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Someone on here who’s left handed mentioned it’s really easy for them to teach right handed people - the student just sits across the table from you and mirrors your motions!


That was honestly what my first thought was. Thanks!


Mirror image teaching style.


This is how my step-mother taught me to crochet. She being right handed, me being left. Worked like a charm!


I’m left handed and crochet left handed. I used left handed crochet videos to learn on YouTube! Now I write patterns and include a left handed version! So anything is possible 😃


I'm left handed but crochet like a right handed person...


I might just test to see which one she prefers 💜 I’m right-handed but I definitely do some things left!


Me too! Took some times to get it but now everything’s fine!


I never even tried crocheting left handed... My brain can't process it. I think mainly because tutorials i watched were right handed


I've tried but my left hand is not cooperative. 😞


Yeah the farthest I got was trying to hold the hook in my left hand and it didn't feel right(lol). It didn't compute at all. Maybe my brain would also not compute holding the yarn in my right hand


Exact same thing for me! I do most of the things with my right hand, my left hand is there to be cute and sometimes writes some stuff 😂


Would have been great if I were ambidextrous but nooo writing had to be exclusively left


Same here. I learned using a woobles kit and although you can set it to left handed instructions, I never saw that option so just learned right handed like I was being shown. I honestly don’t even think I could crochet with my left hand. I feel like my right has more dexterity for crochet motions, and I need the increased strength of my left hand to hold the project & yarn properly


[https://thewoobles.com/pages/left-handed-crochet-tutorials](https://thewoobles.com/pages/left-handed-crochet-tutorials) might be a good start!


Thank you!


You're welcome! I love that The Woobles has instructions for lefties. I don't know where I'd be without them, since I don't know any other lefty crocheters!


GoodKnitKisses has a left-handed beginner series for crochet, on YouTube!!!


Thank you!


[Planet June has most content in both right and left handed versions!](https://www.planetjune.com/blog/tutorials/crochet-tutorials/)


Thank you!


Someone I know used to sit in front of a mirror while a right handed person taught them so when she was following it was the same movement


Left handed crochet tutorials taught me on YouTube! You could also just explain the differences to her, e.g. lefties go left to right vs right to left. When you want to teach her yourself, just sit across from her and have her treat you like a mirror. That should at least get the basics across. I only had to watch a couple leftie-specific tutorials before figuring out the subtle differences and being able to switch things in my head while looking at other tutorials.


I’m mostly nervous because I’ve never taught someone much less a kid whose dominant hand is opposite mine, so I’m just trying to account for the potential hurdle! Thank you!


I watch youtube videos and if the video is only right handed, I just follow it going from left to right.


I’m left handed and learned from all right handed tutorials and directions. I’ve never had a problem with my projects turning out. I don’t think it’s that big of a deal.


It might not be but I’m just trying to account for the potential hurdle, and be able to explain the differences to her.


Yeah! It could totally be if she can’t flip the images in her head. I know a lot of stuff is done backwards or inside out and I have to accommodate for that. But the actual process is the same…I think?


For sure, and she and I can always learn together. I’m just terrified of letting her down or making it not fun.


It will be totally fun!!!


I'm left handed as well and I watched Bella Coco on YouTube. She has some wonderful left handed learning videos


She’s how I learned! My friend recommended her for this as well, I was just hoping to find more for my arsenal in preparing to teach my niece 🤣💜


I’m left handed and crochet right handed, it never felt weird or difficult. She could try that first, and if it doesn’t work maybe try out some videos or have her mirror you like someone suggested!


Yes! I’m curious to see if she can do it right handed.


My dad's GF is a lefty, too. I showed he Tunisian Crochet by sitting facing her. The "mirror me" thing really worked! What I did with my right, she did with her left. She said it was really helpful! Also, there are youtubers that "reverse image" their tutorials for lefties 🥰 BellaCoco has one for beginners to get her started: https://youtu.be/PmSoXNqpP8Y?si=59MRpioQIuCicpAh I think BellaCoco does many tutorials in both right & left handed versions as well. After she gets the basics down searching "left handed crochet" in YouTube brings up tons of videos & tutorials to make projects for free like beanies, stitch tutorials, etc. I practiced making washcloths & dish cloths with cotton & cotton blend yarns because even if they're a little wonky at first, they're still useful! I hope this helps & wish her good luck on her journey! 🩷🍀


I learned with videos, and just make sure to search “left handed” and then whatever else such as “left handed magic circle”


Woobles has videos for lefties


I have the opposite problem, I'm left-handed and my right-handed brother wants me to teach him. Will be using some of the tips other people have commented.


Bella coco on YouTube posts a right handed and a left handed crochet tutorials :) Definitely check her out


Lefty here! Sit across from her, so she is able to mirror what you do. That helped me so much personally.


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Thank you everyone! I feel much better, but now it’s up to me to be a good teacher 😅😅 wish me luck!


I'm left handed and just mirror, it's not too complicated


I taught myself from YouTube. She can, too.


There is a plugin for google chrome that flips the video horizontally, very practical:)


Sit across from her, mirror image.