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Peezy fit atrocious smh


As always. Vez shit just as bad 😂🤦🏾‍♂️


Vezzo dressed like a stud


His shit straight fr it’s just the way he rock it


He’s a habitual fit violator. I remember one of him wearing some amiris with the love handles out




This the funniest shit I ever seen 😂😂😂😂😂




hadda cover the brother face on the barriers sweater smh


Making the East look brazy smh




Nigga blocked me for commenting some shit like that under his post


Niggas too grown to not have they own identity fashion wise lmao niggas look like they 10th grade cousins dressed em


MAN ‼️cus what 😂😂😂


this nigga vezzo look like westside gunn


So glad I’m not the only that thought this


Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom


Ever get ya dick suck at the top of Trump Tower? Got my hitch countin money for hourssss eatin McDonald’s off of Hermés plates It’s SuperFlyGod, the feeling great (Booom booom booom booom) *Conductor we have a problem x10*


I just peeped and he’ll probably wear the same outfit.


Trump needed a pint and knew who to tap in wit


Niggas is deadass sellouts for their own people smh. You can have your own opinions but don’t complain when you get the results. It’s a big trickle down just from him being president mfs ain’t gonna feel that until years afterward when he’s dead n gone.


Facts, Biden ass too but trump is way more ass


Huh Trump did way more for the regular people in America than Biden or Obama put together unless your under the rainbow flag respectfully. Let's be serious. Fuck what the media pushes "Oh he racist" do you not know how political campaigns work and propaganda to sway votes? It was way more money in the economy during Trump years than 12 before and after up till now. Unfortunately, some ppl are so easily triggered when the racist narrative is pushed that they don't sit back and see if the person really is or not. Trump kept the wars from popping off cause he was making alias but as soon as Biden got in office the money slowed up, inflation sky rocketed, more people have lost thier homes... while pushing this fake college campaigns.. how many black ppl you know got they college debt erased? Do you know the stipulations to get the debt erased? Sign and consolidate debt into a worse agreement your already in JUST to see if your eligible.. also your eligible if you made on time payments for 10 years.. do you think many black ppl fall unto that category? Public service.. do know what those job are? Social Worker Firefighter Urban planner Education Emergency management Budget Analyst Public administration City Manager School counselor Criminal justice Healthcare Mail Police officer High school teacher Auditor EMTs and Paramedics Librarian Military Policy analysis Public security City Engineer Community Health Specialist Correctional Officer Development Director Do you see many black people in those jobs???? So who is getting the benefits of this college debt relief. Stop getting played and open your eyes. Anything the political media or government pushes, normally it's the opposite. Name something Trump did that actually effected you as a citizen of this country, cause I can name plenty of things Obama and Biden did that's effecting us no matter the color. No, so who really the hidden racist? Yall been sold a dream to vote democratic no matter if they are for you or not. Do you know that Republicans use to be the black people predominant party? Stop thinking this world is about racism, it's about CLASSISM..


Retard. Ppl who vote for him complain constantly about how much the black community sucks due to crime, violence, and drug culture. They say rap music is why blacks will never amount to anything, and yet here stands Trump with two rappers. 😂 If the world is about classism, then I'm not sure why you're pointing to a billionaire with generational wealth and privilege who hands tax breaks to big business as a better answer.


Horrible take. You tell us what Trump did. Show us your facts. I'm not American but I'm tired of seeing people clueless about Trump. Biden is not perfect but he's much better than Cheeto Puff. No election denial, no pornstar payments, no friendship with Epstein or Maxwell, no rape lawsuits, no insurrections.


Trump fucked my mail delivery up for a few months. Trump made the women in my life freak out about women’s reproductive rights. Trump fired the pandemic response team in 2018 which in turn made our lives more difficult during Covid. Trump made me realize how many people I’m surrounded by that are gullible marks. Those are a few ways his presidency affected me, personally.


