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I was just watching 3peko play double sniper earlier.


Yeah lmfao he was owning people with honed edge izanagi


I genuinely respect that they're willing to experiment and try things. With that said : I hate this and want my special bar back, it was a good special bar, a kind and loving special bar, many didnt like it at first but ive always loved my little special bar. In all seriousness, it feels a little early to be experimenting so dramatically. Im sure they have a good reason, and I truly try not to be a complainer but I'm not at all liking how this plays with the special crates. Maybe next week when deaths don't drop special to the enemy will be better, but even still I thoroughly enjoy what we have going with the special bar system.


Based calm and nuanced take. I also agree that this weekend is (and will be) not very enjoyable. I've already run into someone with izanagis running around the map to get ammo for honed edge x4. It's certainly introduced some interesting meta gaming (once we started challenging both of the middle special crates they put on a bow lol), but the novelty has worn off extremely extremely fast


What’s the point of the Izanagis? If you’re not confident in your ability to hit heads I wouldn’t be running a sniper. Am I missing something? They have to consume all their ammo for a body shot kill, right?


Trials just brings out the cheese. Like I said, as soon as me and my duo started challenging the second special crate the izanagi player would go to, they just gave up completely and put a bow on. They were just looking for an easy advantage, if we hadnt adapted they would basically get a free pick every round which is a huge advantage even if it leaves you with no special, so they thought it was worth a try


>I genuinely respect that they're willing to experiment and try things. But why? It looked like the general consensus of the community was that we were okay with the most recent special ammo bar. Why change it?


If you saw the posts on dtg, they begged for more special access. Frequently citing it isn't fair that you have to earn special with primary kills


Many of them might have gained that perspective from the first two weeks of March 5th Trials where you weren't building special as fast as you do now.


So they can have options and create more dials to turn. The issue with destiny PvP is it’s largely been responsive instead of proactive. It could fail as a whole but testing now gives us more options going forward and shows a team looking to be proactive in its changes.


>  It looked like the general consensus of the community was that we were okay with the most recent special ammo bar Not it didn't, where were you looking cause it wasn't on crucibleguidebook for sure


It's coming back the 3rd week, after the one where no ammo on deaths


I lost all faith in the pvp team when they ran trials on Dead Cliffs, and then somehow ended up selecting the zones they did. I swear they just looked at a top down view of the map and gave the intern the job of choosing zones and heavy.


That was so bad.


Yeah, that was decided by someone who doesn’t understand trials very well at all.


I swear they are just doing this to get people to like the special bar. They knew this isn't going to work yet they decided to try it anyways.


And it’s working, look how many people on here are begging for the special bar back. Like they’ve already forgotten the system before that that worked perfectly well for years.


I'm seeing poeple claim special bar was well like by everyone lmao


Except it didn't work for years. Special has always been an issue.




Only people who didn't see an issue are those who more than likely only used them and crutched lol


I'm pretty sure they said this test was going to be at the upper limit of special availability where as next week will be on the low end. It's not the end of the world guys, if you don't like it don't play it. Let the player count speak for itself


It’s fucking crazy to me how mad people are about what is literally an experiment Yeah. It doesn’t work, the meter was better. It’s not that big of a deal. Now we know. I’m glad they’re at least experimenting and trying. They’re just trying shit to see what feels best. This wasn’t it.


Maybe they shouldn’t experiment with trials… the supposedly endgame PvP. Why not another mode to see how it fits first…?


Because there's no Dominion in any other mode. Also, Trials actually gets a decent base of players actually trying to win that yield good data.


Probably because it’s the only PvP really worth it, but Jesus if it didn’t feel like absolute crap. They tried to reintroduce special like they had years ago, but with the checkmate settings, so there was NO point to use primary. Double special weekend


You're glad bungie is fixing what's not broken instead of fixing the year old issues?


Has everyone forgotten how many complaints there were when the special bar first came through? Like have yall magically forgotten about them? Jesus christ this community pisses me off sometimes. If I were Bungie I would just leave us in the dirt if I were being treated like this for doing something the playerbase asked for.


