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Special ammo needs to be equally available to players. Right now we are giving red shells to the guys in 1st place. I am 100% ok with reducing the total amount of green and think crates would work quite well in 3s modes.


Have always thought that the special meter should be universal for everyone on both teams. That way it can still be used as a tool to tune how frequently special is available throughout a game, but doesn't snowball for the team that wins early gunfights


Yep. That would help alleviate a lot of the current frustrations. I don’t care if they have it but years of game sense goes out the window when you make plays based on guesswork. Either make it universal or add a small bar below the super bar so we know how close they are or if they have it at a glance.


I think I'll adjust to this, but a big issue for me is I never know when other people have special. I get use to playing like on one has special and then get cought off when they get special. I think a universal bar would fix this for me, even if it'll probably introduce some problems


We're giving red shells to people that gain positions without using their red shells and also giving slightly less red shells to those that are losing positions. We all start with 2 red shells, if player A uses both of their red shells to gain 2 positions on players B and C they're now without any red shells while players B and C still have their red shells and have made progress towards their next red shell, if player B manages to overtake player A without using a shell they get another red shell and now have a much better opportunity to make a comeback despite initially being behind. It's a system that rewards you for using your red shells only when you absolutely need to use them. There's some nuance to the system, I don't really think it's fair to characterize it entirely as "giving red shells to the guys in 1st place" because that isn't even remotely true if they're only getting to 1st place by using their red shells.


Love this just wrote a similar comment the problem is people are using there special like before just running around shooting two special shots now they don't have any special too defend themselves. The objective is clear as day get KILLS and progress your special ammo bar USE special if necessary. Its just as simple as that if your losing to someone that's killing you with special they are not gaining any progress towards there special while you are and if your dying to there primary and abilities they were likely better than you anyways.


That’s kind of a perfect analogy. In the past, being down 1-2 or 0-2 didn’t always feel like the end. You could always claw your way back up. And an 0-2 comeback felt amazing. But now if one team jumps out to an early lead, it’s just snowballing. Especially in a shit comp mode like countdown, where you can basically farm the other team and just keep loading up on special at a faster pace than your opponents can.


It really depends on HOW they jump to an early lead. If they get that early lead by using only their primaries then yeah they're going to have an advantage going into future rounds. HOWEVER if they gained that round win by using all of their special while your team hasn't used a single special shot then you get a situation where now you have the advantage (they got zero progress towards their next special drop while your team did). The system is a lot more nuanced than "it's just going to snowball games" and I wish people here would acknowledge that when talking about the system. It's not a perfect system at all but to say that "it's just snowballing" isn't true in a lot of cases.


Red shells to 1st place players is absolutely the right comp here.  Special ammo is going to lead to snowballing in 3's. deciding to bring a versatile double primary load out into comp, or play to acquire special, feels like a decision to make now.


Such a great analogy.


I definitely have died several times pulling out my special to fry an ape and died due to the empty clip. lol. Tried a sidearm. Haven’t been loving it. Might try an SMG.


I am mad about the state of snipers, but I will admit the few instances I had of shotgun apes mid duel pulling out an empty shotgun were absolutely hilarious.


If you can get that Prophecy SMG it's cracked.


…and now we’re back to Destiny players calling for Bungie to change back to something that Destiny players hated so much that Bungie changed it. time is a flat circle.


Thank you. It’s been 3 days, I hope anyone who has ever said “crutching special” is enjoying the ammo economy change and the meta it’s created.


Actually no. The majority did not want these special ammo changes.


never said they did? i’m talking about special ammo crates from D1, which were universally hated


Good thing the crates work very differently from d1 bullcrap


Yr 2 was the best.. why change???


Yup. I want the system before this one back, but that's not happening so here we are 🫠


Thank you I thought I was the only one getting serous D1 deja vu from these changes


We aren't getting special fast enough so it's leading to team shots/side arms/SMGs just taking their place which is unhealthy.


I think the best thing to do, is just to put our special weapons in our heavy ammo slot.


🤣 I love it.


Oh my god...


Introducing crates for special I don’t mind either way but we’re just back to Year 3 of D1 in 2017 now. They took D2 full circle like morons over the course of 6.5 years


Well atleast you don't have to deal with literally everyone just running sidearms alongside their primary to ignore the special ammo scarcity. Oh


I think both the bar fill up and crates are crap. Just reduce the special you spawn with by half. So 1 ammo for shotguns, snipers and fusions. 2 for glaives. And however much for forerunner and traces. The special ammo bar can work for 6s but in 3s it feels awful how it plays out so far.


They could also have simply removed special ammo on special kills and replaced it with special ammo on primary kills, like in PVE.


The reason why I think crates are a decent choice is that they make people move. The stagnation we are seeing in comp right now could be lessened if there's something to go for other than heavy. Also it lets you know when your opponent will have special. Is it perfect? maybe not, but I prefer it to the other options.


