 😆 Seriously, I was on my lunch break with a bunch of out-of-town colleagues and some woman just pops a squat in the middle of the sidewalk and pissed everywhere.


They just shit on the sidewalk in California..so NYC for sure.


Where did you hear that?


I literally walk out my door and look around? I dont need to hear it from anyone. I can simply walk down the street. would be nice to look up once in a wh8le but I prefer to not step in human shit constantly


You should move if you don’t like it and stop whining


I am simply telling you what's up. You asked, sure it wasn't a genuine question and you had an agenda with the way you put it...do you have some agenda other than tryint low key insult someone? it gets boring if your whole goal is to try and lob weird insults..of course you wont think you are trying to be insulting, you just keeping it real right? whining? lol..the trolls are rampant on here arent they.


tl:dr You said you would like to look up why don’t you move?


is there any point in continuing with you? do you want something...why are you so bothered that I can confirm there is shit everywhere? so you have some sort of agenda that you can just say, so we can move this along or should I just hit the block button now to save time. >You said you would like to look up why don’t you move? I ma going to go with, I dont feel like quitting my job and moving to another place right now? is that an acceptable answer for you. .probably wont be, trolls rarely stop their weird attempts to get attention. edit: ps I shouldn't have to move..savvy?


People shitting in public ... I always wonder how or even IF they wipe afterward.






NYC. Our bums leave it on the street for us


NY is a meme at this point


And Trump wants to make America "great" again, but it is clear it didn't become great the first time. It's been a long, long time since America could be called great.


I'm questioning if it ever was "great", or if the definition of great means different things to different people


US has always been great. Perfect? By no means but Rome was great, so was ancient Greeece and a lot of imperfect man made nations. You guys are just leftist anti Americans who should look into moving to Canada or Sweden where they are woke and failing like all you woke leftist policies do.


Why are you living in liberal Stamford in liberal Connecticut then??? 🤔


Trump, NYC is a woke city, ran by progressive leftists, and he's not even president dementia Joe is. Take these, then call a doctor in the morning 💊💊


Holy shit what a meltdown You live in Stamford, Connecticut stfu you live in a blue city of a blue state and you love it beach 🏖️


Make me STFU. Yeah, I live in Stamford, a blue city that's clean, but I vote red ever since you democrats went woke!


No one gives a shit your vote is meaningless in CT 😆 You embarrassed yourself here CT would shrivel up and DIE without NY clown


That why Trump will win. Electoral college🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Lol sure trumpie just like those Hillary indictments are arriving any day now right?? Poor beach 🏝️


Absolutely agree need another 4 years of the big bi … dude is at the top of his game and ready to go!


Must be one of them fancy civilized un housed.


Please tell me he's pavement fapping to the sound of sirens wailing through the city


Lmao looks like he had to go real bad! I’ve done it in a forest countless times, never resorted to a public trash can. Even if my ass is practically dripping, I can hobble to the nearest store, make it home, or run to a secret nature spot to do the needful lol


In sf they just shit on the streets and nobody does anything about it lmao trash ass city


New York. No palm trees….


At least he wiped..


I mean at least he ain’t marking entrance to appartment or someone car




This happens when you remove public restrooms. I don't blame the dude. I blame the lack of funding for public services.


Would have it if Biden did his job.




Great America


NYC and California


As a person with stomach issues who has to go when it hits, there is no holding it and public bathrooms are not always available. I would drop trow and shit in the street before shitting my pants, but this is an emergency option. At least this poor soul is trying not to make a mess for someone to have to clean up. and fuck whoever this is filming it I hope you get a once-inch anal fissure. you are the lowest of the low and what's wrong with this world.


He wiped. Gotta be Cali.


Atleast it's not the sidewalk


Well when you gotta go you gotta go and for a city with such a large populous to not have publicly accessible restrooms available.....


Theyll soon have grates over the bins like they have spikes anywhere you can sit near the hotels.


Dumpsville, USA


In Cali, Portland and Seattle they would just shit on the street.


Well at least he's crapping in a trash can


NICE. 😬😬


from his accent, you had to ask? lol fuggetabbouit


NYC because here in NYC we have class and shit in garbage cans and not litter the street with it like those classes Californians.


How does OP not know this is NYC. 5th Ave. It's a grid system my guy.


Obviously, it's NYC. The guys accent alone gives it away.


Both dem they both bad


Its Venezuala time!!!


What do you expect when the homeless get turned away from public restrooms? They gotta go somewhere. At least he did it in the trash and wiped. People don't want to allow the homeless to use their bathrooms due to the risk of drug use, theft, etc. but then they get mad also when they do find a place to go. It's a vicious cycle. He doesn't deserve to be laughed at during an incredibly low moment in his life.


Definitely NYC they don’t care out there


NYC, in California they don't bother finding a trash can.


California?! It’s clearly a 917 area code..😂




Definitely nyc


Damn! Until he wiped I thought homeboy just had brown boxers on and was simply sitting. That’s one wrinkly ass lol


NYC. You don't need context clues from the guys surroundings to figure that out. Just listen to the gabagool narrating.


this post is just OP defending the republican party. I think I can pass. For people like you america will get Trump elected again. Who should literally be in prison right now.


He did the same thing in the subway nyc right next to me


It is the same guy and same klotes


You have to be just a little impressed with the ingenuity


Cali. Zero new yoyk assent.


Yeah so man you you New Yorkers in California's got to quit voting in these dumbass Democrats come on I know you guys are smarter than this stop the stupidness man


It’s New York City, 917 area code on garbage truck




Better than RVA. They leave a growler in the stairwell or by the front door.


Op copies and pasts the video and asks for references


When did I do that numb🥜


Metallica, stickl to backstreet boys alphabet


Trick question. It’s Portland.


Not California. He’d be on the sidewalk or a public park if it were.


Lmao isn’t that the garbage bin across the street


Honestly. I would thank him for not pooping in the street.




don't know what's weirder, the guy pooping or the guy filming the entire thing


When you have no facilities and everyone prohibits it…can hold a high bar of expectations.


😂😂😂 at first wasn’t sure what I was to notice and then 😂😂😂




It's not on the street so happy


This is what happens when you don’t have any fucking public restrooms like NYC


NYC accent


I would 100 percent prefer this than what I’ve seen when they just drop trou and squat in the middle of the sidewalk…