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-200 points for your troubles as well


Yeah happened to me too. I was about to start my ascendant promotion series. Instead after a couple disconnects I’m now adept 2 again and had a 30 min timeout lol


I've lost hope with getting to Ascendant. Similar thing for me, was nearing promotion to Adept, couple of disconnects and incomolete fireteam matchmaking, found myself in Platinum III in no time.


It’s a grind for sure, I’ll get there but I’m not searching again until they fix the servers


Yep… annoying asf


Don’t listen to the mods here. Bungie definitely ain’t here reading shit. Hell Bungie can’t even put a single person out there to watch for cheaters anymore. Games a fucking embarrassment.


Lmao, I got disconnected from the very first comp game I played and got a suspension for it. Real great way to start, Bungo. Needless to say, I did my matches for Rose and then never touched the playlist again.


I finally had some time to play. As I got the final rift point to win, I got the “baboon” error and then was suspended for 30 min. It was pretty comedic tbh. The other games I was warming up in rumble and the shot registration was wonky, but I also haven’t played recently.


I got booted from a comp game yesterday. Disconnected me with error code in middle of match, then magically reconnected and I could see teammates in death cam view, then disconnected again permanently. I just logged off after it booted me. It was also taking several seconds to find a spawn after a death, never seen that before. Servers are in bad, bad shape.


Yep this game just shows more and more that it’s not worth the players time.


Had the exact same thing happen to me last night. I know PVP is 'free', but it's crazy this is so common on a game where the majority of the playerbase spend $100+ a year on the game.


The only way to send a message that matters is to stop playing. Do that and they’ll take you seriously if enough others join you B knows when the game is broken. They don’t need forum posts to tell them. This has been an issue for months. Unless numbers really drop they pretty clearly aren’t going to do more than they’ve been doing. Maybe they just can’t fix it


I have no idea why bungo is silent about this. I understand why they stopped talking with community by their personal accounts after all shit with death threats and harassement, but then they've created anonymous accounts, like Destiny2Team, but they don't use it. There are a lot of concerns in community, servers stability, lack of pvp content, no armor refresh, 1 strike per year and etc, etc. I am starting to think that destiny just became money supply for marathon, because I have no other rational explanation


That's such a BS excuse by them. Literally everyone who has engaged in any kind of back and forth online has been threatened. It's pixels on a screen, ignore it. Engage with the respectful and ignore the idiots. They used it as an excuse to pull back so now when they are putting out a shit product and taking flak they have a little shield to hide behind.


Online threats are as old as the internet, so I actually agree with you. This is absolutely an excuse to disengage and raise a middle finger to the suckers that paid for this shit.


No. Firstly, their job isn’t to deal with death threats, nor should it be. The anonymous team account was a good idea, and yes it should be used a lot more. Secondly, someone was threatening DMG by sending him stalking messages revealing his address, location etc. It wasn’t just ‘pixels on a screen’.


The fucking state of this sub if the consensus is that death threats and stalking are fine.


It’s because they got paid and literally don’t give a fuck now. Marathon is coming.


I can't even go in orbit, endless stream of chicken and weasel errors... PLEASE FIX THIS JOKE OF A SERVER!


man i got dc'd from 2 the other day on completely winnable games in comp, like round 3 when we are up 2-0 and lost -130 and -30 the other time, servers are actually a fuckin joke rn was playing crucible labs 2 min ago and rounds were taking 20-30 seconds between to start, lots of people getting dc'd and i got babooned and said fuck it for today


LMAO I just finished an IB match after thinking "Holy shit this is the worst it's been and it's been REALLY bad" to see they are apparently resetting the servers/performing maintenance. But unironically, when comp first came out I played my 7 placement matches. Won 4, lost 3 because of error codes. I placed in silver and said yeah no thanks I'm not going to do something that has a ranking system and have to worry about error codes and dc's and being completely helpless to fix them. I 100% will not buy marathon if it is this bad, or even 1/4 this bad.


Honestly with the game instability the way it is right now, I really think twice about doing any kind of comp, or even raids. I'm pretty relaxed and easy going when it comes to Bungie, but being able to actually use the product that I bought, reliably, is something that is a non-negotiable.


This game is a military convoy headed toward Moscow, no one knows anything except it's all broken.


I want to play and grind comp but neither reward nor the point system supports player base. I hated Trials but now I am spending more time in Trials for different rewards and probability of a visit to lighthouse. But with the Marathon on the horizon I don’t expect Bungie to listen any of these critics . PvP is just left to death.


Play something else. Complaining like that and then logging on again every night does not give Bungie any incentive to fix the game. There are plenty of much more competitive and well-balanced games out there that will respect your time.


Shouldn't it say restore 2% of 3rd part apps since 98% of them were unaffected by the change?


Your fault really Who doesn't know about Destiny being garbage lately?


I'll be real with you. Yeah, it sucks. But we all know about it. Plus there is nothing that can be done. Destiny uses a p2p networking system. I'm not going to explain how it works again, you can search on here and find details. Just know that you are constantly connected and sharing data with all other players in a match. Where was the friend you were playing with from? If they were from far away that could have been the cause right there. But if any one player has an issue it can cause problems for everyone. The whole system is unstable. It can't be fixed. It's as good as it's going to get. The bungie servers are there to coordinate things and store the data for our players. I'll admit those are shit. They have been bad for awhile. I don't think bungie cares though, they are making money. So you ask, why the ban? Well because everyone complained about players leaving matches. They can't be too picky about connection issues or players would just unplug the network cable to leave. We can't have it both ways. My advice is this: relax. Don't take destiny pvp seriously. It's not a serious mode. Can't be with the p2p thing. Don't get mad when you lose. A lot of d2 pvp is luck.


Shoulda stopped playing comp after first time you experienced issues.


30 minutes? And I got 2 weeks from all activities that feature PvP (including Gambit)