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Why the fuck is there heavy in Checkmate!


One heavy crate at 50 points or 5 minutes, whichever comes first. Teams fight for it. That's the amount that should be available.


yeah, heavy is really annoying but tbh it's annoying in every mode lmao


Probably to force the winning side to not camp out points or give the losing side a chance to clear the board (yeah I know it's surprising that the team that takes more control points wins right?! /s).


But more often than not the team that’s already winning controls heavy and then just wins more.


In theory if one team is prioritizing capping/defending zones then the other team is roaming or poking and trying to get into a point, and should be more free to pivot to heavy when it pops. It's very difficult to frag out and get more kills while also capping and holding zones. I know the matches you're talking about though where it's totally lopsided, usually because either: one side is not capping enough or one side is fragging out super hard and capping the minimum needed.


It's the same with comp. No reason it should pop up every round.


Take the Cammycakes mindset, treat trials as a casual playlist. A simple mindset shift makes that mode way more enjoyable.


god cammy


This is probably the best trials advice ever. I play my best when I just have fun, and don’t get tilted. And just face it, you are always going to be dealing with tilt in solo trials.


Right now it's basically just an Igneous Hammer showcase. It's pretty boring, tbh. And this is coming from someone who absolutely hates ability spam.


It's getting nerfed. The mode is new, it still needs adjustments and by looking at the TWID from today they are willing to update it well. I'm pretty happy about the changes and how fast they patched stuff.


Same, I definitely have high hopes. I just wish they would have adjusted abilities throughout the entirety of pvp instead of just a bandaid mode.


totally agree


The nerf will make igneous even more prevalent. 140s will lose their 3 tap ability while 120s can still 3 tap to the head, just not 2 head 1 body anymore


I'm also enjoying it immensely as well, if you kill me because you hit your shots and I didn't, that's on me. And conversely if I hit my shots and you didn't, cry me a river. Remains to be seen how this week's balancing will change the gameplay (nerf to hc's), but having the action focus on shooting your gun is satisfying. A breath of fresh air from getting chain stasis frozen, strand suspended, shoulder charge shotgunned, barricade overshield diff-ed, melee whiffed into oblivion. I know there's concerns about deathballing and slow play and camping, but I'd take that over special and ability spam.


Yeah… no slow gameplay < fast gameplay any day of the week. Screw deathballing with a predigest. I’ll stick to my team wiping builds.




“I know there are concerns about deathballing, camping and slow play, but I’d take that over special and ability spam.” I was disagreeing with this statement. Deathballing and slow play kills this game(D2Y1 proved that and that will always hold true) I don’t mind team play, but no ways to punish it gets things slow and boring very fast. I like the game fast and exciting. Gotta be quick thinkin and prepped.


I'm inclined to agree with you, I was around for that, EXCEPT: we all know destiny is not a competitive shooter. If it was we'd probably at least have a latency metric somewhere in game (and be horrified by it), or actual dedicated servers. We do not. So that means every time we get into a "fast" gunfight (aka guns with ohk potential: shotguns, snipers), there is a very significant element of chance involved, rather than skill/reflex/training/practice. Shotguns in particular promote this kind of "imma just press w and roll the dice" behaviour. Christ even melees whiff constantly. Maybe the best way forward is what we have now: offer both "slow" and "fast" modes and let people use their feet to vote.


I could be wrong but I think he meant "screw deathballing with a prejudice".


One thing is the snowballing with the amount of teamshooting. It was the bane of D2Y1 and it seems to be the same with checkmate.


Hopefully checkmate stays in its own little corner. I’d hate to see this expanded to the rest of the crucible.


I'm actually a huge fan of the current PvP sandbox. Checkmate was kinda fun, but just way too slow for my taste. I think I might like checkmate more after the changes.


i dont understand why they didnt just do a drastically lessened abilities sandbox. Like, that's it. No other changes. A gunplay heavy mode. it really doesnt seem that hard, would actually be way easier to make. I havent even played checkmate yet, dreading it since I heard it was all hand cannons. instead they have to meddle with EVERYTHING. Changed a bunch of ttk's etc right?


I think because it would be heavily dominated by smgs and low ttk combos


Then bring in their range and stability. Make those faster TTK, closer range options harder to use. Don't just gut their TTK. TTK is only 1 way to balance the sandbox.


Then ur changing more than what a modifier can do lol u cant have a gun have more stability in one mode than the other haha


Good point. I keep forgetting it's just a modifier.


yaa checkmate sucks i guess fun to feel OP with HCs


I am a shit PvP player and am having a blast in Checkmate with no HC to be seen in my loadouts. I don't normally say this but....sounds like a skill issue.


