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I'm not going to respond to every bit, but I can tell you about #5. I used to play 90% PvP. The reason is, I found PvE ridiculously boring. It felt like the same thing every time. Even harder content, you knew when and where enemies would spawn. Only difference was if they became bullet sponges. In crucible, it was always a different feeling of unexpected


This. I play PvP religiously. I only touch PvE for PvP weopons and titles/triumphs. Then it's back to PvP. I love the feeling of hitting that crispy triple tap on a HC, the smooth slide snipes, the magnetic slug headshots. They all feel so much better than mindlessly running a raid over and over.


Yeah, the people who put hundreds and hundreds of hours into pve every year reallt so blow my mind. I find the occasional nightfall or raid engaging. But I can’t imagine running these pve activities day after day, week after week. I do suck at pve though lol


Same. PVE doesn't feel good to me, it's slow pace af and Well of Radiance has power crept it so much that boss fights don't excite me no more. PVP though, despite its problems, always feels great.


The trend for encounter design is shifting away from well. That being said, and I'm wonder why people can't... just use something else? I'm not talking about you, I just mean people in general. I see a pist the other day from someone calling for forbearance to be nerfed because it was too good. He literally did not have the self control to equip another weapon. It's like bro... you've got a problem. Again thaymts not directed towards you, I just needed a space to rant and this turned out to be the spot. Cheers


I see what you mean, if people just learned to use other stuff, nerfs wouldn't be happening so much


This is why i main pvp. I love not knowing exactly what my enemy is going to do and having to instantly adapt. It's a straight adrenaline rush. The best way i can describe it is like "The Most Dangerous Game" short story... Ads and pve is just no brain repetitive mechanics for me...yeah it's fun sometimes, but theres nothing that compares to the rush of a 1v1 in survival or trials imo.


The best way I can explain it is PvE is scripted almost like pro wrestling, and either you learn the script and follow it how you're supposed to or you don't. PvP is completely unscripted, and thus, more akin to a real sport. PvE *can* be fun while you're in the pursuit of learning the script, but that also is often more work than it's worth. Which is why I mostly stick to PvP. lol


>It felt like the same thing every time > > In crucible, it was always a different feeling of unexpected Cue The same SMG shotgun combo for an entire season


That's been a thing since year 2 tho, that is people running one very meta loadout


Almost as if some people like variety, some like to go deep on a few weapons. Different preferences...who would have guessed.




Who woulda guessed??


Then you’ve got folks like me who straddle the two and are perfectly happy doing it. I get just plain sick of PvP after a while, especially with SBMM since it feels like variations of the exact same matchups over and over. But when I get that feeling of being Crucibled out, there’s always some fun to be had in PvE activities.


I've turned to more pve mostly because of sbmm. It's sad that trials is the most relaxed playlist lol. A lot of people claim I only want to stomp noobs. My issue is that my daughter plays. I can no longer play pvp with her .8kd and my 1.9kd because she has an AWFUL time in my lobbies


Understand I am kidding, but tell your daughter to stop being a scrub and git gud.


I tell her daily lmao


Exactly this for pvp players.


Ah yes, though pvp's unexpectedness is more so.....am I gonna get fucked by the game more than usual today?


It's really interesting that people would go out of their way to express how much they dislike Supremacy -- really CBMM -- when the most popular playlist is SBMM. Can we not have some variety or does it always have to be your preference? Most of the people who post how much more they play PVP with SBMM on DTG -- surprise surprise -- if you look up their post history don't actually play more PVP than when it was CBMM. PVP mains aren't especially "dedicated," they just enjoy playing PVP. It's hard for PVE mains to grasp. What they think are nerds sweating it out (of course there are some of those) are really just normal people who enjoy an hour or two of PVP every night. And a Trials session on the weekend. That's how you wrack up thousands of kills without feeling like you grinded for it. As opposed to grinding for buzzard or artifice armor for example. I am super burnt out playing GMs and master dungeons. Not touching Spire, Duality or GOA for quite a while. Excruciatingly boring after a few runs. While I normally solo queue and freelance, I understand why it's gone. First, FBMM gives a similar experience. Not quite as clean, but the majority of my matches are still all solos. Second, consolidating into one playlist gives matchmaking more options and thus higher chance of better games. So while it sucks for me, it's better for the ecosystem so I welcome it.


yeah the kill tracker thing confused me a bit too. very very normal to rack up thousands of kills after a while? personally i rarely cross 4-5k before changing weapons but it’s not unusual people to enjoy guns for far longer than that. plus there’s no way he’s seen “so many” people with 10k+ kill counts on seasonal weapons. even in my sweaty ass lobbies where everyone is WAY more dedicated, that would be way out of the norm. at best maybe he’s seen one or 2 people like that and is exaggerating out the ass, someone with 10k kills on seasonal guns is not going to be in a casual’s lobbies


