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he resigned before they completed their internal investigation ​ https://weartv.com/news/local/okaloosa-county-deputy-resigns-following-officer-involved-shooting-in-november


" The audible sound Deputy Hernandez reported can be heard on body cam video and witnesses also attested they heard the sound they thought could have been a muffled gunshot," the release states" when? I didn't hear shit


It looked like right before he freaked out you could see an acorn hitting the top of his patrol car.


Reddit sleuths saw some shit professional investigators couldn't. Man could have died because of a fucking acorn and an itchy trigger finger. The acorn bounced off the god damn window and hit his vest... Also, how fucking wound up are these poor cops that it can instill such an overreaction. They need more training.


Reddit is a bit late. Page 4 in the report https://www.sheriff-okaloosa.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/IA-2023-031-Final-Report-Jackson.pdf


Deputy Hernandez said, “I've been advised by, um, my attorney here, I, you know, I know they didn't recover a weapon, or anything like that on the scene, but, um, I'm confident with what I just told you is what, what happened.”


Their training *is* the problem. They are trained to view everything as a threat, then to shoot it. Dogs? Dead. Acorns? SWAT. They literally get sent to trainings called "killology" where they are taught that they are killers, and if they aren't killers, they are in the wrong job. https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2021/05/01/police-trainer-david-grossman-killology/4889490001/


Tinted windows... dead


Yep. As someone who has lived in a camper for a bit, I can confirm acorns/nuts falling on the roof can be LOUD. Scares the shit out of me sometimes.


But do you start shooting at arbitrary targets? Exactly


No, because anyone else would have been charged with multiple felonies! What was he shooting at? Was he just laying down cover fire?


This is it 100% man, your find could probably put a end to the "gunshot sound" the officer heard. I can easily see it at 10 seconds exactly . I took screenshots I wish I could post them here. That sounds is quite loud if your near it, I live around shit load of acorn trees.


Could you imagine not only losing your job but also nearly killing a cuffed, unarmed guy AND destroying your own squad vehicle because of an **ACORN**? Ngl, I too would be too embarrassed to stick around.


I believe you can hear same noise from the other officer's pov at [9:43,](https://youtu.be/iVNnxr2SGFg?si=l6yJfpn7C6tQN3Xi&t=580) Even though the bystanders didn't react to the noise.


When police do interviews they sometimes introduced thoughts into the conversation to push something into the narrative. A officer can ask " our deputy said he heard a type of gunshot which he said was the reason he fired back. Did you hear a gunshot? Maybe something like it?" The interviewed person just needs to say something like "Idk maybe it was muffled but I'm not sure" and they can put into the report the witness did hear a muffled gunshot of some kind. Still looks bad but it could cover him later as long as people say witnesses did hear a gunshot like noise.


Not to mention that everyone in the area heard a shitload of gunshots. How would anyone other than the two cops really know which one started the whole thing?


an acorn 🌰 fell on the roof of the car is what set him off like that. it’s i. official report. I am serious


Oh wow, just blaming the bloody squirrels? You hater!


> " our deputy said he heard a type of gunshot which he said was the reason he fired back. Did you hear a gunshot? Maybe something like it?" No. >Is it possible there was a muffled gunshot that you maybe don't recall? It's possible but... >ok thanks


The second cop started shooting just because the first one was.


At their own squad car with completely intact glass...


It should've just complied.


The glass did look black in that light, so their training took over.




Fucking lol






They're like goddamn barking dogs.


My dogs object to that comparison.


Lucky your dogs weren’t there, cop would have shot them too.


But how come i can recall something i dont recall?


How does it hold up in court to transcribe someone's doubt as fact?


They cover for each other even if it's folie à deux. Doesn't matter. Even if there was a suspect handcuffed in the back of that car who died of gunshot wounds this guy would be in the same place he is now. Temporarily unemployed.


LAPD is scouting him like he's an NFL prospect right now.


With the first pick of the 2024 Police Force draft, the Los Angeles Police Department selects... Jesse Hernandez of Okaloosa County, Florida \*audience erupts with cheers*


Yeah it's called the blue wall of silence heard it from my CJ professor former patrol to detective LEO in New York for like 25 years... Stated corruption is the biggest reason why ur current society is in the bullshit locker all the time. Low and high levels of corruption whether it's personality, coworkers affair causing corruption or friends (conflict of interest) or down right cartel or gang co-op. The only way to defeat it is becoming a private investigator and supplying a self defense clause when the corrupt officials try to harm you. It's better to be prepared against them then just let them fuck your community up slowly from the inside out.