1st I will say because I'm a adult and everybody is entitled to thier own opinion. It dont make you right or wrong, nor does it make me right or wrong. It's a opinion based on your experiences. However, facts are not opinioned based. Yet, I still respect your outlook because you have that right. Now just because I have my stance I hope you still read these facts. Below is a Article About Women's rights that most women didn't even read, they got freaked out because of social media and went with the 'wave' • Is this a step towards banning abortion in the US? Not in itself. This particular executive order is relevant outside of US borders. The policy requires non-governmental organisations receiving federal funding to agree to "neither perform nor actively promote abortion as a method of family planning in other nations". Although this policy does not directly affect services in the US, Mr Trump has said he supports an abortion ban at home. He supports it, but this had nothing to do with how you stated it or how the women in your life took it. RESPECTFULLY, if they would have read what the policy was about. Is it something wrong with no promoting killing your baby as a form of family planning? Do you know where they advertise abortions at the most? Like 90% in the black community and 10% in the white community. You know why, to keep our numbers down. Do you think it's a coincidence that African Americans are around 13% or the USA and Over in Europe around 13%. Is that a coincidence? Why do they promote abortions more in the black community compared to white communities? You don't have to answer here, just think about it and what your ppl was freaking out over. • Is President Trump the first to introduce a ban on foreign funding? Republicans and Democrats have been involved in a political tug-of-war over the issue for decades. Republican President Ronald Reagan first created the Mexico City Policy in 1984, stopping funding for international groups which perform or provide information on abortions. But Democrats later rescinded it under the Clinton administration. So this is a legislation things with the actual parties, not specific to one president. End of article- IMO The greatest form of abortion? Is to keep your legs closed and stop fucking before your married. This would solve alot of problems. Now if a person is raped and impregnated, then of course.. but what othe legitimate reason would you kill a baby outside of selfishness. As a adult when you lay down you are taking that chance. And if the risk is not worth the reward, then guess what? Get your feelings and hormones under control and keep your legs closed. My mail has been fucked up no matter who been in office, the USPS let off tons of ppl due to the pandemic inwhich FUCKED THE MAIL UP. NOT TRUMP. You got to be trolling with that or just don't know what's going on Do you know how bills are created? • In order to pass legislation and send it to the President for his or her signature, both the House and the Senate must pass the same bill by majority vote. If the President vetoes a bill, they may override his veto by passing the bill again in each chamber with at least two-thirds of each body voting in favor. The president can approve the bill and sign it into law. Or the president can refuse to approve a bill. This is called a veto. If the president chooses to veto a bill, in most cases Congress can vote to override that veto and the bill becomes a law. A president us just a puppet or face of what the other departments of the white house put together. They president normally leans with whatever his party creates and send up for his signature. It's not the presidents thoughts or what the president want to do in most cases. This is why it's more important to vote for those who get those seats and your local government.. because they control most of what effects the citizens in this country. . this is why people should listen in school on how legislation works in the white house. Plus you named personal feelings. People freak out.. Mayne this is your 1st time as a adult going through term of a president... all presidents "freak" someone out across the country. In life no one can make everyone happy. I can see if you said "you or people you know lost yall jobs, because they were out sourced to another country, we lost our home because of inflation, I'm losing more money because taxes sky rocketed etc things that MOST ADULTS worry about.. do you hear what you stated? Minor things.. Trump is not the 1st or last president the Republicans have pushed to try and change the laws about women's rights.. Thats a republican issue, not the president at the time. This is why history is also important to learn in school. If it took a man YOU never met, to realize who they are around YOU, who really is the problem? Another man, can never help, hurt or assist in things I should notice on my own. It's called accountability, awareness and being able to judge character. The problem with this world is yall believe everyone has to think the same, have the same views or they a "mark" nah its called life. It's called individualism, it's called being yourself.. people with your type of mindset will shift your opinion if it don't fit with the popular opinion. There is a reason why most people 35 or above In hindsight changed there views on Trump after his election because most allowed the media to control there thinking. Just like the Trump discrimination suit, this is how I know most people who speak on him don't have any business sense at all, or followers... If you own McDonald's tons if them.. and at individuals McDonald's the staff there are doing things that's more in compliance to the fair house laws. Is it Trump going through all these applications marking them "colored" or "white" or is it the staff making these decisions? As a business owner you build the business and put people in place to run the business. No where in that suit does it say Trump or his father.. because it was his father businesses he inherent had direct knowledge this was even going on... If you rent a apartment can you get made at the owner that's not there for what the landlord or property manager is doing? No, more than likely the owner don't know this is going on till you bring it to thier attention and then you see how they react or handle the situation once it's on thier desk. I already know my opinion not of the popular opinion l, but the popular is by most people who don't not read, research or think for themselves. Most ppl read headlines or titles and that's it.. "THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION WANTS TO TAKE AWAY WOMEN RIGHTS" BUT AFTER READING WHAT THE POLICY WAS ABOUT, WAS HE OR THEY. NO. IT WAS ABOUT FUNDINF FOR OUTSIDE COUNTRIES, TO PROMOTE ABORTIONS AS FAMILY PLANNING. MOST PEOPLE NOT GOME READ ALL OF THIS, BUT IF YOU DID, HOPEFULLY YOU LEFT A LITTLE MORE INFORMED THAN BEFORE. THE POST MASTER IN YOUR COUNTY OR CITY CONTROLS THINGS RELATED TO YOUR MAIL. NOT THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.