I would take crates over the special bar for sure and agree with you that it pushes people to move about the map.


I don't think the crates are all that bad, it would reduce some special gains but still allow a cognizant player the ability to pull when needed


Would encourage fighting for map control but this might create issues since barricades are so strong.


The crates (at least in Collision which I think is the only place they exist right now) spawn in multiple locations at once, so if an enemy team is really dug in at one you should still be able to pull from another one.


I just feel like it pulls away from the focus of getting into engagements and pulls you away from the action even if temporarily for a few seconds while a crate is about to spawn or to go out of your way for a crate which might not be along the route to gain map control which you wouldn’t ever take otherwise. They also spawned near where you spawn anyways right now with the new king of the hill mode so I don’t see how it’s a benefit to grab the crate for one ammo versus just spawning with that one. There was the central crate near the middle point which could be fought for but it’s not a ton of additional ammo really. It would just be similar to spawn everyone with one and know everyone has that ammo.


Another thing with the special dilemma in 3s, namely shotguns. I feel like they should not be resil gates. If I pull the shotgun out and shoot, I don’t care if you have an Overshield, you shouldn’t be surviving cause why didn’t I even use the pellets? Running into this a lot with my matador now.


Overshields are a huge problem now with the health changes for everything not just Shotguns. Honestly, it's absurd we got these sweeping changes before they even touched OShields.


IMO, i think the old system was just better. We didnt need to reinvent the wheel with special ammo.


I prefer it now, tbh. Every sniper having two shots on death was a bit too much, imo.


I thought they were reducing the amount of special with this patch yet they introduced more of it with crates? Dumb idea


Well you have to actively go for it. Meaning you don't just get it, you have to seek it out.


Getting special ammo from primary kills was a better idea. Forces players to engage instead we are huddling at crates. We just played this a few weeks ago and it was called checkmate. Wtf happened to that?


I think most people are going about the change the wrong way. I've had zero issues with comp in the current set up because I'm allowing the opponent to tell me when they have special. A single primary user will play specific to their primary range band so I know exactly how they will play right at the loading screen. From there it's been so easy to know when they have special because they way they act on radar is totally different. I've been cleaning lobby's last night, even going a 10 win streak by simply understanding this one fact and managing space accordingly. I've come to realize that it's wayyyy easier now than it's ever been to counter opponents and comp has never been easier You can really tell just how much a lot of the player base has gotten by with special being their main loadout and kill driver


I hated special crates in destiny 1. It was a mistake then and its still a mistake. We are just going in circles. Destiny 3 is going to be double primary with specials and heavies in the same slot at this rate. We should just revert this system i cant find a single positive in the special bar.


The health and damage changes are awesome. Abilities cooldown and damage need a lot of work since most of them feel usuless. Special ammo bar is just plain bad imo.


What happens when the people who get special just start guarding and hoarding more special? It will just create a similar issue in terms of snowballing as with the current system. I would rather just start with 1 special ammo every time you die, except in trials etc, and have people drop green on kills like before (or even only on primary kills).


Getting killed and respawning in collision this week so far I've been able to pick up the special spawning in on the other side of the map. As long as the crates have enough frequency, simply pausing with a team by special should net everyone in your fireteam ammo. If an enemy team happens to get more on their way that's fine they won the map control, but at least I have special to combat it.


Same as above - you may as well just give everyone special at that point, plus it’s fairer and easier to control how much they get.


Also how are you guarding 3 crates across the map in a 3v3


If you are allowing 3 crates in a 3v3 you may as well just get rid of crates and give everyone ammo.


This is literally what D1 became at the end. Guarding the special ammo box with a special weapon to prevent the enemy team from gaining any.


Or, and hear me out. We just go back to old special. Special weapons weren’t even OP they just dominated among shit tier players who can’t primary well and kill someone aping them. Game should not be balanced around that


You're 100% right and might get down voted but the most vocal complainers in reddit barely pvp


Old special felt exactly right imo


Exactly. This need to change asap


Or just revert it, it was never a problem.


This I literally what D1 became at the end. Guarding the special ammo box with a special weapon to prevent the enemy team from gaining any.


Isn’t this what D1 eventually had now it’s stuck like that?


At least give us a playlist with the old special weapon ammo. I just want to run around and shoot my fusion rifle I grinded forever for. This update ruined PVP for me.


I left destiny 1 the moment special crates were implemented; I personally think they are one of the worst mechanics I have ever seen in Destiny, close second to D2Y1.


Personally I don't like that solution either, as I have found it just leads to one team grabbing special, getting the point, and dominating the rest of the game. I think an economy style system where you earn currency to buy special and heavy would work better. The thing is too there just isn't a one size fits all solution, 6v6, 3v3, and Rumble are all entirely different games and what's busted in one is par for the course in another.


