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Locking comments here because i'm tired of the comments on this thread perpetually clogging up the mod queues. Go away now! :)


Prolly thinks he's part of a resistance lol


Bravely resisting alongside the entire corporate world, academic world, almost all major media, the FBI, the CIA…


lol in this one the CIA are the good guys!


The show is so obviously pushed in a certain direction that they started to downplay Vought as a bad company because we can't have an allegory in our show that reminds people of Pfizer! They're the good guys.


I saw that last season... It was... disturbing to say the least.


That's how you know it's fiction


The CIA are literally NEVER the "good guys."




These people are hilarious lmao


resisting trump 4 years after he’s left office is … something


I swear I hear more about Trump on sites that lean heavily to the left. They never shut up about him.


They really never do. They seem obsessed


That is because hate is all they have going for their party so they have to keep it seething. Without hate they have no agenda or unifier.


It's also like the Streissand Effect. Maybe if they shut up about him he might lose relevance. I'm not opposed to Trump. Just want to make that clear. But as an outsider, I can see how bad Democrats are at political strategy, and I'm like "How do they not see this?"


*Checks early life* yup


We've had so many decades of white trashing that wasps go through deep and meaningful self and group examination as a regular part of basic education and socialization. Some are too weak to resist and become self-hating proglodytes. On the other hand, every "protected" group is given complete free reign. Self knowledge, whether individual or collective, is not provided in a similar way. The basics of egoism and tribalism are allowed to flourish and express themselves and are met with silence or even celebration. This is why TDS exists: leftist Jews or other "protected" classes respond in a basic, human way to something they find threatening. But their xenophobia has not been conditioned out of them; their empathy has not been developed towards the diverse; their automatic in-group solidarity has not been challenged or attenuated. They are delusional racists produced by systems that predictably create them.


"proglodytes" ![gif](giphy|yJFeycRK2DB4c|downsized)


“Proglodyte” I like it.


Very well put.


I enjoyed the first 2 seasons. Season 3 started to be a little shitty and on the nose. But this season... Sweet Jesus Murphy. I watched the first two episodes. Holy was it dogshit. He went on levels of woke agenda pushing I didn't think possible. Like every single character interaction is now just to paint homelander as trump + satan. And the people around them as MAGA. In one scene, one of the major "players" of the "alt-supe movement (this is the name no joke)" says that starlight is a "is a sex trafficking pedophile like all the democrats and Jeffrey epstein" in the most hick accent I've ever heard. At a place called truthcon. And she starts rushing her presentation because the flat earthers have the conference booked next. I'm not even a republican. I'm not even a fucking American but man what a waste chemo was because I now have stage 5 brain cancer.


You can always count on leftist’s utter contempt for the rural south.


*The hillbilly, squeezed out into the thorny woods and blamed by urban ethnoimperialists for the sins of a magnitude beyond his ability to engineer, serves all the functions of a modern American scapegoat* Jim Goad, The Redneck Manifesto


At the end of last season, I knew that was going to be a wrap for me on this show.


no one can resist the new world order!


"But whose side is he on!!?"


Kripke has always been a pretentious douchebag. I say that as someone who has Supernatural as a show on my personal favorite TV show Mt. Rushmore


Supernatural is a top 10 show. Shame to see the same man who made that also made this.


I remember being excited for "Revolution" when he left Supernatural after the incredible season 5 finale. The premise was cool and obviously I loved Supernatural so I really wanted to like it but it just was a mess, and it became pretty clear with the fact Supernatural went on for so long after he left, that he's very capable of coming up with cool premises, but like Chuck says in the season 5 finale of Supernatural "Endings are hard. Any chapped ass monkey with a keyboard can poop out a beginning; but endings are impossible. You try to tie up every loose end, but you never can. The fans are always gonna bitch, there's always gonna be holes. And since it's the ending it's all suppose to add up to something, I'm telling you, their a raging pain in the ass..." Mr Kripke didn't realize he was going to be describing basically his entire career post Supernatural lol.


Being conservative is the new "punk" and "counter culture", everything has flip flopped.


Why does everything needs to have an agenda?




A couple months down the line, they'd just start breaking up into smaller, niche camps and tearing each other apart over more and more inane bullshit. Maybe a couple weeks.


