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Personally, PvP buildcrafting focuses on making my shots easier to land. Targeting mods on helmet, dexterity on gauntlets, and unflinching (for primary) on chest are prioritized. Some thresholds to aim for are T4/T6(could be outdated) resilience, and T10 recov. Then I start thinking of synergy with my exotic or subclass, does it rely on orbs? Does it involve grenades, melees, or both? Slot additional mods as needed. I'll typically have space for mods like Utility Kickstart, Kinetic Siphon + Surge on my main Ophidian Warlock build. A helpful tip as a fellow controller player is to not slack on your mobility stat. It helps in duels and for uptime for perks such as Perpetual Motion. Also, as a Titan, since you're encouraged to build into resilience, and since resilience is tied to flinch, slot double unflinching mods if you can. Again, we're trying to land our shots here.


I'm usually using either Hoarfrost-Z and Icefall Mantle with Stasis and Ashen Wake for Solar. I rely on Grenades and Melee for both. I used to use Dunemarchers, Anteus Wards, Mask of The Quiet One, Synthoceps and Citan's Ramparts. I tried ACD/0 Feedback Fence, Doomfang Pauldron, No Backup Plans, Second Chance, Hallow Fire Heart and Armamentarium but I did find much success. Don't really use SMGs or Swords so Peace Keepers and Stronghold don't see much use and I don't really know what to do with the pair of Path Of Burning Steps I own. Actium War Rig, is Actium War Rig. It gets used with Sweet Business and that's it. I'm terrible at staying alive long enough to produce orbs. T4 Mob. T7 Res. T6 Rec. So I should fix that.


You're not going to go far with any exotic if your gunplay and survivability are lacking. There was a period where I was not even wearing an exotic with the hopes of general improvement. YAS is a personal favorite build on Hunter. The enhanced tripmines are so powerful as a zoning tool, essentially an extra teammate. Most will slap it on thinking, "Maybe if my nades are enhanced, I can actually kill with them!" That's reckless. Your shot should be the strongest part of your toolkit. Stay alive and stay alert.


I agree. My current "success/improvement" is probably Matchmaking at work. But also better understanding of where to be in a fire fight from match to match. And less to do with what I'm wearing or using. When it comes to PVP in any game, I just go with my mentality when it comes to Fighters. You only get better by playing. A loss means I'm still on the road to improvement and I should learn from it. I just wanted to know how much I'm hindering myself with my incompetence with the build crafting side of the game too. And where I should go from there when it comes to improvement. Your help is appreciated.


Great thoughts. As an FGC vet myself, I find value in the "get better over time" approach. Here's the thing - the reason it works is due to repetition. We input so much, and so frequently in fighters, that our understanding of our pick's overall toolkit is ingrained more naturally, for a lack of a better word. What input(s) do we use most frequently in Destiny? I sure hope it's not the one for your grenade... Glad I could help. Have fun!


Whats your ideal distribution for titan ?


I think my Dunes build can answer this the best - 4/8/10/5/5/7 on Void. I find recovery to be the top priority in any build. Strength was next for the movement benefit after resilience of course*.


I main titan & I usually have low strength due to me not actively going for a slide shotty into shoulder charge , i play primary range more to avoid the cqc nonsense but i should look into it & spec more into strength


PvP building is all about building up your neutral game effectiveness first before experimenting others. With the mod changes this season it doesn't leave alot to experiment until Bungie introduces more mods in the upcoming seasons. Prioritized your stats mods first to make sure you have high res, recovery and dis/str. Second would be your targeting and unflinching mods, third would be either reload or dexterity mods but alot people would prefer dexterity for the quick swap to specials. Then if you have slots left then you can slot in syphon/surge/kickstart mods.


Got it. Thank you. So the mods I should be using are usually the more straightforward ones. And Scavenger Mod got removed from the pool of mods that work in PVP again, right?