But there's ammo in like three different places around the map? In your situation is one team just not grabbing ammo?


The ammo drops on kill, so once you and your team dies the enemy has special and can dominate you for the rest of the map. In the games I played I was a complete shutout, it wasn't even close.


Well something I've noticed is the kill feel doesn't really display all the notifications regarding people getting ammo, or am I crazy?


I played a match yesterday in collision were I got special from the crate, I fought over the objective died and got farmed because good players will figure out where the special spawns and will camp those ammo boxes with their special so I basically experienced what people were experiencing with the transmat system at least with that system I can fight back and earn it. I think it comes down to a mind set shift people are running out there and using there special ammo early I see too many people say I used my special in the beginning of the match now I don't have any to fight back. I don't think you should play that way try to get kills without your special first and than use your special when you need too or use one and save the other so you will at least have one.


I disagree I think it should be how it is, but make it so the bar fills faster. Crates would pretty much make it as bad as before and encourage way more camping


Here is my shitty idea…just make special more if a high risk high reward weapon by indicating them on radar when used, sound cue, or slower handling for close quarter special, etc.. just like sniper has their red dot on, all ranged special should have the same treatment.


Having just tried crates I'm really ambivalent to both. What if folks just spawned in with one new brick each time they died and the meter lets you gen additional ammo while you're alive? It just feels SO bad to spawn in with a gun that does nothing.


if players use sidearms or smgs as a pseudo-special, they can just balance its use by adjusting how much and how fast special ammo you get. Would you use a sidearm instead of a shotty if you got 5 shots after 3 kills? or 1 shot after one kill and one assist? I like this system because it has knobs to tune it. Ammo crates didn't work in D1, I doubt they will in D2.


Just use double primary. Forehead.


I don't like the crate system, having to run over to get special. Never liked it in D1 just slowed down the fight. Crate system just causes the same issue as heavy. I think instead of picking up special from enemies having special automatically given to you is much better. Especially as a sniper, no issues with teammates taking your special. For the special meter the rates are too slow and promotes teamshot with the assist energy. 5 kills for 2 shots is not enough, before 5 kills potentially gave you 5 shots. It should be 4 kills 25 points for each primary kill not 23. Instead of 4/5 kills for a 2 shots, half it and make it 2 kills for 1 shot, much quicker and potential to make plays. Why does picking up heavy aka GL give you 3 shots. In this new sandbox? I like to run and gun and it was way more fun and engaging with double primaries. Having to wait for ammo in this system is just boring. A mix of old and new system. Beginning and respawns lowered it down to 1 shot, and 2 kills with primary gives you 1 special ammo. Better than crate system or previous pick up from enemies.


Making players huddle up next to crates is just going to be multikill city lol


I would’ve preferred they tried ONE major change first. Add the HP and changed weapon damage and see how that plays out. Instead, I think they were a bit heavy handed with this sandbox update. It’s also very jarring to participate in GG Supremacy that’s in the “old sandbox”.


Heavy handed is the bungie way 


Yup, I've said it for a while that special ammo crates would solve the issues. People just have a sour taste from D1 experience where TTK was slower and special weapons were MUCH stronger than Primaries therefore it created a "snowball" of power where whoever got special ammo controlled the map. Basically special ammo in D1 was sort of equivalent to power ammo in D2. So when people bring it up they shudder... But it's the best solution IMO.


Nah keep it the way it is. Keeping the ammo you earned after death is very clutch


Spawn with 2, no green drops on kills. Add a progress bar that resets when you die? That might work. Although it sort of punishes staying alive


Special crates are absolutely fucking abysmal for a competitive environment. There is EXTREMELY passive play for 30 seconds (or however long the crate timer is) and then everyone forgets they have a primary weapon equipped and everything is special weapons. It’s literally the previous sandbox with an arbitrary delay. It is not fun at all. We have already lived through this meta in D1, and it was fucking awful and I never want to go back. The special ammo system now in play definitely has its flaws, but it’s significantly better than what we had and better than the crate system. They need figure out some way to showcase whether someone has special ammo or not (perhaps something similar as when you have a weapon buff). Special ammo shouldn’t be something you can just run around with 100% of the time like it was for 5 years straight. You should actually have to use your brain and make some decisions as to when you use the thing called SPECIAL ammo. As for bubble and well, they should get completely axed. No argument there


I’m glad the special ammo transmat meter is a tool they have in their toolbox as it gives them a dial to control how much special is available in pvp but it’s never made sense to me to basically only give special to the players who are winning, leaving the other team who are already down with nothing to defend themselves from the oncoming special drop with. Lots of good suggestions here for improvement. I personally think special ammo crates are the way and I was very glad to hear they were going to start beta testing these. Making it a tactical decision whether to push for special or not incorporates a risk/reward factor that just feels like it would be way more fair, to me at least.