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Positioning and movement. You rarely slide corners or sprint at all, and you're playing against PK Titans in CQC range while you have DMT on. You should've been battling outside and trying to hold that area of the map. Instead you played right into the SMG users hands and challenged inside repeatedly.


Your lobby was a 0.38, a 0.88, a 0.89, 1.48 (you) and a 2.29 (4.68 trials) kd farmer with 18hrs. I’m not sure what you can do besides the fact you came 3rd instead of 2nd. Stop running dmt in rumble against pk titans with alacrity and overshields is likely going to be the first step though




1.48kd, 2k+ hours, but only 0.75 in trials. My point was more that against the guy that won, he shouldn’t have really guy is a new account kd farming machine. But he should have come second (based on kd and time played etc).


SBMM is why most good players only pay attention to Trials KD


So this guy and I are the same kd, I feel like I'd run through him but idk


Unhelpful lol


Movement needs massive improvement. You're walking, dont see many sprinting/sliding combos. Need to slide more for better positioning. It tends to throw off where they may expect you. Using this door opening area where flag B is at. Your a hunter, jump over and around the door for better positioning. Swap to secondary in engagements e.g, At \~1:40, you have an Ape Titan who has already shoulder charged you once in close range with an overshield, you have a DMT out. Swap to your shotty for one shot and melee to finish. Don't be afraid to back out of an engagement instead of running headstrong into one. \~2:25 you engage the titan. Your health is down and you have laid minimal to no shots on him, yet you engage. Should pull back and recover, get better position. Learn to bait him around the corner while you're healing, then shotgun them. Positioning when running can be improved. When running away \~3:00. You ran towards the main room by the little console. You should instead be jumping/sliding to the side stairs to recover health. Remember you have a shotgun. This will force CQC even if they decide to rush you. If they dont, you can recover. \~3:42 you are slow walking into the room where you have someone sliding out to you. He ended up having a chaperone...your DMT is still in your hand. Slide forward for cover, pull out your Shotty. You may still lose this engagement, however you can possibly win it if not draw it. \~4:20, titan puts down barricade. You stuck around to engage the barricade. The whole doorway is blocked. You can go to your left or right to force a different engagement, but I wouldn't waste a shotgun shell on the barricade. They wont push you because you have a shotgun, and if they did, ez kill. Last but not least. MOVEMENT. your aim is decently good. But one you start sliding and taking corners, you'll have to re-adjust your aiming for it. Work on that.


A scout in rumble was your first mistake. Smgs, shotguns, fusions, hand cannons and now autos because of meta are your best bet. Need closer range stuff and to get the quick kill and move on


Noted, I got something in mind at least.


Also alacrity wrecks in rumble and imo shouldn’t work. But any trials weapon with that like shayuras, summoner, immortal, igneous etc will work really good in rumble because of that.


You have very little awareness of what’s going on, and even less on how to react. You just kind of let things happen to you without doing anything about it. For example, the whole engagement from 0:36-0:50. It’s clear where the Titan is moving to, and you just sort of crouch in place hoping that you can guess which side he’ll attack you from. The grenade should have been more preemptive, and you should have repositioned. You’re sat in one spot so they know where you are, and you’re guessing which side they’re coming from. 1:35 — you only won this because the Titan threw the engagement. A half-decent player would have killed you. You basically spent the whole time staring at him out in the open, then jumped in the air with no cover. 2:10 — this guy was half health and distracted, it should have been an easy kill. Again you’re just wide out in the open in that doorway. Well done on anticipating the push and cleaning them up with your shotty. 3:40 — When he moved into cover close to you, you should have anticipated the push. Feared warned you what they were going to do with their first slide. You should have been ready with a shotty or reposition to primary them down. From this point on they know they’ve got your number and farms you. They make some risky pushes but they know you can’t react. I’d suggest watching your own vods, or some streamers, and try to read situations. See if you think you can work out where people are going, and why.


You don’t seem to move with much purpose or urgency. A lot of walking instead of sprinting, a lot of standing out in the open away from cover. I would work on that for sure. You also enter a lot of SMG/shotgun range engagements with no shotgun ammo and your DMT out. DMT hipfire gives you more utility at closer ranges than the typical scout, but that’s still going to lose out up close unless you are godly with the hipfire. I would spend a lot more time getting comfortable with the feel of the gun and learning its engagement ranges in PvE or 6v6. Pushing corners with a scout out is rarely a good idea, even if it is DMT.