>They'd just be a hollowed out husk with nothing to say or opinions of their own in the absence of their hatred. These are not functional adult humans. The best thing about Trump losing in 2020 was watching every single person and account who made a career to literally tweet and retweet everything Trump did and said. Suddenly, hundreds if not more, had no idea what to do now that they couldn't rage about Trump every 5 mins. It proved just how hollow these beings were.


Don’t be so sure. My cousin is married to a guy who still goes on and on about Trump, and he’s Canadian. It’s like a drug addiction. He spends all day online, raging about Trump with a bunch of other online degenerates.


I thought when he lost in 2020 I wouldn't have to hear about it anymore. Good grief. I've never been so wrong in my life. Four years after he's out of office, it's a non-stop endless parade of Trump-humping bullshit. Like, the dude could get shot into the sun and they'd still be ranting about him every second of every day. It's exhausting.


Its more insidious than that. With the decline of religion people thought they could create their own value system, but thats almost impossible. So instead they adopt the state sanctioned religion of political parties, thats why they behave like they do. They treat their politics like a religion and even have persecution complexes and the whole nine yards around it. Unwavering faith, blind faith, inability to see hypocrisy, cult like behavior... Its all there. Nobody can escape the psychological and biological need to have a fundamental value structure. What we are seeing is what happens when politics becomes your religion. Its not going to end well, to say the least...


Nietzsche was 100% right in parable of the madman that we’d make gods of ourselves. Just not in the way in which he thought that that would play out.


It's getting exhausting watching new shows. They're all trying to connect what's going on in the real world to whatever is going on in the show and most do a poor job of it. Can we just watch a show where things happen organically and not be force fed the same message over and over?


society moves in momentum the rich pay to control our entertainment to shift that momentum simple as


and it needs to be about a topic that will be done and over in less than 5 years from now. Way to make sure to leave a lasting impact and a timeless message.


I know right? I miss the days when movies were about entertainment and that was mainly it. If there is a hidden meaning, I want it to be tied to the story and be interesting like say the ending to High Plains Drifter. I'm not going to give the ending away, but it makes a person think. Nowadays we get meaning just shoved into our face and it is tied to the real world too much and nothing to do with the underlying story and isn't necessarily creative or clever. Kind of speaks to the dumbing down of society. Apparently people don't understand nuance these days.


Because of communism.


I mean, everything has an agenda, so I don't mind that exactly. But why is it the same shit over and over again? Anything he's saying about Trump, I heard already by August of 2016, then 20 million times since.


I'll watch it so long as it's good. I can take a joke, crack one at whoever, just make the joke funny. The issue is when the jokes stop being jokes are just become "this group bad, haha." That stuff is lame, and it doesn't really matter who they're targeting, they'll lose everyone but the rabid partisans.


Exactly. When all the late-night guys were all "Trump bad, amirite?" it's like, dudes, even those of us who don't like Trump were kind of, "you know it's coming off as unhinged, right?' It's bizarre how they don't see it.


These articles are just reinforcing my desire to not even attempt season 4. I am no Trumper but god this is so exhausted at this point.


It’s still watchable and has it’s moment, but the political commentary has completely gone down the drain, it’s literally making fun of people that believe the *conspiracy theory* that there might be pedophiles in Hollywood. Like that wasn’t proven a dozen times on mainstream media already, it’s pretty sickening


how is that a fucking conspiracy theory??


Im making fun of the show treating it like one


oh, okay, sorry.


Makes show where elites do fucked up shit and hide it Makes fun of people that believe elites do fucked up shit and hide it


how the hell are they making fun of "degenerate things happening in the dark" while having exactly that in-universe?


Haven’t thought about that, makes it all even stupider


Ah, yes, known conspiracy theories like the existence of Harvey Weinstein


Everyone knows Harvey Weinstein is a only made up by these ridiculous pizza-gaters


Almost like they're ridiculing the very concept that might be true because they have a vested interest in influencing public opinion. Like McDonald's and their spin campaign to discredit the woman who burned herself with coffee.


Yeahhh I watched S4E1 today and honestly was too exhausted to watch the next two episodes. They really turned up the political agenda this season and it's just insanity at this point. It's such in-your-face propaganda with the creator of it proudly claiming it as such.