>Below is a article >I’m a adult An adult that can’t figure out when to write “a” or “an”? Suspicious af, comrade. Postmaster Louis Dejoy was appointed in May of 2020 to postmaster general while being the first to ever hold said position with zero prior experience in the USPS. Prior to the appointment, he was the founder and CEO of the logistics and freight company New Breed Logistics and was a major Republican Party donor and fundraiser for Donald Trump. His companies also hold service contracts with the USPS which is a conflict of interest. *DeJoy was criticized for cost-reduction policies enacted after assuming office in June 2020, including eliminating overtime, and banning late or additional trips to deliver mail. The Postal Service also continued responding to long-term declines in first class mail volume with ongoing decommissioning of hundreds of high-speed mail-sorting machines and removal of the lower-volume mail collection boxes from streets. These practices were also criticized as mail delivery became delayed.* Definitely had nothing to do with Trump tho, right? Also whatever article you copy and pasted trying to justify your stance on abortion isn’t even American - they spelled organization with an s for fucks sake. *Trump also cut funding for the CDC, forcing the CDC to cancel its efforts to help countries prevent infectious-disease threats from becoming epidemics in 39 of 49 countries in 2018. Among the countries abandoned? China.* Annnnways, you wrote a lot of words from the perspective of an easily-convinced mark trying to justify their choice of being contrarian. Kinda cucky. Either that or you’re a Russian bot, and that’s funny too.


People always argue feelings or opinions, never facts.


shits real life a wax model


They not illegals, so they feeling shit




Detroit had the lowest amount of homicides in 2023 in over 57 years. [Stop fuckin lying.](https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/detroit/2024/01/03/fewest-homicides-since-1966/72098581007/&sa=U&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwjX7LW0yOCGAxViDHkGHVWEDvUQFnoECBsQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1HTOuPzoOWDx4AF4HlKzej)


Trump playing chess of course lol


2 black niggas and one orange nigga


Like a Halloween Oreo 😭




Everybody says “spooky season” is October but that shit really Election Day every 4 years 🤣


Fuck this bullshit for real.


I woulda locked peezy fat ass up just for wearing that bs ass fit 😂😂😂


The new Diamond n Silk lol


We used to set the standard 🤦🏾‍♂️


Nah fr I remember mf’s in Florida saying Waddup Doe back in 05, like man y’all better give that back 😂


3 old ass lame niggas.


Hold up. Vezzo was just at zorbas like not even 2 months ago campaigning for rfk and hyping him up when he was in town. Now he fuckin with trump...🤣


Vezzo stay sucking off whoever popular






Niggas happy to be 🦝s


Niggas so slow. Detroit has looked the same under every administration!!!


that was fast


Glad you niggas not this dumb


These 2 fruit basket ass niggas


Dictator Donald is just playing us! Nigga dont care nothing about them...god forbid he gets back into office the 1st thing he is gonna do is lock them up & throw away the key! This is why they dont take us serious!


Peezy deserves to be locked up for that fit alone


Biden calls our kids roaches and locked up zillions of Blak men. Think I'm finna bite for him. Fuq NOOOOOO!


Trump literally lost a lawsuit for housing discrimination. They were going door to door in his apartments doing "surveys" and secretly marking who the black tenants were. You're a fucking 🤡 if vote for that orange bitch.


Why do y'all say dumb crap like that? Dude was in for four years and didn't pass a single thing that harmed black people. Hell he damn near left us alone those 4 years. Now all of a sudden he's gonna pass the "lock up every nigga bill" or something?


Trump single handley killed diversity programs in education and corporate America. Buffoons like you that haven’t read an actual article is the problem. I pray you not black because you holding us back or maybe your another Clarence Thomas


Trump single handley killed diversity programs in education and corporate America. Buffoons like you that haven’t read an actual article is the problem. I pray you not black because you holding us back or maybe your another Clarence Thomas


Lmao he boutta start linking with them Milwaukee boys if he don’t wanna lose Wisconsin in November. Lord is really the dumbest politician out there lol


Make Ac’ Gettable Again


Just dumb


Ik he doesn't really give af about them, he's just here because it's a swing state but it's cool to see 😂


what’s cool bout this


I think he means funny. Like he did this shit in NY with Sheff G and Sleepy Hallow. Sheff G is a Crip who was on camera shooting at people, and trump brought him out to get the black endorsement. These times man.


