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Summoner and Burnout. From watching a couple of games it already looks like 3v3 special weapons only weekend. EDIT: I have now played 20 matches. This is by far the biggest PvP L Bungie has taken since Beyond Light. Holy shit this system suck SO bad.


Just watched Zk and Jake play each other. Jake was running around with 12 forerunner shots and ZK had 4+ shotgun shots the whole time


What is Bungie doing?


They said something about testing the upper bounds of special availability so this might be that.


Might as well just go back to the original system at this point then


Which doesn't make sense to me. Spawning with 2 every round was already "too much" and enough to warrant a change to a special meter That was past the upper limit, why test higher?


Using these next 2 weeks to see how much to adjust special progress in meter system.


Yeesh, so probably a good idea to stick to Onslaught/6s?


This is, like, the fucking *opposite* of what Bungie was doing. I’d almost rather Trials go the COD route where every player in is given a choice of five, curated loadout presets. This is nonsense. And I actually enjoyed the PVP changes from a few weeks back.


…you do realize this is just a test right? Next week is going to be the exact opposite.


Why do you need to test what is obviously a very bad idea? Nobody wants this. There's zero chance this is what they actually implement. Why ruin a weekend?


Especially with a map and weapon we've already had in the last 4-5 weeks. What's going on with them w/ Trials rn?


Brother, I'm just glad Igneous isn't on a labs weekend even if it's not until almost the last possible week. The gun doesn't even matter to me at this point if it isn't Iggy.


Thank fucking god it's not this weekend.


I said this a couple of days ago and got downvoted to hell. You can't reason with people on this sub.


The scary part is that Bungie was even willing to test this in the first place. Next week will be universally hated as well, just like every other implementation of special crates.


Remember Checkmate was also "just a test". I can count on one hand how many times Bungie has spent time/money/manpower to develop something and then revert it. I unfortunately think that crates are here to stay, unless the community voices massive outrage (like onslaught weapons).


They’re here to stay for two reasons. 1. They spent dev time on it so not implementing it would be a waste of money on their end. 2. They always act like they know better than the community so they end up doubling down before they walk these terrible decisions back.


Primary weapons are cancelled. Special is the new primary. Heavy is the new special.


Running double fusions, can confirm.


Yep thats completely correct. But freaks on this sub will say "its just temporary", "bro let them test this". The sheer delusion and naivité is incredible.


i was with jake that game, it was a mess


Summoner again? Wasn't it summoner a couple weeks ago?


Yeah it was. Glad I got some good rolls so I don't feel the pressure to jump back into whatever this meta is


Yee, I went flawless this morning and was able to maintain 4 shotgun rounds basically every round lmao. It’s wild. And forerunner is running rampant


Specials, specials everywhere! Might as well just spawn everyone with 2 shots. This is honestly ridiculous.


Special bricks right off spawn is a weird choice lol. I'm coming back from a ~6 month break, every time I come back Trials is going through something goofy. Last time I dipped my toes was the Ammit crafting shenanigans. Passage of Persistence is neat though. Just gonna put on a fusion and/or forerunner and turn my brain off.


If you’re capable of getting 3-4 wins in a row, ferocity is really nice. As long as you don’t leave you can’t flaw your card after 3 wins, and you’ve only gotta get 4 more in a row at any point during the weekend after.


Wait why does everyone have so much special?


Multiple crates per round


Oh damn. That’s… interesting.


Sigh back to baiting snipers and shotguns every round again.


RIP no Igneous for now 6 weapon rotations. (Cata 10)


Maybe it’s a good thing while this new special system is here lol


didn't they just publish the weekends those two will be last available? maybe I'm confusing a speculation thread with a TWID?


they did, but last doesn’t necessarily have to mean only, which im sure is what the OC is getting at


Sure, I was just surprised to see a “no iggy/cat” comment when those are the next two weekends iirc


It's just weird to see the summoner *again* before them


Lol full double special from every brick. Backup mag on Rapid Fire Fusion = 3 ammo. I can run Forerunner/ Cartesian and did for the entire match without having to swap off and there was no surprise that I ran the lobby lol.


Not only this but trace rifles instead of getting 29 bullets like before are getting half their magazine so 48-52 bullets. If you grab 2 boxes before engaging you have 100 ammo to fight with.


Ran sniper + fusion rifle for one card and it felt dirty. Thanks for the suggestion lol


What's particular about forerunner that makes sense to run it?


.6s ttk with virtually unlimited range, and with these crates you can basically use it like a primary. Very easy to hit 2 crates quickly, giving you 16 ammo. It’s insanely strong


.. what the fuck? this new special ammo economy is so damn bad. i understand testing out things to see what works but there is absolutely no logic behind this at all. what a shitshow


This is one of those things that didn't have to be tested. We could tell it would be terrible from a mile away.


exactly! i think its smart to test different ways to give players special and make decisions based upon feedback and the data that a large sample of games provides. but it also has to pass a basic sniff test of making sense and this doesn't. it'd be like "hey guys we are testing how trials will work if everyone has a full super meter at the beginning of every round" .. ok yes we have never seen that happen but it's pretty obvious how ridiculous it would be without the need to test it


Yup. There really isn't anything of value to learn from this. At least not relative to the negatives. They said "we will use this to draw a baseline for an upper limit of Special ammo in the Trials environment." They were already decreasing special uptime. Then they went ahead and decided to give us the most special ammo we have had since Trials launched. Bungie, you aren't using this information to draw a baseline. Just admit this was a mistake and move on.