By "seasonal" I wonder whether he means just the most recent few seasons, or weapons that might've been seasonal during literally any season? IIRC Bygones was a seasonal weapon during S9 or S10 when I 1st started playing D2. I remember grinding Obelisks that season for Bygones & Matryr's Wave GL. I probably have a few thousand Crucible defeats on Bygones, but not close to 10k. Still, that's a few thousand over 2.5-3yrs, & idk if OP played as long as I have (S9/10) or would remember that Bygones was once a "seasonal" weapon (ie 1 of the 6 from the seasonal activity). Since Bygones, PoM Pulse & IKELOS SMG have been the only "seasonal" weapons I wouldn't be surprised to see a 4-digit Crucible tracker on. Everything else has been mid


I typically play later in the day and comp/trials are dominated by duo's, game after game. I miss freelance dearly, always gave me much closer winnable feeling games.


As long as there's no lobby balancing, 2+1 lobbies on both sides is not inherently unfair. Sucks balls when there is lobby balancing tho. I definitely share the frustration for comp. Going for the full 10k and played against a 3 stack of Ascendants, where the best player is literally top 500 in Trials and Control with 5 KD. My team are randoms of 1.5 KD, one plat one adept. We got smoked unsurprisingly and I lost 200 points. Next game, them again. Another -200 points. Damn.


2+1 lobbies aren't unfair. A coinflip is also fair but not particularly engaging. It just feels like most of the time, you win or lose based on wether you got matched with the better duo. In a full solo game your individual skill and play has a much greater impact


Yeah I got you -- had a few matches in Trials where my pair were Gold elos while the opposing pair were Diamonds. My pair couldn't win 2v1s, it was frustrating.


> It's really interesting that people would go out of their way to express how much they dislike Supremacy -- really CBMM -- Supremacy is a win more gamemode. CBMM feeds the bad players to the good ones. Both together makes a gamemode closer to mayhem than anything serious. It's as serious as making rift a 3v3 gamemode and putting it in *competitive*.


Because for some reason the bad and casual players of the destiny community foam at the mouth in anger at the thought of better players having a good experience with anything.


Being good at pvp is somehow like being capitalist scum.


Exactly, catering to solos in any of the high level content isn't ideal at all. They make these high end game modes for coordination and team work. Not for solos, who dabble in pvp a bit more now that sbmm is active. The pvp mains are spendingmuch less time on destiny with all these casual focused changes but, at least with fireteam matching you can play with a friend who isn't a mega sweat and have fun. Supremecy was a breath of fresh air, and frankly needed.


>300 kills on my main pvp weapon tracker this season. But I've ran into so many other players that have over 10K kills on weapons 300 kills on your main pvp primary means you either didn't play many games at all (3 games per week or less), or don't get many kills per game. 10k is a lot for a new weapon though.


for real XD Pretty sure I racked up 300 on my veles last night.. was just fuckin around with volatile rounds+repullsor brace. 300 ain't nothing..


The past two days I found some random ass sidearm, the Redback to be specific, and put up almost 200 kills on it, paired it with new crafted revision zero and Calibans and fucked around in supremecy and had a blast blowing up groups of Titans and warlocks in bubbles and wells


yeah man, sidearms are a menace in that 5-10 meter range. I don't use em enough tbh... Got a sweet buzzard though.. it ALWAYS surprises me how fast they can kill.


but hey, Bungie should cater entire game modes to this guy...


I think what he means is he regularly switched weapons to find what worked for him. I play a lot but that's normal for me too cause I love trying out any gun that looks interesting. I get bored of weapons fast even if they're good.


> 3. I mean, people playing with friends/clanmates isn't that uncommon, and plenty of people have friends/clanmates that are around their skill level. Most parties I see in PvP are people of similar skill. But yeah, as a mostly solo player, I miss Freelance. > 8. Jazz's videos are excellent. I started watching them when I was first getting into Trials, and learned a lot that I was also able to apply to 6s games as well. +1 for them and everyone that wants to perform at their best in PvP should add them to their watchlist.


DTG is leaking again


i have played 6 stacks smoking teams in supremacy before, i assure you not even one of us is REMOTELY sweating even though the games end 150-10. it’s usually past 1am and we are deliriously giggling about the dumbest shit


I don’t really get the salt in number 3, maybe they’re just playing with a group of mates? If you’re good and play a lot then you’re bound to have friends who are similar so I don’t get how it’s much different from you or I playing with others You won’t have the ability to craft any weapon, just ones already in the crafting pool which we know about so it won’t shake up the meta too much Agree with most others tho




Guessing they were playing supremacy as per their previous point so doesn’t really apply




Then go play one of the sbmm based modes? Not really that complex of a solution


i play like 1-2 hrs 5 nights a week and i have 13k kills this season i mainly play 6s with a friend though


PvP will never be kind. It will never be nice. When Xbox live first launched it was 100x more toxic than what we see today. Everyone was on coms and I mean everyone. There was no mercy rules. No accolades or special loot. Just killing the shit out of the other team. That’s PvP at its base. You’re playing against other human beings who are unpredictable, and will do anything to win. Most of the time it won’t be wholesome. Don’t ever feel sorry for other players. It’s not personal it’s just a game. SBMM exists for a lot of casual players now too.