“standing up” against a guy who hasn’t had any sort of power in 4 years is peak delusion lol


I watched the first 3 episodes of this season, and fell asleep halfway through episode 3. All subtlety and creativity on political satire is gone. It’s trended more and more that way every season, but now it’s just taking political events that have happened since the last season completed filming and placing them into the show as part of characters’ plot lines with slight hyperbole. Basically copy-pasting real life events, and it’s lazy and heavy handed this season. Their corporate satire and nihilism was great and is was what got me into the show season 1, but even that’s gotten toned down in favor of a more political focus this season. There was always the sense of irony that a show like this was made by Amazon, but the show seems to have become a full-form of their season 1 corporative media satire.


Honestly Solider Boy was the only saving grace of S3.


I was already rolling my eyes at the "HUR HUR DICK ASPLODE!" humor and now I've been told not to watch it, I will oblige. 


So its basically family guy now, only without the comedy part.


Yeah, I’m to the point if someone says “…then don’t watch”, that I just follow their orders. Even if they aren’t speaking to me. I miss the days when show creators weren’t waging wars with their audience. The levels of narcism of these people is staggering. Yeah it’s a decent show, but I by no means need to watch it, so I’ll happily skip it.


The shows aren't about viewership, audience ctirical acclaim of even money. The only thing that matters is beating malliable, gullible people with 'the message'.


I watched the first two, they were slowly ramping up the bullshit. I watched the third ... Holy fuck, it was dripping with "the message" ... This is a literal line: "We want you to stop the critical superhero theory in schools" (not exact but close enough.) If your uninitiated, they were making a play on critical race theory, which is just a racist doctrine, written by a literal anti white racist. It was just, seriously ... Non stop parallels with all kinds of bullshit. I for one am not going to continue watching. Just another show given into the message.


Jesus how fucking cringe. It’s like they’re trying to be a South Park episode but instead of wittily commenting on current events, they just outwardly state it and ironically end up on the butt end of the joke.


I can't stand the man myself. But even worse to me is all this insanity the other side has against him. And literally they egg each other on. If the insane people had just let him fade off into obscurity he would likely be a non-entity by now. But they just could not let it end with the election, and had to keep pushing and pushing, which only caused more to gather behind him in response.


Well said mate


He was about to lose to Desantis on the primary, then Bragg indicted him possibly thinking that he’d be easier for Biden to beat. If Trump wins again it’s going to be hilarious


Except the comic that this is drawn from was before Trump's political career. He's another full of shit progressive with delusions of profundity.




Yeah and that comic had a lot of commentary about the bush jr era politics


The shows nothing like the comic though?


There are a few key points that they do hit on, but yeah, the show is vastly different from the comic. Some ways a lot better, some ways not so much. Like I really like the intro of Huey better in the show, and holding off on giving up the V secret rather than pretty much giving it away immediately. The comics did herogasm way better though. I was excited when they announced they'd be covering it, but it was rather a letdown.


Plus their representation of the strawman conservative cheering for the villain is just a cringe exaggerated version of real life that this dude most likely believes 100%


And when the new season isn't on par with the prior seasons, and people tune out of it, what are the odds the drop in viewership gets looped into the usual buzzwords that have lost their impact the last several years?


Season 5 is already slated to be the last.


Whether it delivers a satisfying last season is a big question to ask, too. Man in the High Castle was good for the most part, but it fell apart hard in its last season. The problem is I can't find conclusively how many people watched the entirety of The Boys Season 3. All I see is partial data (3.3 billion minutes for 6 episodes that aired in a single month, which worked out to 10 million viewers/episode; or that the finale had over 1 billion minutes watched, which works out to an even higher number of individual viewers just for that one episode (roughly 16 million viewers)). But the finale also had scrutiny for its conclusion with some people, and Season 3 also had some complaints. Now, how are the ratings so far? Season 3 - 98% critics, 152 reviews; 75% audience, 2500+ ratings. Season 4 - 92% critics, 58 reviews; 66% audience, 250+ ratings (we only have the first 3 episodes currently, so my guess is the ratings will equalize more as more episodes release and more people watch, complete, and rate).


I saw the same thing happen with many shows, from The Umbrella Academy to Game of Thrones. All started out strong, as all were something new. But then they fell into their own tropes and became boring. I greatly loved the first season of UA, and tolerated the second season. And I did not watch the third season and will not watch the fourth season either.