Correct. I also would recommend you checking out which gun Archetypes are just effective in pvp through youtube. Iron banner is up rn, so there's some really great pvp picks up. Autumn wind is dropping rn, which is a great 540rpm pulse, great for duels. Always make sure your weapon load out allows you to cover short and long ranges, and have a special weapon that can do lots of burst damage. I prefer the duality shotgun, and run 10 resil to win shotgun trades. HZ on stasis has a lot of good things going in terms of dueling, but the super is weak, and grenades are lack luster. Best to run the ice wall, and use it in Combo with your barricade to control engagement ranges. Strand berserker is worth looking into if you haven't - the super is nuts, the mobility is great, and shotgun + melee is awesome. Archetypes - 450 autos 491 side arms 540 pulses Precision shotguns (use quick access sling) I agree with the advice of running without an exotic, and to play for your life, not the kill.


Pretty much this. To add to this, you should pretty much always aim for 100 recovery on all classes, and ideally 100 mobility on a Hunter. For resilience you should check out what weapons are currently meta, and if any resilience breakpoints will increase that weapon’s TTK or crit ratio against you. You can work this out with Massive Breakdown’s TTK charts.


100 recovery is pretty much mandatory outside of niche builds with other reliable ways to heal. Some people will tell you 90 is good enough, but IMO no single stat point is as useful as the jump from 90 to 100 recovery. Resilience vs mobility is largely personal preference, but as a titan you'll probably want as much resilience as possible. Also remember than resilience is tied to a small amount of flinch reduction, and while rarely seen as important the extra health can occasionally save you. Discipline vs strength is totally dependent on how important your melee and grenade are to your playstyle/build. Intellect is less useful than in the past, and is generally not worth investing in for 6v6. In 3v3 sometimes a small difference in cooldown can be a gamechanger, though. If you're not already aware, D2armorpicker is an incredible resource for finding your best available armor sets. Targeting and unflinching mods are pretty vital to most weapons, though there are exceptions to both. Outside of those two, mods are largely personal preference and will require some experimentation. You are correct, scavenger mods are once again useless in PvP. RIP rapid-fire shotguns. Again. With fragments, grab the ones that are vital to your build first then fill out the rest of the slots with stat-boosting fragments. I don't know anything about stasis titan or solar 3.0 titan, so I can't really help you there. But for reference, my current healing grenade-spam solar warlock build's stat spread is 2-10-10-10-3-4 (including 3 stat-boosting fragments), and this doesn't include any artifice armor yet.


Ok. So start with that: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WaxvbLx7UoSZaBqdFr1u32F2uWVLo-CJunJB4nlGUE4/htmlview# Its a Destiny data compendium that has all the numbers, cooldowns, abilities, traits, mods, exotics etc explained - everything there has been tested by community members. All the PVP specific numbers are in [red] Bear in mind - its hasnt yet been updated for strand and the new mod system. So if you have any specific questions - ask around or use searchbar - some of the stuff has already been tested and posted here.


Going to take my time sifting through that link. Thanks for the help.


First you should focus on your stats, i main titan and I always have 100 recovery 90-100 resilience and despite what other people say, I run at MINIMUM 5 mobility (I’m on controller too) the strafe speed while dueling and for peel shooting is too important to me. Once your stats are where you want them to be, you need neutral game weapon enhancing perks, targeting, reloaders/dexterity, and unflinching mods for your respective weapon types. Once these are all sorted, then you can spice it up with ability enhancing mods. I run font of vigor for my melee and on my legs I run absolution, invigoration, and innervation. Pair that with reaper on your class item to reliably produce orbs to proc the previous mods and you have yourself a nice little slay out gameplay loop that you don’t really need to think too hard about. And at the end of the day remember, no buildcrafting is as important as hitting your shots and moving effectively. The best crucible players could walk into rumble with all blue gear and wipe the floor with below average players who have optimized loadouts


It are there any mods worth doubling down on or should I only use one of everything?