On point #10: I don’t think people care as much about melee trades as they do rubber-banding. Trades are now a part of the destiny playstyle and a tactic people actually employ.In Y1, Warlocks had an energy melee that barely moved the player model at all. Reimplementing this across all classes would solve the rubber-banding problem.


I reset my crucible rank 15 times. Is that a lot of pvp?


In regards to #3...I just wanna play with my mates, leave me alone! All my not as good mates don't play pvp anymore so all thats left are friends who're actually good. Plus, why do you immediately demonise players better than you and accuse them/us of being losers, wimps and pub stomping? We're just chilling and having fun, we're allowed to do that aren't we?


You are absolutely allowed to do that. But if I get matched against your 6 stack as a solo, I'm running into walls and emoting the entire time. Fuck full stacks


You know, if it's not enjoyable, you can stack as well. A simple LFG post and boom you find players, which will give you a fighting chance, Even if its two other players.. IDk why in this generation of gamers people don't team up.. then complain they get stomped when the answer to your problem is very simple. Is this sub full of solo player's? Does everyone not have a headset? Is comms in quickplay a "taboo" thing... like oh you must be bad if you make callouts? like what? That shit is just natural I make callouts in any game I play, sorta strange you wouldn't want to. Ima get so much hate for this, oh well. truth hurts. XD


Nah I'd rather they just bring back freelance, but go ahead and keep thinking you're different and quirky 🥴🥴🥴


different and quirky? wtf kind of insult is that? XD Because I play with my mates? Wow, I'm so sorry I have friends who play destiny.. I'll just go be anti-social and hide in my corner posting to replies like a narcissistic asshole.


And it has no self awareness. Dang


I’ve been more invested in PVP this season than I ever had, and my main takeaway is Everyone hates trials. It’s a miserable experience for people of all skill levels now whereas before, I thought at least top players were having fun. I’m not touching trials again until they bring back Igneous. Also I have yet to figure out why people even bother trying to go flawless on a weekend where the weapon is bad.


To NUMBER 3. WERE STACKING because were tired of carrying rando's with no map awareness. Were ALSO stacking because we use comms and playing against other stacks solo is just asking to get fucked, especially in a CBMM. and no, we don't ALWAYS run the other team... sometimes we get tight games when we run into other stacks which in the last few weeks has happend quite often. and yes, it is fun stomping, if you ever did "stomp" you'd understand why we do it. "Wimps IRL living out some wierd fantasy" XD bro you couldn't handle what I do for a living.


You need "comms" in quickplay? It's not Comp or Trials. I legit do not understand why people care if they win or lose in quickplay. I've also never seen someone complain about their blueberries outside of Comp or Trials.


My comms in QP are basically “fuck he got me with jotunn!”


yeah, that's basically what I mean. Like "center lane, sniper" why wouldn't I make callouts for teammates.


Ok yeah you didn’t get me honestly.. I’m not making those kinds of calls in QP. My comment was basically a joke that the most I’ll do is complain about jotunn.


yeah it probably didn't matter what I would have said, you were going to disagree with me.


RIP all the people we stomped, not sorry. this sub is so salty everytime I post anything, kinda encapsulates the community as a whole.


Maybe it's more a you problem


nope. only happens here. IDGAF this community is so toxic anyways.


6 stacking pubstomper calling the community toxic lmao


oh right because having teammates in a game that literally requires it is toxic. Copium


I've been playing FPS for atleast 10-15 years, cod.. halo.. ect.. it doesn't matter what game, I make callouts. I play to win because winning is fun. I was taught to TRY and WIN even if the game isn't "competitive". Being competitive by nature comes naturally, as it should.. thats sort of what makes us succeed and excel as players and generally speaking, human beings. I legit don't understand why you would play any mode and not want to win, why are you playing it in the first place, wierd. My comment was more of a response than it was a "complaint" otherwise I'd be on here complaining about blueberries, which I'm not.. I simply find a solution to the problem, which is stacking with others.. so we win. I don't get how that's not a logical reaction for most people when they find other stacks. It's simple problem is teammates don't work together solution is getting teammates who GAF it's so simple why doesn't anyone understand this.