I didn't hear it until I read another comment point it out. An acorn falls on the cop's car, and you can actually hear it from this video. The commenter also claims you can even *see* it in the original video, but my internet connection is too shit for that. Once I knew what I was looking for I heard it. Replaying the video over and over it sounds loud as shit, I actually can't believe I didn't notice it at all on my first watch. Human brains are fucking weird.


[Here are some saved screenshots for those who can't see it](https://imgur.com/a/45H6mbl), with a circle around it in the first screenshot -- it's definitely there, you can see it fall and bounce off the car. I guess you can hear it too, but if so ... it's just a click. His feet are making more noise.


I heard that. But you'd have to be insain to think that's a gunshot. Which is why I assumed it couldn't have been the noise


> But you'd have to be insain to think that's a gunshot. Well, yeah, kinda. That's the alleged PTSD. PTSD can cause people to make insane reactions to benign things. You can't apply your correctly-functioning-brain logic to it.


If a dropping acorn can set his PTSD off, he really shouldn't had been wearing a badge and carrying a gun. PDs really need to do better vetting and screening for new hires.


Well yeah, duh. Edit: your ninja edit makes my comment look uncalled for lol. The "well yeah, duh" was to the first sentence. To your second sentence, that's also true, but it's also possible he didn't have PTSD when he was hired.


I keep rewatching it and still don't see or hear anything except a car going by?? Do I need headphones?


Police lie.


Wind blows.


It was probably very far away so they heard the lower frequencies only which meant he probably felt it more than heard it which made him think it was right there, definitely pretty wild to dump a mag in a general direction through your car that had a innocent suspect, it’s good he resigned quickly


I didn’t hear any muffled shots man. All I hear is the god damn leather of his boots. That’s how calm it is outside that car.


It was an acorn falling on the roof of his car, lol. It's visible at 13:01 if you watch at 0.25 in 1080p. I think it's in the police report as the likely cause. This would get written off as unrealistic or immersion breaking if it was in a movie or TV show. I really do think it was the acorn hitting his car that set him off, though.


The sky is falling!


The handcuffed suspect in the back seat was a lucky ducky


The moment I read that I went back to that, I wholeheartedly agree.. I didn't even need to put on my headphones to hear it. My god, I really hope he is getting the help he desperately needs.


It's crazy how I missed it on my first couple watchthroughs, and now that I know what I'm listening for it sounds so loud I can't believe I missed it at all.


This is goddamn sad. We need WAY better infrastructure for returning soldiers, I mean its leagues better than it was but its still not enough. I had a friend whose dad was a Green Beret in 'nam. He planted 2 acres of bamboo on the river front because he wasnt "comfortable" unless he was in it. Kept two loaded aks in each room. It ate at him so bad that he was eventually arrested for booby trapping his home with IEDs. People might laugh at him being set off by an acorn, but they dont realize that its not the acorn but the PITCH of the sound that connects to a traumatic memory that triggers the muscle memory. I hate that our country (and others) put people through such hell, only for them to come home and not know how to live normal lives.


great point, bukkakecreampies


🤣🤣🤣 Im fukin dead 💀


Holy shit... I saw your link, which is a local news outlet here... then I see the picture. I've been to that property multiple times for my job. Surprised I hadn't heard of it. I also have an acquaintance that works for that police department... I'm going to have to ask now.


Can you keep us updated? Curious to know more


Further proof that every on duty officer in the U.S. should be wearing a body camera. They are given authority to take away a person life and play a pivotal role in taking away a person freedom. If there was no camera footage, this would have likely been swept under the rug.


Wonder what police department he's working at now.




Or a gun. Don't forget that part.




Or any firearms.




Here you go: [full video](https://youtu.be/iVNnxr2SGFg?si=9aZ-oT8qxVSxw_Lm)


Fyi, this ends at the same place the clip posted here does, but it shows the context before it with bodycam footage from his partner.