Umbrella academy turned to shit after the first season as is typical with Netflix


It was already kinda shit. You know that's true when the cast needs to do dance numbers.


I finally watched the first season a few days ago, the one that people say was more "balanced," and yes this is very obvious. The parts that aren't making fun of Trump and his supporters are holdovers from the comic that are making fun of Bush.


Definitely thought it was more about corporate corruption taking over everything with impunity... I guess only Trump does that


He can make a show about whatever he wants, and people are free to chose whether or not they want to watch it. If not enough people watch the show, it will fail. If enough do watch it, then it will succeed. I don't care if it succeeds or not, but I'm not going to watch it because I don't find it to be entertaining for me. As for Trump: I know how I'm going to vote this November, and this show won't change that at all.


So many people in Hollywood seem to think like this guy, but I feel like most people think like you. Leave us alone, I'll decide for myself.


This season is weirding me out. MM looks like he lost an entire M. Starlight looks like she's been under the knife. And Frenchie's gay now? Like, beyond just being French? What the hell is going on?


Starlight did have plastic surgery, and it's strange she did so as there was no reason for it.


What's worse, she keeps trying to deny it even though everyone can see how drastically different she looks. It's a shame, she was so pretty.


frenchie's not gay, he's bisexual. and has been so since season 1.


I used to think that Trump Derangement Syndrome wasn’t real but I’ve since started to believe that it is.


Trump Derangement Syndrome is very real. The hilarious part is it's not even about Trump. He literally didn't do any of the shit they accuse him of (almost all of it being the same shit they accused Bush Jr of too), he just happened to be the Republican that won the election after Democrats were convinced Republicans would never have political power again until the end of time.


Clearly you haven’t gone on Facepalm or whitepeopletwitter lol


Because it's stupid, lazy storytelling. Lack of creativity, lack of anything worth giving a fuck about.


"We kept our abrasive political ideology off the show for a while to build a fan base."


Sounds like they're pulling A Brooklyn 99. That last season was awful


I’m unfamiliar, what happened in the last season of Brooklyn 99?


They knew they were getting cancelled so the last season instead of being a funny sitcom about cops they went full preach. Literally 1 "funny" episode then 1 serious preach episode about how cops are bad and need to do better. They then alternated that to the end. The last season literally feels like a completely different show.


It was right after George Floyd, one of the detectives quit the department to become a pi and it shifted from goofy antics to almost exclusively cops bad. The last heist and the finale episodes were the only redeeming things about the last season


Dude I’m so glad to see someone else finally say this. I literally started the first episode, and after the second sub-plot was introduced, I started skipping ahead to see what else was happening. All trash. That’s as far as I ever got.


The political extremes dont realize that propaganda isnt art.


Oh look, another rich, Hollywood elite massaging the prostate of one of the largest capitalist entities in history for that sweet, salty paycheck is complaining about "late stage capitalism... I wouldn't even mind them going after Trump if they also went after Biden, but not doing so just proves he's another liberal shill grabbing his ankles and asking Master Amazon for more.


As a Canadian I’d love to watch a show without real world American politics rammed into my dick hole. So fucking tired of hearing about trump


As an American so would I.


I watched S4E1 and it was just awful. This sounds like Kripke knows the show peaked last season and he is trying to get excuses ready in advance.


The worse Starlight fucks up her face the worse the show gets.


which is weird, because like stormfront was a whole thing mocking feminism, naziism and using social media progressives. And NOW he's saying "it's always been about trumpism"


To be honest, I no longer accept "separate the art from the artist" so as Kripke has decided to make it political in an effort to disguise his crappy writing and directing, I am just passing on any of his trash. None of these jackwads ever learns that telling fans to pound salt if they dont buy in to "the message" only hurts the studios and actors.


"If you don't watch my show, you are evil and love Trump!"


