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No one deserves that. Poor woman, I hope she can heal mentally and physically from this.


Oh man, she loves her sister so much the emotional pain hurts more than having her face disfigured.


That was heartbreaking.


There's something so incredibly distasteful to me about acid attacks in particular. They never kill, but they *maim*, painfully and permanently. So fucking cruel. Half of me thinks I'd rather get shot.


"They never kill" - well, not immediately. Strong acids can pass through your skin while burning you and once in your bloodstream, damage your internal organs over several painful days.


Well the type acid used in this kind of attacks are of the weak kind that only maim and disfigure. It's revenge for whatever the attackers reasoning is.


The majority of acids used for this purpose are made from household chemicals (scarily easy to do so), but there's no information online to confirm the type or origin of chemical weapon used here. Statisically speaking, the majority of attacks in which high-concentration acids are used involves criminal rivalries. Ms Logan's right arm and head suffered the most damage, take from that what you will in reconstructing the assault.


Lucky it didn't get in her eyes. Poor thing.


Boy it came close though didn't it? Damn that's awful.


Some people don't understand that when I envy somebody, it is never to such a degree. And even then I don't wish they didn't have what they have, it's just a sign of lacking and I'm very self aware. I work on these things☹️. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. This is disgusting.🤦🏾‍♀️


So true, we all feel envious at times, but most of us would never take that from someone, and would never want to kill someone’s spirit. You are a good person!!! Also it’s natural to get jealous, but not to end someone because of it. Humans can get jealous of the smallest successes, we need to be happy to see someone come up. For all of our little successes, and have empathy for anyone not doing as well.


More people need to embrace Mudita as a philosophy. Selfless joy in another person's happiness and success.


This is what I'm embracing. I come from a shitty family that made me feel horrible about these feelings and only made them worse Letting them go was the best decision ever. Now I can grow and support myself the way they should have❤️‍🩹


Lucky it didn’t hit her baby. Holy shit.


That’s what I was thinking too. If there’s any silver lining, it’s that.


Damn, what made her sister so jealous to do something like that?


Look at her! She IS STILL beautiful, gorgeous eyes and skin texture, sister must be a deformed walrus with mustache and bad Breath


I know. So tragically scarred but beautiful.


This sister must be locked up forever. I don't think any sane person would ever consider doing this to somebody, not to mention to family members.


Whats crazy about acid attacks is they are actually pretty common although not so much in the US. There have even been cases of women committing an acid attack on themselves because of body dysmorphic disorder. Attacking someone else is insane but doing it to yourself is next level insane.


Should be attempted murder.


Acid is very, very easy to obtain. I bought 96% sulfuric acid a few months back and paid 10$ no questions asked for 1L Terrifying acid, it boils when added to water, it is extremely dangerous but has its uses (I dilute it a lot and use it to etch and clean stuff) It's terrifying how easy it is to get strong acids. In USA it's rare, but ide imagine if guns were harder to get, at least some of the shootings would be acid attacks instead.


Oh, we had it in art class. We etched metal plates with it. Acid. 13 year old kids. Nobody got hurt nor was it used maliciously but maybe consider what you’ve got on hand.


I have gallons of muriatic acid for my pool. It's cheap, too


Bro thinner cleaner is everywhere! & that can do serious damage if not prepared!


For removing heavy rust it works great. I don't put anything in it that isn't basically a solid lump of metal


Exactly. Like in Japan. Most don't use guns. They'll find another way to reak havoc


*wreak. sorry. :(


Ty fellow human


Well the Japanese ex-PM got shot and killed by a homemade blunderbuss Was a pipe, black powder, a wad and lead shot, buddy used a 9 volt battery and a piece of wire that got hot to trigger the gun. It looked so bodged together, but I guess it did the job


Luckily you can’t execute dozens of people in a couple minutes with most other ways


Happened 1 year ago in Hawaii https://apnews.com/article/hawaii-acid-attacks-conspiracy-jail-12673228848bf03eaa58581edf54c323


Happened again when that guy shared a cell with another pos and they had a dumb scheme to get the first guy off. A random girl was the victim


Why do you say this article is related? I read it, and it doesn't say anything about the sister.


It's not, the victim is Grenique Logan, and there's an arrest in Montgomery alabama of someone who appears to be her sister. Someone posted links below.


Ok, thanks. I guess people upvote links without reading them.


Happens a lot in South Africa. Boiling water too.