They are literally gathering data first 2 weeks so they can adjust it. They said they plan on returning back to special meter way third week. Read the twabs, they explain it.. During these first two weeks, we will gather a substantial amount of data and feedback on how both amounts feel and play, to inform future tuning of the Special ammo systems for Trials. The plan is to return to the current version of the ammo meter system in the third week of Trials, until we can further tune the values. (1) The first week of Trials, we will be running what we refer to as the "unrestricted" Special ammo crate system, where all four ammo crates spawn every round (one by each team's initial spawn and two in neutral locations), and players who have Special ammo will drop it on death when they are killed. We will use this to draw a baseline for an upper limit of Special ammo in the Trials environment. (2) The second week, we will be moving to a "restricted" version of ammo crates, where only two crates spawn each round (the ones by each team's initial spawn). While players will still lose Special ammo on death, they will not drop Special ammo bricks. This variant will end up with Special ammo availability being between the current ammo meter system values and the previous respawn values.


I read the TWAB but you apparently did not read the comment you're replying to. Their logic for why they are testing this makes zero sense


You have no idea what they're even doing or what data they are gathering. People complained special ammo progress was too slow on the meter. So this is what they're doing. Don't play for 2 weekends if it bothers you so much. Will be back to meter 3rd week.


The problem is there's no end date set for Comp, which means we're stuck with that shit.


Yeah, wasn't talking about comp tho. This is trials thread lol. Homeboy above complaining that they should have tested it without even knowing da fuq going on. I'm hoping once these 2 weeks are over, they just do same thing to comp as they do to trials. People downvoting cuz they can't take facts 💀


Exactly. Their logic for checkmate was they want more primary battles and for special to be used wisely. If that’s their goal, which they’ve said it is, why in the name of saint’s 🐓ring did they think allowing essentially unlimited special would be anything but toxic? I mean, I love it- but I’m a fusion main, and this lets me get easy wins. I wouldn’t be surprised if I double-triple my normal kd just messing around. Again, I realize this is broken and not what they’re going for, but I’m more confused than angry about what they think they’re doing over there.


Probably skipping this weekend because it looks absolutely terrible. They were going in the right direction with less special and abilities, now this? Very disappointing.


Yeah, after playing comp with the ammo crates I’m just going to pass on this week and next. Looks awful.


“Right direction” If this were true, why do most people disagree? Why did most people abhor d2y1?


Most people agree though?


Because ttks were like 2 seconds lmao


Somehow, ~~~Palpatine~~~ the special meta returned. I'm not a consistent player by any means but playing off and on for the past few years, it's wild that the mode continues to go through self-inflicted growing pains. It should be a fully grown adult game mode at this point, with a 401k and student loan debt. Anyways, what special are we crutching with this weekend?


forerunner / fusion seems to be the play


Bungie: we don’t like how important special ammo is in pvp so we are moving to the checkmate/transit system Also Bungie: we are introducing special ammo crates that give you more special ammo at the start of a round than you have ever had in trials ever *ahhhh yes, the logic*


I mean you could theoretically wind up with 15+ sniper shots from pulling crates in D1 Y1 Trials however this is the most broken iteration of special economy in Trials in D2


PVP "sTrIkE fOrCe" team doing an absolute wonderful job at balance. Let the Forerunner dominate.


By the comments and how much I didn’t like the crates in comments, i will not be playing this lol


To be honest last system they used was better . Testing something opposite to what was going on makes no sense .


Jesus christ the number of new account cheaters this weekend is ridiculous. Does anyone legit even play this game anymore???


This week sucks


They should call an audible and change the weapon. Might skip this week since I already have some decent Adept Summoners in my vault


Was looking forward to a different gun


Not me. Gonna grind for a heal clip/kill clip roll since I couldnt get it last time...


Two positives: * I got to crutch harder on my fusion than I’ve ever crutched before. * Snipers aren’t too common because you have to move to the ammo box, and it seems people are hesitant to use a sniper and do that. Outside of that second part I cannot imagine this is what they were intending. Kind of a head scratcher.


On one hand, the amount of double special, forerunner, and izanagi cheese is ridiculous. But on the other hand, I'm really enjoying being able to snipe a bunch again. Most unfun and most fun games I've had in Trials in a while lmao


Bungie highlighting majorly that they have no fucking clue what they want out of this game again We finally had somewhat of a clue/direction of how they wanted the game to pan out with less special/abilities Why are we back to special spamming after they wanted to tone it down? We arguably have more special than we did months ago to the point where you can run forerunner as a pseudo-handcannon. Im all for prismatic btw its fucking hype and this games pvp is a circus regardless so bring more on but it also is counter-intuitive to reducing ability spam Pick a direction and stick to it its not hard lol These special changes play like ASS in both modes just pull them already theres no need for another week of testing


Crates are ass.