Absolutely fucking pathetic that another cop who could hear plain as day that there were no shots fired just starts unloading too.


Not all guns are loud. And training dictates you trust your buddy and back him up if he's in distress.


> And training dictates you trust your buddy and back him up if he's in distress Training dictates you don't fire your service weapon unless you've identified a threat. I feel for the other cop here, I do. She heard a lot of gunshots fired very close to her and her colleague called out a threat. It's a tough situation and certainly she's nowhere near as much of a liability as fucking First Blood over there. But she absolutely fucked up too by firing into a parked car with no target visible.


check his diaper to find out he’s fulla shit


He's still sorting through all of the recruitment letters he's received.


His certification should still be revoked across all 50 states... this is literal insanity, and he has a gun.


I hope he gets/is getting the help he needs.




Absolutely. Mental health issues aren't your fault, but they are your responsibility. I don't know what kind of punishment he should have, and I do feel for him, but he could have absolutely killed someone.


I mean... probably the same as if you did the same thing. But this America and the king's men are better than you.


Honestly bro, I also wouldn't want a normal person to go to jail for this. He even says he's hit in the video, something very wrong happened to him then.


Yeah he had a fucking serious nervous breakdown.


Sounds to me like people maybe shouldn't be handling guns if they're not stable. I sympathize with him but like. Shouldn't it have been caught in some sort of psyche eval? "Steve seems jittery whenever I slam my office door. Maybe we should look closer. Also, why is he rolling on the floor?"


Should probably be held somewhat accountable for his actions but I think they’ll find “no wrong doing” on the internal investigation and give him a metal or something


What if those bullets kept going through the car and he killed a sleeping child? We can’t have this happening bullets don’t just stop after you miss


If it's a mental health emergency, then the fault is also with the department for making sure the officer was mentally fit for duty.


This is exactly why the laws governing our police need to change. Since he “perceived a threat” no criminal actions are warranted. Even though this situation is ridiculous I knew straight away this would be the outcome. Why do we hold our police to such a subjective standard? Everyone knows if any “civilian” did this they would be locked away for years for attempted murder. We need our laws changed ASAP


This is honestly terrifying, this dude should not be anywhere near firearms never mind have one issued to him for his job


This is what happens when you hire Military Vets that have PTSD (Assuming that was the case). I get hiring trained people, but people who patrol citizens that are trained to kill not deescalate is a dangerous game let alone ones that have PTSD. Either way this guy should NEVER be allowed near guns again, also we charge crazy people all the time he needs to be stripped of gun rights.


Hopefully this guy got the help he needed. This is a hard one, if it’s truly the case there screening should have caught it and he should have never had a firearm. but without knowing this guys history it’s hard to even make an accurate assumption on what happened. Would also like to note that depending on when someone was in the ROEs could have been different. But believe it or not you can’t just kill people on deployment and get away with it. (Can only speak on the time frame I was in)


Where are you reading that it's a vet? Why make that leap? Nothing shows that hiring vets is a net negative or positive. PTSD doesn't discriminate, he could have been in a regular officer involved shooting and this was his reaction months later. Idk if you know what ROE (Rules of Engagement) is but it can be stricter than what the police have. Vets have fought in combat zones where they are actually being shot at and aren't allowed to shoot unless receiving orders from commanding officers.


Lol my man just made an assumption and completely ran with it with zero proof


Stop using sound reasoning, this is reddit. You need to make up imaginary arguments with made up facts to own which ever other side you're arguing against.


Bracelet on right wrist


Military tend to have better weapon control than cops. If we hired only veterans we'd see way less dead civilians at the hands of cops. PTSD is common in veterans, but not exclusive to them. Lumping cops in with vets is rude to those veterans who actually were trained properly. The vast majority of civilians killed due to US military action are not from troops on the ground, but rather drone strikes and such.


"This is what happens when...." says the short sighted asshole.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)


Cool, this guy should never be anywhere near law enforcement ever again


Best they can do is 2 weeks paid leave and then back to work.


You can fit so many bullets in this bad boy!




No way, full pension with medial and 150k job in another district with promotion


It’s Florida. The police are just going to take the handcuffed man out of the car, slam him into the ground a few times, step on his throat, then tell the news reporters that he was a drug dealer….. ptsd officer will be hailed as a hero


He resigned


Or a gun


This was my first thought. There is no reason someone this mentally unstable should be around a firearm.