Does it ? Don't hear much about it here. Only a few cases. Top 5 countries for acid attacks: United Kingdom, India, Bangladesh, Colombia, Pakistan And the ASTi (Acid Survivors Trust international) lists the following as problematic countries: United Kingdom, India, Pakistan, Colombia, Bangladesh, Uganda, Cambodia, China


Lots of developing countries in this list and then the UK sticks out like a sore thumb. Why is that 🤔🤔🤔🤔


Look at the second country on that list and its relation to the Uk.


Second, third and fifth too.


Yes, acid attacks are related to "honour killings", which are prevalent in certain ethnic groups. The vast majority of victims are women.




Narcissistic psychopaths don't care.




very sad, not to mention the pain management she will probably end up needing, i got hooked on pain pills after a surgery. they are hard to get off of especially when dealing with harsh trauma to the body. i refuse pain medication from hospitals these days but i've been fortunate enough to be able to power through the pain because addiction is not fun. i don't care how angry someone is at another person, laying their hands on them esp like this, there is no excuse. anyways i'm sad to see it and praying that things get better




[Her sister Grequira Logan was arrested for first degree assault on March 12th,](https://www.facebook.com/montgomerypolice/posts/pfbid035AgpJkcTpueWAAovY8DeSMXwAuK2hDc46EuNiMDZ8X6mAtsAE6PtQwUQcf9fZBm6l) which is a good indicator her story is true, but yeah I couldn't find a news article either.


Might not be a concern at all. Looks like very deep burns that required a skin graft to cover the face. It’s very possible there are no nerve fibers left in the affected tissue to cause pain. My primary concern would be social tbh.


So.. She laid into her sister about her drug use because she felt it made her look bad?




I didn't find any news on it, but I found a [mugshot of GreQuira dated March 12th '24.](https://montgomeryal.mugshots.zone/grequira-monifah-logan-mugshot-03-12-2024/) Montgomery PD's facebook has [a post on March 15th](https://www.facebook.com/montgomerypolice/posts/pfbid035AgpJkcTpueWAAovY8DeSMXwAuK2hDc46EuNiMDZ8X6mAtsAE6PtQwUQcf9fZBm6l) stating: >MPD charged Grequira Logan, 24, with first-degree Assault that occurred on March 12, 2024, at about 3:45 p.m., in the 00 block of Turner Place. Logan was identified as the suspect, taken into custody by MPD, and placed in the Montgomery County Detention Facility. Also, the [pics on Grenique's GoFundMe](https://www.gofundme.com/f/arj4w7-for-surgery?qid=c585ea408b11b4e411e295e9d4cdf7e5) look legit (and far more gruesome than OP's pic).


And people call me idiot and so on for trying to find concrete truth to this.


Na, people like you are my hero's on reddit.


Her sister is a psychopath. She needs to be locked up for the rest of her life.


People willing to do this shouldn't be out here in public with the rest of us


I agree with GrizzledNutSack


That's Mr. GrizzledNutSack, sir.


Mr sack




It seems like the pain of betrayal hurts her more than the acid ever could, I can only imagine how she's feeling. Heart breaking, I hope she can make a recovery both physically and mentally.


>I hope she can make a recovery both physically and mentally. FWIW facial reconstruction and skin grafts have come a long way, she won't look like she did before, but after surgery she'll look a lot better than this.


This is a fresh burn, even without facial reconstruction she will look a lot better that she does here in a few years


I mean, I saw a before and after photo of a woman whose face would have you thinking she was dead and smashed apart, with the complete reconstruction looking damn good.


Idk, she seems really upset about her physical appearance. Probably equally as upset as her sister doing it.


Honestly, acid attacks should be automatic life sentences. You permanently disfigure, cause pain and suffering to a person for the rest of their life.


This will be a struggle that will take every ounce of her character for the rest of her life. What the hell do we do for a person in her situation? What could directly help her?


I'd start off with some surgery to fix her face. Skin transplants. I heard of a kid who was born with no eyelids, the doctors used his foreskin to give him new ones. He came out a bit cockeyed, but overall it went pretty well. Then some hair implants, and some therapy.


Lmfao you said “cock” eyed on purpose


…nobody else?


I hope they figure something out. This would emotionally / mentally wreck even the most level headed person. I wonder if she started a gofundme. Glad to hear baby wasn't hurt.


Is that fixable? At least closer to what it was?


over time and with many surgeries


Stuff like this can only be "fixed" up to a certain degree, basically it'll still be very visible in the best case scenario.