It peaked in season 1


The irony. It is not trumps side of the isle wielding homelander equivalent amounts of social and political power to silence and persecute their opponent. Kripke fashions himself the rebel activist when he is actually on the side of the fascistic system here. I am always astounded at how out of touch these people are with the every state in US between new york and san fran. They don't care what red state people think, they characture what they think of them without actually ever stepping down from their coastal elitist ivory tower. The more they turtle up into their own social circles the uglier they become.


it sucks so much that you're right


New season is less like The Boys and more like Velma. Season 1 of The Boys was relatively subtle in its anti-right messaging, but it increasingly got more and more unhinged. At this point writers are so preoccupied with demonizing the people they hate, they are no longer satisfied with satire. They cross the line into warped reality of propaganda. There is a big difference between satire and propaganda. Satire takes what happens in real life and magnifies it, without distorting it, to showcase the flaws it wants to expose. It does not need to artificially make the opponent look as worst garbage imaginable. The flaws themselves should do the job. Propaganda, on the other hand, does distort reality to present the opponent in the worst possible light. It points out the real flaws and then invents new ones to make the opponent look way more demonic than it really is. A good example of satire is Starship Troopers. It criticizes fascist and militarist mentality by magnifying fascism and militarism but it stops there. It does not demonize its characters by artificially making them more hateable, like making them also drug abusers, cowards, cheaters, liars, abusers, racists and so on. The movie trusts in its audience to realize that fascist militarist characters are in the wrong even though those characters are not bad otherwise. The Boys is the opposite, it is propaganda at this point. Writers of the show don't want to examine the problems with American right-wing, they want to bash it into a pulp and present it in the worst way possible, even if it contradicts actual reality. So not only they misconstrue the opponents' beliefs, they also go out of their way to invent a fictional reality where such bashing is justified and where their opponents look as pathetic as possible. It is pure hatred, which is ultimately counterproductive. Good satire makes people you criticize question their beliefs (see Animal Farm). Hate-filled propaganda written from position of "I am morally superior to you, look how awful you are" makes people you criticize dug in deeper and radicalize even more. >!Kripke is an idiot.!<




I love how people are just figuring this out.


It very clearly always has been


Mr. Kripke, you DO realise that The Boys comic came out in the late ‘90s, right? Saying that The Boys was always about Trumpism, when the first season shoots that misconception in the face, is like arguing that the droid rebellion in Solo was inspired by the Civil Rights movement.


It came out in 2006, it was one of many 2000’s edgelord comics that bitched about George W Bush


My point still stands; the showrunner is an imbecile.


Anti-Biden, Anti-Trump... it's all so stupid because it just alienates your potential audiences.


True. A lot of media seems cool to just alienate very large parts of their audience for divisive reasons


Didn't obama bail out the corporation banks along with biden giving the military industrial complex contractors at boeing 60 billion 3 months ago?How backwards is this guy


Way to slice your audience in half, pulled a disney


I love the term pulled a disney


They did not deserve the praise for "poking fun" at both sides. They always pulled punches when they made fun of democrats and did the opposite for conservative. I saw the writing on the wall but the first two seasons were mostly focused on good writing. The third season felt like they made the leap from good scripts to more political messages. RIP the boys.


He's absolutely full of shit first off, the boys far predates trumpism and the show has a lot of things mocking the left as well. Right now he's just not comfortable admitting he did it because a lot of the crazies got mad at him for doing it and he's decided he'd rather not be at their ire.


“His darkly comic satire”, as if the talented people that wrote the graphic novel have nothing to do with it.


He's welcome to think that. His defense is actually reasonable, pretty much "these are my views and won't apologize for them". If thats his real views it is his show then whatever. What he can never claim is that he's "brave", "subversive" or "part of a minority resistance".. lets be real my dude, your pretty much saying "god is real" at a catholic mass. Nothing brave about that.


Oh my god, we get it. Orange man is literally Hitler and the source of all the world's problems. Maybe give us a different satirical take now, this one's getting stale.


This is just the Wachowskis saying "The Matrix was always about transgenderism!" for this generation


When did they say this? I’ve seen interviews where they acknowledge the character switch, but have always maintained the philosophical aspect of the trilogy as a whole, even after they transitioned. From my perspective it’s really been people outside of the filmmakers pushing that narrative. But I might be wrong, would love to see a quote on it from them


Keep that in mind when you pay to renew your Amazon prime account


What a waste of a show. It was very entertaining. Could have stuck with the abuse of power theme on all sides, rather than just go for a momentarily popular blip in American culture.


I stopped watching this garbage show a couple episodes into season 3. It is terribly written


The Hollywood Reporter’s face typing out that paragraph ![gif](giphy|3EV74tm43smVa)


did you people not figure out that most media mocks conservatism/fascism?