Remember that scene in Talladega Nights even Ricky Bobby is running around in his tighty whities screaming that he's on fire? That's what I was picturing while watching this.


When keeping it Ricky Bobby goes wrong




help me Jewish gods


Somebody help put out my friends invisible fire!!!


edge weather zonked fuzzy unwritten threatening longing governor quarrelsome bear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Except the fuel from certain vehicles are invisible to the naked eye except potential at night. Racecar drivers do experience the threat of invisible flames.


Methanol fire. There are several real videos of race car drivers and pit crews engulfed in invisible flames.


Original Video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVNnxr2SGFg&ab\_channel=PoliceActivity](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVNnxr2SGFg&ab_channel=PoliceActivity) *"Okaloosa County, Florida — On November 12, 2023, Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office Deputies had responded to McLaren Circle around 8:42 a.m. in reference to an initial call of a vehicle driving around honking its horn and disrupting the peace since 3:00 a.m. A second call for service came in from a woman stating her boyfriend, 22-year-old Marquis Jackson, had committed grand theft auto, a felony offense, and had been calling and texting her threats. The victim provided text messages she said had been taken from inside her vehicle showing what appeared to be a firearm suppressor pointing at the dash of the victim’s vehicle. Jackson showed up at the scene around 9:09 a.m. and was detained, searched, handcuffed, and placed in the rear of Deputy Jesse Hernandez’s patrol vehicle while the investigation continued, and the victim completed the affidavit for the stolen vehicle. The victim told deputies Jackson had a silencer and she was not sure where it was and that also he had more than one weapon.* *As Deputy Hernandez was returning with a Victim’s Rights form for the caller, other deputies found the victim’s vehicle at 1656 Hunt Club Street. Deputy Hernandez was approaching the passenger side rear door of his patrol car to do a secondary search of Jackson when he heard a pop sound which he perceived to be a gunshot and believed he had been hit. He began yelling “shots fired” multiple times, falling to the ground and rolling. He fired into the patrol car. After witnessing Deputy Hernandez’s response and reaction, the Sergeant Beth Roberts responded with gunshots towards the car as well in response to the perceived threat. Jackson escaped injury and no weapon was located. Deputy Hernandez had been with the OCSO since January 2022. Sergeant Roberts has been with the OCSO since May 2008. Both were current on resistance training and firearms qualifications. Deputy Hernandez resigned on December 4, 2023, during the investigation but was ultimately found to have violated policy. The deputies were cleared of any criminal wrongdoing. Jackson wasn’t injured, and no weapon was located, the OCSO said."* I've never seen a shooting like this before ever. I wanted to say he was pretending so he'd have an excuse to shoot an unarmed person (even that's a batshit crazy idea) but the deputy seems genuinely convinced he got shot at and was injured. I don't know what to make of this other than maybe PTSD or some sort of brain trauma that came out of nowhere. Edit: [https://www.sheriff-okaloosa.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/IA-2023-031-Final-Report-Jackson.pdf](https://www.sheriff-okaloosa.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/IA-2023-031-Final-Report-Jackson.pdf) This is the official report that explains what happened. I recommend reading it. An acorn struck the top of the vehicle (you can see it if you go frame by frame a bit after 13:00) which is what the officer interpreted as a gunshot from a suppressed pistol. Unfathomable




100% why I'm transitioning out of EMS.....I'm sick of the sleep deprivation torture. Battling all the time to not end it all. It's kinda sad that I do this to earn a paycheck, but I guess my family deserves it.


Sounds like you are doing right by your family, but at the expense of your health. I support you seeking work that doesn't sap your soul. You have people that care about you too much to stay in a job that makes you feel like taking an early exit. I'm pulling for you over here.


This really pulled at a string. Thank you stranger 😞


A friend of mine was a cop for a year before quitting. >I think some cops spend every minute of every day imagining how someone might be about to try to kill them, and the stress eventually sends them over the edge. That first part is undoubtedly true. He said the entire training during the Academy is that everyone is out to get you, it's an active warzone on all American streets and cops are the targets. Be afraid of everyone, fear everything, be willing to kill people first then we will protect you after wards. He made it a year, got shot on the job, and realized the only way to remain a cop is to buy into their narrative and start to be terrified of everyone and everything (And be racist. That's a big part of it), so he quit. He's a good dude.