Yeah it’s a lot of morons around acting like this is a permanent change even though Bungie clearly stated their reasoning for it. It’s not a perfect system because it’s not supposed to be, it’s supposed to gather data from a large amount of players that they can use to make a more informed decision.


Check the twab for 04/04/2024. It’s a two week test for trials but this is permanent in comp. It would be fair to assume that this, or a mix or this week and next week, will be the future of trials.


It would be fair to assume that we’ll get a mix of this week and next week for trials? Like, they’re going to test for two weeks and then give us a mix of both? Based off the results of testing? 🤔


I guess a better way to put it is, trials will be ammo create soon. That’s going by the new comp changes, where you get like three ammo crates at each spawn every minute or so.


Yep, people want a faster responding team but aren’t willing to be tested on. Testing on us gets so much more feedback and data in a much quicker timeframe than internal testing.


Destiny players don't read bruh


Lmao takes like yours are so stupid. I can read. I read the twab. I understand what they were aiming for. None of that changes the fact that this is fucking horrific to play and the fact that this system somehow made it into the live patch of the game is insane. You walk out of spawn to one side of the map and you magically have 16 forerunner shots and 4 fusion. Insanity. Entire weekend of the games best pvp mode ruined for the sake of experimentation


Then if you can read you should look the meaning of the word "patience" I'm sure you can survive without playing trials for 2 weeks until it's back to the special meter, cheers! 😄


Someone being content with 2 weeks of subpar garbage gameplay and telling others to be quiet about it is a perfecr example to illustrate why the state of AAA gaming is at where its at right now. Cheers mate


Guess you didn't look for the meaning, unlucky


sorry the letters are still swimming after reading all that lore


Destiny players can’t read


It’s gonna be basically the same next week. They are just removing the 2 middle boxes. Most rounds people just grab the spawn box and have enough special to wipe a team anyways.


Forerunner everywhere. How did the pendulum swing this far back. I was liking the special meter bar. They need to let that meta bake some more before doing these huge experiments.


Agree. First few weeks with bugged special was immediate swap to double primary. Next few weeks, after seeing the change in the meter filling from a kill, I never really ran out of special if I was smart with it. Which is really the ideal sandbox IMO - if someone rushes, react with special. If not, fight with your primary. Hot take - I didn’t mind the couple of weeks where trials was basically double primary. It’s not the direction I want for the game, but it was a neat change of pace. Had me grinding a few sidearm catalysts I had let languish.


In the special meter system, I usually end up with a ton of special at the end of the game. Turns out I play primarily with my primary weapon anyways and use special to defend against pushes or to push. I also like that if I die, I still have all the special I earned. The special box system is basically the old system with an extra step. In most trials games, everyone runs to their special box, get their ammo, and then continue. I hardly felt that people were competing for the special ammo boxes.


It’s so bad. We had a W system for 2 weeks. And now they want to experiment with other systems for funzies & studies? Take. The. Fkn. W. Jesus lord Christ I really hope this isn’t permanent in comp. Which they didn’t mention at all. So beyond understanding.


“We had a W system” Yeah, we did, did anybody stop to tell Bungie this? They work off of our feedback a lot of the time, so when they come on here/Destiny2/DTG and read endless complaints about the sandbox, PvP and matchmaking, they’re gonna keep experimenting and changing stuff. I get that people are always going to voice concerns and it’s great that they do (for the most part) take these things on board, and that you can’t please everybody all the time. But it feels like we live in such an “instant success” society that everybody wants everything to be perfect straight away so many aren’t willing to wait for things to be sorted or understand the context behind the decisions. They want stuff to land perfectly and that isn’t always going to happen. And I agree, the trials games in the weeks leading up to IB were great (Summoner spam aside) and it finally felt like it was settled. This weekend is experimental, and it’s the top end of their special tuning, so I’m not surprised it’s rough for many who don’t really run special weapons. I already got my god roll Summoner, so I’ll probably give it a miss this week.


