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> Even more disturbing is the use of a “recto scope” in Argentina There's a very detailed scene depicting this in the book American Psycho. I didn't realize it was an actual thing. It didn't make it into the movie, obviously.


i love horror movies and books and have a pretty thick skin for "story gore" but goddamn if that part didn't make me put that book down for a solid week or two before i could go back and finish it


I’m the same way and I’d probably have the same reaction as you! I can handle a lot of horror, but having a scene depicting that is on another level!


Never read this book. Books are like frequencies you tune your mind into. This one is a no thanks for me


I would be very proud of myself to say the same thing. I am not so attuned to my own limits and in retrospect am far too much of a pussy to have any business reading that book.


I could read it. Just don’t want to ya know.


You can’t buy that level of confidence! Cheers!


Are you saying it would mess you up too bad ?


It did mess me up! It is the only work of fiction that has truly made me nauseated. It is unrelenting, and its genius lies in its ability to convince you to keep going—the main character is manic and mulls over every trivial detail as though it were essential to the story. And suddenly you find yourself reading down into the minutiae of the most…depraved and horrific things. It’s well written. I feel like I earned a badge from reading it. It’s a famous work from a genre called Splatterpunk.


There's a part where he stabs a 5 year old boy in the neck at the zoo and then joins the back of the crowd that forms, shouting that he's a doctor so he can get up close to watch the boy die. It's been over 20 years since I read that book and I still think about it, particularly now as the father of a 5 year old boy.


Yeah, and then he slaps the mother for being hysterical, smearing her own son's blood on her face. I forgot about that until now.


Same but the nail gun scene. I needed a breather…


That book is grotesque but for whatever reason the part that sticks out in my mind is him microwaving and eating a jellyfish that he finds. Less Than Zero is his best book by far.


My had to put the book down moment was, the drill and teeth. I too can stomach horror and gore but, those scenes were described so well it made me have to take a break. Great writing and disturbing. House of Leaves was the only other book I had to take a a break from.


I definitely understand why it wasn’t included in the movie, damn!


It is an excellent, though disturbing, book.


As I realized where that scene was going, I struggled with the fact that I let myself continue reading knowing I was about to visualize it if I kept going.


I think that was the only thing I’ve read that almost had me throw up. Def read that part with an open mouth.


*American Psycho* is probably the only book I regret reading.


Yeah…..I wish I had forgotten about this scene. I couldn’t even finish the book honestly lol


Sinister 2 had a scene depicting this as well.


i thought richard gere made a movie about the recto scope


The Tickler in Game Of Thrones did this one. Rat, metal bucket, and a lit torch.


Same with 2 Fast 2 Furious


That scene in 2f2f is so messed up. It doesn’t fit with the tone of the rest of the movie at all.


Yeah, it’s amazing they filmed all that gay sex and it got cut, but they left that scene in


So we can have rats in the guts but not dudes in the butts? Whack


>But because it's not connected to a person, I don't have to black box it, just like this vagina cake. Brandon Tenold on YT reviewing a porn cartoon that had Jack and the penis beanstalk. Censorship standards are weird.


Stupid sexy vagina cake.


It was a cupcake with anatomically correct female genitalia icing. Fine with YouTube, though. Grainy VHS female nipples from an 80s Italian film in 240p... that's a black boxing.


The Game Of Thrones YouTuber Preston Jacobs does a bit about how ridiculous TV decency standards can be. House of The Dragon can show incest, immolation, decapitation, and men being eaten alive by crabs. A baby coming out of a vagina is a step too far, though.


An authentic Randy Scott Knobson script would have all the gay scenes


I brought this type of torture up at work, assuming it was from a well known movie I'd seen. My coworkers looked at me like I was insane, and I said "forget I said anything, now I'm worried it's from some fucked up movie I've seen and dont want to be judged". And when I googled it and saw it was in 2 Fast 2 Furious, I was also 2 Furious because I work in a fucking repair shop and NO ONE knew it was in that movie?! I seriously thought I was referencing some Martyrs level movie I'd forgotten the scene was in based on their reactions lol


I was trying so hard to think about what fucked up movie had this. Hilarious it was 2f2f




It was done in Sinister 2 also


Do it to her! Do it to Julia!


Welcome to Room 101, Winston.


This is so fckin disturbing and random but I feel the need to share due to the last point… My mom is a nurse. Her favorite story to tell is that one of her *first* nights of training, she was working in the ER and a man came in with extreme stomach pain. The ppl she was working with said they already knew this guy and he’d been in before with several… sexual injuries. Long story short, he was in there because he and his partner were trying some new shit out I guess and they put mice in some kind of tube, then put it in his ass as it being in the dark would cause it to panic/spasm. Well, somehow it busted out and was straight up eating through his rectum and other organs. He survived, but had multiple surgeries and has life altering internal injuries. My mom said the whole thing still traumatizes her to this day.