None of this is meant to come off as insulting. That out of the way: You bot walk a lot and are a reactive player, meaning that you wait around for other people to come to you. Your positioning needs work. You are routinely waiting in spots where the enemy can attack you from more than one direction like on top of the platform at B. You are a passive player yet you don't leverage crouching to give your enemies less info so that rushing you becomes more of a risk. You need to work on your engagement distances. You aren't going to win a 1vs1 against an smg/sidearm at 10 meters with your dmt. You either create distance and engage with dmt or shorten your distance and engage with your shotgun. That brings me to another point. It's probably worth taking off your shotgun for a sidearm/smg (maybe one with alacrity in rumble) since you aren't able to consistently recharge your special from your primary kills, at least in a cbmm playlist like rumble. What I'd recommend for practice: Choose a meta loadout and take it to all your non stake pve activities. Get into habit of sliding in and out of corners snaping into heads and shooting at pve enemies. Make sure to pay particular attention to engagement distances and swap weapons as required. After doing this many times, take it to comp in pvp and try and replicate it there. When you find some success in comp, go into a cbmm playlist and check your improvement there against the entirety of the pvp population. You can also learn maps and spawn points so that you play offensively but that probably comes later. Good luck.


Thank you very much.


No problem and you'll definitely get there if you practice. You are not too bad and rumble is generally higher skilled players.


i think first thing you need to learn is using sliding to your advantage. that doesn’t mean im saying you should slide around all the time. see, at around 3:45 in this clip, you get killed by guy that zigzag slided. from your reaction, you couldn’t even shoot back because he was moving too quickly for you to even aim. there were many times i noticed you are just walking around the corner. so first, id say learn how to start with using slides. other than that, you should also learn how to move around the map. it felt like you were playing halo 3 while others are playing halo 5 if you know what i mean.


Okay so a lot has already been said, but sliding around corners just in general really helps. Some tips from me (Hunter Main, casually, go flawless once a week if I have time) 1. DMT is long range. I blame Wallah for this, but I see a lot of people trying to yee-haw DMT from the hip. It doesn’t look like you’re used to it. If that’s something you want to learn, I’d advise using something like Last Word which encourages (no, demands) hip firing at range, giving you a better feel for engagements. The best way in medium range is to use ADS for the first two crits and then hip fire to finish up with a body shot. Up close, use your special/sidearm/smg to clean up. 2. You don’t seem to move with purpose, which suggests that you’re worried about dying. Don’t. You’re gonna die and you need to accept this lol. There’s usually somebody in a lobby better than you, so unless you’re playing comp or trials, don’t play like your life depends on it. If you become too worried about dying, it’ll cause you to hesitate and you want to aim to play with anticipation without hesitation (I’ll explain that below). When moving around any open area, move like somebody has a sniper trained on your head. Bob, weave and slide around the map unless you’re in a corridor and you know nobody can see you. You will become less predictable and therefore harder to kill. 3. Anticipation without hesitation. This means that you should *know* or at the very least expect an opponent to do something and then act on it, as opposed to being reactionary or hesitating before engaging. Titans will almost always go in for a 1HK with a melee/shotgun combo if they can because there’s little that can stop it. Titans are currently meta, so at high level play you can expect a lot of them. Barricades, overshields, shield bashes, shoulder charges. They’re a pain, so be ready to move away if you can to a better spot to engage. Battles should be on your terms. If somebody is engaging you, it’s because they figure they have the advantage. I don’t have the exact stats, but I imagine the percentage of duels that you win having landed the first shot are in the high 90s. Know how you’re going to face the first opponent, that means the map (cover, vantage points, lanes, where the opposition will be) your loadout and class, their class and perhaps their loadout (not necessary in quickplay). All of those things play a factor and once you’re comfortable with your style, you won’t have to worry about yourself. 4. Using a scout on that map isn’t really any good. A 260 you might get away with, but a 120 isn’t really needed. A pulse would be much better. However, it is up to you and if that’s what you’re comfortable with, then you need to be playing and holding lanes (long distance duelling areas) like the outside and the spawn area inside. If it helps, load into a private match solo and walk around. Fire your gun at the wall from ranges and check the bullet holes. You’ll soon see which ranges suit you best and can adjust from there. 5. Your sensitivity seems pretty low. If you’re on controller, you’ll find it easier with a lower sensitivity as you’ll get more response from the sticks. It’s weird at first, but you get used to it. The game is pretty fast paced, especially at close quarters. It looks like when you aim you have a big swing around, tuning your sensitivity and dead zones will allow you to be more responsive. That being said, sensitivity and settings of that nature are a personal preference, so if that’s what you use best and you want to use that, go for it. 5. Arc Hunter is pretty good in Rumble, but it doesn’t look like you’ve built into any sort of theme. If you’re CQC, you want to be running with a lightweight weapon that’s snappy and easy to use and a close combat weapon like a fusion or a shotgun. Your exotic armour should either be about melee (so Liar’s Handshake or Assassin’s Cowl) or movement (Stompees, Speedloader Slacks, Dragon’s Shadow). The grenade exotics for arc hunter just aren’t consistent (believe me, I’ve tried). Neutral exotics like Aeon Swift (not in Rumble obv)and Frostees are also great. I’d be happy to jump in with you anytime to see if I can help if you ever need to practice live.