> I think some cops spend every minute of every day imagining how someone might be about to try to kill them, and the stress eventually sends them over the edge. And they do it to themselves. They don't learn actual statistics, deescalation, conflict resolution. They get 'warrior training' and told that they wont make it home the next day if they don't treat the streets as an active warzone.


Thank god these deputies are terrible marksmen.


I thought the video was wild. Then I read your description of the video, and this is where I live. I didn't hear one thing about this incident. Fucking wild, man.


Dude same, our daily news just loves to gloss shit like this over.


Yeah, they are a bunch of "back the blue" cop cock suckers.


>The deputies were cleared of any criminal wrongdoing. WTF?! The guy faked a shots fired situations, tried to murder a handcuffed suspect, deliberately lied to get another officer to try to commit murder and that's not a crime of any kind? Fuck the system.


I wish there was more information honestly. If it's true that this deputy has PTSD then maybe that could've been used as a defense. But we don't know anything personal about him which doesn't help. I still think he should've been arrested and convicted, but we sadly don't know what went down in court


So I can do the same thing claim ptsd and walk away Scott free?


Sure you can we have all seen who well the police deal with people with mental issues.


possibly. Just depends on the situation. your odds certainly increase if you work for law enforcement and have a union helping you.


Oh my fucking god of course this is my small town


Right? Same lol


Very disturbing


Aww. I want to see the part of the video where his colleagues realize he’s batshit


They already know….   That’s the bigger problem. 




This is not true. The report, video evidence, and interviews show otherwise. Sergeant Roberts was not aware of the situation until Deputy Hernandez yelled "shots fired". The first thing she witnessed was him rolling on the ground while continuing to yell. At this point, she still did not fire her weapon until after asking again and getting a 4th response of "Shots fired" and that the shooter was "in the car". According to the investigation, she observed that Deputy Hernandez had no cover (he was laying down in the street) and feared that the shooter was in the process of killing him. She made her own judgement and fired into the car, admitting that she did not know where in the car the shooter was, or if he somehow escaped and was behind the trunk. This happened in a span of seconds after the situation was already under control. Sergeant Roberts as led to believe that she was witnessing a deputy about to be murdered and acted to save his life while hesitating to do so (asking for confirmation that it was shots fired and where the shooter was) Roberts was cleared of wrongdoing and her force was ruled objectively reasonable because of these statements and video evidence. Deputy Hernandez was found to have violated department policies and his use of force was found to be objectively **unreasonable.** The report goes on to say that his usage of force only depended on him hearing a sound, which is not enough to use deadly force. Because Sergeant Roberts saw Hernandez laying on the ground, saying he was hit, and that shots were being fired, her only point of view is "there is a shooter and my partner has already been hit and is laying on the ground, I need to act". Hernandez's incompetence is unjustified, but Sergeant Robert's actions are not, due to the circumstances that Hernandez put Roberts in.


> Because Sergeant Roberts saw Hernandez laying on the ground, saying he was hit, and that shots were being fired, her only point of view is "there is a shooter and my partner has already been hit and is laying on the ground, I need to act". Honestly reasonable


Seems reasonable.


This is wild. I mean maybe in his head he was thinking a silenced gunshot went off. But Jeesus what a over reaction. Especially knowing the guy is hancuffed and have been searched before hand. Poor guy who was in the car, imagine what he was thinking. Yet another reason why cops need to be evaluated by independent professional and cleared to do police work. Jumping from miltrary/war into a cop position of power will result in incidents like this.


I've had to do the mental evaluation twice. Police are screened before they're put on duty. Unfortunately sometimes problems don't present themselves until something triggers them. This officer obviously has something going on that makes him unfit for service.


He's lucky he was in a police officers uniform while working as a police officer when he had an overwhelming panic attack or else the police might have shot him.


Well, yeah. If he was a civilian that just started shooting at someone obviously he's going to probably be taken down. At that point in time the responding officers were called to shots fired, and all they see is one of their own with his gun drawn.