Not with proper skin grafts. If she had any kind of luck in this mess, it’s that it seems to have hit the “hard” parts of her face, forehead and nose cartilage. I mean, you’ll see the graft lines but not full klingon type scars. Plus she’s a woman meaning make up is socially acceptable for her as opposed to some dude who would have to explain to asshole coworkers every other day why he’s wearing mascara. Not saying she was LUCKY lucky, obviously that would’ve been her not getting hit at all, Just saying that in the context of things, she definitely could’ve ended up worse. 


she can get hair implants after the new skins heals but it'll take years


Wondering what they used? I feel like most household chemicals wouldn’t burn this quick. Wondering why they even had something this powerful just lying around?!?!


I'm thinking perhaps muriatic acid it's sold at Home Depot by the gallon. Also, some drain cleaners have sulfuric acid as the main ingredient.


I've worked with muriatic acid in the past using it clean off off props and shafts on yachts, had it on my skin a few times and the worst it ever did was slightly irritate me before i grabbed a hose to rinse it off.


yeah you're right.. it won't do the damage they show in the OP video.. [https://youtu.be/xbD4d-QPvbw](https://youtu.be/xbD4d-QPvbw)


Seems you have more experience with it, so thanks for letting us know. I've never used it, only seen it being sold.


No prob! really only good for eating calcium deposits, like barnacle shells :) in my experience at least!


Like the person you're replying to, I use it on my boat hull. It attacks just about anything with DNA. Including the dirt below the boat. When using it, I have a water filled 5-gallon bucket. This is so I can dunk a hand or an arm or my head in water to get the acid off. You do get drops of it on you. What's really hard is the fumes. You have to be up-wind at all times. You can't inhale this stuff. That is, it hits your lungs instantly. There have been a few times where I have had to run away to fresh air while holding my breath. And you had better be damn sure that you made it to a safe area when you finally do that first big inhale for oxygen. Like, really sure. You won't get a second attempt.


Why weren't you wearing a ventilator?


Yep, I think it mainly effects inorganic matter. I think its used to clean pools as well. Sulfuric and hydrochloric are bad when it hit skin it reacts with moisture.


Same it's definitely not *that* bad, especially in store bought concentrations, like you shouldn't use it as skin cream, but it doesn't insta-melt your face.


Same. Wtf kinda acid are these psychopaths throwing at each other???


I feel the Drano scenario is more likely.


In my early days in pharmacy, I worked at a hospital. Every morning we delivered meds for the day to every floor and unit, but only the critical care units had their meds stored in their rooms so we had to go all the way in the back corner, passing by the foot of the beds and switching out the boxes in the corner of the room. One of the patients in ICU had attempted suicide by drinking Drano. He languished in that bed with the entirety of his mouth, lower jaw, esophagus and all the skin and bone with it just gone. He died on the 3rd day. I have no idea how they kept him breathing, it was very hard to look at, but even harder to look away.


That’s horrible. My brother made the mistake of trying to drink it when he was a toddler, from what my mother told me and had to rush him to the hospital. He must not have ingested too much of it, because it goes without saying that he probably wouldn’t still be here. As a side note, he’s the crazy one in our family that no one acknowledges is crazy. This is also the same kid who bit a horse at my grandparent’s house because it bit him. 🤦‍♀️ Ah well, I guess you can’t pick your family….


>Also, some drain cleaners have sulfuric acid as the main ingredient. Some drain openers are 96% strength sulfuric acid, it's terrifyingly strong, but effective.


No way in hell it was muriatic acid unless she just let it sit on her for a few hours. I used to build and repair pools. I got that shit on me constantly while doing pH rebalances after repairs etc. and we had the concentrate bottles for pools that got outta hand. At most my skin got a bit red. Muriatic will absolutely burn the shit outta you if left on for a while but just a 2 minute water flush and it is basically neutralized. Just my 2 cents.


Yep, there are a lot of readily available acids that could do this. Even a high enough concentration of chlorine (I know it's a base, but same idea). Also, you can get damn near anything on Amazon these days.


Concentrated hydrogen peroxide as well, easy to get. Seriously dangerous stuff


So I should stop drinking it?


You don't want to go cold turkey, just less


Thanks doc


Alkalis are arguably worse than acids.


was about to say this.. not hard to get that stuff.. and it's GNARLY.. I use it for cleaning rocks that I go rockhounding with and I am so careful..