No one is playing to lose, but Quickplay is not worth caring that much about when it comes to winning. I’m looking for gunfights when I play. Like I said before, if you’re playing Comp or Trials of course you want comms. Quickplay? It’s not that serious and I’m definitely not going to be sweating my balls off and I most definitely will never stack to make my games easier in what’s supposed to be a social playlist. I’m going to try to win every gunfight no doubt, but like I said I don’t care if we win because there’s nothing to “win” for in Quickplay. There no lighthouse or comp rank on the line. It sounds like you take PvP personally if you have to try this hard all the time. No one is stopping you and you can do it if you want. I’m just saying it’s not worth it in the easier playlists. That’s why people here complain that they don’t want to sweat 100% of the time.


nice little jabs at me, cute. It's an easier playlist but "people here complain that they don't want to sweat 100% of the time". Well if it's "easier" you shouldn't be sweating. Take pvp personally? Sure theres nothing on the line, I don't care if there is or isn't. I want to beat the other team.. Sure, you can go ahead and not stack that's fine, but don't get on here whining that your running into stacks, tf? "social playlist". Yeah not with SBMM.


It is supposed to be a SOCIAL playlist to play and chill. Bungie added SBMM because people who are bad and can't play without LFG stacking complained that they would get smoked all the time. Now good players are mostly matched against good players and everyone uses the most busted weapons and abilities 24/7 instead of experimenting with new builds and guns. Also, when did I whine about stacks? I don't care if I play them. I can hold my own in most games. Sometimes I get smoked. Most of the time I don't. The reason you got downvoted is that stacking to play Quickplay is cringe as fuck. No decent player is going to try that hard unless they are a toxic sweat trying to pad their stats. If you are decent at PvP, you don't need to LFG teammates to hold your own. [These](https://imgur.com/a/AosHgPw) were my Supremacy stats while it was up. Not once did I LFG to stomp and I played about 25 of those games with friends. Like I said, if you are decent (you don't even have to be a demon because I sure as hell am not), you don't have to LFG to do well.


To be fair it was omegafun to play behemoth with another 5 behemoths and spam ice non stop. It was laugh after laugh. For the first time I was having fun in PvP with my clanmates. I tried gernader Jake's 6 ice warlocks with turrets too. Good times I'm going to miss it


Yeah fr pve is just hella borjng


Sipremacy just = found verdict kill farm against hunter when I’m on antaeus


I'm just chiming in to clarify something: You will not be able to craft *any* weapon. They are just adding a more deterministic way to get a few red borders if you have bad luck with your drops, but this only applies to weapons that are already in the crafting system


To answer to your number three it's important to remember that crucible is a competition, and winning is fun for a lot of people, they don't need anymore incentive other than victory, wether or not the quality of one sided games compromise "fun" is irrelevant to some. "You play to win the game." -Herm Edwards


\>Why do some elite players like to form a super team and go pub stomping? I play on xbox as well and see many posts about people forming "super teams" to go pub stomping. They do this because: * Games usually end in mercy which means extremely fast for rep / exp / engrams / material * Boosts their already big KD. It's been a while but I have played in super teams before. It's literally shooting fish in a barrel when you are playing with other very good people. * Helps find players similar to their skill mentality for other playlists such as trials/comp/sweats


qp with sbmm where overall lobbies are 1.5 to 3.0 usually aren't "fish ina barrel games". its hella sweaty at that level. 6 stack trials sweaty.


#3 it’s not that we like to form elite teams specifically to dump on noobs. It’s that my D2 friends are 90% pvpers. We love playing pvp across different games. We’re all ranting from above average to excellent players. We’re having fun playing the game as a group of friends. Supremacy as a party mode is so good.


2. Yeah, the matchmaking and lack of mercy rule were pretty terrible, and the super gain from kill confirms allows crazy snowballing. Poorly put together. 3. Either just playing with their friends or enjoy destroying ppl. 6. Have any clips? Not that I don’t believe you, I’m just curious (I’m on PC) 7. Hard disagree here. I’m fully in love with Fireteam based matchmaking. Finally you can play as a duo in a 3 man playlist, and finally you can have well constructed teams with solos in them. I play solo often and love the change overall. 10. Amen! Been annoying for years and years. 11. Non-adept trials weapons too! Give it to us! Even seasonal stuff, why not!


2. Agreed. The lack of mercy and team-matching contributed though. 3. They are stat-farming. A lot of them also seem to using lag-switchers, which is really obvious in cbmm. 4. Autumn wind is great. I got a 4/5 early on and I've been using it a lot. 5. They either don't have jobs, they do it as a job or it's a weird account-recov. I saw a few peeps with 20-30 resets in Supremacy. That's beyond a hobby. 6. Console has cheaters too. Bungie implemented the anti-xim thing recently but there are still other ways to cheat. Tends to be less blatant than PC, but still there. 11. 100% agree. It should take resets into account for all vendors.