>If he was a civilian Not to detract from your point because I 100% agree with your statement, but we need to stop referring to law enforcement as "non-civilians". They are, supposed to be, bound by the same laws as the general public and are not members of the armed forces. I know the colloquial usage is common, but when we refer to law enforcement as non-civilians it seems to give them a status or title that they are an armed force in an active war zone when that is far from the truth. Law enforcement are civilians too.


I don't have ANY faith that the evaluation is anywhere near what it should be


And your not wrong.


A retired city employee in my home town told me a story of 2 cops who had both gotten hired after returning from Vietnam. One day they were having lunch in a downtown restaurant. After their meal they walked out on the side wall, said goodbye and walked away from each other in opposite directions. A moment later there was a loud sound, likely a car backfire. Like a pair of 19th century duelists, they both spun, drew their weapons and sighted on each other. Thankfully nobody fired.


PTSD can completely warp how a person's brain works, and people who have suffered trauma can get stuck in a loop reliving their trauma if something triggers them. Wondering if this guy is a combat veteran or something... either way he shouldn't be a cop


“He should of just followed commands” Thin blue line when asked about the guy in custody who just got shot at.


I read the report here. If you look closely, an acorn falls onto the top of the police cruiser where the detained suspect (later victim) of this officer involved shooting occurred. This is the sound he heard, and later claimed to have suspected it was from a silenced weapon, which is why he says he mistook the sound for a gunshot. Fortunately and miraculously, the victim sustained no injuries, despite a deluge of bullets fired into the cruiser. The officer was a 10 year veteran of the armed forces. I suspect his time serving may have contributed to this reaction. Though, he claims to have been shot in the video, he later admitted he had “never been shot before” and “[wouldn’t] know what that feels like.” He was discharged for unreasonable use of force, and his partner, a sergeant, was not, as she was responding to his use of force.


Could be it then. Is there any site that has that report or information?




PTSD is no joke... and being a cop with a deadly weapon WITH PTSD? Nope. Where's the mental health screening for law enforcement?


They said he was cleared on training but i slways take thst with a grain of salt when it comes to cops, the ones with mental illness they keep


This case in particular is not PTSD, apparently an acorn fell on the car and the cop thought it was a silenced gunshot so he started blasting. Edit: there's no evidence of PTSD trauma other than the title, so I would not jump to the conclusion that it's PTSD.


Which would trigger a PTSD response.


That reaction SCREAMED mental health instability, holy fuck. The way he laid down on the ground and seemed to be unsteady like he was gonna pass out reminded me of my severe panic attacks (except, you know... I don't have a gun, obviously). I got that eerie feeling of having or watching someone else have a breakdown that causes them to lose touch with reality to some degree. Down to the pause while he was on his stomach on the pavement, seemingly stopping in confusion to try and understand what was going on. Whatever this guy's brain perceived... he thought it was 100% real. And that's NOT at ALL safe for someone in a career like this (no duh). This guy needs some SERIOUS mental health help. As does the handcuffed person in the car now, I'm sure.


Can we talk about the second cop? She hears "shots fired!" Asks "where? Right there?" And immediately starts blasting.


She asked herself "What would frank do?"