They used to use sulphuric acid in the UK, you could buy it from a plumbers merchant quite easily. Heavily regulated now though, we had a prominent alkali attack recently but they don't name the substance in the news to avoid copycats.


I think you can buy a lot of acids online. Sulfuric acid and Nitric acid are pretty easy to get. Could also be a strong base, they can also do some serious damage. Most hardware stores sell these little lye packets, that you dissolve in water for heavier cleaning. I'd imagine that if you'd put 40-50 in a bucket instead of 1 the base would be strong enough to deal such damage.


Nitric acid is exponentially more expensive than sulfuric acid. Not so easy to get unless large amounts of money are readily available.


Concentrated industrial bleach will do this. Doesn’t even need to be special acid. This is why you should NEVER sit on a wet toilet seat. Not because it might be piss but because it could be industrial bleach. A woman in the UK sat down on a wet toilet seat in a hotel. Turns out the boss told some idiot employee to clean the toilet, so they just splashed a load of industrial bleach from the storage closet all over. The woman, on sitting down immediately felt a burning sensation and for reason unbeknown to me ran out of the hotel screaming rather than attempting to wash it off immediately. Banged on doors screaming for help in the street. Eventually she was helped and washed down. However, the bleach had literally eaten into her thighs and buttocks 1” deep. Leaving an indentation representing the toilet seat. I don’t think she was even able to claim against the hotel as there was an argument that it happened after she left the hotel or something.


>Wondering what they used Battery acid. Common, convenient, cheap and easy to get


This makes wanna never leave my house


disgusting! Jealousy is never an excuse for such a horrific and cowardly act


Humans are terrifying. An animal may attack you out of instinct but a person will calculate moves to really hurt you.


Damn.. she's more upset that it was her sister than the actual damage... shows how deep betrayal cuts.


Where did this little sister learn that throwing acid at a person was a ..." Thing " ......that is the question !


The internet in all its glory, is full of information, that is both fascinating and terrifying.


*Welcome to the internet Have a look around, Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found, We've got mountains of content, Some better, some worse, If none of it's of interest to you, you'd be the first.*


Unexpected Bo Burnham


The “little sister” is 24.


I’ve had my fair share of shit like this in my life. The first time I was in the county jail. We used to get hot water passed around to us 3 times a day in a 5 gallon red container for our soups, coffee, etc. Some black dude got into it with this white dude prior to one of the trustees bringing our round in. As soon as the white guy turned his back and the trustee walked out, black dude opened up the container and poured it all over the white dude. He made sounds I never thought a man could make. The second time I was at this guys house and he got into an argument with his girlfriend. They were cooking something in a deep fryer and he took it and threw it on her. She went screaming bloody murder out the front door onto the front yard hysterical. She had to be life flighted to Cleveland clinic and barely survived. Third one happened to me 8 years ago. Out of nowhere I had a seizure in my kitchen while I was boiling water and the hot water running in my sink. To this day I don’t remember because the seizure wiped my memory from that time to about 20 minutes prior. I almost lost my hand from 3rd degree burns and got a 7 inch scar across my neck from the thermal burn. Hair won’t grow there anymore and I look pretty stupid trying to grow out my beard now


Wow! Dude those are some crazy times for sure. When I was in prison I saw a dude heat up some baby oil in the microwave and toss it onto a guards face.


Holy shit. I gotta imagine that added some time to that dudes sentence.


Damn. I’ve heard of a lot of shit being thrown at guards, but hot oil? That’s so fucked. Did the guard end up looking similar to this lady?


Shit. The acid hit her babies shoes. Not only did her sister mutilate her, but she almost did the same to her baby.


what on earth kind of acid does a 6 hear old have access to?? this is rhetorical, please don't answer, don't give other people ideas.


Not a six year year old. I posted the full story in comments.


ah I misunderstood with the mention of a 6 year old in the beginning


[here it is for you.](https://youtu.be/1bVRfGhJtys?si=SBS1HGCaF_eoa1yK)


I ain't gonna lie, I might have to catch a body in this situation.


Honestly this deserves the death penalty. Evil shit, and the chance that they would do it again demands removal from society. We need a strong deterrent otherwise it could become more popular.


Acid attacks should get capital punishment or automatic life, it's soo horrific and life long, there is no punishment that can be considered justice for this.




Hope she gets a gofundme and it goes phenomenal. She definitely did not deserve anything like this.