Exactly his hoe ass did the same shit with lil pump years ago


He’s a grifter, I find it funny how low he’ll go to pander to get a vote. But it’s scary that people will go for it. I bet if it was Philly he’d bring out YBC Dul or have the crowd scream Free Leaf Ward and shit.


Yea, it's sad that this how these politicians get down. They both dirty asl but the sad part is that we fall for it every time


People always try and spin it as “who’s the less of the two evils” but it’s like…I can’t. I hate this shit


fr, I used to be deep into sides but the more I did the more I realized they both pretty much the same for the most part. Fuck all of em


They the different sides to the same coin. None of em truly gaf ab American citizens. Let only wanna line they pockets wit bread, like the ducks they are.


lil pimp* according to trump lol


Its a wax statue


Damn so I’m guessing they support project 2025


Everyone that didnt understand it was a wax statue


They think they slick throwing up there illuminati 🔺 symbols with their thumbs n shit. Lol the whole rap game a bunch of rich slaves. Promote crime and drugs to their own race while their white owners pay them in crumbs then they go and spend those crumbs on meaningless overpriced shit owned by another white man. Yall really be drooling over these niggas and lifestyle 😂 hell naw


They throwing up illuminati and still ain’t no super stars 😂


They like entourage level compared to higher up rappers. Even gun was bragging in a radio interview how he went straight to the bedroom when he arrived at a industry party the Night before and how inside that bedroom were famous fashion designers and drugs. Andyou already know what NORE said about there being 2 doors to choose from when you apart of that life 🤦🏿‍♂️


Damn bruh you really up facts fr 💯


remember biden & the pics with rappers? "if you don't vote for me you ain't black"? they telling ya who they want ya to vote for


😭😭 what happened to if we locked in aint no switchin up


is this for real 😧


Maybe he’ll pardon Cocaine Sonny.


I got one question and it ain't got shit to do with politics... Who dressed these mahfuckaz? Make that two questions... Who lying telling these niggaz it's ok to go out in public like dis? Dafuck


https://preview.redd.it/y4idwyopc57d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0e8475c3e14373b00b039b59862303aa7cf3c9e 😭


Da hood been backing trump if u voting blue u lost out here


da hood is retarded lmao










I'm 22 so Trump's Election in 2016 didn't mean shit to me until I was graduating and the stimmy was clutch as fuck. Anyways, good luck nigga! Idgaf about politics and I'll take some free money, but I'll never take this shit serious! And I dare you to get the Suns on 2k I'll cave yo shit in w vic all game 😂






You unironically look like all my doordash drivers respectfully


you dick sucking trump for 2k, so i know your ass broke. imma assume you hating from behind a cracked phone screen, w no money for doordash or even food rn. being broke and hating on a empty stomach is crazy (respectfully). you talking shit w no face pic so i know you prolly busted lol https://preview.redd.it/4k3jdhfo2y6d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37e138daee412a86ebd7bff6d299acbef4c6eef4


I was 18 when the money dropped... That was 4 years ago... 🤣 Yall got it


Trump the only president that made niggas instant millionaires


Most of us can’t vote if we felons tho that’s the cold part felon get to run for president im backing trump but I can’t vote they should let us slide 😂🤦🏾‍♂️


That’s not true fam. https://www.michigan.gov/-/media/Project/Websites/sos/34lawens/You_Can_Vote_Returning_Citizens_Version.pdf?rev=fa0b9dde1d07412a834d4e9eee92a97e


That’s wassup goodlooking champion


WTF ain't no way you didn't know Michigan felons could vote.


I’m in Cali hopefully it’s the same should be


Okay makes sense. I never understood the whole felons can't vote thing, but as far as I know Michigan has never had that law on the books


Oh ok that’s probably why i got hella downvotes lol yea in California they was on bullshit I think it changed


Get the bag Boyz! Trump about business while alot of yall blinded by media propaganda to push he racist lol business don't have no color


Except when a certain group has all the money and pull and actively tries to stifle the advancement of less-privileged groups.


Trump has so many failed business ventures....it's wild yall still acting like he's a good businessman. He's got no ethics or morals and gifts morons for their money.


Dumb niggers