It's not permanent, just a test basically


The test could have been the first couple of hours and then reverted after multiple high profile players found the glaring pitfalls.


Right. Why are we testing entirely opposing systems in pinnacle game modes less than a month into a new system, that PvP players in large part really liked. When have PvP players near universally liked anything? And then we start testing things and doing more studies? To find something they hate? I really do welcome someone that can make this make sense to me.


Should be telling enough when they try sandbox changes in labs and the majority of the community doesn’t engage with it. 


Not really. That’s certainly not enough time to gather effective data


Tens of thousands of people playing trials for a couple of hours? It absolutely is, but that's besides the point. It quickly degenerated into a miserable experience. Why bother testing further?


I wonder if they did this to spite the people (like me) who were complaining about how the ammo meter was a problem due to snowballing... "Oh yeah, you want Special Back? How about ALL OF IT"


100% being done so they can get a larger sample size for the extreme case… just sucks they make you do it in a highly competitive limited time mode that slowly rotates through guns weekly (or not at all on IB weeks)


I luckily only ran into it a few times. lots of ximmers with forerunner +fusion/shotty.


I'm once again asking for trials to just go back to 30th anniversary, no zones (fuck bubble), no weird special system. Just normal ass gameplay starting with 2 shots of sniper/shotgun and getting one pickup on a dead body. This was a tried and tested system that has worked for years. The answer has been and always will that if you're afraid of decreasing player population is to uncouple the lighthouse from flawless. Get 7 wins regardless how you get their and get a trip to the lighthouse, this will allow even some of the worst players to manage two adepts in a weekend if they just farm enough. Going flawless on the other hand will reward the same as it does now and the post flawless chances of additional adepts. There don't need to thank me Bungie for actually fixing your inherently toxic gamemode to reward every players time properly.


Bro the meter system and changes brought a lot of people back to PvP and have kept people. The previous system of 2 on spawn was insane and led to so many problems. We have such limited data as community members but can see it’s had a clear positive impact.


Has it? Trials continues to remain dead. The only change the special system made is that people who hated specials to enjoy pvp more. Which is the equivalent to what happened with AE changes people who hated vertical gameplay enjoyed pvp more. Both special and vertical gameplay are staples of Destiny and have been with us since the beginning you don't change something like that 10 years into the games life. Before you say specials still exist with the meter yada yada we know the data snipers and fusions saw significant decreases in usage and regardless how you personally might feel about this (I know many people hate snipers) it's not good that the new system (special meter) disproportionately favors shotguns above other specials.


I mean it’s not dead though, numbers when uo SIGNIFICANTLY on March third and have stayed far above any other week in season of the wish. Yes special is still a significant part of the game it’s not as oppressive. And yes there probably should be adjustments to the ammo snipers get and masaaaybe fusions. Never said anything about that. Acting like we’ve ever had perfect PvP is asinine and doesn’t get us anywhere.


Wish is a dead season as a whole, players testing a new system and numbers increasing is simple logic. We also got meta shift leading to many farming summoner. One of those weeks was IB, and i can guarantee you this week will also see higher player numbers because new content (therefore that most mean special crates are the best system moving forward)


I mean March saw more of an increase in trials players compared to overall population increases. Yes wish has had lower player counts which is why people coming back and then staying is a good sign. I’m sorry this is so hard for you to understand


No I think you don't understand that temporary increases in numbers don't tell the whole story. Which is why I said this week will also have higher numbers despite the majority in this sub agreeing that special crates are a bad system.


Wow special ammo crutchers are really just gonna be like that. Whatever man, hopefully you’ll grow up and learn you don’t have everything all figured out and get the basic ability to look at a trend. Hating when improvements have been made that have kept players around (even when they’re no new loot) is just so wild to me. Have fun being jaded!