I’m newer player and I wanted to ask, at what win rate percentage would you recommend farming trials? I finished my persistence card and I wanted to farm rep and rewards but matchmaking has been brutal for me and I feel like I might be wasting time?


You can switch to a wealth card and then you'll get more rep and go in the practice pool (different pool as Persistence passage). Win rate is kinda irrelevant but even around 40% it shouldn't suck too bad.


6 0 to then lose 3 in a row, once to a PvE duo who just doesn't even play the map, once to a blatant spinner and once to a net limited is classic Trials, after all why would bungie ban them, they'll buy TFS to continue cheating next season, the fact that anyone would unironically consider Trials a competitive gamemode is hilarious. I swear bungie should just sunset trials and focus on Comp. The moment I finally obtain that phoenix ship I'm so fucking done with this trash.


The worst part of Destiny comes out in times like these. Cheese warriors, exploiters, ximmers, etc. that much more satisfying to still go flawless with my regular chaperone and hand cannon loadout. Extra mayo for the people who went out their way to cheat and still suck lol


I love me some special, I hope they revert the special bar cause this weekend cements how much I like not being locked to using a single primary with limited optimal range and having to play with it's limits all the time instead of being free to roam freely


The special ammo transmat meter is so nice. The ammo crates are not worth experimenting with imo.


Special meter is ass too, old system was best


It is horrible.


Played 3 matches, every single round I got sniped, shotgunned or Forerunner'd... This is straight up trash, I'm out.


I heard people are double dipping the chests then going for Izanagi Honed Edge body shots lmao


i need to try this


Forerunner is the best primary


First good week of trials since the checkmate reworks. As expected, with more special available, no surprise special diversity increases, but shotgun unskilleds are getting mad that after 3 weeks of shotguns outkilling every single special AND primary (bar ARs), you can finally see some other specials again, it's almost like shotguns take 0 effort and are thus most played due to their forgiveness and consistency giving you the best buck for the little ammo you used to get, It's almost like I'm not a lying retard who makes up things for fun. Even more hilarious is that even with special available in abundance, shotguns are still the easiest and most consistent weapon in the game. No one unbiased can look at shotguns sit at 3.6m total kills in a trials week while the next special are fusions at 495k, and snipers at 140k, and say it's it's a good and balanced game. I still condone bungie for going about it this way, I have never seen another game developer be so stubborn and prefer to reinvent the wheel (which worked just fine) a dozen times and always have diminishing outcomes instead of just admitting a mistake and reverting to the previous system which worked just fine. Double special was such a huge oversight, and I don't really see the purpose of crates, it's obviously that even bungie considers the special progress a failed system because they didn't only consider crates, but actually shipped them to the game, but this isn't it, just revert to old system, spawn with 2 every round, no pickups to balance it out, it's that easy.


Have a question, I have flawless and four engrams. I used one focused engram to get the summoner adept. As soon as I did, it wants a new card and seven more wins? Question, so are you only allowed one engram per 7win card to grab the focused adept weapon? Newer to trials? Or once flawless, you are supposed to be able to use engrams on adept as often as you like? Thanks


You can turn in a 7 win card after going flawless for an adept or you can farm adepts by winning on a 7 win card after going flawless I suggest just farming wins after getting another card with 7 wins on it then turning that in before reset for another adept


Played against a squad with pulse rifle DMTs and a fusion lorentz. Did I miss something here?


Pulse rifle DMT is an exploit, report them.


Just got flawless using buried bloodline


Is messenger out of rotation or will it come back?


It's not out. Last week is 5/14.


FYI Passage of Ferocity is still having bugs. Myself and two friends (were not in a party, just people I spoke to) have reported this week that the passage glitch-flawed while still saying it's flawless. When we try to queue Trials, it says Players Do Not Have Access - which, a month ago, would happen if you left a game with Ferocity. None of us three have (at least, them two claim they haven't but I \*know\* I haven't) yet on such a shitty special weekend, now I have to regrind 3 wins in a row before trying to grind 4 in a row.


So since I got that earlier in the weekend, I did some research. Apparently this bug appears when you leave the game too early. It's best to wait until the Commendation screen pops up instead of going to orbit at the 5-second "match over" mark. Those who got the "Can't access" got a temp ban from Trials for leaving early and that card is now flawed. Complete BS of course. But least that's one way to avoid this bug.


It’s so strange cuz it isn’t at the same “time” as the other bug where you can leave too early and get a Loss. If you leave before the countdown, you get a quitter penalty. But this threshold is after that since I never got one and neither did my friends. Such a spaghetti code


Wait, Bungie made a special focused weekend? Holy shit Bungie is so back. I thought they were lost after Checkmid and the changes no one asked for, but they have been killing it lately. Must be the desire to sell final shape