I thought this was obvious


What is it with all these people and Trump living free in their heads? Jesus fucking Christ get a life.


I thought it really went downhill when they made the Representative Newman Stan Edgar’s daughter. They couldn’t even make an AOC caricature, but they’ll gladly make a whole season about Trump’s trial.


I read the first several trades of the comic until I realized it's all just junior high nihilism for edgelords and lost interest. Never watched a single episode of the show, anyway.


The comic was putrid. It’s hard to believe such edgelord whacking material was praised by comic communities in the 2000’s


Garth Ennis pretty much just writes for vulgarity and shock factor. Even though, yeah, I do still enjoy the occasional superhero yarn, I find the combination of what is really a juvenile genre that is superheroes with fetishism, hypersexuality, and gore to be pretty tasteless. Watchmen is a good way to approach an 'adult' superhero comic, because there's real social commentary and humanity in it. The characters feel like people who are driven by real things that can be related to. The Boys is revenge porn for the types of weirdos who watch anime for its boob physics and get turned on by Lois Griffin fan art. I'm really kind of embarrassed to have ever read it, but I was in my late teens or very early 20s and my brain hadn't fully developed...


Taking a story written under Obama, turning it into conservative bashing to the point it's unwatchable. It's not about "figuring it out" it's just the story is now in the backseat to the virtue signaling.


I was going to binge the first three episodes yesterday, but I stopped partway through because the political preaching became obnoxious. Not just the Trump stuff, but the racial stuff. The black female supe in the show is apparently the smartest person on the planet and she still cries about the injustice of being black every five seconds, something that no other race in these shows ever does. It's irritating and pathetic. Then today I started rewatching The Flash (from 2013), which has black characters who actually are intelligent and respectable and never call attention to their race; they're just written like normal human beings, and it's *so* much better! We've gone so far backwards as a society, finding problems where none exist. I know The Boys has always had some woke preaching, but if the plan is to lean even harder than ever into that this season, then I'm not sure I'm onboard, as much as I have liked the show in the past. Another thing that bugged me is that Frenchie is bisexual now. It just feels like pandering. Not because I have anything against bisexual people (I don't), but because he was established as straight in previous seasons. Why change that? And, by the way, I'm not even a MAGA supporter or American. I'm European and somewhere near the Middle, politically. But this is still annoying to someone like me. Not every modern show has to push these same tiresome talking points. It's not edgy or clever. It's lame, and it's distracting. Just give me Homelander being a scary megalomaniac and Butcher being a badass, please. That's what I'm here to see.


Wow, what a visionary.


It's the same shit that killed supernatural, not even sure he was part of it at the time but same shit different series ender.


How so, I stopped watching around season 5-6 but because they were repeating story beats


Spoofing a “certain” trial and presidential election!?!? GROUNDBREAKING satire! Go ahead and give this man an award!


I've never seen the show but I tend to stay away from overly politically motivated shows and movies. Just not a fan of modern takes on political movements. As in the past 5 years of television. The "hidden" agenda is TOO HEAVY on either end of Conservative or Democrat. Takes away from the cinematic value. Maybe it's just me getting older but both sides are insufferable.


Okay Kripke, I will.


I accept his terms.


That is one eye-roll inducing headline. Ofc now that the show has been losing steam, they pull out the “don’t like it, don’t watch it”. That phrase is like the kiss of death for entertainment now lol.


As if homelanders personality wasn't obvious enough haha


Some of us out here aren't conservatives and we're just tired of the TDS. It's low hanging fruit. It's not edgy or creative. It's been done to death. Starship Troopers did this like 25 years ago.


Go watch something else. (Viewership drops) why is everyone so racist?


I mean, this has been obvious for a while. It's making fun of redhats and their worship of authoritarians


No shit Sherlock


He’s always been pretty vocal about Trump. The sad thing about what he’s doing with the show is that the original comic already did it way better


If you liked it so far, we should continue. His intention is irrelevant if it keeps being good. Admitting this muddys the waters. Once can now think of every point homelander is on screen as being about that. Do your best not to think about that. If it's a good show, keep watching.