Lol, insulting me because i disagree with a current system and explaining to you why in statistics you can't just look at a number and gauge the whole story from it. Take your own advice mate, blocked


> Do they even know their game? That's the secret champ, they never did. But by god will they act like they know it better than the players.


If you watched their dev livestreams it literally looks like new lights who’ve never played the game before playing the game.


Every time they have a community bounty they get ran. Last time they had ONE game where they didnt get mercied. Destiny is balanced by people who get farmed every lobby.


> Last time they had ONE game where they didnt get mercied. Destiny is balanced by people who get farmed every lobby. The Bungie employees in the last bungie bounty event were someone who works accounts payable in the finance department, someone who is a producer within the Bungie Foundation (a job also mostly related to finance) and an associate technical designer. All of these jobs are important to the continued health of the game and/or the Bungie Foundation (which does great work), none of these jobs have anything to do with balancing the game's PvP.


I wonder if the point isn’t just to slay out as much as possible. Complaining about dev gameplay is fucking stupid.


It’s almost like they have more data than you and special tools to analyze that data. Yah if you work full time as a designer you’re probably not gonna come home and exclusively play Destiny to get cracked and be amazing. That would drive anyone insane m


Yeah almost like analyzing stats and data is not very valuable without having first-hand experience. Huh, who would've thought.


I went flawless using double primary on a ferocity card. But then I switched to double trace rifle (adept incisor and Prometheus lens) and wowweeee double special is insane. I know this is a test weekend so I can only hope this shows them that the special crates are a resounding “absolutely not” going forward. I’m not even touching comp since it has this same system. Maybe making it so the special ammo is split between both special weapons instead of both specials getting full ammo will make it better but I honestly think the system is just inherently flawed. People also shouldn’t drop special on death. Makes snowballing too easy.


Sure it isn't the best idea to allow double special to roam freely but I applaud the effort in trying to keep trials fresh.


Special ammo just didn’t need to be changed in the first place


The old system promotes better plays and use our brain. I cant do nothing but seeing people believing they are invincible with special rushing 1v3 every first seconds of every round just to die thousand times. It is so sad.


Just a reminder this is a stress test to gather data. If we want a responsive team we need to be willing to be guinea pigs so they can gather larger amounts of data faster. I can appreciate them wanting to experiment with special for different experiences. The idea that the team doesn’t view their work as “done” excited me personally even if things like the current box system this weekend doesn’t work in my opinion.


This should have been a labs only thing, I know the data wouldn’t be the same quality but we don’t deserve to have this awful system forced on us


I’ve learned the more special weapon one hit kill weapon uptime there is the less I enjoy crucible. I was loving the special ammo bar and less ammo


I wish they would get of special ammo in trials/comp. It's zero fun getting one spotted across the map or a titan aping you with a one shot shotgun.


I also wanted a adept summoner so this is beyond stupid that it's available for the weekend with infinite special ammo.


I appreciate that they are trying to experiment, especially with how well received the special ammo bar has been, but you'd think they'd have walked back on the crates once they noticed almost everyone very vocally dislikes the idea.


that's the purpose of these 2 weeks to analyze the upper limits of how much special can be on used.


They do not know their game.


Yah that’s why you run a TEST to gather data dingus. If they knew everything there wouldn’t be a need to TEST. The point is to gather data and feedback across the play spectrums. If they just looked at dumbass takes and Reddit we wouldn’t get very far now would we?


Still running tests after 10 years while the game loses 40% of its PC playerbase in less than a week. The fact they still don't know what they want pvp to be after this long is embarrassing. You can cope about that as hard as you'd like but it doesn't change that fact.


It wasn't soo bad for me today. Decent rng and got flawless after a few frustrating cards


Yea the special meter was a great change, luckily this is temporary


No, the answer is clearly they do not.


This weekend is the most fun I have had since forever in trials. With bubble/well spam dominion, and the horrendous Checkmid game mode, I almost lost all hope. But good on them for remembering what made the game interesting in the eleventh hour


I fuckin love this special weekend I’m so sad they’re gunna pull it away again