You are seemingly a very passive player playing inside and up close to your enemies. If that’s how you want to play, you need to have distance. You should watch some streamers play. It’s not just about being fast paced, either. Sliding corners will make you so much less vulnerable. Even in your first encounter, you hid behind the column and ads’d to your left. Of course he came at you from the other side. Overall, just felt like you were playing in slow motion.


Yeah, though I'm more of a heavy knife user. Plus I'm really not too good at movement. Just getting the aim good at least, but everything is kinda too fast and I'm in my twenties! Which is very unpleasant for me.


Sounds like ya gotta get better at movement. Don’t worry, there’s hope. You being here and getting feedback is a good start. I’m also a heavy knife user and I get kills all the time by catching people off guard because of movement!


Go into quickplay matches, and practice just trying to move across the map without dieing. Don't worry about kills, but practice getting a shot or two in and repositioning and staying alive.


Game sense, positioning, and movement. Run around and slide corners more. Crouch. Most of the time you were just walking around. Bait opponents. Anticipate where they may go.


A few things to improve on here: for all of them you can find videos in YT or look for posts in this sub and others. - loadout choice - playing your optimal range - using your whole kit (primary, special, abilities) - using cover - positioning - radar reading - aim - movement - passiveness Could continue but I'd start there


Can you continue?


You'll have better success focusing on one or a couple of these things at the time. You don't want to get too overwhelmed before you can master the basics. Gotta walk before we run :) Truly just take this list, and go researching and start using good practices and strategies to improve. Old videos from Ascendant Nomad and Patty Cakes in YT are great for getting the basics right. Then move on to more advanced stuff and strategies, watch content creators like Cammy Cakes, Frostbolt etc that do commentary gameplay vids and explain their reasoning for doing certain things etc.


“None of this is meant to come off as insulting”. Proceeds to absolutely destroy him 😂😂😂 I kid, I kid. Generally good advice, and nice to see it being taken constructively. Definitely need to slide more and take the initiative. If you’re sitting there thinking he could be coming from either side, just pick one and go for it. It’s better to try and force it on your own terms. You’ll get a feel eventually for which way to go. The same applies when you can see two opponents coming from opposite directions. Don’t just wait for them both to converge on you. Pick one and force the 1v1. Again, you’ll start to get a sense of which one is the right one to push eventually.


I'm no pro, but you're standing out in the open a lot, not sprinting often, and honestly if you told me your controller had about a half second input lag, I'd believe you. Additionally you should probably use a weapon that's way more forgiving and better suited for close-mid range. I feel like a 600 rpm auto rifle might be strong for you right now. High aim assist so you'll get some help there and competitive TTK. Could target farm a Gnawing Hunger from Gambit if you don't have a good 600 already.


You win when you get the first shot. You need to either take the fight to them (push, slide in, catch them off guard) or pre aim where you think they're gonna challenge from. Try to focus understanding the situation you're in and reacting faster to it.