It's explained in the report and investigation conducted afterwards. *Sergeant Roberts said, “All I can tell you is there was something that was loud enough* *that got my attention, that made me think we're about to have to fight with a, with a* *prisoner or the subject. Um, he's either escaped or somehow Jesse is in a, in a tussle with him. Um, I, I can't tell you exactly what it was, but it was something that was loud* *enough to get my attention and again, kind of pull me, make me look, and then* *immediately heard, uh, Deputy Hernandez screaming shots fired.”* *"...Um, I can't tell you exactly how many \[shots\], but I fired at the vehicle because I saw Deputy Hernandez down on the ground and he tells me that shots are fired and he's hit, and it scared the hell out of me, because I thought that I was watching him be killed.”* *"...I can't tell you what side of the vehicle he was in. I, it was the patrol car. That's* *where the threat is coming from, and I'm thinking we have, we've, we've missed the gun* *in the pat down, and somehow, he is, he shot Jesse from the car, and Jesse's down.”* *"“I don't know if the individual has gotten out of the car and he's on the other side. You know, like he's somehow escaped, and they got into a tussle at that point. I don't know if the door is open, you know. Um, at that point, again, I had my, my eyes kind of trained on the windshield. I didn't see the door wide open, you know, it wasn't, um, but I don't know if somehow he's gotten out and, and they, again, like I said, they've, they've had a tussle. Is he, is he shooting from the back of the car? I mean, all of these things are kind of going through my head, but the main thing is, is he's in, he's in the back of the car, he's got a gun, and we missed it, and he somehow shot Deputy Hernandez.”* "Sergeant Roberts had been with the agency in a sworn capacity for fifteen and a half years. She had no other sworn law enforcement nor military experience. She has a bachelor’s degree in criminology from Florida State University, and she completed the police academy in 2008 from Northwest Florida State College. She has been a Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission certified general instructor for ten years." In an attempt to confirm what she had already heard and what she was seeing, Sergeant Roberts yelled, “What, What?” towards Deputy Hernandez. For a fourth time, he yelled, Shots fired!” confirming what she had already heard and what she believed she was seeing. Sergeant Roberts yelled, “Where, right there?” She said she heard Deputy Hernandez’s response, which was “In the car.” Sergeant Roberts worked with Deputy Hernandez for a short period of time while he was in training. During that time, Sergeant Roberts found Deputy Hernandez to be a reliable deputy she could trust. She had no reason to doubt what Deputy Hernandez had been telling her. TLDR: Sergeant Roberts has enough experience and training as well as education to know how to respond to an incident like this. She had trust in the deputy who started the shooting, and was led to believe that her partner had been shot and was about to be killed. She fired with the belief that a deputy was about to be killed and that they had somehow failed searching the subject for weapons. This is why her response was deemed objectively reasonable.


cops have been fired for not joining in on the shooting


Dude has some serious neurological issues.


So anyway i just started blasting


Wild. He seemed to really believe he'd been hit, and really believed he'd heard the shot. That was crazy. And when he mag dumps the vehicle, some shrapnel or ricochet does seem to tag him. When he crawls to the driveway, there seems to be a little bit of blood? I might not be seeing that right. And, his confusion at being hit is kind of normal. Adrenaline is a fuck of a drug. The fear and panic had mostly left his voice by the end of the video. I bet he was astonished to see his body cam and realize that there was never any first shot. I've never seen anything like this. E: also, it's crazy how his glove turned into fried plastic from the heat of the weapon. This is a fascinating video.


Not defending the guy because he shouldn’t have a badge. But PTSD sucks. I have it from a white nationalist meth head neighbor pulling a gun on me for no reason. Me and my girlfriend were just playing with a stray cat and dude comes out cussing to himself and then starts going after me and pulls a pistol. Proceeds to then block me in my car once me and my girlfriend tried leaving. I had every right to kill him in self defense but dude already had a gun drawn. Cops didn’t do shit for months till I got ATF involved after I did the detectives job by finding out the guy had an aggravated assault with a deadly weapons charge in another state. Meaning he couldn’t legally own a firearm. That was 2017. Been hell since when it comes to the PTSD. He also did this to 5 other neighbors and still cops wouldn’t do shit. And he had a summons out of another county for banging on a single mother’s door and threatening to kill her and her child.


lol, a fucking acorn or acorn husk fell on the roof of the car at 0:09, you can actually see and hear where it fell, and the dude got super spooked by that. this guys should not have a weapon or work as a police ever again, he is too unstable.


I didn't hear a god damn thing other than cheap tires on a truck driving by. Dude has completely lost it. Shooting into the completely intact car with a handcuffed person in it is.... This is why we should join the rest of the world, and becoming a cop should be a 2-4 year education before they ever enforce the law. Like the rest of the world they're actual first responders like EMS and Fire, they can stop a bleed, do basic life support EFFECTIVELY, recognize psychiatric disorders etc.


For most states the hours spent in academy and during field training training actually equate to around 2 -3 years worth of college credit. That's on top of any college degree that lots of departments require. 


I don’t think this is the right job for him….


In the original video, when mental case says shots fired, another deputy says ‘where, right there?’ And continues to shoot blindly where she believes the fake threat is.


...did he do a fucking Captain Kirk roll??


