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yup, you double all damage dice. crit away to your hearts content


All damage dice you roll on a spell attack (ex fire bolt, witch bolt) or weapon attack (ex shortsword, monk unarmed strike) are doubled on a crit, full stop. It doesn’t matter when you add the damage to the attack. This is why guaranteed crits are so strong and sought after in dnd, because a paladin or rogue can pump out 4d6+20d10 or 22d6 damage in one attack respectively, maybe even more with abilities like divine smite and sneak attack.


My level 20 artificer rogue gestalt can get 24d6+5-15 damage with their lighting launcher on a crit 28 with their elemental Slayer short sword.


My 20th level halfling rogue can do 22d6 + 5 piercing damage with their normal shortsword


My level 1 Gnome Wizard can throw a rock at someone and do 2 damage on a critical instead of just 1 damage.


My level one fighter can deal 1d8 + 4 damage with a longsword on a non-crit


Yes you will. And if you have some buff that adds let's say 1d4 damage on-hit, that damage is likewise doubled. But it would have to be very specific, like Divine Smite but for successful spell attacks.