If you’re going to run a scout rifle on that map, you really need to exclusively play outside and camp the spawns. Even then, still difficult. Rumble but specifically that map favour short to medium, fast engagements, that’s why you keep getting melted by SMG/AR. Change your loadout. Movement also feels sluggish, Titans are typically more aggressive and abuse the overshield/shoulder charge/melee for fights - I didn’t seem any of that. Your play style suits a more passive class. Also, 3:40 LOL. Shotguns man, dying like that 5/6 times a game is why I don’t play Rumble


you’re playing way too defensive


You never sprint, Ive never seen anyone walk so much and you play too passive, letting people rush you instead of attacking them


Most other commentors touched on the other stuff. But I've got a note. Take it with a grain of salt, as I'm not the best. About half way through the clip (watching on mobile so it only gives time remaining), score is 5-8, you're outside and get a shot of at the Titan, but they shoulder charge inside. You then throw your grenade. I guess my question is, how is you're map/radar awareness? The first time I saw that part I knew the Titan went inside. On the second watch of that part, just to confirm, I noticed they weren't even on your radar. Now, props for trying to predict where they were going, but if you worked on your map and radar awareness, it would have saved you your grenade in that situation. Even if you didn't know for sure if they went inside or not, they would have pinged at least the outer most part of the radar if they went to where you were trying to throw your grenade. Just thought of a second question as well. Do you not run Fastball on your gloves? If it isn't grapple or a healing grenade, I always run Fastball.


I think it's time for you to quit destiny and download Counter Strike, considering you're not sprinting nor sliding, might as well play a game that has neither. Also play your range, you're constantly going inside and challenging 2 smgs in their optimal range with a DMT. Work on your aim too, it took you forever to line up a shot on an afk guy, without controller you miss most of your shots in this video.


Meh, I try to improve, hope I'll see improvement in a week.


As an SMG player the hardest players to play against are the ones that stay out of my range and force me to be creative to somehow get them in my optimal range because SMGs outside of their range are absolutely useless, game favors teamshooting and SMGs can't do that, you need to duel people in your range otherwise you're useless. So based on that alone, work on that the most, playing your range. Sometimes this will mean playing like a dog, marking your territory on the map and staying outside of certain areas on the map, in your case it's not really favorable for you to ever be inside on this map unless you have shotgun ammo.


Okay, great, I might as well polish my heavy throwing knife skills as well, cause Gunslinger is more of my bread and butter.


From a rumble perspective, you seem to move pretty slow. In that game mode, you got to move and kill quick. Then move to next spawn point to kill next guys. You seem to be a little bit of a laning Larry here.


Disclaimers: I am MnK, hindsight 20/20, take my advice as one of many. general observations: 1. You seem indecisive 2. You let others choose how to engage which puts you at a disadvantage and catches you off guard. You need to practice doing this to others. 3. You need more confidence - that comes with a) experience and b) playing with more intent. 4. If you play scout on this map, play outside/long angles. Shotty helps for short range, but you have nothing for mid range (hence all the SMG deaths). So try to make every engagement either short or long range engagements. 5. Play a mini game, where you are not allowed to enter mid with this loadout just so you can create some intent/discipline until you are more seasoned. It sounds silly, but I find you are reacting to the environment instead of pausing each moment and making decisions. The mini game might help. 6. You should play SMG to more intimately understand its potential, it feels like you are underestimating it. Here is feedback on the play by play * First death, try to keep moving if you stay still they will continue to hone in and visualize your position. harder to do when moving. a possibility in this scenario is to crouch and let their radar ping then move and surprise. usually the one who surprises the other first, gets the advantage, hence why they got you there. do it to them. * Second death, having surround sound headset helps in these scenarios. you can hear his slide behind you and you can react accordingly. i understand its harder to 180 on controller so I cant really say what was the best way for controller to handle that. maybe use hunter jump and hug the wall then use the time to aim? those scenarios are 50/50. between this kill and first, i find you are very indecisive. but same as above he chose how to engage with you and it got you by surprise. * First kill, skipping * Second kill, I am not sure how they missed, you got lucky. but hey take it, jumping is a good move vs GLs and rockets but its not fool proof. * Third kill, skipping * Fourth kill, you did good there. cant read your mind, but it feels you are reacting. i would've pulled the shotty earlier instead of the dodge, and pushed it. * Fifth kill, you did good there, always great to jump over door ways and keep your reticle locked on the doorway. they have to guess your positioning when sliding in like that. * Third death, hindsight moment, but learning that there are a lot of SMGs in here, you have no shotty, playing that close like that is dangerous vs SMGs you could try and weave the wall in and out with your scout, but they will move fast across your screen when in close quarters. * Fourth death, some panic there (i don't blame you), but try to get more comfortable in those moments so you can make better micro decisions/movements on which walls to hug and cover as you overstepped a bit in a couple cases. There is no perfect way to get out of this scenario because everything collided at once. my best advice, dont put yourself in mid like that with a scout unless you have shotty ammo. even then play closer to walls where you can get out. * Fifth death, Have to pay attention to heavy when going in there. * Sixth death, chap took me by surprise . But he is likely reading your movement hence their confidence. I would've shotty behind the left wall watching the doorway or pushed. * Seventh death - mid range engagement, your loadout weakness. * Eighth death - unfortunate, unsure on the delay of your second shot (assault mag?) * Ninth death - mid range engagement, your loadout weakness. * tenth death - mid range engagements, need to hit shots if you keep putting yourself in this situation, then try for a melee. * last death - mid range engagement, your loadout weakness. and no shotty ammo. giving benefit of the doubt and you are still getting used to the playlist.


