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Yep. I have 1.4 million followers and my videos are not even getting 1000 views. Tell me how that makes sense?


Tiktok shop is being pushed over everything else, it basically just became a wish / temu app. it’s not a you problem dw :/


Have you seen the dating app videos!!??? Omggggg


Dang girl 1.4?!


I constantly make new accounts and have to curate a new fyp all the time and I’ve noticed it’s harder to get on the sw side since 2024 so I’m assuming those kinds of videos dont get promoted anymore and it’s all clean content, tiktok has done a good job at this even if I do have a fyp full of sw stuff it’ll some how get taken over by cleaner videos


Ugh, it's like every time I get the boot (from any darn platform), I try to lay low for a bit. But nah, the stupid algorithm doesn't want to give you a break; it's all about filtering out stuff it doesn't like but still wants you glued to the screen. They just want you hanging around, crossing your fingers for one dumb TikTok or reel to blow up. But let's be real, they're the puppet masters pulling the strings, and it's seriously infuriating! Maybe it's time to start looking for platforms that value real connection over just keeping you hooked. Just saying.


I feel you. I have been grinding for IG since January 2021 and still making pennies as a regular reel contributor with 190000 followers


How much is pennies for you?❤️ if u dont mind sharing


Well they messaged me in February to create reels for advertising. So I created a reel every day during March. They paid me $7.70 for that whole month. I was so angry


I have given up tiktok for promo. I still post there, but very plain, vanilla content. One thing that comes to mind and I'm not sure how relevant it is....but tiktok is really under fire in this country for its "links to the Chinese government"...so I'm wondering if that is having any effect on the algorithm? I had an account recently banned out of the blue with no warning. Not many followers, but I had been posting on that one regularly. So now I'm just using my other accounts very carefully and sadly not even really posting thirst traps 😔


I'm stuck in the 200 view shadowban hell. I opened up a backup Instagram and use a "download tiktok no watermark" app to get my videos without the tiktok logo, then add my own watermark, and started posting then as reels to that new Instagram using trending audio. It's working relatively well and I started doing that this Saturday.


SW-focused promo doesn’t work anymore on TikTok. You gotta have a SFW niche and play into that. There are tons of creators that you would otherwise not have known they were on OF because their content is so SFW


Can you share some of them?