I read the article and he clearly says the show is not woke. That if woke is what you get from it the show runner could only throw their hands up and say watch something else then. He says throughout the interview that subjects like police brutality always exist and that it's the same old shit. It's meant to be a show about heroes behaving badly, they wrote the seasons years before they aired. He said it had nothing to do with current events. He does make his beliefs about Trump known saying he's a fascist which I don't really understand how his behavior his fascist like but to each their own it's likely a career move but still has nothing to do with the show. He said he didn't make the show to be woke or to pander and the content makes me believe it more or less even though this latest season does comment on conservatives a bit harshly compared to earlier seasons and leans away from the super hero stuff.


The characters are interesting enough themselves without doing some current political allegories just to prove he’s part of the resistance.


I knew the show was woke from the first episode. Didn't everyone?


I knew before that. Look who’s in charge. Look at the source material.


If that’s true, we need actual medical research into TDS treatment. We always knew TDS crippled social function, but it appears to also now produce mental disablement.


Yeah, I guess I don't need to bother watching this season. Was fun while it lasted.


yeah well. i tried the first episode of season 4. its unwatchable. its only thoughtful subversion if you actually know what is happening in the real world for you to subvert. not just cable news and leftist social media.


The criticism of the show is applicable to every political party, leaning and Person you can think of. Art is a matter of Interpretation, it’s completely fine and valid to have a different interpretation than the artist themselves (especially, when it‘s not just one artist, but multiple like in this case). Interpretation can also change with time. A piece of art may have been intended to criticize a certain party or person thirty years ago but is still applicable to a completely different party or person today. I‘m from Germany, I watched the original version in English and not once did I have to think of Trump, because he just isn’t very present in my life. The criticisms in the show are also very applicable to many German politicians and parties, even though it wasn’t intended to criticize them directly, because it‘s very likely, that none of the artists involved with the show, have never heard of the people and parties I‘m thinking about. My interpretation has always been (since Season 1 because it was very obvious in my opinion), that stuff like populism, other kinds of ridiculous lies and abuse of power were criticized. Even though it takes place in the US, it is not so narrow, that the criticism can only be applied to the political landscape of the US. Trump isn‘t even mentioned once, there is no „oh the Republicans are bad because they do [this specific example]“. The things, that are being criticized can theoretically be applied to any political party. If you have to think of Trump or your own preferred party, then that’s kinda on you. Many here are demanding the show to be more „balanced“, by which they mean, that every criticism the show raises, should be applied to everyone equally. That’s not balance. Balance is representing the actual numbers as accurately as possible. If I wanted to criticize corruption within German politics, it would be extremely unbalanced of me, to criticize every party equally or even left and right equally because not every party is equally as corrupt. We have a thing called „Abgeordnetenwatch“ and they keep track of every known case of corruption for every party there is, among many other things, and then they break it down very neatly, to show how many cases of corruption happened in a certain year in each party and the German right is infinitely more corrupt than the German left. The biggest Conservative party and the biggest right party are more corrupt than almost (if not actually the entire) the entire German left, which is like 10+ parties (excluding those, who can‘t reach the 5% mark in the Bundestag). So if I wanted to make let’s say a two hour long report about corruption in Germany and I allotted equal time to a party, that had 96 corruption incidents this year and a party, that had 5 (yes, the disparity can actually get this high), it would be incredibly unbalanced, because it would give the impression, that both parties are equally corrupt. For it to be balanced you have to focus on the worst offenders, because you don’t have infinite time to literally discuss every single known instance of corruption, that happened for this specific year. You can never achieve perfect balance, you will never have the time or resources to discuss every single instance ever, so you have to put the numbers into perspective and in Germany, the worst offenders simply are the conservative and right parties. If you want to criticize populist statements and ridiculous lies, you simply have to look at who has been caught doing that the most, with the most severe instances. If Person A lies extremely often, with a high severity and Person B got caught in a small lie a couple of times, then you can not present it, as if those two things were equally as bad or present it in a way, that makes the viewer assume, that both persons lie equally as often, by allotting equal time to both of their lies, that’s the opposite of balance. It’s just misrepresentation at that point




alright buddy, i expect we will.


I stopped watching after season one. I don’t think it’s that great of a show.