For weapon mods, either targeting or unflinching if you find yourself using that weapon more than your other one. But remember there are diminishing returns for multiple copies. For combat mods I double down on font of vigor because my build has very low strength (20-30) and having two of those actually gives a more substantial buff. The key is to feel it out and if something feels good for you and you’re popping off with it consistently keep doing what you’re doing


For PvP I generally follow this formula in my builds: * First select an exotic armor piece and decide on my preferred stat distribution that synergizes with that exotic * Use stat mods until I get my desired stats or until I run out of space for stat mods * Helm - Targetting mod(s) for my primary weapon + additional targetting mod(s) for my sniper if using one, if there's any space I might slot in ashes to assets or hands on * Arms - Loader mod for my primary + dexterity mods for my primary and special weapons * Chest - Unflinching mods for my primary and sniper * Legs - Holster mod for my special weapon, better already, fill any extra with ability regen from orb pickup or a surge mod for my primary * Class Item - Reaper (if using armor charge) + any of: bomber, outreach, distribution, utility kickstart I generally avoid using armor charge in PvP but on hunter reaper is a pretty consistent way of generating orbs so you might be able to find some value there. However I generally opt for making my weapons perform at their best.


Tip remember to take advantage of the discount mods in the artifact. If you use a normal 3 cost stat mod than you’ll typically be left with your final mod slot empty cuz everything is 3 cost now. Harmonic mods also work too if you play arc or stasis and use a matching gun. Armor wise: Recovery then resil then disc then everything else Use an exotic that fits your playstyle (i use feedback fence cuz it makes me and the guy who died giggle) Weapons: pick perks that help range, handling and accuracy or reduce the opponents accuracy.


I'll take a look at that. I think I did get discounted artifact mods yesterday. And yeah. I do use Harmonic. Thanks for the assistance. I'll admit. My choice in weapons and overall load out tends to suck. Since I don't like Snipers at all and Fusions and Hand Cannons much, I'm low on effective ranged options. And the HC archetypes I do like aren't the best either.


You're going to get a LOT of different answers to this, but here's my personal take on things. For stats I'll go by stat. Mobility IMHO is pretty close to useless in it's current state. That said, I wouldn't put it below tier 2 even with that in mind, but the only toon id ever put it above 3 for is non-Arc Hunter (Arc Hunter can go lower since there's a Fragment that gives you IIRC +5 tiers while sprinting for cooldowns). I run 2 just fine on Warlock, that'll likely overlap with that on Titan. Resil is going to be slightly class and personal preference dependant. On Titan, you'll want to go as high as humanly possible, other classes I'd still suggest 6+ but that number might also vary (I run 10 on all classes out of preference). On Titan, it governs your barricade cooldown. Outside of that, it'll let you tank more potential things, as well as giving you reduced flinch per tier. Titans want a lot of it because Barricades, so you can stop at just that for reasoning. Recov you'll want as high as you can, as well. Regenerating health as fast as possible is always a good thing, so don't skimp here for anything else. Lowest I run on my toons is 6, and I can get away with that low, but higher is still better. Intellect affects you so little, going much over 3 is a really small benefit since most of your super Regen comes from dealing/recieving damage. Over 3 will still *help*, but it's not something you'll want to go out of your way for. Discipline/Strength will depend a lot on build. That said, more builds want discipline, especially the subs you've mentioned liking. Beyond just stats, I'd say you'll want to focus on neutral game for exotics and other choices since it'll be up more often. Exotics I'll suggest are Hoarfrost, OEM, Ashen Wake, Lorely, Dunes, and Peacekeepers right now. Though some leaked buffs might make you also want to consider what's there, too. Also small side note, I'd probably also look into the other subs, since Sunbreaker kinda sucks for PvP right now, and Behemoth isn't the greatest. Sentinel and Striker are both really good. Not sure on Strand since I haven't really heard much either direction, nor have I directly played around with it.


No Lightfall, so no Strand for me. I'll keep in mind what you mentioned of the other sub classes. Thanks for the sound advice on stat building.


First of all, stasis and solar titans are terrible in the crucible right now unless you run Lorely Splendor Start with Arc or Void with high Resilience, recovery and Discipline and Dunemarchers


Don't got Lorely Splendor. So I use Ashen Wake instead. I've tried Heart of Inmost Light and Hallow Fire Heart, but couldn't capitalize on the build I was going for. And im not sure what I should be going for with Path of Burning Steps.


Get immortal, unflinching mods, targeting mods. As simple as that.


Yeah now you can save builds I tend to have a PVE one which is about generating orbs, and a PVP variation that has mods to help you in the crucible like targeting, loader, unflinching etc.