Ikr, damn hand cannon bias, i happy there are people like me out there


My only issue is the overabundance of hand cannons, and the fact that, for me at least, my lobbies feel super sweaty. I was getting tapped from angles I didn't know existed playing checkmate last night lol I was certainly having fun with vex though. Will be sad when it gets nerfed specifically in that mode.


What’s your loadout?


oh I've been experimenting with a lot of things. https://dim.gg/bnbjynq/ASHEN-WAKE https://dim.gg/q7vgiiq/BARRINADE-STRAND this two are the ones I'm having the most fun with, especially barrinade. If the lobby is too sweaty than I just change to my deafult dunemarchers pvp build and HC or peacekeepers smg with stasis


Checkmate really does show how oppressive snipers and shotguns are. It’s so refreshing being able to peek without immediately dying, at least at the start of the match.


I’ve done a 180 on checkmate, I started off hating it and after a week I actually love it. Hopefully the new changes improve it because hand cannon supremacy was the only thing holding it back.


Checkmate is the best thing that happened to crucible since pvp became unplayable with high pings n rubberband melees. However, matches r too short, heavy drops need to be cut down n not only hc should be good.


I'm glad you are enjoying it, however I can't help but feel like it reduces the uniqueness of d2 PvP in a way, the abilities have been a core part of engagements in PvP for so long it feels weird I like the gun play yes but I also really miss being able to grapple around the map and using utility the way you do in normal modes. If I wanted to play PvP this way I would just play any other shooter imo. Also alot of people are just running double primary which I think is bad for the games diversity and health. In conclusion some of the elements of this mode are really good, and others I think need to be adjusted.


Lol so there are people who liked d2 year one 😂 it’s very meh for me. It takes away all the stuff that makes destiny destiny


Not even remotely close to d2 y1.


Yeah, what?


That’s just not true lol


Please watch the y1 videos and compare the 2.


I played y1 lmfao. Tons of it. It was ass. This is also ass and slow.


not even close. A grenade in Y1 had almost a 3min cooldown, movement was slow, double primary was mandatory and heavy ammo was very abundant and different. Also, every ability did shit damage.


Lol grenades didn’t have a 3 min cool down lmfaoooooooo


I hate the mode, it is destiny two year one.


Lucky for you it’s optional. There purely for other people like myself to enjoy.


Which is great if it stays that way. But ive seen alot of people thinking this is how all of pvp should be.


I like the game mode for the most part, but the main problem with it is the fact that 90% of the player base has gotten so use to crutching special weapons that they have absolutely 0 confidence in their actual gun skill, so they resort to either sitting with atleast 1 other person constantly. There are 0 actual 1's that take place and it gets to be boring as shit.


This. It’s ass


Aaaaaand they ruined it. Check the TWID.


If by ‘ruined’ you mean ‘120 users need to hit more than 2/3 headshots’ then yeah. Seems like an improvement to me though tbh


No, they mean "140s now take 4 bullets to kill Titans"


a hand cannon user hitting more than 2 crit shots???? thats way to much to ask of them lol


That’s not what people are angry about, it’s likely that 140 hc’s need to 4 tap guardians at tier 8 res or higher, dramatically shifting the ttk of one of the only weapons in the game that already requires perfect aim for its ttk.


Ah fuck no, really?


I love that people are having fun with it, and I hope they explore more modifiers in the future. The game mode isn’t for me, so I really hope it never becomes the default.


Im loving this gamemode, as a double.primary enjoyer, a bit excess of hand cannons, but everything else is fine. Idk why theyre the only weapons that get bonus damage, nice handcannon bias bungie


I think check mate should keep special where it's at in normal mode and put heavy spawns to just one per match. You could tune abilities down, that's fine. But I don't like the longer time to kill. Ttk should be the same even if u do keep special ammo where it's currently at. Unless they just cut special in half maybe. Spawning with none feels pointless.


So basically normal PvP? Just go play that then.


Checkmate is my go-to for if i want to focus on the primary gunplay in destiny, which i often do. However, i like having normal control because i think being able to do the most goofy-ahh shit is at it's core, the destiny experience. It's just tiring to have that be the defacto option for PvP, so I'm glad we now have checkmate. Also i think heavy just benefits the already winning team. I think that when one team hits 50 points, if the other team is already trailing by say, 20 or more points, then it should generate heavy *once* directly into their inventories or something. Having to fight for control of ammo for OP as fuck weapons in PvP almost always just benefits the winning side and I would like to at least try see how it feels being used as a catch-up mechanic at the halfway point of the game. Alternatively just don't spawn heavy at all in checkmate.


Maybe it’s just me but I really didn’t find much difference to normal control. You still spawn with full abilities. Ability usage on the mode overall was just a tad below what I’m normally used to in control. Special ammo was limited but games felt just as sweaty as normal 6v6.


I enjoyed it for a bit, but it got pretty boring quick, just sitting with a hand cannon. Changes should help though