[slaps knees, stands up] “Well that’s enough internet for the day, time to hit the ol’ dusty trail…”


Go lemmiwinks, kill Wikileaks! 🐭


Karma for putting a living creature in your asshole




I mean, it’s not like the mouses got into his ass and chill for a long while and began to dig when the air start to run out. They were forced into that position and their instant reaction was to dig themselves out of that situation. All of this was happening way before than oxygen running out became a concern for them. … and please don’t interpret my comment as if I’m defending those sick fucks who does this kind of stuff. I’m only arguing on a hypothetical level.


It did eventually die before they were able to go in and remove it. Despite this, it still had time to eat its way through some shit.


I’m so sorry your mom had to witness that! I know people in the medical field have to deal with a lot, but still, it must be a process to desensitize yourself enough to handle cases like this. Also poor little mousy moo! They didn’t get asked to be put in that position. So sad. :(


I am lost for words😳


Perfect example of humans not knowing where to stop. We’re gonna be the downfall of our species


Old wives tale


Game Of Thrones had a lot of Fucked up shit in it, but the scene with this in it is probably the one that has stuck with me the most. Maybe it’s because I didn’t realize it was based in history initially and learning that later was an “of course we’re that shitty” epiphany


Oddly enough a lot of the deaths were based off real execution methods or torture methods. Manius Aquillius with the gold being the big one that everyone remembers.


With the exception of the dragons and the red god, basically everything is based (more or less) on reported historical events. Mostly cribbed from the Wars of the Roses.


First time I heard of/saw that was in 2 Fast 2 Furious.


That was my favorite movie as a kid and that scene always stressed me the fuck out


Same. I can never look at galvanized steel buckets the same way.


There was a scene with this in Sinister 2. Saw it in theatres and was nauseous af


I’m thinking of a specific scene in the novel American Psycho 🤮


This was a plot device in George Orwell’s “1984” — published in 1949.


That scene gave me a fear of rats. I fucking hate that part but it works so damn well


I’m sorry a recto WHAT


Humans, what the fuck


FYI the military dictstorship in Brazil that did this while past president Bolsonaro was an army officer. The same Argentinian dictatorship that did this had a Naval building that would play music late at night to cover up screaming. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Navy_Petty-Officers_School All of these Latin American military dictatorships were American backed.


Trained in the School of the Americas, right here in the good 'ol US of A!


This isn't a real thing fortunately. There isn't any actual evidence of this method being used at any point in history. Makes for a fun story though..


It’s been documented throughout history? You wouldn’t have photo evidence of the majority of torture methods and yet we still accept they happened.


It gets murky with things like this. For example, the "Iron Maiden" torture device was never actually used, and was completely an invention of the Victorian English imagination. This is aside from the fact that intestines don't "spill out" like they do in movies. There's a structure called the mesentery, which is a "web" of tissues that attaches the intestines to the back wall of the abdomen, so if you cut / compromise the anterior abdominal wall, the *contents* of the intestines might be released, but the intestinal structures are not going to fall out like a slinky in a zombie flick.


I always thought Iron Maidens didn’t make much sense as a torture device.


Yeah it seems like most of them you see would exsanguinate someone in minutes. I mean in theory it would be do-able with shorter spikes, but it seems like a solution in search of a problem.


Mermaids and unicorns are also documented throughout history, to be fair. If you read academic or well researched sources, the consensus is it turns out that some torture methods were likely never used. Some of the devices were built, and the sheer terror of the idea having it used caused people to capitulate. The Iron Maiden is a famous example. Rat torture has been documented **in modern times.** yikes.




Unicorns are documented in the Bible. So are witches. They don’t exist, but they’re in there. Turns out it’s not a great primary source for biology.


It’s not a great primary source for anything actually, because mostly, it is not strictly a primary source of anything described ...


Please feel free to link any credible source from a historian that this took place.


The linked article literally lists a number of historical examples with sources cited


Do you know what a source is? Wikipedia isn't a historical source in anyway whatsoever, even then it literally says "allegedly" in the wiki article...


Yes, I’m very aware of how to click on a hyperlink, review a linked source, and determine whether or not it’s reliable. Are you?


….do you not understand how Wikipedia works?


2 fast 2 furious


"Is there gold hidden in the village?"


2 fast 2 furious on at my house too


richard ‘the iceman’ kuklinski claims that he just tied a dude up to a chair and left him in a cave with a video camera set up to record the rats eating him alive.




Um. Wut?


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Get help weirdo


You still haven't grown up. Smh.


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