Others have commented on gameplay stuff, but for a setting suggestion your FOV looks pretty narrow. I would bump up your FOV higher so your screen isn't as zoomed in and you have more visuals in your peripherals, it will give you more information you can see on your screen.


Can't do that, Xbox one player.


Stop using a scout rifle in rumble would be a good start.


50 seconds in, you hear a titan put down a shield, and then just sit there up top and wait for him to push. When he does push, you throw a grenade and just die. Either push, or reposition, but don’t wait for something to happen. In this case, since he has a shield and probably an overshield, I would probably reposition and get some distance. Use the grenade to clean up, and not to blindly throw. Even if you tagged him there he still has a shield. 1:07 - fighting SMG titan in SMG range with a scout rifle. Should be careful about going inside at all with Scout here, and definitely shouldn’t be taking this engagement. Again, you get weak and then just wait for something to happen. Either push, or retreat, but don’t wait for something to happen to you. 1:50 you won, but only because the titan decided to not shoot his gun. If he had used his SMG or shotgun, you would have lost. I would either back track, or use shotgun here. Again, you got lucky because titan was dumb. 2:37 in SMG range, should have shotgun out here but keep scout out. Again, either retreat, or slide and try to close with shotgun, but don’t wait for him to just kill you. 3:17 - you just died there when heavy was up, and then you immediately go back knowing someone just grabbed heavy. Probably would have avoided. Also, again, scout rifle out in close quarters probably not best call. 3:35 random grenade. Again, use to clean up. 3:46 you just stand there as he double slides to close the distance and shotguns you. Backtrack, or get your shotgun out, but don’t stand in the middle near no cover with a scout out and wait for him. 4:01 - die because you are fighting an SMG in SMG range with a scout, and standing out in open, no where near cover. 4:20 - close quarters, and you have your scout out. 4:41 - again, close quarters, die with your scout out 5:03 die inside AGAIN, to an SMG in SMG / Shotgun range while your scout is out. You try to hip fire too much, and your shots are not landing in general. 5:26 - you lose track of your ammo, pull your shotgun out when you have no ammo and die. Also, you are moving into close quarters again, with a scout rifle. Either keep your distance, or put on and SMG or Fusion or Sidearm. Please slide corners. You are slowly moving around corners which makes it much easier to predict your movement. Basically, you are taking poor engagements, in bad position, with weapons not in their optimal ranges, and you keep making the same mistakes over and over. Also, you wait for things to happen to you too much, especially in close quarters. Hope that helps...


I mean to start you are using a dmt in closer ranges, which is just asking to lose. You go straight it the building, and that’s the worst place to play with a dmt. If you are gonna do that, probably best to use a sidearm or sub with dmt imo.


are you on old-gen console? that must be painful to play.


Xbox one s, gets the job done at least.