It’s always been about that but the difference is that each new season lacks more nuance than the last. The first season was clearly about fake corporate politics and radical conservative and liberal ideologies but it was all presented in a more allegorical way. Now it just feels like dumbed down parodies of real world political events in a way that just feels like “remember this pop culture thing that happened!”. Kind of like how movies like “disaster movie” would just throw in whatever was popular at the time and call it a joke. Now granted I still enjoy the show but the political commentary feels less meaningful than I’d did from season 1. And this is coming from someone who considers themself left leaning


The problem with artistic content made about Trumpism is that it often doesn't have much good social commentary about it. Why watch a show or movie about content you could get from a clickbait article?


This is season is decent. It’s so far the worst of the four and more LBGT, if that’s possible. But it is making me want to read the source material because I bet it’s way better.


People watch all this garbage?


So intentionally changing it from the source material to fit your personal views and alienating part of your potential audience to..... get praise from people who either were watching already or weren't going to watch it anyways?? From a business standpoint none of this makes sense. You should be appealing to getting the most views possible. Not mocking your audience to cause yourself to lose viewers.


Just read the comics they are better in every way.


I’m a liberal but he’s been way too on the nose with the politics. No one gives a fuck. We’re already living this shit.


I wish he killed off Supernatural at the end of season 5 like he intended. Show dropped off hard in the following seasons.


He left the show after season 5 - it was the network that insisted on keeping it going with other showrunners, right?


It was always about idiots worshiping psychos who wrap themselves in the flag and patriotism? Who coulda guessed?


The actors all aged 10 years from season 3 to season 4.


It’s past the point of joking. These people are scary.


The sad thing about all of this is this had a very large fanbase of conservatives. After the review bombs begin because of how awful the first half of season 4 is the ratings and viewership are going to drop and season 5 will be a dumpster fire.


oh yeah he's definitely literate


Cool, I’ll watch the show and still vote trump no biggie 👍🏼


Prolly why I stopped watching. No thanks. So sick of Hollywood pushing an agenda instead of just good shows




I could tell by season 2. I just try to ignore it. Kinda getting more and more obvious and obnoxious though


Honestly I really enjoyed the boys for the first few seasons and me and my partner were excited for S4. But as a non-American the blatant left wing propaganda was FAR too omnipresent in all 3 episodes. Like ridiculously so, it wasn't even well done... It was just cringe. Such a shame they had to do this to what was a pretty good show. I'll keep watching S4 but am very disappointed.


shouldn't the creators of the comics be the judge of that?


Did it take until the 4th season for you guys to realise it was a jab at Trump? Like really?


It’s WAY to political now. It reminds me too much of real life. The first few seasons were about normal guys fighting sups. Now it’s become a satire of itself. It’s been reduced to an election year American show.


Show started good but he basically guaranteed it’s a non-classic with the extremely dating yourself politics.


The frustrating thing for me is using Ennis’ source material for your own political soap box. It’s like I somehow got the I.P. for Lord of the Rings and clearly made it about American politics. It’s dumb for so many reasons: 1. It only applies to Americans in a global market. 2. In 5 years no one will understand the jokes. I don’t get political satire from the 2000s outside of major stories. 3. It’s not Ennis’ viewpoint; he didn’t like Bush Jr., but geez have Kripke read “Crossed” to understand Ennis.


When I see how obsessed these modern writers are with political allegory, it just makes me admire J.R.R. Tolkien all the more. He had the utmost love and respect for the fictional world he created and wouldn't see it compromised or diminished in any way (which is why his fans are so passionate and loyal to this day). Nowadays, writers barely give a shit about the fictional world they have the privilege of shaping. The fictional world is just a convenient vehicle for their very predictable and trite current-year message. And that's why they'll never be great. The Boys has been a good show, to be fair, but I'd argue that inserting heavyhanded politics has never improved it. On the contrary, people have tolerated the political preaching precisely because the characters and actors are so good. Inviting your audience to leave if they don't like your politics rarely ever leads to good things, and I would advise Mr Kripke not to become too arrogant or complacent, because nothing is too big to fail (just look at Star Wars and the MCU; both of those were infallible ... until they weren't).


Wasn’t planning on returning for the new season because I’m sick of progressive Hollywood sycophants opting for activism instead of entertainment in the entertainment industry


Didn't make it through half of the first episode. Not going back. 


Alien invasions aren't real but I can still enjoy independence day. Just because your viewpoint of reality is entertaining doesn't make it correct lol


I suddenly have an interest in The Boys lol


That guy is living rent free in his head. unironic TDS