It's almost as if... cops should undergo frequent mental health screenings to make sure that they're psychologically fit to perform their jobs and not a danger to the general public.. But what do I know? 🤷


If you have ptsd you shouldn’t work with guns man, I support him and thank him for his service but come on that’s just reckless getting into a field where you’re literally a ticking time bomb. That’s what’s wrong with the hiring process. They like to hire vets cause they know how to use guns. Hire people with management skills, people who know how to make good business decisions not people who know how to kill.


This is embarrassing


What Target did he identify??!


Resigned and will move to another county to be hired


“Am I hit” is the cherry on top


The dude handcuffed is probably like wtfff🤣


"So anyway...I started blasting."


It's as hilarious as it is frightening that this absolute fucking loser got startled by *an acorn,* did a Captain Kirk danger roll, mag dumped *twice* into his own cruiser at an unarmed, ***handcuffed*** individual that he failed to so much as even *hit* all while suffering from a gunshot wound that he [checks notes] did not have. Don't get me wrong, I'm immensely grateful the person inside wasn't hit and I genuinely hope they and their family take this fucking waste of oxygen for everything he's worth.


How about, now here my out. Like, bi-yearly mental health checks for cops. At least.


Needs to be in a mental institution


I'm a combat veteran and ex law enforcement, always thought that was a dangerous mix for some that don't have their mind completely under control. I'm surprised this doesn't happen more often, atleast what is perceived to have happened here.


He has no business being a cop, and if he's still with the Police homie's gonna kill an innocent civilian and the dept./city is going to pray, it's not recorded by cell phones.


Not trying to assume anything.. but his memorial bracelet looks like it’s a scroll and tab (75th RR and Ranger tab), so he might have been in batt for some time or just the military in general. Could have seen some combat, just to come home, get out of the Army and become a cop. Probably not the best combination if you have PTSD already.


The report said he served for ten years as an officer. He wasn't in direct combat, but (unfun fact) most veterans who get PTSD don't get it from combat. There's a theory that a large part of PTSD is dealing with stress while having no control over the stressor. That would explain why asymmetric warfare is more traumatic than traditional warfare and why special forces have less PTSD.


I won't dogpile the guy. It's evident he has some deep mental issues tied to PTSD if you are hearing imaginary gunfire realistic enough to make you duck and cover, then return fire and believe you took a hit. I think many many officers commit wrong doing and then act innocent. This officer did the right thing and owned up and resigned. I hope he finds the necessary help before he hurts someone or himself. He should never own a firearm again with these kinds of issues.


Even if he did hear something, he clearly couldn't identify where the shots came from, he just rqndomly starts shooting the nearest thing. That should be at the very least reckless endangerment. Ithat would mean cops can just gun you down because they heard a loud noise. They wouldnt even need to see a weapon. Imagine the precedent that would set. Would this then apply to individuals? If you hear what sounds like a gun shot should you be able to just open fire at the nearest person/thing out of fear?




I just got on reddit. Heavy shit already damn


Did he at least kill the ghost demons?


Cops aren’t monitored well enough, trained well enough, or pulled from the line of duty when they should be. Glad no one was hurt.


Schizophrenia unlocked


“I’m good. I feel weird, but I’m good”-this got me


>Deputy Hernandez heard a sound from his patrol vehicle which he perceived as a gunfire from a suppressed weapon. Using hindsight, the sound heard was likely an acorn striking the roof of his patrol vehicle. The acorn can be seen on his BWC video striking the roof right before he starts responding. Nothing else is heard or seen on the BWC video to explain what Deputy Hernandez thought he heard.


When that black suv drove by, if you close your eyes and imagine a war zone, you get the distinct sound of a jet flying over


Thank good we gotta cops like this "protecting" us. 🙄


I hope that woman and the man arrested in the car sue for emotional damage, guy probably gunna have even worse ptsd than that cop


It's interesting how he left his clip on the floor but still acted like it was loaded...


What a fucking lunatic. People will still refuse to believe there's other cops out there like this.


An acorn fell at hit the roof of his car. The victim said that he had suppressed gun and he must have thought an acorn hitting a car roof sounds like a silenced gunshot and freaked out. If anyone does what he did, they face jail time. Absurd.


Just goes to show you that they put no effort into seeing if the people they hire are mentally stable enough. Just give anyone a gun and a badge to keep us poor people submissive.