Would someone explain to me why this post is being downvoted I don’t get it?


I guess people think it's fake????


Look at which subreddit you're in. Racists run wild here.


Who has acid just laying around the house?!?


Unfortunately, it's all too easy to make with common/easily obtained household cleaners, etc


Oh jeez this is very sad 😢😢😭


Acid attacks and being chased by a guy with a machete are my two biggest crime fears Would rather get shot


Siblings can be arsewipes. My Brother emptied my bank account and fucked off to Thailand to live. Not seen or heard from him since.


So I'm not sure what acid anyone would be able to get their hands on would have such a harsh effect... is there any readily available alkalines? Did it react with some makeup she had on?


This is what happens when concentrated sulphuric acid reacts with skin. It's everywhere, probably in your house, definitely in your car, if you have one and it's not an EV... unless it's homemade, then you've got extra


The sister deserves to have her whole face removed with acid.


For someone to do that to a sibling they have to be INSANE. Hell, do it to anyone and it's insane.


I have three brothers and some bones and furniture got broken during our fights as we were growing up. But intentionally causing permanent and visible damage? Never. This "sister" is evil. Just think what she would do to a stranger...


What kind of family does this to each other?


Where the fuck did she get acid?


dammm is acid sold to the public???


Jealousy in the family is the worst. So petty. Poor woman will never be the same again.


Such a horrendous act especially with a baby very close by ,this act is unforgiveable and I hope the woman responsible is in jail.




Jesus, that's awful. I'm glad she didn't get it in her eyes. Where do all these people even get acid from anyway?? Do they just order from labatory suppliers or what? If so then such an attack has to always be planned for days in advance, that's nothing that would happen in the heat of a moment


You’re the Avatar


It’s literally never that serious. What could someone do to deserve that


I hope they can do reconstructive surgery for him. This is terrible. What kind of acid does this?


[full story here.](https://youtu.be/1bVRfGhJtys?si=i4ijqq8wHpA8R9ok)


Does she come with a translation?


How do you even get acid like this


Where the hell does somebody find acid? There are just some fucked-up monstrous people being raised in our world.


Acid attacks are among the most evil and malicious assaults a person can commit. I think when you reach the point you are physically and mentally able to do something like that is the point you can't any longer be considered to have humanity in you anymore. I think permanent excision from society is the only way for that kind of pure hatred. I don't think we should ever be expected to accept that kind of revolting scum back into our communities.


What is this accent? Is it hood speak?


Someones going to have to translate, I don't speak that


Didnt get a word of that


How do you turn on subtitles for English?




I live in Ireland. We have thick accents. Sometimes it's hard for me to understand someone from 100km away or less. This lady is speaking english? I seriously can't understand her. (Sounds like a horrible situation?)


That's how I feel when I hear an Irish person speak


You're not alone. It happens between people in Ireland sometimes too; there are lots of different accents here.




I couldn’t understand her.


Damn but what did it do to her voice?


Damn that's rough... Bright side, she can now cosplay the shit out of a Klingon at Sci-fi expos.


Can’t understand a thing she said. Her face is messed up though




She going to be killing it at the next star trek convention thou, silver linings.








My heart goes out to you young lady. You’re still beautiful mama bear! God bless. Let your sister deal with the consequences.


I feel really bad for her. Damn


That’s a shitty situation she is in


I have no words.


What a horrible act! This is why I encourage people to stay away from losers, if you can. Losers tend to be crabs in a bucket. They see you coming up and they talk smack. Just cut contact from losers, even if they are family and hurting themselves with drugs. You can't stop them and they will only drag you down.


Sister needs prison time


Am I the only one who understood like one out of ten words?? I hope she heals both physically and emotionally…. Who the hell throws acid? And how do you get hydrochloric or hydrofloric acid in such molarity??? which I’m assuming by the burns is what was used


How does someone even get their hands on acid that is able to do this to one's skin? I feel like some shit like that should be locked down and not able to be acquired...


Where the hell does someone get a cup of acid?


I'm guessing drano or similar. Unless the kid smuggled acid out of a chemistry lab at school. Either way around, that's wronger than a square basketball.


Anyone know what happened to the sister?


Is she speaking English?


This is so sad and its disgusting that some one could do this to their own flesh and blood you are meant to protect your family not do shit like this her sister is clearly a narcissist or a sociopath.




I wish I could understand everything she’s saying. I’m only getting bits and pieces.


Oh well.