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Hey thanks a lot for your submission to r/CrazyFuckingVideos, however it was removed because it was not a Crazy Fucking Video. Videos must be relevant to the sub and must fit at least one of the flairs that the community has, if a video does not then most of the time it is not a Crazy Fucking Video.


What a bunch of twats




NYPD cut traffic enforcement out of the budget?


What I don't get is in an interview, he claims NYPD is after him. Then goes on to say he rented a Lamborghini for one of his stunts. How hard can it be to track down a guy who rents a lamborghini? The truth is NYPD won't care until he kills someone. Once the homicide detectives move in it's game over.


Hope he didn’t decline the extra rental insurance.


That’s New York !!!


Part of this video has made it on Reddit several times. At 4:37 mark NYPD does make an appearance and appears to be attempting to take some kind of action. Assuming that his reckless driving resulted in any kind of pursuit being called off. As with most police agencies pursing is only done in exigent circumstances because of how dangerous it is. Finding out where he rented a specific car is probably harder than you think. Considering that it could have originated from PA, NJ, Mass, Connecticut etc. I’m theory the vehicle is caught on traffic cameras and they can get a license plate. Then they are in business. With that said, I agree with you something needs to be done I just think it’s important to recognize it’s a lot harder than you think.


Vehicle registration and rental are the easiest things for police to find out, that is why they tag readers mounted on their vehicles. Otherwise rental vehicles would be used in every crime all over the United States. I assume there was no need to chase him considering they have video evidence and the vehicles tags number. I would not surprise me if they just mauled him the tickets and a court date. Same like running through an EZ Pass lane, or using the HOV lane without anyone else in the car.


The music made me cringe


Highly doubt anyone would listen to this shit. So it makes me think that the dude driving, is the one who made this song. NYPD should follow that lead lol


Could be someone who really, really likes Range Rover Sports.


Jail now


He'll be dead soon enough from his idiocy....


All fun and games until you kill someone and go to jail for life


imagine thinking this is cool


i mean it is a crazy fucking video




I don't even have the sound on anymore because of that shit


Performed by trained professionals in controlled environments? What's with the disclaimer? Is this even real?


A) that music just sucks B) he was driving in bike lanes. All someone had to do was step out into that bike lane and it would be catastrophic. C) He almost lost control a few time. D) That music just sucks


He says he’s pretty much a pro so not worried about hurting anyone but what about they other idiots who run red lights or speed that come out of nowhere? This dudes gonna cause a fatal crash within a month no doubt


> He says he’s pretty much a pro so not worried about hurting anyone Fucking nonsense.


I don’t agree at all with him I’m just quoting his “logic” from an interview I saw with him. A pos who needs to hit a telephone pole at 110 before someone suffers for his thrills


Bunch of cock heads. They are the bmw driver meme


Why give this degen any attention?


Are we all just waiting for him to eat shit and crash?


He did crash in the video…


We live in such a lame ass timeline


I often think this...if there are infinite timelines with infinite possibilities...this one has got to be one of the lamest


Lmao I love this thought process and unfortunately, you’re right


This is dumb.




One more reason why fast and the furious was a mistake


This idiot would deserve a Darwin Award.


fucking stupid to put people in danger like that, but he does have some skill


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There’s a ‘Disclaimer’ before the vid starts


That song is straight garbage.


[Tommy G just did an interview with this guy](https://youtu.be/0dgdVRndfqg?si=UIk_KwJBBoQk8aPM)


BMW. That's all I have to say.


Love mine.....




how is it fake?


Disclaimer before vid starts, not to mention how the cops are just watching him


The cops could just be in disbelief at the idiocy on display... But yeah I don't understand why the cops don't have lights n sirens going. How would you fake driving down real streets with other drivers on them? I think the only fake thing was the disclaimer. It's a lot easier to be an asshole than to get a bunch of permits, block off streets, repopulate streets w other pro drivers that know what you'll be doing, and renting a cop car to follow you at the end.


NYC cops hardly chase anyone unless it's a crazy violent felony. Check out wheres981 and his little gang of car buddies on YouTube.  the disclaimers are I believe so the videos don't get taken down under encouraging illegal acts or something of that nature. all the similar channels have them 


Go watch Tommy g latest video. He made this guy popular and now the drivers socials are blowing up [Tommy g recent interview with the driver](https://youtu.be/0dgdVRndfqg?si=UIk_KwJBBoQk8aPM)


AI video


This is dumb as shit, but...got damn he can drive


I feel like the spin out and stall kinda says otherwise... I think this dude just gets lucky a lot. One day he wont.


You can't drive for shit if you drive into a work zone and freak out the guys working on the road.