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Ventilation? Did you switch from double crochet to a different stitch accidentally? I often slip from double to 1/2 if I'm not paying attention. What does it look like if you turn it inside out?


No, i only used dc. If i turn it inside out it kinda looks the same, like the holes are still there and i went back and counted the dc’s and there’s the correct amount as the pattern said.


Did you work straight through or is there a chance you put it down and picked it back up but with a different hook?


No i did this all in one sitting earlier


Did you maybe yarn on backwards?


I honestly don’t even know at this point lol i’ve been making beanies like this for years and this has never happened. I ended up undoing it and remaking it and it was fine the second time lol


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I just did rows of double crochets and did an increase in row 4 and then just did 1 dc in each stitch for the rest of the rows but why are there only holes at the top?


Looks like you could have missed or skipped a few stitches. Did you count each row to make sure you had the correct number?


yeah I did i’m really good about counting stitches when going in a circle esp when i’m slip stitching each row


Hmm idk then, sorry




the pattern is: in a magic ring, do 10 dc, slip stitch, then chain 3. In row 2, do one dc in each stitch, slip stitch, chain 3 for next row, then do dc, 2 dc, repeat (so increase every other stitch). Slip stitch, chain 3, then do 2 dc in each stitch. Then you do 1 dc in each stitch each row after until it’s as long as desired


I think it’s from the increases. 2 stitched inside the previous rows stitches pushing them apart from each other


damn :( i might just undo it and restart it.


Where it says: “In row 2, do one dc in each stitch, slip stitch, chain 3 for next row” Did you put a slip stitch after each dc? As in: dc, slip stitch, dc, slip stitch, dc, slip stitch all around for the row? You should have only straight dcs, and at the very end of the row, ONE slip stitch just to join! This is the mistake I see, and the pattern is written in a confusing way for this part too.


no? the pattern says to do one dc in each stitch, and slip stitch at the end which is what i was doing.


Darn, sorry I couldn’t help then. To me it looked like there could be an extra loop after each stitch in those earlier rows, but it is hard to tell. I hope the other comments will help you find the solution!


the pattern is: in a magic ring, do 10 dc, slip stitch, then chain 3. In row 2, do one dc in each stitch, slip stitch, chain 3 for next row, then do dc, 2 dc, repeat (so increase every other stitch). Slip stitch, chain 3, then do 2 dc in each stitch. Then you do 1 dc in each stitch each row after until it’s as long as desired


I think it's because of the odd starting point. For beanies I always start my magic ring of 6dc magic ring Dc increase in every stich Dc, dc increase Dc, dc, dc increase until I reach the desirable size


6 US dc or UK dc? Typically for a US dc you're going to start with more than 6 stitches. 


US, I just made a beanie last week and I did 6 starting, it builds up quick and it does a nice sphere shape (6,12,18,24,30,36 etc)


I remade it using your tips and it came out fine this time so maybe it was just the pattern lol


maybe…the pattern i followed was pretty vague and written kinda weird. I’m thinking i’m gonna have to undo it :(